blob: d141de3c2c5abd8f982e6806cf94d8ca54371905 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Checks the licenses of third-party dependencies.
use cargo_metadata::{DepKindInfo, Metadata, Package, PackageId};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::path::Path;
/// These are licenses that are allowed for all crates, including the runtime,
/// rustc, tools, etc.
const LICENSES: &[&str] = &[
// tidy-alphabetical-start
"(MIT OR Apache-2.0) AND Unicode-DFS-2016", // unicode_ident
"0BSD OR MIT OR Apache-2.0", // adler license
"Apache-2.0 / MIT",
"Apache-2.0 OR MIT",
"Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT", // wasi license
"BSD-2-Clause OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT", // zerocopy
"MIT / Apache-2.0",
"MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later", // r-efi, r-efi-alloc
"MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR Zlib", // tinyvec_macros
"MIT OR Apache-2.0",
"MIT OR Zlib OR Apache-2.0", // miniz_oxide
"Unicode-DFS-2016", // tinystr and icu4x
"Unlicense OR MIT",
"Zlib OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT", // tinyvec
// tidy-alphabetical-end
type ExceptionList = &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)];
/// The workspaces to check for licensing and optionally permitted dependencies.
/// Each entry consists of a tuple with the following elements:
/// * The path to the workspace root Cargo.toml file.
/// * The list of license exceptions.
/// * Optionally a tuple of:
/// * A list of crates for which dependencies need to be explicitly allowed.
/// * The list of allowed dependencies.
// FIXME auto detect all cargo workspaces
pub(crate) const WORKSPACES: &[(&str, ExceptionList, Option<(&[&str], &[&str])>)] = &[
// The root workspace has to be first for check_rustfix to work.
// Outside of the alphabetical section because rustfmt formats it using multiple lines.
Some((&["rustc_codegen_cranelift"], PERMITTED_CRANELIFT_DEPENDENCIES)),
// tidy-alphabetical-start
//("compiler/rustc_codegen_gcc", EXCEPTIONS_GCC, None), // FIXME uncomment once all deps are vendored
//("library/backtrace", &[], None), // FIXME uncomment once rust-lang/backtrace#562 has been synced back to the rust repo
//("library/portable-simd", &[], None), // FIXME uncomment once rust-lang/portable-simd#363 has been synced back to the rust repo
//("library/stdarch", EXCEPTIONS_STDARCH, None), // FIXME uncomment once rust-lang/stdarch#1462 has been synced back to the rust repo
("src/bootstrap", EXCEPTIONS_BOOTSTRAP, None),
("src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/test-various/uefi_qemu_test", EXCEPTIONS_UEFI_QEMU_TEST, None),
//("src/etc/test-float-parse", &[], None), // FIXME uncomment once all deps are vendored
("src/tools/cargo", EXCEPTIONS_CARGO, None),
//("src/tools/miri/test-cargo-miri", &[], None), // FIXME uncomment once all deps are vendored
//("src/tools/miri/test_dependencies", &[], None), // FIXME uncomment once all deps are vendored
("src/tools/rust-analyzer", EXCEPTIONS_RUST_ANALYZER, None),
("src/tools/x", &[], None),
// tidy-alphabetical-end
/// These are exceptions to Rust's permissive licensing policy, and
/// should be considered bugs. Exceptions are only allowed in Rust
/// tooling. It is _crucial_ that no exception crates be dependencies
/// of the Rust runtime (std/test).
const EXCEPTIONS: ExceptionList = &[
// tidy-alphabetical-start
("ar_archive_writer", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"), // rustc
("colored", "MPL-2.0"), // rustfmt
("dissimilar", "Apache-2.0"), // rustdoc, rustc_lexer (few tests) via expect-test, (dev deps)
("encoding_rs", "(Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND BSD-3-Clause"), // opt-dist
("fluent-langneg", "Apache-2.0"), // rustc (fluent translations)
("fortanix-sgx-abi", "MPL-2.0"), // libstd but only for `sgx` target. FIXME: this dependency violates the documentation comment above.
("instant", "BSD-3-Clause"), // rustc_driver/tracing-subscriber/parking_lot
("mdbook", "MPL-2.0"), // mdbook
("openssl", "Apache-2.0"), // opt-dist
("option-ext", "MPL-2.0"), // cargo-miri (via `directories`)
("rustc_apfloat", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"), // rustc (license is the same as LLVM uses)
("ryu", "Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0"), // BSL is not acceptble, but we use it under Apache-2.0 // cargo/... (because of serde)
("self_cell", "Apache-2.0"), // rustc (fluent translations)
("snap", "BSD-3-Clause"), // rustc
// tidy-alphabetical-end
// FIXME uncomment once rust-lang/stdarch#1462 lands
const EXCEPTIONS_STDARCH: ExceptionList = &[
// tidy-alphabetical-start
("ryu", "Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0"), // BSL is not acceptble, but we use it under Apache-2.0
("wasmparser", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("wasmprinter", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
// tidy-alphabetical-end
const EXCEPTIONS_CARGO: ExceptionList = &[
// tidy-alphabetical-start
("bitmaps", "MPL-2.0+"),
("bytesize", "Apache-2.0"),
("ciborium", "Apache-2.0"),
("ciborium-io", "Apache-2.0"),
("ciborium-ll", "Apache-2.0"),
("dunce", "CC0-1.0 OR MIT-0 OR Apache-2.0"),
("encoding_rs", "(Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND BSD-3-Clause"),
("fiat-crypto", "MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR BSD-1-Clause"),
("im-rc", "MPL-2.0+"),
("normalize-line-endings", "Apache-2.0"),
("openssl", "Apache-2.0"),
("ryu", "Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0"), // BSL is not acceptble, but we use it under Apache-2.0
("sha1_smol", "BSD-3-Clause"),
("similar", "Apache-2.0"),
("sized-chunks", "MPL-2.0+"),
("subtle", "BSD-3-Clause"),
("supports-hyperlinks", "Apache-2.0"),
("unicode-bom", "Apache-2.0"),
// tidy-alphabetical-end
const EXCEPTIONS_RUST_ANALYZER: ExceptionList = &[
// tidy-alphabetical-start
("dissimilar", "Apache-2.0"),
("notify", "CC0-1.0"),
("pulldown-cmark-to-cmark", "Apache-2.0"),
("rustc_apfloat", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("ryu", "Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0"), // BSL is not acceptble, but we use it under Apache-2.0
("scip", "Apache-2.0"),
("snap", "BSD-3-Clause"),
// tidy-alphabetical-end
const EXCEPTIONS_CRANELIFT: ExceptionList = &[
// tidy-alphabetical-start
("cranelift-bforest", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-codegen", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-codegen-meta", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-codegen-shared", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-control", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-entity", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-frontend", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-isle", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-jit", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-module", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-native", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("cranelift-object", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("mach", "BSD-2-Clause"),
("regalloc2", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("target-lexicon", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
("wasmtime-jit-icache-coherence", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"),
// tidy-alphabetical-end
// FIXME uncomment once all deps are vendored
const EXCEPTIONS_GCC: ExceptionList = &[
// tidy-alphabetical-start
("gccjit", "GPL-3.0"),
("gccjit_sys", "GPL-3.0"),
// tidy-alphabetical-end
const EXCEPTIONS_BOOTSTRAP: ExceptionList = &[
("ryu", "Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0"), // through serde. BSL is not acceptble, but we use it under Apache-2.0
const EXCEPTIONS_UEFI_QEMU_TEST: ExceptionList = &[
("r-efi", "MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later"), // LGPL is not acceptible, but we use it under MIT OR Apache-2.0
/// These are the root crates that are part of the runtime. The licenses for
/// these and all their dependencies *must not* be in the exception list.
const RUNTIME_CRATES: &[&str] = &["std", "core", "alloc", "test", "panic_abort", "panic_unwind"];
const PERMITTED_DEPS_LOCATION: &str = concat!(file!(), ":", line!());
/// Crates rustc is allowed to depend on. Avoid adding to the list if possible.
/// This list is here to provide a speed-bump to adding a new dependency to
/// rustc. Please check with the compiler team before adding an entry.
// tidy-alphabetical-start
"allocator-api2", // FIXME: only appears in Cargo.lock due to
"byteorder", // via ruzstd in object in thorin-dwp
"convert_case", // dependency of derive_more
"fallible-iterator", // dependency of `thorin`
"portable-atomic", // dependency for platforms doesn't support `AtomicU64` in std
"ruzstd", // via object in thorin-dwp
// tidy-alphabetical-end
// These crates come from ICU4X and are licensed under the unicode license.
// It currently doesn't have an SPDX identifier, so they cannot put one there.
// See
// FIXME: This should be removed once ICU4X crates update.
// tidy-alphabetical-start
// tidy-alphabetical-end
// tidy-alphabetical-start
// tidy-alphabetical-end
/// Dependency checks.
/// `root` is path to the directory with the root `Cargo.toml` (for the workspace). `cargo` is path
/// to the cargo executable.
pub fn check(root: &Path, cargo: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
let mut checked_runtime_licenses = false;
for &(workspace, exceptions, permitted_deps) in WORKSPACES {
if !root.join(workspace).join("Cargo.lock").exists() {
tidy_error!(bad, "the `{workspace}` workspace doesn't have a Cargo.lock");
let mut cmd = cargo_metadata::MetadataCommand::new();
let metadata = t!(cmd.exec());
check_license_exceptions(&metadata, exceptions, bad);
if let Some((crates, permitted_deps)) = permitted_deps {
check_permitted_dependencies(&metadata, workspace, permitted_deps, crates, bad);
if workspace == "." {
let runtime_ids = compute_runtime_crates(&metadata);
check_runtime_license_exceptions(&metadata, runtime_ids, bad);
checked_runtime_licenses = true;
// Sanity check to ensure we don't accidentally remove the workspace containing the runtime
// crates.
/// Check that all licenses of runtime dependencies are in the valid list in `LICENSES`.
/// Unlike for tools we don't allow exceptions to the `LICENSES` list for the runtime with the sole
/// exception of `fortanix-sgx-abi` which is only used on x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx.
fn check_runtime_license_exceptions(
metadata: &Metadata,
runtime_ids: HashSet<&PackageId>,
bad: &mut bool,
) {
for pkg in &metadata.packages {
if !runtime_ids.contains(& {
// Only checking dependencies of runtime libraries here.
if pkg.source.is_none() {
// No need to check local packages.
let license = match &pkg.license {
Some(license) => license,
None => {
tidy_error!(bad, "dependency `{}` does not define a license expression",;
if !LICENSES.contains(&license.as_str()) {
// This is a specific exception because SGX is considered "third party".
// See for more.
// In general, these should never be added and this exception
// should not be taken as precedent for any new target.
if == "fortanix-sgx-abi" && pkg.license.as_deref() == Some("MPL-2.0") {
tidy_error!(bad, "invalid license `{}` in `{}`", license,;
/// Check that all licenses of tool dependencies are in the valid list in `LICENSES`.
/// Packages listed in `exceptions` are allowed for tools.
fn check_license_exceptions(metadata: &Metadata, exceptions: &[(&str, &str)], bad: &mut bool) {
// Validate the EXCEPTIONS list hasn't changed.
for (name, license) in exceptions {
// Check that the package actually exists.
if !metadata.packages.iter().any(|p| == *name) {
"could not find exception package `{}`\n\
Remove from EXCEPTIONS list if it is no longer used.",
// Check that the license hasn't changed.
for pkg in metadata.packages.iter().filter(|p| == *name) {
match &pkg.license {
None => {
"dependency exception `{}` does not declare a license expression",
Some(pkg_license) => {
if pkg_license.as_str() != *license {
println!("dependency exception `{name}` license has changed");
println!(" previously `{license}` now `{pkg_license}`");
println!(" update EXCEPTIONS for the new license");
*bad = true;
let exception_names: Vec<_> = exceptions.iter().map(|(name, _license)| *name).collect();
// Check if any package does not have a valid license.
for pkg in &metadata.packages {
if pkg.source.is_none() {
// No need to check local packages.
if exception_names.contains(& {
let license = match &pkg.license {
Some(license) => license,
None => {
tidy_error!(bad, "dependency `{}` does not define a license expression",;
if !LICENSES.contains(&license.as_str()) {
tidy_error!(bad, "invalid license `{}` in `{}`", license,;
/// Checks the dependency of `restricted_dependency_crates` at the given path. Changes `bad` to
/// `true` if a check failed.
/// Specifically, this checks that the dependencies are on the `permitted_dependencies`.
fn check_permitted_dependencies(
metadata: &Metadata,
descr: &str,
permitted_dependencies: &[&'static str],
restricted_dependency_crates: &[&'static str],
bad: &mut bool,
) {
let mut has_permitted_dep_error = false;
let mut deps = HashSet::new();
for to_check in restricted_dependency_crates {
let to_check = pkg_from_name(metadata, to_check);
use cargo_platform::Cfg;
use std::str::FromStr;
// We don't expect the compiler to ever run on wasm32, so strip
// out those dependencies to avoid polluting the permitted list.
deps_of_filtered(metadata, &, &mut deps, &|dep_kinds| {
dep_kinds.iter().any(|dep_kind| {
.map(|target| {
// Check that the PERMITTED_DEPENDENCIES does not have unused entries.
for permitted in permitted_dependencies {
if !deps.iter().any(|dep_id| &pkg_from_id(metadata, dep_id).name == permitted) {
"could not find allowed package `{permitted}`\n\
Remove from PERMITTED_DEPENDENCIES list if it is no longer used.",
has_permitted_dep_error = true;
// Get in a convenient form.
let permitted_dependencies: HashSet<_> = permitted_dependencies.iter().cloned().collect();
for dep in deps {
let dep = pkg_from_id(metadata, dep);
// If this path is in-tree, we don't require it to be explicitly permitted.
if dep.source.is_some() {
if !permitted_dependencies.contains( {
tidy_error!(bad, "Dependency for {descr} not explicitly permitted: {}",;
has_permitted_dep_error = true;
if has_permitted_dep_error {
eprintln!("Go to `{PERMITTED_DEPS_LOCATION}` for the list.");
/// Finds a package with the given name.
fn pkg_from_name<'a>(metadata: &'a Metadata, name: &'static str) -> &'a Package {
let mut i = metadata.packages.iter().filter(|p| == name);
let result =|| panic!("could not find package `{name}` in package list"));
assert!(, "more than one package found for `{name}`");
fn pkg_from_id<'a>(metadata: &'a Metadata, id: &PackageId) -> &'a Package {
metadata.packages.iter().find(|p| & == id).unwrap()
/// Finds all the packages that are in the rust runtime.
fn compute_runtime_crates<'a>(metadata: &'a Metadata) -> HashSet<&'a PackageId> {
let mut result = HashSet::new();
for name in RUNTIME_CRATES {
let id = &pkg_from_name(metadata, name).id;
deps_of_filtered(metadata, id, &mut result, &|_| true);
/// Recursively find all dependencies.
fn deps_of_filtered<'a>(
metadata: &'a Metadata,
pkg_id: &'a PackageId,
result: &mut HashSet<&'a PackageId>,
filter: &dyn Fn(&[DepKindInfo]) -> bool,
) {
if !result.insert(pkg_id) {
let node = metadata
.find(|n| & == pkg_id)
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("could not find `{pkg_id}` in resolve"));
for dep in &node.deps {
if !filter(&dep.dep_kinds) {
deps_of_filtered(metadata, &dep.pkg, result, filter);