blob: 50c08ead64811bc9f22f90276ab9ca0a3e6cb424 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{env, ffi::OsStr, path::PathBuf};
/// The error returned by [`gix_discover::upwards()`][crate::upwards()].
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Could not obtain the current working directory")]
CurrentDir(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("Relative path \"{}\"tries to reach beyond root filesystem", directory.display())]
InvalidInput { directory: PathBuf },
#[error("Failed to access a directory, or path is not a directory: '{}'", .path.display())]
InaccessibleDirectory { path: PathBuf },
#[error("Could not find a git repository in '{}' or in any of its parents", .path.display())]
NoGitRepository { path: PathBuf },
#[error("Could not find a git repository in '{}' or in any of its parents within ceiling height of {}", .path.display(), .ceiling_height)]
NoGitRepositoryWithinCeiling { path: PathBuf, ceiling_height: usize },
#[error("Could not find a git repository in '{}' or in any of its parents within device limits below '{}'", .path.display(), .limit.display())]
NoGitRepositoryWithinFs { path: PathBuf, limit: PathBuf },
#[error("None of the passed ceiling directories prefixed the git-dir candidate, making them ineffective.")]
#[error("Could not find a trusted git repository in '{}' or in any of its parents, candidate at '{}' discarded", .path.display(), .candidate.display())]
NoTrustedGitRepository {
path: PathBuf,
candidate: PathBuf,
required: gix_sec::Trust,
#[error("Could not determine trust level for path '{}'.", .path.display())]
CheckTrust {
path: PathBuf,
err: std::io::Error,
/// Options to help guide the [discovery][crate::upwards()] of repositories, along with their options
/// when instantiated.
pub struct Options<'a> {
/// When discovering a repository, assure it has at least this trust level or ignore it otherwise.
/// This defaults to [`Reduced`][gix_sec::Trust::Reduced] as our default settings are geared towards avoiding abuse.
/// Set it to `Full` to only see repositories that [are owned by the current user][gix_sec::Trust::from_path_ownership()].
pub required_trust: gix_sec::Trust,
/// When discovering a repository, ignore any repositories that are located in these directories or any of their parents.
/// Note that we ignore ceiling directories if the search directory is directly on top of one, which by default is an error
/// if `match_ceiling_dir_or_error` is true, the default.
pub ceiling_dirs: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// If true, default true, and `ceiling_dirs` is not empty, we expect at least one ceiling directory to
/// contain our search dir or else there will be an error.
pub match_ceiling_dir_or_error: bool,
/// if `true` avoid crossing filesystem boundaries.
/// Only supported on Unix-like systems.
// TODO: test on Linux
// TODO: Handle WASI once is resolved
pub cross_fs: bool,
/// If true, limit discovery to `.git` directories.
/// This will fail to find typical bare repositories, but would find them if they happen to be named `.git`.
/// Use this option if repos with worktrees are the only kind of repositories you are interested in for
/// optimal discovery performance.
pub dot_git_only: bool,
/// If set, the _current working directory_ (absolute path) to use when resolving relative paths. Note that
/// that this is merely an optimization for those who discover a lot of repositories in the same process.
/// If unset, the current working directory will be obtained automatically.
pub current_dir: Option<&'a std::path::Path>,
impl Default for Options<'_> {
fn default() -> Self {
Options {
required_trust: gix_sec::Trust::Reduced,
ceiling_dirs: vec![],
match_ceiling_dir_or_error: true,
cross_fs: false,
dot_git_only: false,
current_dir: None,
impl Options<'_> {
/// Loads discovery options overrides from the environment.
/// The environment variables are:
/// - `GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES` for `ceiling_dirs`
/// Note that `GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM` for `cross_fs` is **not** read,
/// as it requires parsing of `git-config` style boolean values.
// TODO: test
pub fn apply_environment(mut self) -> Self {
if let Some(ceiling_dirs) = env::var_os(name) {
self.ceiling_dirs = parse_ceiling_dirs(&ceiling_dirs);
/// Parse a byte-string of `:`-separated paths into `Vec<PathBuf>`.
/// On Windows, paths are separated by `;`.
/// Non-absolute paths are discarded.
/// To match git, all paths are normalized, until an empty path is encountered.
pub(crate) fn parse_ceiling_dirs(ceiling_dirs: &OsStr) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
let mut should_normalize = true;
let mut out = Vec::new();
for ceiling_dir in std::env::split_paths(ceiling_dirs) {
if ceiling_dir.as_os_str().is_empty() {
should_normalize = false;
// Only absolute paths are allowed
if ceiling_dir.is_relative() {
let mut dir = ceiling_dir;
if should_normalize {
if let Ok(normalized) = gix_path::realpath(&dir) {
dir = normalized;
mod tests {
fn parse_ceiling_dirs_from_environment_format() -> std::io::Result<()> {
use std::{fs, os::unix::fs::symlink};
use super::*;
// Setup filesystem
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("success creating temp dir");
let direct_path = dir.path().join("direct");
let symlink_path = dir.path().join("symlink");
symlink(&direct_path, &symlink_path)?;
// Parse & build ceiling dirs string
let symlink_str = symlink_path.to_str().expect("symlink path is valid utf8");
let ceiling_dir_string = format!("{symlink_str}:relative::{symlink_str}");
let ceiling_dirs = parse_ceiling_dirs(OsStr::new(ceiling_dir_string.as_str()));
assert_eq!(ceiling_dirs.len(), 2, "Relative path is discarded");
symlink_path.canonicalize().expect("symlink path exists"),
"Symlinks are resolved"
ceiling_dirs[1], symlink_path,
"Symlink are not resolved after empty item"
fn parse_ceiling_dirs_from_environment_format() -> std::io::Result<()> {
use std::{fs, os::windows::fs::symlink_dir};
use super::*;
// Setup filesystem
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("success creating temp dir");
let direct_path = dir.path().join("direct");
let symlink_path = dir.path().join("symlink");
symlink_dir(&direct_path, &symlink_path)?;
// Parse & build ceiling dirs string
let symlink_str = symlink_path.to_str().expect("symlink path is valid utf8");
let ceiling_dir_string = format!("{};relative;;{}", symlink_str, symlink_str);
let ceiling_dirs = parse_ceiling_dirs(OsStr::new(ceiling_dir_string.as_str()));
assert_eq!(ceiling_dirs.len(), 2, "Relative path is discarded");
assert_eq!(ceiling_dirs[0], direct_path, "Symlinks are resolved");
ceiling_dirs[1], symlink_path,
"Symlink are not resolved after empty item"