blob: a6e9340ce28efd206a072c9fa8c2809db0d75818 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::{LinkArgs, LinkerFlavor, Target, TargetOptions};
pub fn target() -> Result<Target, String> {
// FIXME(nikic) BINARYEN_TRAP_MODE=clamp is needed to avoid trapping in our
// -Zsaturating-float-casts implementation. This can be dropped if/when
// we have native fpto[su]i.sat intrinsics, or the implementation otherwise
// stops relying on non-trapping fpto[su]i.
let mut post_link_args = LinkArgs::new();
let opts = TargetOptions {
dynamic_linking: false,
executables: true,
// Today emcc emits two files - a .js file to bootstrap and
// possibly interpret the wasm, and a .wasm file
exe_suffix: ".js".to_string(),
linker_is_gnu: true,
allow_asm: false,
obj_is_bitcode: true,
is_like_emscripten: true,
max_atomic_width: Some(32),
target_family: Some("unix".to_string()),
codegen_backend: "emscripten".to_string(),
.. Default::default()
Ok(Target {
llvm_target: "asmjs-unknown-emscripten".to_string(),
target_endian: "little".to_string(),
target_pointer_width: "32".to_string(),
target_c_int_width: "32".to_string(),
target_os: "emscripten".to_string(),
target_env: String::new(),
target_vendor: "unknown".to_string(),
data_layout: "e-p:32:32-i64:64-v128:32:128-n32-S128".to_string(),
arch: "wasm32".to_string(),
linker_flavor: LinkerFlavor::Em,
options: opts,