blob: fdc0d8cbffa89b944f6f71d25a4290fae4b41467 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use super::RefCnt;
const DEBT_SLOT_CNT: usize = 6;
/// One debt slot.
pub(crate) struct Debt(AtomicUsize);
impl Default for Debt {
fn default() -> Self {
/// One thread-local node for debts.
struct Node {
next: Option<&'static Node>,
in_use: AtomicBool,
slots: [Debt; DEBT_SLOT_CNT],
impl Default for Node {
fn default() -> Self {
Node {
next: None,
in_use: AtomicBool::new(true),
slots: Default::default(),
impl Node {
fn get() -> &'static Self {
// Try to find an unused one in the chain and reuse it.
traverse(|node| {
// Try to claim this node. Nothing is synchronized through this atomic, we only
// track if someone claims ownership of it.
if !node.in_use.compare_and_swap(false, true, Ordering::Relaxed) {
} else {
// If that didn't work, create a new one and prepend to the list.
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let node = Box::leak(Box::new(Node::default()));
// Not shared between threads yet, so ordinary write would be fine too., Ordering::Relaxed);
// We don't want to read any data in addition to the head, Relaxed is fine
// here.
// We do need to release the data to others, but for that, we acquire in the
// compare_exchange below.
let mut head = DEBT_HEAD.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
loop { = unsafe { head.as_ref() };
if let Err(old) = DEBT_HEAD.compare_exchange_weak(
// We need to release *the whole chain* here. For that, we need to
// acquire it first.
Ordering::Relaxed, // Nothing changed, go next round of the loop.
) {
head = old;
} else {
return node;
/// The value of pointer `1` should be pretty safe, for two reasons:
/// * It's an odd number, but the pointers we have are likely aligned at least to the word size,
/// because the data at the end of the `Arc` has the counters.
/// * It's in the very first page where NULL lives, so it's not mapped.
pub(crate) const NO_DEBT: usize = 1;
/// The head of the debt chain.
static DEBT_HEAD: AtomicPtr<Node> = AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut());
/// A wrapper around a node pointer, to un-claim the node on thread shutdown.
struct DebtHead(Cell<Option<&'static Node>>);
impl Drop for DebtHead {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(node) = self.0.get() {
// Nothing synchronized by this atomic.
assert!(node.in_use.swap(false, Ordering::Relaxed));
thread_local! {
/// A debt node assigned to this thread.
static THREAD_HEAD: DebtHead = DebtHead(Cell::new(None));
/// Goes through the debt linked list.
/// This traverses the linked list, calling the closure on each node. If the closure returns
/// `Some`, it terminates with that value early, otherwise it runs to the end.
fn traverse<R, F: FnMut(&'static Node) -> Option<R>>(mut f: F) -> Option<R> {
// Acquire ‒ we want to make sure we read the correct version of data at the end of the
// pointer. Any write to the DEBT_HEAD is with Release.
// Note that the other pointers in the chain never change and are *ordinary* pointers. The
// whole linked list is synchronized through the head.
let mut current = unsafe { DEBT_HEAD.load(Ordering::Acquire).as_ref() };
while let Some(node) = current {
let result = f(node);
if result.is_some() {
return result;
current =;
impl Debt {
/// Creates a new debt.
/// This stores the debt of the given pointer (untyped, casted into an usize) and returns a
/// reference to that slot, or gives up with `None` if all the slots are currently full.
/// This is technically lock-free on the first call in a given thread and wait-free on all the
/// other accesses.
// Turn the lint off in clippy, but don't complain anywhere else. clippy::new_ret_no_self
// doesn't work yet, that thing is not stabilized.
#[allow(unknown_lints, new_ret_no_self)]
pub(crate) fn new(ptr: usize) -> Option<&'static Self> {
.try_with(|head| {
// Already have my own node?
if let Some(node) = head.0.get() {
return node;
let new_node = Node::get();
.and_then(|node| {
debug_assert!(node.in_use.load(Ordering::Relaxed)); // Check it is in use by *us*
node.slots.iter().find(|slot| {
// Try to claim one of the slots. If it doesn't work and we change nothing,
// Relaxed is enough.
// This Acquire is like locking a Mutex ‒ the dangerous stuff stays after
// this and can't be reordered before it. The acquire works, part of this
// is a load.
.compare_exchange(NO_DEBT, ptr, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::Relaxed)
/// Tries to pay the given debt.
/// If the debt is still there, for the given pointer, it is paid and `true` is returned. If it
/// is empty or if there's some other pointer, it is not paid and `false` is returned, meaning
/// the debt was paid previously by someone else.
/// # Notes
/// * It is possible that someone paid the debt and then someone else put a debt for the same
/// pointer in there. This is fine, as we'll just pay the debt for that someone else.
/// * This relies on the fact that the same pointer must point to the same object and
/// specifically to the same type ‒ the caller provides the type, it's destructor, etc.
/// * It also relies on the fact the same thing is not stuffed both inside an `Arc` and `Rc` or
/// something like that, but that sounds like a reasonable assumption. Someone storing it
/// through `ArcSwap<T>` and someone else with `ArcSwapOption<T>` will work.
pub(crate) fn pay<T: RefCnt>(&self, ptr: *const T::Base) -> bool {
// If we don't change anything because there's something else, Relaxed is fine.
// The Release works as kind of Mutex. We make sure nothing from the debt-protected
// sections leaks below this point.
.compare_exchange(ptr as usize, NO_DEBT, Ordering::Release, Ordering::Relaxed)
/// Pays all the debts on the given pointer.
pub(crate) fn pay_all<T: RefCnt>(ptr: *const T::Base) {
let val = unsafe { T::from_ptr(ptr) };
traverse::<(), _>(|node| {
for slot in &node.slots {
if slot
.compare_exchange(ptr as usize, NO_DEBT, Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Relaxed)
mod tests {
use std::sync::Arc;
/// Checks the assumption that arcs to ZSTs have different pointer values.
fn arc_zst() {
struct A;
struct B;
let a = Arc::new(A);
let b = Arc::new(B);
let aref: &A = &a;
let bref: &B = &b;
let aptr = aref as *const _ as usize;
let bptr = bref as *const _ as usize;
assert_ne!(aptr, bptr);