blob: 7c1c65fe6872d3f36fab3ef90846ef88d621c347 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::BTreeSet, convert::TryInto};
use gix_ref::{FullName, FullNameRef};
use crate::bstr::BStr;
use crate::config::cache::util::ApplyLeniencyDefault;
use crate::config::tree::{Branch, Push, Section};
use crate::repository::{branch_remote_ref_name, branch_remote_tracking_ref_name};
use crate::{push, remote};
/// Query configuration related to branches.
impl crate::Repository {
/// Return a set of unique short branch names for which custom configuration exists in the configuration,
/// if we deem them [trustworthy][crate::open::Options::filter_config_section()].
/// ### Note
/// Branch names that have illformed UTF-8 will silently be skipped.
pub fn branch_names(&self) -> BTreeSet<&str> {
/// Returns the validated reference on the remote associated with the given `name`,
/// which will be used when *merging*.
/// The returned value corresponds to the `branch.<short_branch_name>.merge` configuration key.
/// Returns `None` if there is no value at the given key, or if no remote or remote ref is configured.
/// May return an error if the reference name to be returned is invalid.
/// ### Note
/// This name refers to what Git calls upstream branch (as opposed to upstream *tracking* branch).
/// The value is also fast to retrieve compared to its tracking branch.
/// Also note that a [remote::Direction] isn't used here as Git only supports (and requires) configuring
/// the remote to fetch from, not the one to push to.
/// See also [`Reference::remote_ref_name()`](crate::Reference::remote_ref_name()).
#[doc(alias = "branch_upstream_name", alias = "git2")]
pub fn branch_remote_ref_name(
name: &FullNameRef,
direction: remote::Direction,
) -> Option<Result<Cow<'_, FullNameRef>, branch_remote_ref_name::Error>> {
match direction {
remote::Direction::Fetch => {
let short_name = name.shorten();
.string("branch", Some(short_name),
.map(|name| crate::config::tree::branch::Merge::try_into_fullrefname(name).map_err(Into::into))
remote::Direction::Push => {
let remote = match self.branch_remote(name.shorten(), direction)? {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(err) => return Some(Err(err.into())),
if remote.push_specs.is_empty() {
let push_default = match self
.string(, None,
.map_or(Ok(Default::default()), |v| {
}) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(err) => return Some(Err(err.into())),
match push_default {
push::Default::Nothing => None,
push::Default::Current | push::Default::Matching => Some(Ok(Cow::Owned(name.to_owned()))),
push::Default::Upstream => self.branch_remote_ref_name(name, remote::Direction::Fetch),
push::Default::Simple => match self.branch_remote_ref_name(name, remote::Direction::Fetch)? {
Ok(fetch_ref) if fetch_ref.as_ref() == name => Some(Ok(fetch_ref)),
Err(err) => Some(Err(err)),
Ok(_different_fetch_ref) => None,
} else {
matching_remote(name, remote.push_specs.iter(), self.object_hash())
.map(|res| res.map_err(Into::into))
/// Return the validated name of the reference that tracks the corresponding reference of `name` on the remote for
/// `direction`. Note that a branch with that name might not actually exist.
/// * with `remote` being [remote::Direction::Fetch], we return the tracking branch that is on the destination
/// side of a `src:dest` refspec. For instance, with `name` being `main` and the default refspec
/// `refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*`, `refs/heads/main` would match and produce `refs/remotes/origin/main`.
/// * with `remote` being [remote::Direction::Push], we return the tracking branch that corresponds to the remote
/// branch that we would push to. For instance, with `name` being `main` and no setup at all, we
/// would push to `refs/heads/main` on the remote. And that one would be fetched matching the
/// `refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*` fetch refspec, hence `refs/remotes/origin/main` is returned.
/// Note that `push` refspecs can be used to map `main` to `other` (using a push refspec `refs/heads/main:refs/heads/other`),
/// which would then lead to `refs/remotes/origin/other` to be returned instead.
/// Note that if there is an ambiguity, that is if `name` maps to multiple tracking branches, the first matching mapping
/// is returned, according to the order in which the fetch or push refspecs occour in the configuration file.
/// See also [`Reference::remote_tracking_ref_name()`](crate::Reference::remote_tracking_ref_name()).
#[doc(alias = "branch_upstream_name", alias = "git2")]
pub fn branch_remote_tracking_ref_name(
name: &FullNameRef,
direction: remote::Direction,
) -> Option<Result<Cow<'_, FullNameRef>, branch_remote_tracking_ref_name::Error>> {
let remote_ref = match self.branch_remote_ref_name(name, direction)? {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(err) => return Some(Err(err.into())),
let remote = match self.branch_remote(name.shorten(), direction)? {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(err) => return Some(Err(err.into())),
if remote.fetch_specs.is_empty() {
return None;
matching_remote(remote_ref.as_ref(), remote.fetch_specs.iter(), self.object_hash())
.map(|res| res.map_err(Into::into))
/// Returns the unvalidated name of the remote associated with the given `short_branch_name`,
/// typically `main` instead of `refs/heads/main`.
/// In some cases, the returned name will be an URL.
/// Returns `None` if the remote was not found or if the name contained illformed UTF-8.
/// * if `direction` is [remote::Direction::Fetch], we will query the `branch.<short_name>.remote` configuration.
/// * if `direction` is [remote::Direction::Push], the push remote will be queried by means of `branch.<short_name>.pushRemote`
/// or `remote.pushDefault` as fallback.
/// See also [`Reference::remote_name()`](crate::Reference::remote_name()) for a more typesafe version
/// to be used when a `Reference` is available.
/// `short_branch_name` can typically be obtained by [shortening a full branch name](FullNameRef::shorten()).
#[doc(alias = "branch_upstream_remote", alias = "git2")]
pub fn branch_remote_name<'a>(
short_branch_name: impl Into<&'a BStr>,
direction: remote::Direction,
) -> Option<remote::Name<'_>> {
let name = short_branch_name.into();
let config = &self.config.resolved;
(direction == remote::Direction::Push)
.then(|| {
.string("branch", Some(name),
.or_else(|| config.string("remote", None,
.or_else(|| config.string("branch", Some(name),
.and_then(|name| name.try_into().ok())
/// Like [`branch_remote_name(…)`](Self::branch_remote_name()), but returns a [Remote](crate::Remote).
/// `short_branch_name` is the name to use for looking up `branch.<short_branch_name>.*` values in the
/// configuration.
/// See also [`Reference::remote()`](crate::Reference::remote()).
pub fn branch_remote<'a>(
short_branch_name: impl Into<&'a BStr>,
direction: remote::Direction,
) -> Option<Result<crate::Remote<'_>, remote::find::existing::Error>> {
let name = self.branch_remote_name(short_branch_name, direction)?;
.map(|res| res.map_err(Into::into))
.or_else(|| match name {
remote::Name::Url(url) => gix_url::parse(url.as_ref())
.and_then(|url| {
.map_err(|err| remote::find::existing::Error::Find(remote::find::Error::Init(err)))
remote::Name::Symbol(_) => None,
fn matching_remote<'a>(
lhs: &FullNameRef,
specs: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a gix_refspec::RefSpec>,
object_hash: gix_hash::Kind,
) -> Option<Result<Cow<'static, FullNameRef>, gix_validate::reference::name::Error>> {
let search = gix_refspec::MatchGroup {
specs: specs
.filter(|spec| spec.source().is_some() && spec.destination().is_some())
let null_id = object_hash.null();
let out = search.match_remotes(
Some(gix_refspec::match_group::Item {
full_ref_name: lhs.as_bstr(),
target: &null_id,
object: None,
out.mappings.into_iter().next().and_then(|m| {|name| {