blob: b6d72f1fce3ffe671854e021da914ba5f82a4cb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test various cases where the defaults should lead to errors being
// reported.
trait SomeTrait {
fn dummy(&self) { }
struct SomeStruct<'a> {
r: Box<SomeTrait+'a>
fn load(ss: &mut SomeStruct) -> Box<SomeTrait> {
// `Box<SomeTrait>` defaults to a `'static` bound, so this return
// is illegal.
ss.r //~ ERROR explicit lifetime required in the type of `ss` [E0621]
fn store(ss: &mut SomeStruct, b: Box<SomeTrait>) {
// No error: b is bounded by 'static which outlives the
// (anonymous) lifetime on the struct.
ss.r = b;
fn store1<'b>(ss: &mut SomeStruct, b: Box<SomeTrait+'b>) {
// Here we override the lifetimes explicitly, and so naturally we get an error.
ss.r = b; //~ ERROR explicit lifetime required in the type of `ss` [E0621]
fn main() {