blob: a7aa62b3b15cfc45f6525dbd329278e53c967438 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Module for built-in filter functions
//! Contains all the built-in filter functions for use in templates.
//! You can define your own filters, as well.
//! For more information, read the [book](
use std::fmt::{self, Write};
#[cfg(feature = "serde-json")]
mod json;
#[cfg(feature = "serde-json")]
pub use self::json::json;
#[cfg(feature = "serde-yaml")]
mod yaml;
#[cfg(feature = "serde-yaml")]
pub use self::yaml::yaml;
use crate::error::Error::Fmt;
use askama_escape::{Escaper, MarkupDisplay};
#[cfg(feature = "humansize")]
use dep_humansize::{format_size_i, ToF64, DECIMAL};
#[cfg(feature = "num-traits")]
use dep_num_traits::{cast::NumCast, Signed};
#[cfg(feature = "percent-encoding")]
use percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, AsciiSet, NON_ALPHANUMERIC};
use super::Result;
#[cfg(feature = "percent-encoding")]
// Urlencode char encoding set. Only the characters in the unreserved set don't
// have any special purpose in any part of a URI and can be safely left
// unencoded as specified in
#[cfg(feature = "percent-encoding")]
// Same as URLENCODE_STRICT_SET, but preserves forward slashes for encoding paths
const URLENCODE_SET: &AsciiSet = &URLENCODE_STRICT_SET.remove(b'/');
/// Marks a string (or other `Display` type) as safe
/// Use this is you want to allow markup in an expression, or if you know
/// that the expression's contents don't need to be escaped.
/// Askama will automatically insert the first (`Escaper`) argument,
/// so this filter only takes a single argument of any type that implements
/// `Display`.
pub fn safe<E, T>(e: E, v: T) -> Result<MarkupDisplay<E, T>>
E: Escaper,
T: fmt::Display,
Ok(MarkupDisplay::new_safe(v, e))
/// Escapes strings according to the escape mode.
/// Askama will automatically insert the first (`Escaper`) argument,
/// so this filter only takes a single argument of any type that implements
/// `Display`.
/// It is possible to optionally specify an escaper other than the default for
/// the template's extension, like `{{ val|escape("txt") }}`.
pub fn escape<E, T>(e: E, v: T) -> Result<MarkupDisplay<E, T>>
E: Escaper,
T: fmt::Display,
Ok(MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(v, e))
#[cfg(feature = "humansize")]
/// Returns adequate string representation (in KB, ..) of number of bytes
pub fn filesizeformat(b: &(impl ToF64 + Copy)) -> Result<String> {
Ok(format_size_i(*b, DECIMAL))
#[cfg(feature = "percent-encoding")]
/// Percent-encodes the argument for safe use in URI; does not encode `/`.
/// This should be safe for all parts of URI (paths segments, query keys, query
/// values). In the rare case that the server can't deal with forward slashes in
/// the query string, use [`urlencode_strict`], which encodes them as well.
/// Encodes all characters except ASCII letters, digits, and `_.-~/`. In other
/// words, encodes all characters which are not in the unreserved set,
/// as specified by [RFC3986](,
/// with the exception of `/`.
/// ```none,ignore
/// <a href="/metro{{ "/stations/Château d'Eau"|urlencode }}">Station</a>
/// <a href="/page?text={{ "look, unicode/emojis ✨"|urlencode }}">Page</a>
/// ```
/// To encode `/` as well, see [`urlencode_strict`](./fn.urlencode_strict.html).
/// [`urlencode_strict`]: ./fn.urlencode_strict.html
pub fn urlencode<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
Ok(utf8_percent_encode(&s, URLENCODE_SET).to_string())
#[cfg(feature = "percent-encoding")]
/// Percent-encodes the argument for safe use in URI; encodes `/`.
/// Use this filter for encoding query keys and values in the rare case that
/// the server can't process them unencoded.
/// Encodes all characters except ASCII letters, digits, and `_.-~`. In other
/// words, encodes all characters which are not in the unreserved set,
/// as specified by [RFC3986](
/// ```none,ignore
/// <a href="/page?text={{ "look, unicode/emojis ✨"|urlencode_strict }}">Page</a>
/// ```
/// If you want to preserve `/`, see [`urlencode`](./fn.urlencode.html).
pub fn urlencode_strict<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
Ok(utf8_percent_encode(&s, URLENCODE_STRICT_SET).to_string())
/// Formats arguments according to the specified format
/// The *second* argument to this filter must be a string literal (as in normal
/// Rust). The two arguments are passed through to the `format!()`
/// [macro]( by
/// the Askama code generator, but the order is swapped to support filter
/// composition.
/// ```ignore
/// {{ value | fmt("{:?}") }}
/// ```
/// Compare with [format](./fn.format.html).
pub fn fmt() {}
/// Formats arguments according to the specified format
/// The first argument to this filter must be a string literal (as in normal
/// Rust). All arguments are passed through to the `format!()`
/// [macro]( by
/// the Askama code generator.
/// ```ignore
/// {{ "{:?}{:?}" | format(value, other_value) }}
/// ```
/// Compare with [fmt](./fn.fmt.html).
pub fn format() {}
/// Replaces line breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML
/// A single newline becomes an HTML line break `<br>` and a new line
/// followed by a blank line becomes a paragraph break `<p>`.
pub fn linebreaks<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
let linebroken = s.replace("\n\n", "</p><p>").replace('\n', "<br/>");
/// Converts all newlines in a piece of plain text to HTML line breaks
pub fn linebreaksbr<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
Ok(s.replace('\n', "<br/>"))
/// Replaces only paragraph breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML
/// A new line followed by a blank line becomes a paragraph break `<p>`.
/// Paragraph tags only wrap content; empty paragraphs are removed.
/// No `<br/>` tags are added.
pub fn paragraphbreaks<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
let linebroken = s.replace("\n\n", "</p><p>").replace("<p></p>", "");
/// Converts to lowercase
pub fn lower<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
/// Alias for the `lower()` filter
pub fn lowercase<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
/// Converts to uppercase
pub fn upper<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
/// Alias for the `upper()` filter
pub fn uppercase<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
/// Strip leading and trailing whitespace
pub fn trim<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
/// Limit string length, appends '...' if truncated
pub fn truncate<T: fmt::Display>(s: T, len: usize) -> Result<String> {
let mut s = s.to_string();
if s.len() > len {
let mut real_len = len;
while !s.is_char_boundary(real_len) {
real_len += 1;
/// Indent lines with `width` spaces
pub fn indent<T: fmt::Display>(s: T, width: usize) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
let mut indented = String::new();
for (i, c) in s.char_indices() {
if c == '\n' && i < s.len() - 1 {
for _ in 0..width {
indented.push(' ');
#[cfg(feature = "num-traits")]
/// Casts number to f64
pub fn into_f64<T>(number: T) -> Result<f64>
T: NumCast,
#[cfg(feature = "num-traits")]
/// Casts number to isize
pub fn into_isize<T>(number: T) -> Result<isize>
T: NumCast,
/// Joins iterable into a string separated by provided argument
pub fn join<T, I, S>(input: I, separator: S) -> Result<String>
T: fmt::Display,
I: Iterator<Item = T>,
S: AsRef<str>,
let separator: &str = separator.as_ref();
let mut rv = String::new();
for (num, item) in input.enumerate() {
if num > 0 {
write!(rv, "{item}")?;
#[cfg(feature = "num-traits")]
/// Absolute value
pub fn abs<T>(number: T) -> Result<T>
T: Signed,
/// Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others lowercase.
pub fn capitalize<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
match s.chars().next() {
Some(c) => {
let mut replacement: String = c.to_uppercase().collect();
_ => Ok(s),
/// Centers the value in a field of a given width
pub fn center(src: &dyn fmt::Display, dst_len: usize) -> Result<String> {
let src = src.to_string();
let len = src.len();
if dst_len <= len {
} else {
let diff = dst_len - len;
let mid = diff / 2;
let r = diff % 2;
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(dst_len);
for _ in 0..mid {
buf.push(' ');
for _ in 0..mid + r {
buf.push(' ');
/// Count the words in that string
pub fn wordcount<T: fmt::Display>(s: T) -> Result<usize> {
let s = s.to_string();
#[cfg(feature = "markdown")]
pub fn markdown<E, S>(
e: E,
s: S,
options: Option<&comrak::ComrakOptions>,
) -> Result<MarkupDisplay<E, String>>
E: Escaper,
S: AsRef<str>,
use comrak::{
markdown_to_html, ComrakExtensionOptions, ComrakOptions, ComrakParseOptions,
ComrakRenderOptions, ListStyleType,
const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: ComrakOptions = ComrakOptions {
extension: ComrakExtensionOptions {
strikethrough: true,
tagfilter: true,
table: true,
autolink: true,
// default:
tasklist: false,
superscript: false,
header_ids: None,
footnotes: false,
description_lists: false,
front_matter_delimiter: None,
parse: ComrakParseOptions {
// default:
smart: false,
default_info_string: None,
relaxed_tasklist_matching: false,
render: ComrakRenderOptions {
escape: true,
// default:
hardbreaks: false,
github_pre_lang: false,
full_info_string: false,
width: 0,
unsafe_: false,
list_style: ListStyleType::Dash,
sourcepos: false,
let s = markdown_to_html(s.as_ref(), options.unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_OPTIONS));
Ok(MarkupDisplay::new_safe(s, e))
mod tests {
use super::*;
#[cfg(feature = "num-traits")]
use std::f64::INFINITY;
#[cfg(feature = "humansize")]
fn test_filesizeformat() {
assert_eq!(filesizeformat(&0).unwrap(), "0 B");
assert_eq!(filesizeformat(&999u64).unwrap(), "999 B");
assert_eq!(filesizeformat(&1000i32).unwrap(), "1 kB");
assert_eq!(filesizeformat(&1023).unwrap(), "1.02 kB");
assert_eq!(filesizeformat(&1024usize).unwrap(), "1.02 kB");
#[cfg(feature = "percent-encoding")]
fn test_urlencoding() {
// Unreserved (
// alpha / digit
assert_eq!(urlencode("AZaz09").unwrap(), "AZaz09");
assert_eq!(urlencode_strict("AZaz09").unwrap(), "AZaz09");
// other
assert_eq!(urlencode("_.-~").unwrap(), "_.-~");
assert_eq!(urlencode_strict("_.-~").unwrap(), "_.-~");
// Reserved (
// gen-delims
assert_eq!(urlencode(":/?#[]@").unwrap(), "%3A/%3F%23%5B%5D%40");
// sub-delims
// Other
// Ferris
assert_eq!(urlencode("🦀").unwrap(), "%F0%9F%A6%80");
assert_eq!(urlencode_strict("🦀").unwrap(), "%F0%9F%A6%80");
fn test_linebreaks() {
linebreaks("Foo\nBar Baz").unwrap(),
"<p>Foo<br/>Bar Baz</p>"
fn test_linebreaksbr() {
assert_eq!(linebreaksbr("Foo\nBar").unwrap(), "Foo<br/>Bar");
fn test_paragraphbreaks() {
paragraphbreaks("Foo\nBar Baz").unwrap(),
"<p>Foo\nBar Baz</p>"
fn test_lower() {
assert_eq!(lower("Foo").unwrap(), "foo");
assert_eq!(lower("FOO").unwrap(), "foo");
assert_eq!(lower("FooBar").unwrap(), "foobar");
assert_eq!(lower("foo").unwrap(), "foo");
fn test_upper() {
assert_eq!(upper("Foo").unwrap(), "FOO");
assert_eq!(upper("FOO").unwrap(), "FOO");
assert_eq!(upper("FooBar").unwrap(), "FOOBAR");
assert_eq!(upper("foo").unwrap(), "FOO");
fn test_trim() {
assert_eq!(trim(" Hello\tworld\t").unwrap(), "Hello\tworld");
fn test_truncate() {
assert_eq!(truncate("hello", 2).unwrap(), "he...");
let a = String::from("您好");
assert_eq!(a.len(), 6);
assert_eq!(String::from("您").len(), 3);
assert_eq!(truncate("您好", 1).unwrap(), "您...");
assert_eq!(truncate("您好", 2).unwrap(), "您...");
assert_eq!(truncate("您好", 3).unwrap(), "您...");
assert_eq!(truncate("您好", 4).unwrap(), "您好...");
assert_eq!(truncate("您好", 6).unwrap(), "您好");
assert_eq!(truncate("您好", 7).unwrap(), "您好");
let s = String::from("🤚a🤚");
assert_eq!(s.len(), 9);
assert_eq!(String::from("🤚").len(), 4);
assert_eq!(truncate("🤚a🤚", 1).unwrap(), "🤚...");
assert_eq!(truncate("🤚a🤚", 2).unwrap(), "🤚...");
assert_eq!(truncate("🤚a🤚", 3).unwrap(), "🤚...");
assert_eq!(truncate("🤚a🤚", 4).unwrap(), "🤚...");
assert_eq!(truncate("🤚a🤚", 5).unwrap(), "🤚a...");
assert_eq!(truncate("🤚a🤚", 6).unwrap(), "🤚a🤚...");
assert_eq!(truncate("🤚a🤚", 9).unwrap(), "🤚a🤚");
assert_eq!(truncate("🤚a🤚", 10).unwrap(), "🤚a🤚");
fn test_indent() {
assert_eq!(indent("hello", 2).unwrap(), "hello");
assert_eq!(indent("hello\n", 2).unwrap(), "hello\n");
assert_eq!(indent("hello\nfoo", 2).unwrap(), "hello\n foo");
indent("hello\nfoo\n bar", 4).unwrap(),
"hello\n foo\n bar"
#[cfg(feature = "num-traits")]
fn test_into_f64() {
assert_eq!(into_f64(1).unwrap(), 1.0_f64);
assert_eq!(into_f64(1.9).unwrap(), 1.9_f64);
assert_eq!(into_f64(-1.9).unwrap(), -1.9_f64);
assert_eq!(into_f64(INFINITY as f32).unwrap(), INFINITY);
assert_eq!(into_f64(-INFINITY as f32).unwrap(), -INFINITY);
#[cfg(feature = "num-traits")]
fn test_into_isize() {
assert_eq!(into_isize(1).unwrap(), 1_isize);
assert_eq!(into_isize(1.9).unwrap(), 1_isize);
assert_eq!(into_isize(-1.9).unwrap(), -1_isize);
assert_eq!(into_isize(1.5_f64).unwrap(), 1_isize);
assert_eq!(into_isize(-1.5_f64).unwrap(), -1_isize);
match into_isize(INFINITY) {
Err(Fmt(fmt::Error)) => {}
_ => panic!("Should return error of type Err(Fmt(fmt::Error))"),
fn test_join() {
join((&["hello", "world"]).iter(), ", ").unwrap(),
"hello, world"
assert_eq!(join((&["hello"]).iter(), ", ").unwrap(), "hello");
let empty: &[&str] = &[];
assert_eq!(join(empty.iter(), ", ").unwrap(), "");
let input: Vec<String> = vec!["foo".into(), "bar".into(), "bazz".into()];
assert_eq!(join(input.iter(), ":").unwrap(), "foo:bar:bazz");
let input: &[String] = &["foo".into(), "bar".into()];
assert_eq!(join(input.iter(), ":").unwrap(), "foo:bar");
let real: String = "blah".into();
let input: Vec<&str> = vec![&real];
assert_eq!(join(input.iter(), ";").unwrap(), "blah");
join((&&&&&["foo", "bar"]).iter(), ", ").unwrap(),
"foo, bar"
#[cfg(feature = "num-traits")]
fn test_abs() {
assert_eq!(abs(1).unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(abs(-1).unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(abs(1.0).unwrap(), 1.0);
assert_eq!(abs(-1.0).unwrap(), 1.0);
assert_eq!(abs(1.0_f64).unwrap(), 1.0_f64);
assert_eq!(abs(-1.0_f64).unwrap(), 1.0_f64);
fn test_capitalize() {
assert_eq!(capitalize("foo").unwrap(), "Foo".to_string());
assert_eq!(capitalize("f").unwrap(), "F".to_string());
assert_eq!(capitalize("fO").unwrap(), "Fo".to_string());
assert_eq!(capitalize("").unwrap(), "".to_string());
assert_eq!(capitalize("FoO").unwrap(), "Foo".to_string());
assert_eq!(capitalize("foO BAR").unwrap(), "Foo bar".to_string());
assert_eq!(capitalize("äØÄÅÖ").unwrap(), "Äøäåö".to_string());
assert_eq!(capitalize("ß").unwrap(), "SS".to_string());
assert_eq!(capitalize("ßß").unwrap(), "SSß".to_string());
fn test_center() {
assert_eq!(center(&"f", 3).unwrap(), " f ".to_string());
assert_eq!(center(&"f", 4).unwrap(), " f ".to_string());
assert_eq!(center(&"foo", 1).unwrap(), "foo".to_string());
assert_eq!(center(&"foo bar", 8).unwrap(), "foo bar ".to_string());
fn test_wordcount() {
assert_eq!(wordcount("").unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(wordcount(" \n\t").unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(wordcount("foo").unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(wordcount("foo bar").unwrap(), 2);