blob: 521ddbc08656127f9ff13b68403611f2262f828e [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc::hir::def::Def;
use rustc::hir::*;
use rustc::lint::LateContext;
use rustc::middle::expr_use_visitor::*;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization::cmt_;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization::Categorization;
use rustc::ty;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use syntax::source_map::Span;
/// Returns a set of mutated local variable IDs, or `None` if mutations could not be determined.
pub fn mutated_variables<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(expr: &'tcx Expr, cx: &'a LateContext<'a, 'tcx>) -> Option<FxHashSet<HirId>> {
let mut delegate = MutVarsDelegate {
used_mutably: FxHashSet::default(),
skip: false,
let def_id = def_id::DefId::local(expr.hir_id.owner);
let region_scope_tree = &cx.tcx.region_scope_tree(def_id);
ExprUseVisitor::new(&mut delegate, cx.tcx, cx.param_env, region_scope_tree, cx.tables, None).walk_expr(expr);
if delegate.skip {
return None;
pub fn is_potentially_mutated<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
variable: &'tcx Path,
expr: &'tcx Expr,
cx: &'a LateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
) -> bool {
let id = match variable.def {
Def::Local(id) | Def::Upvar(id, ..) => id,
_ => return true,
mutated_variables(expr, cx).map_or(true, |mutated| mutated.contains(&cx.tcx.hir().node_to_hir_id(id)))
struct MutVarsDelegate {
used_mutably: FxHashSet<HirId>,
skip: bool,
impl<'tcx> MutVarsDelegate {
fn update(&mut self, cat: &'tcx Categorization<'_>) {
match *cat {
Categorization::Local(id) => {
Categorization::Upvar(_) => {
//FIXME: This causes false negatives. We can't get the `NodeId` from
//`Categorization::Upvar(_)`. So we search for any `Upvar`s in the
//`while`-body, not just the ones in the condition.
self.skip = true
Categorization::Deref(ref cmt, _) | Categorization::Interior(ref cmt, _) => self.update(&,
_ => {},
impl<'tcx> Delegate<'tcx> for MutVarsDelegate {
fn consume(&mut self, _: HirId, _: Span, _: &cmt_<'tcx>, _: ConsumeMode) {}
fn matched_pat(&mut self, _: &Pat, _: &cmt_<'tcx>, _: MatchMode) {}
fn consume_pat(&mut self, _: &Pat, _: &cmt_<'tcx>, _: ConsumeMode) {}
fn borrow(&mut self, _: HirId, _: Span, cmt: &cmt_<'tcx>, _: ty::Region<'_>, bk: ty::BorrowKind, _: LoanCause) {
if let ty::BorrowKind::MutBorrow = bk {
fn mutate(&mut self, _: HirId, _: Span, cmt: &cmt_<'tcx>, _: MutateMode) {
fn decl_without_init(&mut self, _: HirId, _: Span) {}