blob: 8e6f50773abfe37ee1496d78ee9ece62b16446a7 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::env::{self, split_paths};
use crate::ffi::{CStr, OsStr};
use crate::fmt;
use crate::fs::File;
use crate::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader, Error, ErrorKind, SeekFrom};
use crate::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use crate::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use crate::ptr;
use crate::sys::ext::fs::MetadataExt;
use crate::sys::ext::io::AsRawFd;
use crate::sys::fd::FileDesc;
use crate::sys::fs::{File as SysFile, OpenOptions};
use crate::sys::os::{ENV_LOCK, environ};
use crate::sys::pipe::{self, AnonPipe};
use crate::sys::{cvt, syscall};
use crate::sys_common::process::{CommandEnv, DefaultEnvKey};
// Command
pub struct Command {
// Currently we try hard to ensure that the call to `.exec()` doesn't
// actually allocate any memory. While many platforms try to ensure that
// memory allocation works after a fork in a multithreaded process, it's
// been observed to be buggy and somewhat unreliable, so we do our best to
// just not do it at all!
// Along those lines, the `argv` and `envp` raw pointers here are exactly
// what's gonna get passed to `execvp`. The `argv` array starts with the
// `program` and ends with a NULL, and the `envp` pointer, if present, is
// also null-terminated.
// Right now we don't support removing arguments, so there's no much fancy
// support there, but we support adding and removing environment variables,
// so a side table is used to track where in the `envp` array each key is
// located. Whenever we add a key we update it in place if it's already
// present, and whenever we remove a key we update the locations of all
// other keys.
program: String,
args: Vec<String>,
env: CommandEnv<DefaultEnvKey>,
cwd: Option<String>,
uid: Option<u32>,
gid: Option<u32>,
saw_nul: bool,
closures: Vec<Box<dyn FnMut() -> io::Result<()> + Send + Sync>>,
stdin: Option<Stdio>,
stdout: Option<Stdio>,
stderr: Option<Stdio>,
// passed back to std::process with the pipes connected to the child, if any
// were requested
pub struct StdioPipes {
pub stdin: Option<AnonPipe>,
pub stdout: Option<AnonPipe>,
pub stderr: Option<AnonPipe>,
// passed to do_exec() with configuration of what the child stdio should look
// like
struct ChildPipes {
stdin: ChildStdio,
stdout: ChildStdio,
stderr: ChildStdio,
enum ChildStdio {
pub enum Stdio {
impl Command {
pub fn new(program: &OsStr) -> Command {
Command {
program: program.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
args: Vec::new(),
env: Default::default(),
cwd: None,
uid: None,
gid: None,
saw_nul: false,
closures: Vec::new(),
stdin: None,
stdout: None,
stderr: None,
pub fn arg(&mut self, arg: &OsStr) {
pub fn env_mut(&mut self) -> &mut CommandEnv<DefaultEnvKey> {
&mut self.env
pub fn cwd(&mut self, dir: &OsStr) {
self.cwd = Some(dir.to_str().unwrap().to_owned());
pub fn uid(&mut self, id: u32) {
self.uid = Some(id);
pub fn gid(&mut self, id: u32) {
self.gid = Some(id);
pub unsafe fn pre_exec(
&mut self,
f: Box<dyn FnMut() -> io::Result<()> + Send + Sync>,
) {
pub fn stdin(&mut self, stdin: Stdio) {
self.stdin = Some(stdin);
pub fn stdout(&mut self, stdout: Stdio) {
self.stdout = Some(stdout);
pub fn stderr(&mut self, stderr: Stdio) {
self.stderr = Some(stderr);
pub fn spawn(&mut self, default: Stdio, needs_stdin: bool)
-> io::Result<(Process, StdioPipes)> {
const CLOEXEC_MSG_FOOTER: &[u8] = b"NOEX";
if self.saw_nul {
return Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
"nul byte found in provided data"));
let (ours, theirs) = self.setup_io(default, needs_stdin)?;
let (input, output) = pipe::anon_pipe()?;
let pid = unsafe {
match cvt(syscall::clone(0))? {
0 => {
let err = self.do_exec(theirs);
let errno = err.raw_os_error().unwrap_or(syscall::EINVAL) as u32;
let bytes = [
(errno >> 24) as u8,
(errno >> 16) as u8,
(errno >> 8) as u8,
(errno >> 0) as u8,
// pipe I/O up to PIPE_BUF bytes should be atomic, and then
// we want to be sure we *don't* run at_exit destructors as
// we're being torn down regardless
let _ = syscall::exit(1);
panic!("failed to exit");
n => n,
let mut p = Process { pid: pid, status: None };
let mut bytes = [0; 8];
// loop to handle EINTR
loop {
match bytes) {
Ok(0) => return Ok((p, ours)),
Ok(8) => {
assert!(combine(CLOEXEC_MSG_FOOTER) == combine(&bytes[4.. 8]),
"Validation on the CLOEXEC pipe failed: {:?}", bytes);
let errno = combine(&bytes[0.. 4]);
"wait() should either return Ok or panic");
return Err(Error::from_raw_os_error(errno))
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::Interrupted => {}
Err(e) => {
"wait() should either return Ok or panic");
panic!("the CLOEXEC pipe failed: {:?}", e)
Ok(..) => { // pipe I/O up to PIPE_BUF bytes should be atomic
"wait() should either return Ok or panic");
panic!("short read on the CLOEXEC pipe")
fn combine(arr: &[u8]) -> i32 {
let a = arr[0] as u32;
let b = arr[1] as u32;
let c = arr[2] as u32;
let d = arr[3] as u32;
((a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | (d << 0)) as i32
pub fn exec(&mut self, default: Stdio) -> io::Error {
if self.saw_nul {
return io::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
"nul byte found in provided data")
match self.setup_io(default, true) {
Ok((_, theirs)) => unsafe { self.do_exec(theirs) },
Err(e) => e,
// And at this point we've reached a special time in the life of the
// child. The child must now be considered hamstrung and unable to
// do anything other than syscalls really. Consider the following
// scenario:
// 1. Thread A of process 1 grabs the malloc() mutex
// 2. Thread B of process 1 forks(), creating thread C
// 3. Thread C of process 2 then attempts to malloc()
// 4. The memory of process 2 is the same as the memory of
// process 1, so the mutex is locked.
// This situation looks a lot like deadlock, right? It turns out
// that this is what pthread_atfork() takes care of, which is
// presumably implemented across platforms. The first thing that
// threads to *before* forking is to do things like grab the malloc
// mutex, and then after the fork they unlock it.
// Despite this information, libnative's spawn has been witnessed to
// deadlock on both macOS and FreeBSD. I'm not entirely sure why, but
// all collected backtraces point at malloc/free traffic in the
// child spawned process.
// For this reason, the block of code below should contain 0
// invocations of either malloc of free (or their related friends).
// As an example of not having malloc/free traffic, we don't close
// this file descriptor by dropping the FileDesc (which contains an
// allocation). Instead we just close it manually. This will never
// have the drop glue anyway because this code never returns (the
// child will either exec() or invoke syscall::exit)
unsafe fn do_exec(&mut self, stdio: ChildPipes) -> io::Error {
macro_rules! t {
($e:expr) => (match $e {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(e) => return e,
if let Some(fd) = stdio.stderr.fd() {
t!(cvt(syscall::dup2(fd, 2, &[])));
let mut flags = t!(cvt(syscall::fcntl(2, syscall::F_GETFD, 0)));
flags &= ! syscall::O_CLOEXEC;
t!(cvt(syscall::fcntl(2, syscall::F_SETFD, flags)));
if let Some(fd) = stdio.stdout.fd() {
t!(cvt(syscall::dup2(fd, 1, &[])));
let mut flags = t!(cvt(syscall::fcntl(1, syscall::F_GETFD, 0)));
flags &= ! syscall::O_CLOEXEC;
t!(cvt(syscall::fcntl(1, syscall::F_SETFD, flags)));
if let Some(fd) = stdio.stdin.fd() {
t!(cvt(syscall::dup2(fd, 0, &[])));
let mut flags = t!(cvt(syscall::fcntl(0, syscall::F_GETFD, 0)));
flags &= ! syscall::O_CLOEXEC;
t!(cvt(syscall::fcntl(0, syscall::F_SETFD, flags)));
if let Some(g) = self.gid {
t!(cvt(syscall::setregid(g as usize, g as usize)));
if let Some(u) = self.uid {
t!(cvt(syscall::setreuid(u as usize, u as usize)));
if let Some(ref cwd) = self.cwd {
for callback in self.closures.iter_mut() {
let program = if self.program.contains(':') || self.program.contains('/') {
} else if let Ok(path_env) = env::var("PATH") {
let mut program = None;
for mut path in split_paths(&path_env) {
if path.exists() {
program = Some(path);
} else {
let mut file = if let Some(program) = program {
} else {
return io::Error::from_raw_os_error(syscall::ENOENT);
// Push all the arguments
let mut args: Vec<[usize; 2]> = Vec::with_capacity(1 + self.args.len());
let interpreter = {
let mut reader = BufReader::new(&file);
let mut shebang = [0; 2];
let mut read = 0;
loop {
match t!( shebang[read..])) {
0 => break,
n => read += n,
if &shebang == b"#!" {
// This is an interpreted script.
// First of all, since we'll be passing another file to
// fexec(), we need to manually check that we have permission
// to execute this file:
let uid = t!(cvt(syscall::getuid()));
let gid = t!(cvt(syscall::getgid()));
let meta = t!(file.metadata());
let mode = if uid == meta.uid() as usize {
meta.mode() >> 3*2 & 0o7
} else if gid == meta.gid() as usize {
meta.mode() >> 3*1 & 0o7
} else {
meta.mode() & 0o7
if mode & 1 == 0 {
return io::Error::from_raw_os_error(syscall::EPERM);
// Second of all, we need to actually read which interpreter it wants
let mut interpreter = Vec::new();
t!(reader.read_until(b'\n', &mut interpreter));
// Pop one trailing newline, if any
if interpreter.ends_with(&[b'\n']) {
// FIXME: Here we could just reassign `file` directly, if it
// wasn't for lexical lifetimes. Remove the whole `let
// interpreter = { ... };` hack once NLL lands.
// NOTE: Although DO REMEMBER to make sure the interpreter path
// still lives long enough to reach fexec.
} else {
if let Some(ref interpreter) = interpreter {
let path: &OsStr = OsStr::from_bytes(&interpreter);
file = t!(File::open(path));
args.push([interpreter.as_ptr() as usize, interpreter.len()]);
} else {
args.push([self.program.as_ptr() as usize, self.program.len()]);
args.extend(self.args.iter().map(|arg| [arg.as_ptr() as usize, arg.len()]));
// Push all the variables
let mut vars: Vec<[usize; 2]> = Vec::new();
let _guard = ENV_LOCK.lock();
let mut environ = *environ();
while *environ != ptr::null() {
let var = CStr::from_ptr(*environ).to_bytes();
vars.push([var.as_ptr() as usize, var.len()]);
environ = environ.offset(1);
if let Err(err) = syscall::fexec(file.as_raw_fd(), &args, &vars) {
io::Error::from_raw_os_error(err.errno as i32)
} else {
panic!("return from exec without err");
fn setup_io(&self, default: Stdio, needs_stdin: bool)
-> io::Result<(StdioPipes, ChildPipes)> {
let null = Stdio::Null;
let default_stdin = if needs_stdin {&default} else {&null};
let stdin = self.stdin.as_ref().unwrap_or(default_stdin);
let stdout = self.stdout.as_ref().unwrap_or(&default);
let stderr = self.stderr.as_ref().unwrap_or(&default);
let (their_stdin, our_stdin) = stdin.to_child_stdio(true)?;
let (their_stdout, our_stdout) = stdout.to_child_stdio(false)?;
let (their_stderr, our_stderr) = stderr.to_child_stdio(false)?;
let ours = StdioPipes {
stdin: our_stdin,
stdout: our_stdout,
stderr: our_stderr,
let theirs = ChildPipes {
stdin: their_stdin,
stdout: their_stdout,
stderr: their_stderr,
Ok((ours, theirs))
impl Stdio {
fn to_child_stdio(&self, readable: bool)
-> io::Result<(ChildStdio, Option<AnonPipe>)> {
match *self {
Stdio::Inherit => Ok((ChildStdio::Inherit, None)),
// Make sure that the source descriptors are not an stdio
// descriptor, otherwise the order which we set the child's
// descriptors may blow away a descriptor which we are hoping to
// save. For example, suppose we want the child's stderr to be the
// parent's stdout, and the child's stdout to be the parent's
// stderr. No matter which we dup first, the second will get
// overwritten prematurely.
Stdio::Fd(ref fd) => {
if fd.raw() <= 2 {
Ok((ChildStdio::Owned(fd.duplicate()?), None))
} else {
Ok((ChildStdio::Explicit(fd.raw()), None))
Stdio::MakePipe => {
let (reader, writer) = pipe::anon_pipe()?;
let (ours, theirs) = if readable {
(writer, reader)
} else {
(reader, writer)
Ok((ChildStdio::Owned(theirs.into_fd()), Some(ours)))
Stdio::Null => {
let mut opts = OpenOptions::new();;
let fd = SysFile::open(Path::new("null:"), &opts)?;
Ok((ChildStdio::Owned(fd.into_fd()), None))
impl From<AnonPipe> for Stdio {
fn from(pipe: AnonPipe) -> Stdio {
impl From<SysFile> for Stdio {
fn from(file: SysFile) -> Stdio {
impl ChildStdio {
fn fd(&self) -> Option<usize> {
match *self {
ChildStdio::Inherit => None,
ChildStdio::Explicit(fd) => Some(fd),
ChildStdio::Owned(ref fd) => Some(fd.raw()),
impl fmt::Debug for Command {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self.program)?;
for arg in &self.args {
write!(f, " {:?}", arg)?;
// Processes
/// Unix exit statuses
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct ExitStatus(i32);
impl ExitStatus {
fn exited(&self) -> bool {
self.0 & 0x7F == 0
pub fn success(&self) -> bool {
self.code() == Some(0)
pub fn code(&self) -> Option<i32> {
if self.exited() {
Some((self.0 >> 8) & 0xFF)
} else {
pub fn signal(&self) -> Option<i32> {
if !self.exited() {
Some(self.0 & 0x7F)
} else {
impl From<i32> for ExitStatus {
fn from(a: i32) -> ExitStatus {
impl fmt::Display for ExitStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if let Some(code) = self.code() {
write!(f, "exit code: {}", code)
} else {
let signal = self.signal().unwrap();
write!(f, "signal: {}", signal)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct ExitCode(u8);
impl ExitCode {
pub const SUCCESS: ExitCode = ExitCode(EXIT_SUCCESS as _);
pub const FAILURE: ExitCode = ExitCode(EXIT_FAILURE as _);
pub fn as_i32(&self) -> i32 {
self.0 as i32
/// The unique ID of the process (this should never be negative).
pub struct Process {
pid: usize,
status: Option<ExitStatus>,
impl Process {
pub fn id(&self) -> u32 { as u32
pub fn kill(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
// If we've already waited on this process then the pid can be recycled
// and used for another process, and we probably shouldn't be killing
// random processes, so just return an error.
if self.status.is_some() {
"invalid argument: can't kill an exited process"))
} else {
cvt(syscall::kill(, syscall::SIGKILL))?;
pub fn wait(&mut self) -> io::Result<ExitStatus> {
if let Some(status) = self.status {
return Ok(status)
let mut status = 0;
cvt(syscall::waitpid(, &mut status, 0))?;
self.status = Some(ExitStatus(status as i32));
Ok(ExitStatus(status as i32))
pub fn try_wait(&mut self) -> io::Result<Option<ExitStatus>> {
if let Some(status) = self.status {
return Ok(Some(status))
let mut status = 0;
let pid = cvt(syscall::waitpid(, &mut status, syscall::WNOHANG))?;
if pid == 0 {
} else {
self.status = Some(ExitStatus(status as i32));
Ok(Some(ExitStatus(status as i32)))