blob: 6c4173a01c1a12e4c3c20d8a17dcc82d3dfb21fb [file] [log] [blame]
set -eu
cargo build --release
mkdir -p tmp
rm -rf tmp/*.md
# Get all the Markdown files in the src dir,
ls src/${1:-""}*.md | \
# except for ``.
grep -v | \
# Extract just the filename so we can reuse it easily.
xargs -n 1 basename | \
# Remove all links followed by `<!-- ignore -->``, then
# Change all remaining links from Markdown to italicized inline text.
while IFS= read -r filename; do
< "src/$filename" ./target/release/remove_links \
| ./target/release/link2print \
| ./target/release/remove_markup > "tmp/$filename"
# Concatenate the files into the `nostarch` dir.
./target/release/concat_chapters tmp nostarch