blob: 3093104f4c8c90991d92ec6d33222072cb287806 [file] [log] [blame]
// FIXME: switch to something more ergonomic here, once available.
// (Currently, there is no way to opt into sysroot crates without `extern crate`.)
extern crate getopts;
extern crate rustc;
extern crate rustc_codegen_utils;
extern crate rustc_driver;
extern crate rustc_errors;
extern crate rustc_interface;
extern crate rustc_metadata;
extern crate rustc_plugin;
extern crate rustc_resolve;
extern crate rustc_save_analysis;
extern crate syntax;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use log::trace;
use rls_data::Analysis;
use rls_vfs::Vfs;
use crate::build::environment::{Environment, EnvironmentLockFacade};
use crate::build::{BufWriter, BuildResult};
use crate::build::plan::{Crate, Edition};
use crate::config::{ClippyPreference, Config};
use self::rustc_driver::{run_compiler};
use self::rustc_save_analysis as save;
use self::rustc_save_analysis::CallbackHandler;
use self::rustc_interface::interface;
use self::rustc::session::Session;
use self::rustc::session::config::Input;
use self::syntax::source_map::{FileLoader, RealFileLoader};
use self::syntax::edition::Edition as RustcEdition;
// Runs a single instance of Rustc (in-process).
pub(crate) fn rustc(
vfs: &Vfs,
args: &[String],
envs: &HashMap<String, Option<OsString>>,
cwd: Option<&Path>,
build_dir: &Path,
rls_config: Arc<Mutex<Config>>,
env_lock: &EnvironmentLockFacade,
) -> BuildResult {
"rustc - args: `{:?}`, envs: {:?}, cwd: {:?}, build dir: {:?}",
let changed = vfs.get_cached_files();
let mut local_envs = envs.clone();
let clippy_preference = {
let config = rls_config.lock().unwrap();
if config.clear_env_rust_log {
local_envs.insert(String::from("RUST_LOG"), None);
// Required for Clippy not to crash when running outside Cargo?
local_envs.entry("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR".into()).or_insert_with(|| Some(build_dir.into()));
let (guard, _) = env_lock.lock();
let restore_env = Environment::push_with_lock(&local_envs, cwd, guard);
let buf = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![]));
let err_buf = buf.clone();
let args: Vec<_> = if cfg!(feature = "clippy") && clippy_preference != ClippyPreference::Off {
// Allow feature gating in the same way as `cargo clippy`
let mut clippy_args = vec!["--cfg".to_owned(), r#"feature="cargo-clippy""#.to_owned()];
if clippy_preference == ClippyPreference::OptIn {
// `OptIn`: Require explicit `#![warn(clippy::all)]` annotation in each workspace crate
} else {
let mut callbacks = RlsRustcCalls { clippy_preference, ..Default::default() };
let analysis = Arc::clone(&callbacks.analysis);
let input_files = Arc::clone(&callbacks.input_files);
// rustc explicitly panics in `run_compiler()` on compile failure, regardless
// of whether it encounters an ICE (internal compiler error) or not.
// TODO: Change librustc_driver behaviour to distinguish between ICEs and
// regular compilation failure with errors?
let result = ::std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
rustc_driver::report_ices_to_stderr_if_any(move || {
// Replace stderr so we catch most errors.
&mut callbacks,
// FIXME(#25): given that we are running the compiler directly, there is no need
// to serialize the error messages -- we should pass them in memory.
let err_buf = Arc::try_unwrap(err_buf).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
let err_buf = String::from_utf8(err_buf).unwrap();
let stderr_json_msgs: Vec<_> = err_buf.lines().map(String::from).collect();
let analysis = analysis.lock().unwrap().clone();
let analysis =|analysis| vec![analysis]).unwrap_or_else(Vec::new);
log::debug!("rustc: analysis read successfully?: {}", !analysis.is_empty());
let input_files = Arc::try_unwrap(input_files).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
let cwd = cwd.unwrap_or_else(|| restore_env.get_old_cwd()).to_path_buf();
BuildResult::Success(cwd, stderr_json_msgs, analysis, input_files, result.is_ok())
// Our compiler controller. We mostly delegate to the default rustc
// controller, but use our own callback for save-analysis.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct RlsRustcCalls {
analysis: Arc<Mutex<Option<Analysis>>>,
input_files: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<PathBuf, HashSet<Crate>>>>,
clippy_preference: ClippyPreference,
impl rustc_driver::Callbacks for RlsRustcCalls {
fn config(&mut self, config: &mut interface::Config) {
// This also prevents the compiler from dropping expanded AST, which we
// still need in the `after_analysis` callback in order to process and
// pass the computed analysis in-memory.
config.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis = true;
fn after_parsing(&mut self, _compiler: &interface::Compiler) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "clippy")]
if self.clippy_preference != ClippyPreference::Off {
// Continue execution
fn after_analysis(&mut self, compiler: &interface::Compiler) -> bool {
let sess = compiler.session();
let input = compiler.input();
let crate_name = compiler.crate_name().unwrap().peek().clone();
let cwd = &sess.working_dir.0;
let src_path = match input {
Input::File(ref name) => Some(name.to_path_buf()),
Input::Str { .. } => None,
.and_then(|path| src_path(Some(cwd), path));
let krate = Crate {
name: crate_name.to_owned(),
disambiguator: sess.local_crate_disambiguator().to_fingerprint().as_value(),
edition: match sess.edition() {
RustcEdition::Edition2015 => Edition::Edition2015,
RustcEdition::Edition2018 => Edition::Edition2018,
let files = fetch_input_files(sess);
let mut input_files = self.input_files.lock().unwrap();
for file in &files {
// Guaranteed to not be dropped yet in the pipeline thanks to the
// `config.opts.debugging_opts.save_analysis` value being set to `true`.
let expanded_crate = &compiler.expansion().unwrap().peek().0;
compiler.global_ctxt().unwrap().peek_mut().enter(|tcx| {
// There are two ways to move the data from rustc to the RLS, either
// directly or by serialising and deserialising. We only want to do
// the latter when there are compatibility issues between crates.
// This version passes via JSON, it is more easily backwards compatible.
// save::process_crate(state.tcx.unwrap(),
// state.expanded_crate.unwrap(),
// state.analysis.unwrap(),
// state.crate_name.unwrap(),
// state.input,
// None,
// save::DumpHandler::new(state.out_dir,
// state.crate_name.unwrap()));
// This version passes directly, it is more efficient.
CallbackHandler {
callback: &mut |a| {
let mut analysis = self.analysis.lock().unwrap();
let a = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(a.clone()) };
*analysis = Some(a);
#[cfg(feature = "clippy")]
fn clippy_after_parse_callback(compiler: &interface::Compiler) {
use self::rustc_plugin::registry::Registry;
let sess = compiler.session();
let mut registry = Registry::new(
"at this compilation stage \
the crate must be parsed",
registry.args_hidden = Some(Vec::new());
let conf = clippy_lints::read_conf(&registry);
clippy_lints::register_plugins(&mut registry, &conf);
let Registry {
early_lint_passes, late_lint_passes, lint_groups, llvm_passes, attributes, ..
} = registry;
let mut ls = sess.lint_store.borrow_mut();
for pass in early_lint_passes {
ls.register_early_pass(Some(sess), true, false, pass);
for pass in late_lint_passes {
ls.register_late_pass(Some(sess), true, false, false, pass);
for (name, (to, deprecated_name)) in lint_groups {
ls.register_group(Some(sess), true, name, deprecated_name, to);
clippy_lints::register_pre_expansion_lints(sess, &mut ls, &conf);
clippy_lints::register_renamed(&mut ls);
fn fetch_input_files(sess: &Session) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
let cwd = &sess.working_dir.0;
.filter(|fmap| fmap.is_real_file())
.filter(|fmap| !fmap.is_imported())
.map(|fmap| src_path(Some(cwd), fmap).unwrap())
/// Tries to read a file from a list of replacements, and if the file is not
/// there, then reads it from disk, by delegating to `RealFileLoader`.
struct ReplacedFileLoader {
replacements: HashMap<PathBuf, String>,
real_file_loader: RealFileLoader,
impl ReplacedFileLoader {
fn new(replacements: HashMap<PathBuf, String>) -> ReplacedFileLoader {
ReplacedFileLoader { replacements, real_file_loader: RealFileLoader }
impl FileLoader for ReplacedFileLoader {
fn file_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> bool {
fn abs_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
fn read_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<String> {
if let Some(abs_path) = self.abs_path(path) {
if self.replacements.contains_key(&abs_path) {
return Ok(self.replacements[&abs_path].clone());
pub(super) fn current_sysroot() -> Option<String> {
let home = env::var("RUSTUP_HOME").or_else(|_| env::var("MULTIRUST_HOME"));
let toolchain = env::var("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN").or_else(|_| env::var("MULTIRUST_TOOLCHAIN"));
if let (Ok(home), Ok(toolchain)) = (home, toolchain) {
Some(format!("{}/toolchains/{}", home, toolchain))
} else {
let rustc_exe = env::var("RUSTC").unwrap_or_else(|_| "rustc".to_owned());
env::var("SYSROOT").ok().or_else(|| {
.and_then(|out| String::from_utf8(out.stdout).ok())
.map(|s| s.trim().to_owned())
pub fn src_path(cwd: Option<&Path>, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Option<PathBuf> {
let path = path.as_ref();
Some(match (cwd, path.is_absolute()) {
(_, true) => path.to_owned(),
(Some(cwd), _) => cwd.join(path),
(None, _) => std::env::current_dir().ok()?.join(path),