blob: eb73a13ddeee4a676a9f272f9811c29699ac6df9 [file] [log] [blame]
use pulldown_cmark::{Event, Options, Parser, Tag};
fn main() {
let markdown_input = concat!(
"# My Heading\n",
"My paragraph.\n",
"* a\n",
"* b\n",
"* c\n",
"1. d\n",
"2. e\n",
"3. f\n",
"> my block quote\n",
"my code block\n",
"[My Link](\n",
"![My Image](\n",
"| a | b |\n",
"| - | - |\n",
"| c | d |\n",
"[^1]: my footnote\n",
println!("\nParsing the following markdown string:\n{}\n", markdown_input);
// Set up the parser. We can treat is as any other iterator.
// For each event, we print its details, such as the tag or string.
// This filter simply returns the same event without any changes;
// you can compare the `event-filter` example which alters the output.
let parser = Parser::new_ext(markdown_input, Options::all())
.map(|event| {
match &event {
Event::Start(tag) => {
match tag {
Tag::Heading(heading_level, fragment_identifier, class_list) => println!("Heading heading_level: {} fragment identifier: {:?} classes: {:?}", heading_level, fragment_identifier, class_list),
Tag::Paragraph => println!("Paragraph"),
Tag::List(ordered_list_first_item_number) => println!("List ordered_list_first_item_number: {:?}", ordered_list_first_item_number),
Tag::Item => println!("Item (this is a list item)"),
Tag::Emphasis => println!("Emphasis (this is a span tag)"),
Tag::Strong => println!("Strong (this is a span tag)"),
Tag::Strikethrough => println!("Strikethrough (this is a span tag)"),
Tag::BlockQuote => println!("BlockQuote"),
Tag::CodeBlock(code_block_kind) => println!("CodeBlock code_block_kind: {:?}", code_block_kind),
Tag::Link(link_type, url, title) => println!("Link link_type: {:?} url: {} title: {}", link_type, url, title),
Tag::Image(link_type, url, title) => println!("Image link_type: {:?} url: {} title: {}", link_type, url, title),
Tag::Table(column_text_alignment_list) => println!("Table column_text_alignment_list: {:?}", column_text_alignment_list),
Tag::TableHead => println!("TableHead (contains TableRow tags"),
Tag::TableRow => println!("TableRow (contains TableCell tags)"),
Tag::TableCell => println!("TableCell (contains inline tags)"),
Tag::FootnoteDefinition(label) => println!("FootnoteDefinition label: {}", label),
_ => ()
let mut html_output = String::new();
pulldown_cmark::html::push_html(&mut html_output, parser);
println!("\nHTML output:\n{}\n", &html_output);