blob: 33a515cac670cdc669b9f1eea2e8e52b5b2d65f0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Proof-carrying code. We attach "facts" to values and then check
//! that they remain true after compilation.
//! A few key design principle of this approach are:
//! - The producer of the IR provides the axioms. All "ground truth",
//! such as what memory is accessible -- is meant to come by way of
//! facts on the function arguments and global values. In some
//! sense, all we are doing here is validating the "internal
//! consistency" of the facts that are provided on values, and the
//! actions performed on those values.
//! - We do not derive and forward-propagate facts eagerly. Rather,
//! the producer needs to provide breadcrumbs -- a "proof witness"
//! of sorts -- to allow the checking to complete. That means that
//! as an address is computed, or pointer chains are dereferenced,
//! each intermediate value will likely have some fact attached.
//! This does create more verbose IR, but a significant positive
//! benefit is that it avoids unnecessary work: we do not build up a
//! knowledge base that effectively encodes the integer ranges of
//! many or most values in the program. Rather, we only check
//! specifically the memory-access sequences. In practice, each such
//! sequence is likely to be a carefully-controlled sequence of IR
//! operations from, e.g., a sandboxing compiler (such as
//! `cranelift-wasm`) so adding annotations here to communicate
//! intent (ranges, bounds-checks, and the like) is no problem.
//! Facts are attached to SSA values in CLIF, and are maintained
//! through optimizations and through lowering. They are thus also
//! present on VRegs in the VCode. In theory, facts could be checked
//! at either level, though in practice it is most useful to check
//! them at the VCode level if the goal is an end-to-end verification
//! of certain properties (e.g., memory sandboxing).
//! Checking facts entails visiting each instruction that defines a
//! value with a fact, and checking the result's fact against the
//! facts on arguments and the operand. For VCode, this is
//! fundamentally a question of the target ISA's semantics, so we call
//! into the `LowerBackend` for this. Note that during checking there
//! is also limited forward propagation / inference, but only within
//! an instruction: for example, an addressing mode commonly can
//! include an addition, multiplication/shift, or extend operation,
//! and there is no way to attach facts to the intermediate values
//! "inside" the instruction, so instead the backend can use
//! `FactContext::add()` and friends to forward-propagate facts.
//! TODO:
//! Deployment:
//! - Add to fuzzing
//! - Turn on during wasm spec-tests
//! More checks:
//! - Check that facts on `vmctx` GVs are subsumed by the actual facts
//! on the vmctx arg in block0 (function arg).
//! Generality:
//! - facts on outputs (in func signature)?
//! - Implement checking at the CLIF level as well.
//! - Check instructions that can trap as well?
//! Nicer errors:
//! - attach instruction index or some other identifier to errors
//! Text format cleanup:
//! - make the bitwidth on `max` facts optional in the CLIF text
//! format?
//! - make offset in `mem` fact optional in the text format?
//! Bikeshed colors (syntax):
//! - Put fact bang-annotations after types?
//! `v0: i64 ! fact(..)` vs. `v0 ! fact(..): i64`
use crate::ir;
use crate::ir::types::*;
use crate::isa::TargetIsa;
use crate::machinst::{BlockIndex, LowerBackend, VCode};
use crate::trace;
use regalloc2::Function as _;
use std::fmt;
#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// The result of checking proof-carrying-code facts.
pub type PccResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, PccError>;
/// An error or inconsistency discovered when checking proof-carrying
/// code.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PccError {
/// An operation wraps around, invalidating the stated value
/// range.
/// An input to an operator that produces a fact-annotated value
/// does not have a fact describing it, and one is needed.
/// A derivation of an output fact is unsupported (incorrect or
/// not derivable).
/// A block parameter claims a fact that one of its predecessors
/// does not support.
/// A memory access is out of bounds.
/// Proof-carrying-code checking is not implemented for a
/// particular compiler backend.
/// Proof-carrying-code checking is not implemented for a
/// particular instruction that instruction-selection chose. This
/// is an internal compiler error.
/// Access to an invalid or undefined field offset in a struct.
/// Access to a field via the wrong type.
/// Store to a read-only field.
/// Store of data to a field with a fact that does not subsume the
/// field's fact.
/// A fact on a value.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub enum Fact {
/// A bitslice of a value (up to a bitwidth) is within the given
/// integer range.
/// The slicing behavior is needed because this fact can describe
/// both an SSA `Value`, whose entire value is well-defined, and a
/// `VReg` in VCode, whose bits beyond the type stored in that
/// register are don't-care (undefined).
Range {
/// The bitwidth of bits we care about, from the LSB upward.
bit_width: u16,
/// The minimum value that the bitslice can take
/// (inclusive). The range is unsigned: the specified bits of
/// the actual value will be greater than or equal to this
/// value, as evaluated by an unsigned integer comparison.
min: u64,
/// The maximum value that the bitslice can take
/// (inclusive). The range is unsigned: the specified bits of
/// the actual value will be less than or equal to this value,
/// as evaluated by an unsigned integer comparison.
max: u64,
/// A value bounded by a global value.
/// The range is in `(min_GV + min_offset)..(max_GV +
/// max_offset)`, inclusive on the lower and upper bound.
DynamicRange {
/// The bitwidth of bits we care about, from the LSB upward.
bit_width: u16,
/// The lower bound, inclusive.
min: Expr,
/// The upper bound, inclusive.
max: Expr,
/// A pointer to a memory type.
Mem {
/// The memory type.
ty: ir::MemoryType,
/// The minimum offset into the memory type, inclusive.
min_offset: u64,
/// The maximum offset into the memory type, inclusive.
max_offset: u64,
/// This pointer can also be null.
nullable: bool,
/// A pointer to a memory type, dynamically bounded. The pointer
/// is within `(GV_min+offset_min)..(GV_max+offset_max)`
/// (inclusive on both ends) in the memory type.
DynamicMem {
/// The memory type.
ty: ir::MemoryType,
/// The lower bound, inclusive.
min: Expr,
/// The upper bound, inclusive.
max: Expr,
/// This pointer can also be null.
nullable: bool,
/// A definition of a value to be used as a symbol in
/// BaseExprs. There can only be one of these per value number.
/// Note that this differs from a `DynamicRange` specifying that
/// some value in the program is the same as `value`. A `def(v1)`
/// fact is propagated to machine code and serves as a source of
/// truth: the value or location labeled with this fact *defines*
/// what `v1` is, and any `dynamic_range(64, v1, v1)`-labeled
/// values elsewhere are claiming to be equal to this value.
/// This is necessary because we don't propagate SSA value labels
/// down to machine code otherwise; so when referring symbolically
/// to addresses and expressions derived from addresses, we need
/// to introduce the symbol first.
Def {
/// The SSA value this value defines.
value: ir::Value,
/// A comparison result between two dynamic values with a
/// comparison of a certain kind.
Compare {
/// The kind of comparison.
kind: ir::condcodes::IntCC,
/// The left-hand side of the comparison.
lhs: Expr,
/// The right-hand side of the comparison.
rhs: Expr,
/// A "conflict fact": this fact results from merging two other
/// facts, and it can never be satisfied -- checking any value
/// against this fact will fail.
/// A bound expression.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Expr {
/// The dynamic (base) part.
pub base: BaseExpr,
/// The static (offset) part.
pub offset: i64,
/// The base part of a bound expression.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub enum BaseExpr {
/// No dynamic part (i.e., zero).
/// A global value.
/// An SSA Value as a symbolic value. This can be referenced in
/// facts even after we've lowered out of SSA: it becomes simply
/// some symbolic value.
/// Top of the address space. This is "saturating": the offset
/// doesn't matter.
impl BaseExpr {
/// Is one base less than or equal to another? (We can't always
/// know; in such cases, returns `false`.)
fn le(lhs: &BaseExpr, rhs: &BaseExpr) -> bool {
// (i) reflexivity; (ii) 0 <= x for all (unsigned) x; (iii) x <= max for all x.
lhs == rhs || *lhs == BaseExpr::None || *rhs == BaseExpr::Max
/// Compute some BaseExpr that will be less than or equal to both
/// inputs. This is a generalization of `min` (but looser).
fn min(lhs: &BaseExpr, rhs: &BaseExpr) -> BaseExpr {
if lhs == rhs {
} else if *lhs == BaseExpr::Max {
} else if *rhs == BaseExpr::Max {
} else {
BaseExpr::None // zero is <= x for all (unsigned) x.
/// Compute some BaseExpr that will be greater than or equal to
/// both inputs.
fn max(lhs: &BaseExpr, rhs: &BaseExpr) -> BaseExpr {
if lhs == rhs {
} else if *lhs == BaseExpr::None {
} else if *rhs == BaseExpr::None {
} else {
impl Expr {
/// Constant value.
pub fn constant(offset: i64) -> Self {
Expr {
base: BaseExpr::None,
/// The value of an SSA value.
pub fn value(value: ir::Value) -> Self {
Expr {
base: BaseExpr::Value(value),
offset: 0,
/// The value of a global value.
pub fn global_value(gv: ir::GlobalValue) -> Self {
Expr {
base: BaseExpr::GlobalValue(gv),
offset: 0,
/// Is one expression definitely less than or equal to another?
/// (We can't always know; in such cases, returns `false`.)
fn le(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr) -> bool {
if rhs.base == BaseExpr::Max {
} else {
BaseExpr::le(&lhs.base, &rhs.base) && lhs.offset <= rhs.offset
/// Generalization of `min`: compute some Expr that is less than
/// or equal to both inputs.
fn min(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr) -> Expr {
if lhs.base == BaseExpr::None && lhs.offset == 0 {
} else if rhs.base == BaseExpr::None && rhs.offset == 0 {
} else {
Expr {
base: BaseExpr::min(&lhs.base, &rhs.base),
offset: std::cmp::min(lhs.offset, rhs.offset),
/// Generalization of `max`: compute some Expr that is greater
/// than or equal to both inputs.
fn max(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr) -> Expr {
if lhs.base == BaseExpr::None && lhs.offset == 0 {
} else if rhs.base == BaseExpr::None && rhs.offset == 0 {
} else {
Expr {
base: BaseExpr::max(&lhs.base, &rhs.base),
offset: std::cmp::max(lhs.offset, rhs.offset),
/// Add one expression to another.
fn add(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr) -> Option<Expr> {
if lhs.base == rhs.base {
Some(Expr {
base: lhs.base.clone(),
offset: lhs.offset.checked_add(rhs.offset)?,
} else if lhs.base == BaseExpr::None {
Some(Expr {
base: rhs.base.clone(),
offset: lhs.offset.checked_add(rhs.offset)?,
} else if rhs.base == BaseExpr::None {
Some(Expr {
base: lhs.base.clone(),
offset: lhs.offset.checked_add(rhs.offset)?,
} else {
Some(Expr {
base: BaseExpr::Max,
offset: 0,
/// Add a static offset to an expression.
pub fn offset(lhs: &Expr, rhs: i64) -> Option<Expr> {
let offset = lhs.offset.checked_add(rhs)?;
Some(Expr {
base: lhs.base.clone(),
/// Is this Expr a BaseExpr with no offset? Return it if so.
pub fn without_offset(&self) -> Option<&BaseExpr> {
if self.offset == 0 {
} else {
impl fmt::Display for BaseExpr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
BaseExpr::None => Ok(()),
BaseExpr::Max => write!(f, "max"),
BaseExpr::GlobalValue(gv) => write!(f, "{gv}"),
BaseExpr::Value(value) => write!(f, "{value}"),
impl BaseExpr {
/// Does this dynamic_expression take an offset?
pub fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
match self {
BaseExpr::None => false,
_ => true,
impl fmt::Display for Expr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.base)?;
match self.offset {
offset if offset > 0 && self.base.is_some() => write!(f, "+{offset:#x}"),
offset if offset > 0 => write!(f, "{offset:#x}"),
offset if offset < 0 => {
let negative_offset = -i128::from(offset); // upcast to support i64::MIN.
write!(f, "-{negative_offset:#x}")
0 if self.base.is_some() => Ok(()),
0 => write!(f, "0"),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl fmt::Display for Fact {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Fact::Range {
} => write!(f, "range({bit_width}, {min:#x}, {max:#x})"),
Fact::DynamicRange {
} => {
write!(f, "dynamic_range({bit_width}, {min}, {max})")
Fact::Mem {
} => {
let nullable_flag = if *nullable { ", nullable" } else { "" };
"mem({ty}, {min_offset:#x}, {max_offset:#x}{nullable_flag})"
Fact::DynamicMem {
} => {
let nullable_flag = if *nullable { ", nullable" } else { "" };
write!(f, "dynamic_mem({ty}, {min}, {max}{nullable_flag})")
Fact::Def { value } => write!(f, "def({value})"),
Fact::Compare { kind, lhs, rhs } => {
write!(f, "compare({kind}, {lhs}, {rhs})")
Fact::Conflict => write!(f, "conflict"),
impl Fact {
/// Create a range fact that specifies a single known constant value.
pub fn constant(bit_width: u16, value: u64) -> Self {
debug_assert!(value <= max_value_for_width(bit_width));
// `min` and `max` are inclusive, so this specifies a range of
// exactly one value.
Fact::Range {
min: value,
max: value,
/// Create a dynamic range fact that points to the base of a dynamic memory.
pub fn dynamic_base_ptr(ty: ir::MemoryType) -> Self {
Fact::DynamicMem {
min: Expr::constant(0),
max: Expr::constant(0),
nullable: false,
/// Create a fact that specifies the value is exactly an SSA value.
/// Note that this differs from a `def` fact: it is not *defining*
/// a symbol to have the value that this fact is attached to;
/// rather it is claiming that this value is the same as whatever
/// that symbol is. (In other words, the def should be elsewhere,
/// and we are tying ourselves to it.)
pub fn value(bit_width: u16, value: ir::Value) -> Self {
Fact::DynamicRange {
min: Expr::value(value),
max: Expr::value(value),
/// Create a fact that specifies the value is exactly an SSA value plus some offset.
pub fn value_offset(bit_width: u16, value: ir::Value, offset: i64) -> Self {
Fact::DynamicRange {
min: Expr::offset(&Expr::value(value), offset).unwrap(),
max: Expr::offset(&Expr::value(value), offset).unwrap(),
/// Create a fact that specifies the value is exactly the value of a GV.
pub fn global_value(bit_width: u16, gv: ir::GlobalValue) -> Self {
Fact::DynamicRange {
min: Expr::global_value(gv),
max: Expr::global_value(gv),
/// Create a fact that specifies the value is exactly the value of a GV plus some offset.
pub fn global_value_offset(bit_width: u16, gv: ir::GlobalValue, offset: i64) -> Self {
Fact::DynamicRange {
min: Expr::offset(&Expr::global_value(gv), offset).unwrap(),
max: Expr::offset(&Expr::global_value(gv), offset).unwrap(),
/// Create a range fact that specifies the maximum range for a
/// value of the given bit-width.
pub const fn max_range_for_width(bit_width: u16) -> Self {
match bit_width {
bit_width if bit_width < 64 => Fact::Range {
min: 0,
max: (1u64 << bit_width) - 1,
64 => Fact::Range {
bit_width: 64,
min: 0,
max: u64::MAX,
_ => panic!("bit width too large!"),
/// Create a range fact that specifies the maximum range for a
/// value of the given bit-width, zero-extended into a wider
/// width.
pub const fn max_range_for_width_extended(from_width: u16, to_width: u16) -> Self {
debug_assert!(from_width <= to_width);
match from_width {
from_width if from_width < 64 => Fact::Range {
bit_width: to_width,
min: 0,
max: (1u64 << from_width) - 1,
64 => Fact::Range {
bit_width: to_width,
min: 0,
max: u64::MAX,
_ => panic!("bit width too large!"),
/// Try to infer a minimal fact for a value of the given IR type.
pub fn infer_from_type(ty: ir::Type) -> Option<&'static Self> {
static FACTS: [Fact; 4] = [
match ty {
I8 => Some(&FACTS[0]),
I16 => Some(&FACTS[1]),
I32 => Some(&FACTS[2]),
I64 => Some(&FACTS[3]),
_ => None,
/// Does this fact "propagate" automatically, i.e., cause
/// instructions that process it to infer their own output facts?
/// Not all facts propagate automatically; otherwise, verification
/// would be much slower.
pub fn propagates(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Fact::Mem { .. } => true,
_ => false,
/// Is this a constant value of the given bitwidth? Return it as a
/// `Some(value)` if so.
pub fn as_const(&self, bits: u16) -> Option<u64> {
match self {
Fact::Range {
} if *bit_width == bits && min == max => Some(*min),
_ => None,
/// Is this fact a single-value range with a symbolic Expr?
pub fn as_symbol(&self) -> Option<&Expr> {
match self {
Fact::DynamicRange { min, max, .. } if min == max => Some(min),
_ => None,
/// Merge two facts. We take the *intersection*: that is, we know
/// both facts to be true, so we can intersect ranges. (This
/// differs from the usual static analysis approach, where we are
/// merging multiple possibilities into a generalized / widened
/// fact. We want to narrow here.)
pub fn intersect(a: &Fact, b: &Fact) -> Fact {
match (a, b) {
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_lhs,
min: min_lhs,
max: max_lhs,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_rhs,
min: min_rhs,
max: max_rhs,
) if bw_lhs == bw_rhs && max_lhs >= min_rhs && max_rhs >= min_lhs => Fact::Range {
bit_width: *bw_lhs,
min: std::cmp::max(*min_lhs, *min_rhs),
max: std::cmp::min(*max_lhs, *max_rhs),
Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: bw_lhs,
min: min_lhs,
max: max_lhs,
Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: bw_rhs,
min: min_rhs,
max: max_rhs,
) if bw_lhs == bw_rhs && Expr::le(min_rhs, max_lhs) && Expr::le(min_lhs, max_rhs) => {
Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: *bw_lhs,
min: Expr::max(min_lhs, min_rhs),
max: Expr::min(max_lhs, max_rhs),
Fact::Mem {
ty: ty_lhs,
min_offset: min_offset_lhs,
max_offset: max_offset_lhs,
nullable: nullable_lhs,
Fact::Mem {
ty: ty_rhs,
min_offset: min_offset_rhs,
max_offset: max_offset_rhs,
nullable: nullable_rhs,
) if ty_lhs == ty_rhs
&& max_offset_lhs >= min_offset_rhs
&& max_offset_rhs >= min_offset_lhs =>
Fact::Mem {
ty: *ty_lhs,
min_offset: std::cmp::max(*min_offset_lhs, *min_offset_rhs),
max_offset: std::cmp::min(*max_offset_lhs, *max_offset_rhs),
nullable: *nullable_lhs && *nullable_rhs,
Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: ty_lhs,
min: min_lhs,
max: max_lhs,
nullable: null_lhs,
Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: ty_rhs,
min: min_rhs,
max: max_rhs,
nullable: null_rhs,
) if ty_lhs == ty_rhs && Expr::le(min_rhs, max_lhs) && Expr::le(min_lhs, max_rhs) => {
Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: *ty_lhs,
min: Expr::max(min_lhs, min_rhs),
max: Expr::min(max_lhs, max_rhs),
nullable: *null_lhs && *null_rhs,
_ => Fact::Conflict,
macro_rules! ensure {
( $condition:expr, $err:tt $(,)? ) => {
if !$condition {
return Err(PccError::$err);
macro_rules! bail {
( $err:tt ) => {{
return Err(PccError::$err);
/// The two kinds of inequalities: "strict" (`<`, `>`) and "loose"
/// (`<=`, `>=`), the latter of which admit equality.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum InequalityKind {
/// Strict inequality: {less,greater}-than.
/// Loose inequality: {less,greater}-than-or-equal.
/// A "context" in which we can evaluate and derive facts. This
/// context carries environment/global properties, such as the machine
/// pointer width.
pub struct FactContext<'a> {
function: &'a ir::Function,
pointer_width: u16,
impl<'a> FactContext<'a> {
/// Create a new "fact context" in which to evaluate facts.
pub fn new(function: &'a ir::Function, pointer_width: u16) -> Self {
FactContext {
/// Computes whether `lhs` "subsumes" (implies) `rhs`.
pub fn subsumes(&self, lhs: &Fact, rhs: &Fact) -> bool {
match (lhs, rhs) {
// Reflexivity.
(l, r) if l == r => true,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_lhs,
min: min_lhs,
max: max_lhs,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_rhs,
min: min_rhs,
max: max_rhs,
) => {
// If the bitwidths we're claiming facts about are the
// same, or the left-hand-side makes a claim about a
// wider bitwidth, and if the right-hand-side range is
// larger than the left-hand-side range, than the LHS
// subsumes the RHS.
// In other words, we can always expand the claimed
// possible value range.
bw_lhs >= bw_rhs && max_lhs <= max_rhs && min_lhs >= min_rhs
Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: bw_lhs,
min: min_lhs,
max: max_lhs,
Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: bw_rhs,
min: min_rhs,
max: max_rhs,
) => {
// Nearly same as above, but with dynamic-expression
// comparisons. Note that we require equal bitwidths
// here: unlike in the static case, we don't have
// fixed values for min and max, so we can't lean on
// the well-formedness requirements of the static
// ranges fitting within the bit-width max.
bw_lhs == bw_rhs && Expr::le(max_lhs, max_rhs) && Expr::le(min_rhs, min_lhs)
Fact::Mem {
ty: ty_lhs,
min_offset: min_offset_lhs,
max_offset: max_offset_lhs,
nullable: nullable_lhs,
Fact::Mem {
ty: ty_rhs,
min_offset: min_offset_rhs,
max_offset: max_offset_rhs,
nullable: nullable_rhs,
) => {
ty_lhs == ty_rhs
&& max_offset_lhs <= max_offset_rhs
&& min_offset_lhs >= min_offset_rhs
&& (*nullable_lhs || !*nullable_rhs)
Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: ty_lhs,
min: min_lhs,
max: max_lhs,
nullable: nullable_lhs,
Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: ty_rhs,
min: min_rhs,
max: max_rhs,
nullable: nullable_rhs,
) => {
ty_lhs == ty_rhs
&& Expr::le(max_lhs, max_rhs)
&& Expr::le(min_rhs, min_lhs)
&& (*nullable_lhs || !*nullable_rhs)
// Constant zero subsumes nullable DynamicMem pointers.
Fact::Range {
min: 0,
max: 0,
Fact::DynamicMem { nullable: true, .. },
) if *bit_width == self.pointer_width => true,
// Any fact subsumes a Def, because the Def makes no
// claims about the actual value (it ties a symbol to that
// value, but the value is fed to the symbol, not the
// other way around).
(_, Fact::Def { .. }) => true,
_ => false,
/// Computes whether the optional fact `lhs` subsumes (implies)
/// the optional fact `lhs`. A `None` never subsumes any fact, and
/// is always subsumed by any fact at all (or no fact).
pub fn subsumes_fact_optionals(&self, lhs: Option<&Fact>, rhs: Option<&Fact>) -> bool {
match (lhs, rhs) {
(None, None) => true,
(Some(_), None) => true,
(None, Some(_)) => false,
(Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) => self.subsumes(lhs, rhs),
/// Computes whatever fact can be known about the sum of two
/// values with attached facts. The add is performed to the given
/// bit-width. Note that this is distinct from the machine or
/// pointer width: e.g., many 64-bit machines can still do 32-bit
/// adds that wrap at 2^32.
pub fn add(&self, lhs: &Fact, rhs: &Fact, add_width: u16) -> Option<Fact> {
let result = match (lhs, rhs) {
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_lhs,
min: min_lhs,
max: max_lhs,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_rhs,
min: min_rhs,
max: max_rhs,
) if bw_lhs == bw_rhs && add_width >= *bw_lhs => {
let computed_min = min_lhs.checked_add(*min_rhs)?;
let computed_max = max_lhs.checked_add(*max_rhs)?;
let computed_max = std::cmp::min(max_value_for_width(add_width), computed_max);
Some(Fact::Range {
bit_width: *bw_lhs,
min: computed_min,
max: computed_max,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_max,
Fact::Mem {
| (
Fact::Mem {
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_max,
) if *bw_max >= self.pointer_width
&& add_width >= *bw_max
&& (!*nullable || *max == 0) =>
let min_offset = min_offset.checked_add(*min)?;
let max_offset = max_offset.checked_add(*max)?;
Some(Fact::Mem {
ty: *ty,
nullable: false,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_static,
min: min_static,
max: max_static,
Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: bw_dynamic,
min: ref min_dynamic,
max: ref max_dynamic,
| (
Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: bw_dynamic,
min: ref min_dynamic,
max: ref max_dynamic,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_static,
min: min_static,
max: max_static,
) if bw_static == bw_dynamic => {
let min = Expr::offset(min_dynamic, i64::try_from(*min_static).ok()?)?;
let max = Expr::offset(max_dynamic, i64::try_from(*max_static).ok()?)?;
Some(Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: *bw_dynamic,
Fact::DynamicMem {
min: min_mem,
max: max_mem,
nullable: false,
Fact::DynamicRange {
min: min_range,
max: max_range,
| (
Fact::DynamicRange {
min: min_range,
max: max_range,
Fact::DynamicMem {
min: min_mem,
max: max_mem,
nullable: false,
) if *bit_width == self.pointer_width => {
let min = Expr::add(min_mem, min_range)?;
let max = Expr::add(max_mem, max_range)?;
Some(Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: *ty,
nullable: false,
Fact::Mem {
nullable: false,
Fact::DynamicRange {
min: min_range,
max: max_range,
| (
Fact::DynamicRange {
min: min_range,
max: max_range,
Fact::Mem {
nullable: false,
) if *bit_width == self.pointer_width => {
let min = Expr::offset(min_range, i64::try_from(*min_offset).ok()?)?;
let max = Expr::offset(max_range, i64::try_from(*max_offset).ok()?)?;
Some(Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: *ty,
nullable: false,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_static,
min: min_static,
max: max_static,
Fact::DynamicMem {
min: ref min_dynamic,
max: ref max_dynamic,
| (
Fact::DynamicMem {
min: ref min_dynamic,
max: ref max_dynamic,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_static,
min: min_static,
max: max_static,
) if *bw_static == self.pointer_width && (!*nullable || *max_static == 0) => {
let min = Expr::offset(min_dynamic, i64::try_from(*min_static).ok()?)?;
let max = Expr::offset(max_dynamic, i64::try_from(*max_static).ok()?)?;
Some(Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: *ty,
nullable: false,
_ => None,
trace!("add: {lhs:?} + {rhs:?} -> {result:?}");
/// Computes the `uextend` of a value with the given facts.
pub fn uextend(&self, fact: &Fact, from_width: u16, to_width: u16) -> Option<Fact> {
if from_width == to_width {
return Some(fact.clone());
let result = match fact {
// If the claim is already for a same-or-wider value and the min
// and max are within range of the narrower value, we can
// claim the same range.
Fact::Range {
} if *bit_width >= from_width
&& *min <= max_value_for_width(from_width)
&& *max <= max_value_for_width(from_width) =>
Some(Fact::Range {
bit_width: to_width,
min: *min,
max: *max,
// If the claim is a dynamic range for the from-width, we
// can extend to the to-width.
Fact::DynamicRange {
} if *bit_width == from_width => Some(Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: to_width,
min: min.clone(),
max: max.clone(),
// If the claim is a definition of a value, we can say
// that the output has a range of exactly that value.
Fact::Def { value } => Some(Fact::value(to_width, *value)),
// Otherwise, we can at least claim that the value is
// within the range of `from_width`.
Fact::Range { .. } => Some(Fact::max_range_for_width_extended(from_width, to_width)),
_ => None,
trace!("uextend: fact {fact:?} from {from_width} to {to_width} -> {result:?}");
/// Computes the `sextend` of a value with the given facts.
pub fn sextend(&self, fact: &Fact, from_width: u16, to_width: u16) -> Option<Fact> {
match fact {
// If we have a defined value in bits 0..bit_width, and
// the MSB w.r.t. `from_width` is *not* set, then we can
// do the same as `uextend`.
Fact::Range {
// We can ignore `min`: it is always <= max in
// unsigned terms, and we check max's LSB below.
min: _,
} if *bit_width == from_width && (*max & (1 << (*bit_width - 1)) == 0) => {
self.uextend(fact, from_width, to_width)
_ => None,
/// Computes the bit-truncation of a value with the given fact.
pub fn truncate(&self, fact: &Fact, from_width: u16, to_width: u16) -> Option<Fact> {
if from_width == to_width {
return Some(fact.clone());
"truncate: fact {:?} from {} to {}",
match fact {
Fact::Range {
} if *bit_width == from_width => {
let max_val = (1u64 << to_width) - 1;
if *min <= max_val && *max <= max_val {
Some(Fact::Range {
bit_width: to_width,
min: *min,
max: *max,
} else {
Some(Fact::Range {
bit_width: to_width,
min: 0,
max: max_val,
_ => None,
/// Scales a value with a fact by a known constant.
pub fn scale(&self, fact: &Fact, width: u16, factor: u32) -> Option<Fact> {
let result = match fact {
x if factor == 1 => Some(x.clone()),
Fact::Range {
} if *bit_width == width => {
let min = min.checked_mul(u64::from(factor))?;
let max = max.checked_mul(u64::from(factor))?;
if *bit_width < 64 && max > max_value_for_width(width) {
return None;
Some(Fact::Range {
bit_width: *bit_width,
_ => None,
trace!("scale: {fact:?} * {factor} at width {width} -> {result:?}");
/// Left-shifts a value with a fact by a known constant.
pub fn shl(&self, fact: &Fact, width: u16, amount: u16) -> Option<Fact> {
if amount >= 32 {
return None;
let factor: u32 = 1 << amount;
self.scale(fact, width, factor)
/// Offsets a value with a fact by a known amount.
pub fn offset(&self, fact: &Fact, width: u16, offset: i64) -> Option<Fact> {
if offset == 0 {
return Some(fact.clone());
let compute_offset = |base: u64| -> Option<u64> {
if offset >= 0 {
} else {
let result = match fact {
Fact::Range {
} if *bit_width == width => {
let min = compute_offset(*min)?;
let max = compute_offset(*max)?;
Some(Fact::Range {
bit_width: *bit_width,
Fact::DynamicRange {
} if *bit_width == width => {
let min = Expr::offset(min, offset)?;
let max = Expr::offset(max, offset)?;
Some(Fact::DynamicRange {
bit_width: *bit_width,
Fact::Mem {
min_offset: mem_min_offset,
max_offset: mem_max_offset,
nullable: false,
} => {
let min_offset = compute_offset(*mem_min_offset)?;
let max_offset = compute_offset(*mem_max_offset)?;
Some(Fact::Mem {
ty: *ty,
nullable: false,
Fact::DynamicMem {
nullable: false,
} => {
let min = Expr::offset(min, offset)?;
let max = Expr::offset(max, offset)?;
Some(Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: *ty,
nullable: false,
_ => None,
trace!("offset: {fact:?} + {offset} in width {width} -> {result:?}");
/// Check that accessing memory via a pointer with this fact, with
/// a memory access of the given size, is valid.
/// If valid, returns the memory type and offset into that type
/// that this address accesses, if known, or `None` if the range
/// doesn't constrain the access to exactly one location.
fn check_address(&self, fact: &Fact, size: u32) -> PccResult<Option<(ir::MemoryType, u64)>> {
trace!("check_address: fact {:?} size {}", fact, size);
match fact {
Fact::Mem {
nullable: _,
} => {
let end_offset: u64 = max_offset
match &self.function.memory_types[*ty] {
ir::MemoryTypeData::Struct { size, .. }
| ir::MemoryTypeData::Memory { size } => {
ensure!(end_offset <= *size, OutOfBounds)
ir::MemoryTypeData::DynamicMemory { .. } => bail!(OutOfBounds),
ir::MemoryTypeData::Empty => bail!(OutOfBounds),
let specific_ty_and_offset = if min_offset == max_offset {
Some((*ty, *min_offset))
} else {
Fact::DynamicMem {
min: _,
Expr {
base: BaseExpr::GlobalValue(max_gv),
offset: max_offset,
nullable: _,
} => match &self.function.memory_types[*ty] {
ir::MemoryTypeData::DynamicMemory {
size: mem_static_size,
} if gv == max_gv => {
let end_offset = max_offset
let mem_static_size =
i64::try_from(*mem_static_size).map_err(|_| PccError::Overflow)?;
ensure!(end_offset <= mem_static_size, OutOfBounds);
_ => bail!(OutOfBounds),
_ => bail!(OutOfBounds),
/// Get the access struct field, if any, by a pointer with the
/// given fact and an access of the given type.
pub fn struct_field<'b>(
&'b self,
fact: &Fact,
access_ty: ir::Type,
) -> PccResult<Option<&'b ir::MemoryTypeField>> {
let (ty, offset) = match self.check_address(fact, access_ty.bytes())? {
Some((ty, offset)) => (ty, offset),
None => return Ok(None),
if let ir::MemoryTypeData::Struct { fields, .. } = &self.function.memory_types[ty] {
let field = fields
.find(|field| field.offset == offset)
if field.ty != access_ty {
} else {
// Access to valid memory, but not a struct: no facts can be attached to the result.
/// Check a load, and determine what fact, if any, the result of the load might have.
pub fn load<'b>(&'b self, fact: &Fact, access_ty: ir::Type) -> PccResult<Option<&'b Fact>> {
.struct_field(fact, access_ty)?
.and_then(|field| field.fact()))
/// Check a store.
pub fn store(
fact: &Fact,
access_ty: ir::Type,
data_fact: Option<&Fact>,
) -> PccResult<()> {
if let Some(field) = self.struct_field(fact, access_ty)? {
// If it's a read-only field, disallow.
if field.readonly {
// Check that the fact on the stored data subsumes the field's fact.
if !self.subsumes_fact_optionals(data_fact, field.fact()) {
/// Apply a known inequality to rewrite dynamic bounds using transitivity, if possible.
/// Given that `lhs >= rhs` (if not `strict`) or `lhs > rhs` (if
/// `strict`), update `fact`.
pub fn apply_inequality(
fact: &Fact,
lhs: &Fact,
rhs: &Fact,
kind: InequalityKind,
) -> Fact {
let result = match (
.and_then(|k| i64::try_from(k).ok()),
) {
Fact::DynamicMem {
) if rhs.base == max.base => {
let strict_offset = match kind {
InequalityKind::Strict => 1,
InequalityKind::Loose => 0,
if let Some(offset) = max
.and_then(|x| x.checked_sub(rhs.offset))
.and_then(|x| x.checked_sub(strict_offset))
let new_max = Expr {
base: lhs.base.clone(),
Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: *ty,
min: min.clone(),
max: new_max,
nullable: *nullable,
} else {
Fact::DynamicMem {
min: _,
) if rhs.base == max.base => {
let strict_offset = match kind {
InequalityKind::Strict => 1,
InequalityKind::Loose => 0,
if let Some(offset) = max
.and_then(|x| x.checked_sub(rhs.offset))
.and_then(|x| x.checked_sub(strict_offset))
Fact::Mem {
ty: *ty,
min_offset: 0,
max_offset: u64::try_from(offset).unwrap_or(0),
nullable: *nullable,
} else {
_ => fact.clone(),
trace!("apply_inequality({fact:?}, {lhs:?}, {rhs:?}, {kind:?} -> {result:?}");
/// Compute the union of two facts, if possible.
pub fn union(&self, lhs: &Fact, rhs: &Fact) -> Option<Fact> {
let result = match (lhs, rhs) {
(lhs, rhs) if lhs == rhs => Some(lhs.clone()),
Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: ty_lhs,
min: min_lhs,
max: max_lhs,
nullable: nullable_lhs,
Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: ty_rhs,
min: min_rhs,
max: max_rhs,
nullable: nullable_rhs,
) if ty_lhs == ty_rhs => Some(Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: *ty_lhs,
min: Expr::min(min_lhs, min_rhs),
max: Expr::max(max_lhs, max_rhs),
nullable: *nullable_lhs || *nullable_rhs,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_const,
min: 0,
max: 0,
Fact::DynamicMem {
nullable: _,
| (
Fact::DynamicMem {
nullable: _,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_const,
min: 0,
max: 0,
) if *bw_const == self.pointer_width => Some(Fact::DynamicMem {
ty: *ty,
min: min.clone(),
max: max.clone(),
nullable: true,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_const,
min: 0,
max: 0,
Fact::Mem {
nullable: _,
| (
Fact::Mem {
nullable: _,
Fact::Range {
bit_width: bw_const,
min: 0,
max: 0,
) if *bw_const == self.pointer_width => Some(Fact::Mem {
ty: *ty,
min_offset: *min_offset,
max_offset: *max_offset,
nullable: true,
_ => None,
trace!("union({lhs:?}, {rhs:?}) -> {result:?}");
fn max_value_for_width(bits: u16) -> u64 {
assert!(bits <= 64);
if bits == 64 {
} else {
(1u64 << bits) - 1
/// Top-level entry point after compilation: this checks the facts in
/// VCode.
pub fn check_vcode_facts<B: LowerBackend + TargetIsa>(
f: &ir::Function,
vcode: &mut VCode<B::MInst>,
backend: &B,
) -> PccResult<()> {
let ctx = FactContext::new(f, backend.triple().pointer_width().unwrap().bits().into());
// Check that individual instructions are valid according to input
// facts, and support the stated output facts.
for block in 0..vcode.num_blocks() {
let block = BlockIndex::new(block);
let mut flow_state = B::FactFlowState::default();
for inst in vcode.block_insns(block).iter() {
// Check any output facts on this inst.
if let Err(e) = backend.check_fact(&ctx, vcode, inst, &mut flow_state) {
log::info!("Error checking instruction: {:?}", vcode[inst]);
return Err(e);
// If this is a branch, check that all block arguments subsume
// the assumed facts on the blockparams of successors.
if vcode.is_branch(inst) {
for (succ_idx, succ) in vcode.block_succs(block).iter().enumerate() {
for (arg, param) in vcode
.branch_blockparams(block, inst, succ_idx)
let arg_fact = vcode.vreg_fact(*arg);
let param_fact = vcode.vreg_fact(*param);
if !ctx.subsumes_fact_optionals(arg_fact, param_fact) {
return Err(PccError::UnsupportedBlockparam);