blob: b399a51c6956c497b5a9196421ada15611b2deb4 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use log::debug;
use crate::core::interning::InternedString;
use crate::core::{Dependency, PackageId, PackageIdSpec, Registry, Summary};
use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
use crate::util::Config;
use im_rc;
pub struct ResolverProgress {
ticks: u16,
start: Instant,
time_to_print: Duration,
printed: bool,
deps_time: Duration,
slow_cpu_multiplier: u64,
impl ResolverProgress {
pub fn new() -> ResolverProgress {
ResolverProgress {
ticks: 0,
start: Instant::now(),
time_to_print: Duration::from_millis(500),
printed: false,
deps_time: Duration::new(0, 0),
// Some CI setups are much slower then the equipment used by Cargo itself.
// Architectures that do not have a modern processor, hardware emulation, ect.
// In the test code we have `slow_cpu_multiplier`, but that is not accessible here.
slow_cpu_multiplier: std::env::var("CARGO_TEST_SLOW_CPU_MULTIPLIER")
.and_then(|m| m.parse().ok())
pub fn shell_status(&mut self, config: Option<&Config>) -> CargoResult<()> {
// If we spend a lot of time here (we shouldn't in most cases) then give
// a bit of a visual indicator as to what we're doing. Only enable this
// when stderr is a tty (a human is likely to be watching) to ensure we
// get deterministic output otherwise when observed by tools.
// Also note that we hit this loop a lot, so it's fairly performance
// sensitive. As a result try to defer a possibly expensive operation
// like `Instant::now` by only checking every N iterations of this loop
// to amortize the cost of the current time lookup.
self.ticks += 1;
if let Some(config) = config {
&& !self.printed
&& self.ticks % 1000 == 0
&& self.start.elapsed() - self.deps_time > self.time_to_print
self.printed = true;"Resolving", "dependency graph...")?;
// The largest test in our suite takes less then 5000 ticks
// with all the algorithm improvements.
// If any of them are removed then it takes more than I am willing to measure.
// So lets fail the test fast if we have ben running for two long.
self.ticks < 50_000,
"got to 50_000 ticks in {:?}",
// The largest test in our suite takes less then 30 sec
// with all the improvements to how fast a tick can go.
// If any of them are removed then it takes more than I am willing to measure.
// So lets fail the test fast if we have ben running for two long.
if self.ticks % 1000 == 0 {
self.start.elapsed() - self.deps_time
< Duration::from_secs(self.slow_cpu_multiplier * 90)
pub fn elapsed(&mut self, dur: Duration) {
self.deps_time += dur;
pub struct RegistryQueryer<'a> {
pub registry: &'a mut (dyn Registry + 'a),
replacements: &'a [(PackageIdSpec, Dependency)],
try_to_use: &'a HashSet<PackageId>,
cache: HashMap<Dependency, Rc<Vec<Candidate>>>,
// If set the list of dependency candidates will be sorted by minimal
// versions first. That allows `cargo update -Z minimal-versions` which will
// specify minimum dependency versions to be used.
minimal_versions: bool,
impl<'a> RegistryQueryer<'a> {
pub fn new(
registry: &'a mut dyn Registry,
replacements: &'a [(PackageIdSpec, Dependency)],
try_to_use: &'a HashSet<PackageId>,
minimal_versions: bool,
) -> Self {
RegistryQueryer {
cache: HashMap::new(),
/// Queries the `registry` to return a list of candidates for `dep`.
/// This method is the location where overrides are taken into account. If
/// any candidates are returned which match an override then the override is
/// applied by performing a second query for what the override should
/// return.
pub fn query(&mut self, dep: &Dependency) -> CargoResult<Rc<Vec<Candidate>>> {
if let Some(out) = self.cache.get(dep).cloned() {
return Ok(out);
let mut ret = Vec::new();
&mut |s| {
ret.push(Candidate {
summary: s,
replace: None,
for candidate in ret.iter_mut() {
let summary = &candidate.summary;
let mut potential_matches = self
.filter(|&&(ref spec, _)| spec.matches(summary.package_id()));
let &(ref spec, ref dep) = match {
None => continue,
Some(replacement) => replacement,
"found an override for {} {}",
let mut summaries = self.registry.query_vec(dep, false)?.into_iter();
let s =|| {
"no matching package for override `{}` found\n\
location searched: {}\n\
version required: {}",
let summaries = summaries.collect::<Vec<_>>();
if !summaries.is_empty() {
let bullets = summaries
.map(|s| format!(" * {}", s.package_id()))
"the replacement specification `{}` matched \
multiple packages:\n * {}\n{}",
// The dependency should be hard-coded to have the same name and an
// exact version requirement, so both of these assertions should
// never fail.
assert_eq!(s.version(), summary.version());
let replace = if s.source_id() == summary.source_id() {
debug!("Preventing\n{:?}\nfrom replacing\n{:?}", summary, s);
} else {
let matched_spec = spec.clone();
// Make sure no duplicates
if let Some(&(ref spec, _)) = {
"overlapping replacement specifications found:\n\n \
* {}\n * {}\n\nboth specifications match: {}",
for dep in summary.dependencies() {
debug!("\t{} => {}", dep.package_name(), dep.version_req());
candidate.replace = replace;
// When we attempt versions for a package we'll want to do so in a
// sorted fashion to pick the "best candidates" first. Currently we try
// prioritized summaries (those in `try_to_use`) and failing that we
// list everything from the maximum version to the lowest version.
ret.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| {
let a_in_previous = self.try_to_use.contains(&a.summary.package_id());
let b_in_previous = self.try_to_use.contains(&b.summary.package_id());
let previous_cmp = a_in_previous.cmp(&b_in_previous).reverse();
match previous_cmp {
Ordering::Equal => {
let cmp = a.summary.version().cmp(b.summary.version());
if self.minimal_versions {
// Lower version ordered first.
} else {
// Higher version ordered first.
_ => previous_cmp,
let out = Rc::new(ret);
self.cache.insert(dep.clone(), out.clone());
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Method<'a> {
Everything, // equivalent to Required { dev_deps: true, all_features: true, .. }
Required {
dev_deps: bool,
features: &'a [InternedString],
all_features: bool,
uses_default_features: bool,
impl<'r> Method<'r> {
pub fn split_features(features: &[String]) -> Vec<InternedString> {
.flat_map(|s| s.split_whitespace())
.flat_map(|s| s.split(','))
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|s| InternedString::new(s))
pub struct Candidate {
pub summary: Summary,
pub replace: Option<Summary>,
pub struct DepsFrame {
pub parent: Summary,
pub just_for_error_messages: bool,
pub remaining_siblings: RcVecIter<DepInfo>,
impl DepsFrame {
/// Returns the least number of candidates that any of this frame's siblings
/// has.
/// The `remaining_siblings` array is already sorted with the smallest
/// number of candidates at the front, so we just return the number of
/// candidates in that entry.
fn min_candidates(&self) -> usize {
.map(|(_, (_, candidates, _))| candidates.len())
pub fn flatten<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PackageId, Dependency)> + 'a {
.map(move |(_, (d, _, _))| (self.parent.package_id(), d))
impl PartialEq for DepsFrame {
fn eq(&self, other: &DepsFrame) -> bool {
self.just_for_error_messages == other.just_for_error_messages
&& self.min_candidates() == other.min_candidates()
impl Eq for DepsFrame {}
impl PartialOrd for DepsFrame {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &DepsFrame) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for DepsFrame {
fn cmp(&self, other: &DepsFrame) -> Ordering {
.then_with(|| self.min_candidates().cmp(&other.min_candidates()))
/// Note that a `OrdSet` is used for the remaining dependencies that need
/// activation. This set is sorted by how many candidates each dependency has.
/// This helps us get through super constrained portions of the dependency
/// graph quickly and hopefully lock down what later larger dependencies can
/// use (those with more candidates).
pub struct RemainingDeps {
/// a monotonic counter, increased for each new insertion.
time: u32,
/// the data is augmented by the insertion time.
/// This insures that no two items will cmp eq.
/// Forcing the OrdSet into a multi set.
data: im_rc::OrdSet<(DepsFrame, u32)>,
impl RemainingDeps {
pub fn new() -> RemainingDeps {
RemainingDeps {
time: 0,
data: im_rc::OrdSet::new(),
pub fn push(&mut self, x: DepsFrame) {
let insertion_time = self.time;, insertion_time));
self.time += 1;
pub fn pop_most_constrained(&mut self) -> Option<(bool, (Summary, (usize, DepInfo)))> {
while let Some((mut deps_frame, insertion_time)) = {
let just_here_for_the_error_messages = deps_frame.just_for_error_messages;
// Figure out what our next dependency to activate is, and if nothing is
// listed then we're entirely done with this frame (yay!) and we can
// move on to the next frame.
if let Some(sibling) = {
let parent = Summary::clone(&deps_frame.parent);, insertion_time));
return Some((just_here_for_the_error_messages, (parent, sibling)));
pub fn iter<'a>(&'a mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PackageId, Dependency)> + 'a {|(other, _)| other.flatten())
// Information about the dependencies for a crate, a tuple of:
// (dependency info, candidates, features activated)
pub type DepInfo = (Dependency, Rc<Vec<Candidate>>, Rc<Vec<InternedString>>);
/// All possible reasons that a package might fail to activate.
/// We maintain a list of conflicts for error reporting as well as backtracking
/// purposes. Each reason here is why candidates may be rejected or why we may
/// fail to resolve a dependency.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ConflictReason {
/// There was a semver conflict, for example we tried to activate a package
/// 1.0.2 but 1.1.0 was already activated (aka a compatible semver version
/// is already activated)
/// The `links` key is being violated. For example one crate in the
/// dependency graph has `links = "foo"` but this crate also had that, and
/// we're only allowed one per dependency graph.
/// A dependency listed features that weren't actually available on the
/// candidate. For example we tried to activate feature `foo` but the
/// candidate we're activating didn't actually have the feature `foo`.
// TODO: needs more info for `activation_error`
// TODO: needs more info for `find_candidate`
/// pub dep error
impl ConflictReason {
pub fn is_links(&self) -> bool {
if let ConflictReason::Links(_) = *self {
return true;
pub fn is_missing_features(&self) -> bool {
if let ConflictReason::MissingFeatures(_) = *self {
return true;
/// A list of packages that have gotten in the way of resolving a dependency.
/// If resolving a dependency fails then this represents an incompatibility,
/// that dependency will never be resolve while all of these packages are active.
/// This is useless if the packages can't be simultaneously activated for other reasons.
pub type ConflictMap = BTreeMap<PackageId, ConflictReason>;
pub struct RcVecIter<T> {
vec: Rc<Vec<T>>,
rest: Range<usize>,
impl<T> RcVecIter<T> {
pub fn new(vec: Rc<Vec<T>>) -> RcVecIter<T> {
RcVecIter {
rest: 0..vec.len(),
fn peek(&self) -> Option<(usize, &T)> {
.and_then(|i| self.vec.get(i).map(|val| (i, &*val)))
// Not derived to avoid `T: Clone`
impl<T> Clone for RcVecIter<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> RcVecIter<T> {
RcVecIter {
vec: self.vec.clone(),
impl<T> Iterator for RcVecIter<T>
T: Clone,
type Item = (usize, T);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
.and_then(|i| self.vec.get(i).map(|val| (i, val.clone())))
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
// rest is a std::ops::Range, which is an ExactSizeIterator.
impl<T: Clone> ExactSizeIterator for RcVecIter<T> {}
pub struct RcList<T> {
pub head: Option<Rc<(T, RcList<T>)>>,
impl<T> RcList<T> {
pub fn new() -> RcList<T> {
RcList { head: None }
pub fn push(&mut self, data: T) {
let node = Rc::new((
RcList {
head: self.head.take(),
self.head = Some(node);
// Not derived to avoid `T: Clone`
impl<T> Clone for RcList<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> RcList<T> {
RcList {
head: self.head.clone(),
// Avoid stack overflows on drop by turning recursion into a loop
impl<T> Drop for RcList<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut cur = self.head.take();
while let Some(head) = cur {
match Rc::try_unwrap(head) {
Ok((_data, mut next)) => cur = next.head.take(),
Err(_) => break,
pub enum GraphNode {
Link(PackageId, PackageId, Dependency),