blob: 8542174d0c099751611a7e0c1f983c343120b2c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// This test checks that when no features are passed by Cargo we
// suggest adding some in the Cargo.toml instead of vomitting a
// list of all the expected names
// check-pass
// revisions: some none
// rustc-env:CARGO=/usr/bin/cargo
// compile-flags: -Z unstable-options
// [none]compile-flags: --check-cfg=cfg(feature,values())
// [some]compile-flags: --check-cfg=cfg(feature,values("bitcode"))
// [some]compile-flags: --check-cfg=cfg(CONFIG_NVME,values("y"))
// [none]error-pattern:Cargo.toml
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
//~^ WARNING unexpected `cfg` condition value
fn ser() {}
//~^ WARNING unexpected `cfg` condition value
fn feat() {}
//~^ WARNING unexpected `cfg` condition name
fn tokio() {}
#[cfg(CONFIG_NVME = "m")]
//[none]~^ WARNING unexpected `cfg` condition name
//[some]~^^ WARNING unexpected `cfg` condition value
fn tokio() {}
fn main() {}