blob: fb8e0cdb4c30ff7a406f34e9d3919fce3a642307 [file] [log] [blame]
// edition:2018
extern crate edition_kw_macro_2015;
pub fn check_async() {
let mut async = 1; //~ ERROR expected identifier, found reserved keyword `async`
let mut r#async = 1; // OK
r#async = consumes_async!(async); // OK
r#async = consumes_async!(r#async); //~ ERROR no rules expected the token `r#async`
r#async = consumes_async_raw!(async); //~ ERROR no rules expected the token `async`
r#async = consumes_async_raw!(r#async); // OK
if passes_ident!(async) == 1 {}
if passes_ident!(r#async) == 1 {} // OK
module::async(); //~ ERROR expected identifier, found reserved keyword `async`
module::r#async(); // OK