blob: 90eda03d85f6de8a6d77b82985ebebe4641e4179 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A forest of B+-trees.
//! This crate provides a data structures representing a set of small ordered sets or maps.
//! It is implemented as a forest of B+-trees all allocating nodes out of the same pool.
//! **These are not general purpose data structures that are somehow magically faster that the
//! standard library's `BTreeSet` and `BTreeMap` types.**
//! The tradeoffs are different:
//! - Keys and values are expected to be small and copyable. We optimize for 32-bit types.
//! - A comparator object is used to compare keys, allowing smaller "context free" keys.
//! - Empty trees have a very small 32-bit footprint.
//! - All the trees in a forest can be cleared in constant time.
extern crate alloc;
extern crate cranelift_entity as entity;
use crate::entity::packed_option;
use core::borrow::BorrowMut;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
mod map;
mod node;
mod path;
mod pool;
mod set;
pub use self::map::{Map, MapCursor, MapForest, MapIter};
pub use self::set::{Set, SetCursor, SetForest, SetIter};
use self::node::NodeData;
use self::path::Path;
use self::pool::NodePool;
/// The maximum branching factor of an inner node in a B+-tree.
/// The minimum number of outgoing edges is `INNER_SIZE/2`.
const INNER_SIZE: usize = 8;
/// Given the worst case branching factor of `INNER_SIZE/2` = 4, this is the
/// worst case path length from the root node to a leaf node in a tree with 2^32
/// entries. We would run out of node references before we hit `MAX_PATH`.
const MAX_PATH: usize = 16;
/// Key comparator.
/// Keys don't need to implement `Ord`. They are compared using a comparator object which
/// provides a context for comparison.
pub trait Comparator<K>
K: Copy,
/// Compare keys `a` and `b`.
/// This relation must provide a total ordering or the key space.
fn cmp(&self, a: K, b: K) -> Ordering;
/// Binary search for `k` in an ordered slice.
/// Assume that `s` is already sorted according to this ordering, search for the key `k`.
/// Returns `Ok(idx)` if `k` was found in the slice or `Err(idx)` with the position where it
/// should be inserted to preserve the ordering.
fn search(&self, k: K, s: &[K]) -> Result<usize, usize> {
s.binary_search_by(|x| self.cmp(*x, k))
/// Trivial comparator that doesn't actually provide any context.
impl<K> Comparator<K> for ()
K: Copy + Ord,
fn cmp(&self, a: K, b: K) -> Ordering {
/// Family of types shared by the map and set forest implementations.
trait Forest {
/// The key type is present for both sets and maps.
type Key: Copy;
/// The value type is `()` for sets.
type Value: Copy;
/// An array of keys for the leaf nodes.
type LeafKeys: Copy + BorrowMut<[Self::Key]>;
/// An array of values for the leaf nodes.
type LeafValues: Copy + BorrowMut<[Self::Value]>;
/// Splat a single key into a whole array.
fn splat_key(key: Self::Key) -> Self::LeafKeys;
/// Splat a single value inst a whole array
fn splat_value(value: Self::Value) -> Self::LeafValues;
/// A reference to a B+-tree node.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Node(u32);
entity_impl!(Node, "node");
/// Empty type to be used as the "value" in B-trees representing sets.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct SetValue();
/// Insert `x` into `s` at position `i`, pushing out the last element.
fn slice_insert<T: Copy>(s: &mut [T], i: usize, x: T) {
for j in (i + 1..s.len()).rev() {
s[j] = s[j - 1];
s[i] = x;
/// Shift elements in `s` to the left by `n` positions.
fn slice_shift<T: Copy>(s: &mut [T], n: usize) {
for j in 0..s.len() - n {
s[j] = s[j + n];
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::entity::EntityRef;
/// An opaque reference to a basic block in a function.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Block(u32);
entity_impl!(Block, "block");
fn comparator() {
let block1 = Block::new(1);
let block2 = Block::new(2);
let block3 = Block::new(3);
let block4 = Block::new(4);
let vals = [block1, block2, block4];
let comp = ();
assert_eq!(, &vals), Ok(0));
assert_eq!(, &vals), Err(2));
assert_eq!(, &vals), Ok(2));
fn slice_insertion() {
let mut a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
slice_insert(&mut a[0..1], 0, 'e');
assert_eq!(a, ['e', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
slice_insert(&mut a, 0, 'a');
assert_eq!(a, ['a', 'e', 'b', 'c']);
slice_insert(&mut a, 3, 'g');
assert_eq!(a, ['a', 'e', 'b', 'g']);
slice_insert(&mut a, 1, 'h');
assert_eq!(a, ['a', 'h', 'e', 'b']);
fn slice_shifting() {
let mut a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
slice_shift(&mut a[0..1], 1);
assert_eq!(a, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
slice_shift(&mut a[1..], 1);
assert_eq!(a, ['a', 'c', 'd', 'd']);
slice_shift(&mut a, 2);
assert_eq!(a, ['d', 'd', 'd', 'd']);