blob: 79ce1f4ca3226b27cfc7296aaed4e32dadea3ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Implements the various phases of `cargo miri run/test`.
use std::env;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use rustc_version::VersionMeta;
use crate::{setup::*, util::*};
const CARGO_MIRI_HELP: &str = r"Runs binary crates and tests in Miri
cargo miri [subcommand] [<cargo options>...] [--] [<program/test suite options>...]
run, r Run binaries
test, t Run tests
nextest Run tests with nextest (requires cargo-nextest installed)
setup Only perform automatic setup, but without asking questions (for getting a proper libstd)
The cargo options are exactly the same as for `cargo run` and `cargo test`, respectively.
cargo miri run
cargo miri test -- test-suite-filter
cargo miri setup --print sysroot
This will print the path to the generated sysroot (and nothing else) on stdout.
stderr will still contain progress information about how the build is doing.
fn show_help() {
fn show_version() {
print!("miri {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
let version = format!("{} {}", env!("GIT_HASH"), env!("COMMIT_DATE"));
if version.len() > 1 {
// If there is actually something here, print it.
print!(" ({version})");
fn forward_patched_extern_arg(args: &mut impl Iterator<Item = String>, cmd: &mut Command) {
cmd.arg("--extern"); // always forward flag, but adjust filename:
let path ="`--extern` should be followed by a filename");
if let Some(lib) = path.strip_suffix(".rlib") {
// If this is an rlib, make it an rmeta.
} else {
// Some other extern file (e.g. a `.so`). Forward unchanged.
pub fn phase_cargo_miri(mut args: impl Iterator<Item = String>) {
// Check for version and help flags even when invoked as `cargo-miri`.
if has_arg_flag("--help") || has_arg_flag("-h") {
if has_arg_flag("--version") || has_arg_flag("-V") {
// Require a subcommand before any flags.
// We cannot know which of those flags take arguments and which do not,
// so we cannot detect subcommands later.
let Some(subcommand) = else {
show_error!("`cargo miri` needs to be called with a subcommand (`run`, `test`)");
let subcommand = match &*subcommand {
"setup" => MiriCommand::Setup,
"test" | "t" | "run" | "r" | "nextest" => MiriCommand::Forward(subcommand),
_ =>
"`cargo miri` supports the following subcommands: `run`, `test`, `nextest`, and `setup`."
let verbose = num_arg_flag("-v");
// Determine the involved architectures.
let rustc_version = VersionMeta::for_command(miri_for_host())
.expect("failed to determine underlying rustc version of Miri");
let host = &;
let target = get_arg_flag_value("--target");
let target = target.as_ref().unwrap_or(host);
// We always setup.
let miri_sysroot = setup(&subcommand, target, &rustc_version, verbose);
// Invoke actual cargo for the job, but with different flags.
// We re-use `cargo test` and `cargo run`, which makes target and binary handling very easy but
// requires some extra work to make the build check-only (see all the `--emit` hacks below).
// <> describes an alternative
// approach that uses `cargo check`, making that part easier but target and binary handling
// harder.
let cargo_miri_path = std::env::current_exe()
.expect("current executable path invalid")
.expect("current executable path is not valid UTF-8");
let cargo_cmd = match subcommand {
MiriCommand::Forward(s) => s,
MiriCommand::Setup => return, // `cargo miri setup` stops here.
let metadata = get_cargo_metadata();
let mut cmd = cargo();
// In nextest we have to also forward the main `verb`.
if cargo_cmd == "nextest" {
.unwrap_or_else(|| show_error!("`cargo miri nextest` expects a verb (e.g. `run`)")),
// We set the following flags *before* forwarding more arguments.
// This is needed to fix <>: cargo will stop
// interpreting things as flags when it sees the first positional argument.
// Make sure the build target is explicitly set.
// This is needed to make the `target.runner` settings do something,
// and it later helps us detect which crates are proc-macro/build-script
// (host crates) and which crates are needed for the program itself.
if get_arg_flag_value("--target").is_none() {
// No target given. Explicitly pick the host.
// Set ourselves as runner for al binaries invoked by cargo.
// We use `all()` since `true` is not a thing in cfg-lang, but the empty conjunction is. :)
let cargo_miri_path_for_toml = escape_for_toml(&cargo_miri_path);
.arg(format!("target.'cfg(all())'.runner=[{cargo_miri_path_for_toml}, 'runner']"));
// Set `--target-dir` to `miri` inside the original target directory.
let mut target_dir = match get_arg_flag_value("--target-dir") {
Some(dir) => PathBuf::from(dir),
None => metadata.target_directory.clone().into_std_path_buf(),
// *After* we set all the flags that need setting, forward everything else. Make sure to skip
// `--target-dir` (which would otherwise be set twice).
for arg in
ArgSplitFlagValue::from_string_iter(&mut args, "--target-dir").filter_map(Result::err)
// Forward all further arguments (not consumed by `ArgSplitFlagValue`) to cargo.
// Let it know where the Miri sysroot lives.
cmd.env("MIRI_SYSROOT", miri_sysroot);
// Set `RUSTC_WRAPPER` to ourselves. Cargo will prepend that binary to its usual invocation,
// i.e., the first argument is `rustc` -- which is what we use in `main` to distinguish
// the two codepaths. (That extra argument is why we prefer this over setting `RUSTC`.)
if env::var_os("RUSTC_WRAPPER").is_some() {
"WARNING: Ignoring `RUSTC_WRAPPER` environment variable, Miri does not support wrapping."
cmd.env("RUSTC_WRAPPER", &cargo_miri_path);
// We are going to invoke `MIRI` for everything, not `RUSTC`.
if env::var_os("RUSTC").is_some() && env::var_os("MIRI").is_none() {
"WARNING: Ignoring `RUSTC` environment variable; set `MIRI` if you want to control the binary used as the driver."
// Build scripts (and also cargo: will invoke
// `rustc` even when `RUSTC_WRAPPER` is set. To make sure everything is coherent, we want that
// to be the Miri driver, but acting as rustc, on the target level. (Target, rather than host,
// is needed for cross-interpretation situations.) This is not a perfect emulation of real rustc
// (it might be unable to produce binaries since the sysroot is check-only), but it's as close
// as we can get, and it's good enough for autocfg.
// In `main`, we need the value of `RUSTC` to distinguish RUSTC_WRAPPER invocations from rustdoc
// or TARGET_RUNNER invocations, so we canonicalize it here to make it exceedingly unlikely that
// there would be a collision with other invocations of cargo-miri (as rustdoc or as runner). We
// explicitly do this even if RUSTC_STAGE is set, since for these builds we do *not* want the
// bootstrap `rustc` thing in our way! Instead, we have MIRI_HOST_SYSROOT to use for host
// builds.
cmd.env("RUSTC", fs::canonicalize(find_miri()).unwrap());
cmd.env("MIRI_BE_RUSTC", "target"); // we better remember to *unset* this in the other phases!
// Set rustdoc to us as well, so we can run doctests.
cmd.env("RUSTDOC", &cargo_miri_path);
cmd.env("MIRI_LOCAL_CRATES", local_crates(&metadata));
if verbose > 0 {
cmd.env("MIRI_VERBOSE", verbose.to_string()); // This makes the other phases verbose.
// Run cargo.
debug_cmd("[cargo-miri miri]", verbose, &cmd);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum RustcPhase {
/// `rustc` called during sysroot build.
/// `rustc` called by `cargo` for regular build.
/// `rustc` called by `rustdoc` for doctest.
pub fn phase_rustc(mut args: impl Iterator<Item = String>, phase: RustcPhase) {
/// Determines if we are being invoked (as rustc) to build a crate for
/// the "target" architecture, in contrast to the "host" architecture.
/// Host crates are for build scripts and proc macros and still need to
/// be built like normal; target crates need to be built for or interpreted
/// by Miri.
/// Currently, we detect this by checking for "--target=", which is
/// never set for host crates. This matches what rustc bootstrap does,
/// which hopefully makes it "reliable enough". This relies on us always
/// invoking cargo itself with `--target`, which `in_cargo_miri` ensures.
fn is_target_crate() -> bool {
/// Returns whether or not Cargo invoked the wrapper (this binary) to compile
/// the final, binary crate (either a test for 'cargo test', or a binary for 'cargo run')
/// Cargo does not give us this information directly, so we need to check
/// various command-line flags.
fn is_runnable_crate() -> bool {
let is_bin = get_arg_flag_value("--crate-type").as_deref().unwrap_or("bin") == "bin";
let is_test = has_arg_flag("--test");
is_bin || is_test
fn out_filenames() -> Vec<PathBuf> {
if let Some(out_file) = get_arg_flag_value("-o") {
// `-o` has precedence over `--out-dir`.
} else {
let out_dir = get_arg_flag_value("--out-dir").unwrap_or_default();
let path = PathBuf::from(out_dir);
// Ask rustc for the filename (since that is target-dependent).
let mut rustc = miri_for_host(); // sysroot doesn't matter for this so we just use the host
for flag in ["--crate-name", "--crate-type", "--target"] {
for val in get_arg_flag_values(flag) {
// This is technically passed as `-C extra-filename=...`, but the prefix seems unique
// enough... (and cargo passes this before the filename so it should be unique)
if let Some(extra) = get_arg_flag_value("extra-filename") {
let output = rustc.output().expect("cannot run rustc to determine file name");
"rustc failed when determining file name:\n{output:?}"
let output =
String::from_utf8(output.stdout).expect("rustc returned non-UTF-8 filename");
output.lines().filter(|l| !l.is_empty()).map(|l| path.join(l)).collect()
// phase_cargo_miri set `MIRI_BE_RUSTC` for when build scripts directly invoke the driver;
// however, if we get called back by cargo here, we'll carefully compute the right flags
// ourselves, so we first un-do what the earlier phase did.
let verbose = std::env::var("MIRI_VERBOSE")
.map_or(0, |verbose| verbose.parse().expect("verbosity flag must be an integer"));
let target_crate = is_target_crate();
// Determine whether this is cargo invoking rustc to get some infos.
let info_query = get_arg_flag_value("--print").is_some() || has_arg_flag("-vV");
let store_json = |info: CrateRunInfo| {
if get_arg_flag_value("--emit").unwrap_or_default().split(',').any(|e| e == "dep-info") {
// Create a stub .d file to stop Cargo from "rebuilding" the crate:
// As we store a JSON file instead of building the crate here, an empty file is fine.
let dep_info_name = format!(
if verbose > 0 {
eprintln!("[cargo-miri rustc] writing stub dep-info to `{dep_info_name}`");
File::create(dep_info_name).expect("failed to create fake .d file");
for filename in out_filenames() {
if verbose > 0 {
eprintln!("[cargo-miri rustc] writing run info to `{}`", filename.display());
let runnable_crate = !info_query && is_runnable_crate();
if runnable_crate && target_crate {
phase != RustcPhase::Setup,
"there should be no interpretation during sysroot build"
let inside_rustdoc = phase == RustcPhase::Rustdoc;
// This is the binary or test crate that we want to interpret under Miri.
// But we cannot run it here, as cargo invoked us as a compiler -- our stdin and stdout are not
// like we want them.
// Instead of compiling, we write JSON into the output file with all the relevant command-line flags
// and environment variables; this is used when cargo calls us again in the CARGO_TARGET_RUNNER phase.
let env = CrateRunEnv::collect(args, inside_rustdoc);
// Rustdoc expects us to exit with an error code if the test is marked as `compile_fail`,
// just creating the JSON file is not enough: we need to detect syntax errors,
// so we need to run Miri with `MIRI_BE_RUSTC` for a check-only build.
if inside_rustdoc {
let mut cmd = miri();
// Ensure --emit argument for a check-only build is present.
if let Some(val) =
ArgFlagValueIter::from_str_iter(env.args.iter().map(|s| s as &str), "--emit").next()
// For `no_run` tests, rustdoc passes a `--emit` flag; make sure it has the right shape.
assert_eq!(val, "metadata");
} else {
// For all other kinds of tests, we can just add our flag.
// Alter the `-o` parameter so that it does not overwrite the JSON file we stored above.
let mut args = env.args;
let mut out_filename = None;
for i in 0..args.len() {
if args[i] == "-o" {
out_filename = Some(args[i + 1].clone());
args[i + 1].push_str(".miri");
let out_filename = out_filename.expect("rustdoc must pass `-o`");
cmd.env("MIRI_BE_RUSTC", "target");
if verbose > 0 {
"[cargo-miri rustc inside rustdoc] captured input:\n{}",
eprintln!("[cargo-miri rustc inside rustdoc] going to run:\n{cmd:?}");
exec_with_pipe(cmd, &env.stdin, format!("{out_filename}.stdin"));
if runnable_crate && get_arg_flag_values("--extern").any(|krate| krate == "proc_macro") {
// This is a "runnable" `proc-macro` crate (unit tests). We do not support
// interpreting that under Miri now, so we write a JSON file to (display a
// helpful message and) skip it in the runner phase.
let mut cmd = miri();
let mut emit_link_hack = false;
// Arguments are treated very differently depending on whether this crate is
// for interpretation by Miri, or for use by a build script / proc macro.
if !info_query && target_crate {
// Forward arguments, but remove "link" from "--emit" to make this a check-only build.
let emit_flag = "--emit";
while let Some(arg) = {
if let Some(val) = arg.strip_prefix(emit_flag) {
// Patch this argument. First, extract its value.
let val =
val.strip_prefix('=').expect("`cargo` should pass `--emit=X` as one argument");
let mut val: Vec<_> = val.split(',').collect();
// Now make sure "link" is not in there, but "metadata" is.
if let Some(i) = val.iter().position(|&s| s == "link") {
emit_link_hack = true;
if !val.iter().any(|&s| s == "metadata") {
cmd.arg(format!("{emit_flag}={}", val.join(",")));
} else if arg == "--extern" {
// Patch `--extern` filenames, since Cargo sometimes passes stub `.rlib` files:
forward_patched_extern_arg(&mut args, &mut cmd);
} else {
// During setup, patch the panic runtime for `libpanic_abort` (mirroring what bootstrap usually does).
if phase == RustcPhase::Setup
&& get_arg_flag_value("--crate-name").as_deref() == Some("panic_abort")
} else {
// For host crates (but not when we are just printing some info),
// we might still have to set the sysroot.
if !info_query {
// When we're running `cargo-miri` from `` we need to pass the sysroot explicitly
// due to bootstrap complications.
if let Some(sysroot) = std::env::var_os("MIRI_HOST_SYSROOT") {
// For host crates or when we are printing, just forward everything.
// We want to compile, not interpret. We still use Miri to make sure the compiler version etc
// are the exact same as what is used for interpretation.
// MIRI_DEFAULT_ARGS should not be used to build host crates, hence setting "target" or "host"
// as the value here to help Miri differentiate them.
cmd.env("MIRI_BE_RUSTC", if target_crate { "target" } else { "host" });
// Run it.
if verbose > 0 {
"[cargo-miri rustc] target_crate={target_crate} runnable_crate={runnable_crate} info_query={info_query}"
// Create a stub .rlib file if "link" was requested by cargo.
// This is necessary to prevent cargo from doing rebuilds all the time.
if emit_link_hack {
for filename in out_filenames() {
if verbose > 0 {
eprintln!("[cargo-miri rustc] creating fake lib file at `{}`", filename.display());
File::create(filename).expect("failed to create fake lib file");
debug_cmd("[cargo-miri rustc]", verbose, &cmd);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum RunnerPhase {
/// `cargo` is running a binary
/// `rustdoc` is running a binary
pub fn phase_runner(mut binary_args: impl Iterator<Item = String>, phase: RunnerPhase) {
// phase_cargo_miri set `MIRI_BE_RUSTC` for when build scripts directly invoke the driver;
// however, if we get called back by cargo here, we'll carefully compute the right flags
// ourselves, so we first un-do what the earlier phase did.
let verbose = std::env::var("MIRI_VERBOSE")
.map_or(0, |verbose| verbose.parse().expect("verbosity flag must be an integer"));
let binary =;
let file = File::open(&binary)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| show_error!(
"file {:?} not found or `cargo-miri` invoked incorrectly; please only invoke this binary through `cargo miri`", binary
let file = BufReader::new(file);
let info = serde_json::from_reader(file).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
show_error!("file {:?} contains outdated or invalid JSON; try `cargo clean`", binary)
let info = match info {
CrateRunInfo::RunWith(info) => info,
CrateRunInfo::SkipProcMacroTest => {
"Running unit tests of `proc-macro` crates is not currently supported by Miri."
let mut cmd = miri();
// Set missing env vars. We prefer build-time env vars over run-time ones; see
// <> for the kind of issue that fixes.
for (name, val) in info.env {
// `CARGO_MAKEFLAGS` contains information about how to reach the jobserver, but by the time
// the program is being run, that jobserver no longer exists (cargo only runs the jobserver
// for the build portion of `cargo run`/`cargo test`). Hence we shouldn't forward this.
// Also see <>.
if name == "CARGO_MAKEFLAGS" {
if let Some(old_val) = env::var_os(&name) {
if old_val == val {
// This one did not actually change, no need to re-set it.
// (This keeps the `debug_cmd` below more manageable.)
} else if verbose > 0 {
"[cargo-miri runner] Overwriting run-time env var {name:?}={old_val:?} with build-time value {val:?}"
cmd.env(name, val);
// Forward rustc arguments.
// We need to patch "--extern" filenames because we forced a check-only
// build without cargo knowing about that: replace `.rlib` suffix by
// `.rmeta`.
// We also need to remove `--error-format` as cargo specifies that to be JSON,
// but when we run here, cargo does not interpret the JSON any more. `--json`
// then also needs to be dropped.
let mut args = info.args.into_iter();
let error_format_flag = "--error-format";
let json_flag = "--json";
while let Some(arg) = {
if arg == "--extern" {
forward_patched_extern_arg(&mut args, &mut cmd);
} else if let Some(suffix) = arg.strip_prefix(error_format_flag) {
// Drop this argument.
} else if let Some(suffix) = arg.strip_prefix(json_flag) {
// Drop this argument.
} else {
// Respect `MIRIFLAGS`.
if let Ok(a) = env::var("MIRIFLAGS") {
let args = flagsplit(&a);
// Then pass binary arguments.
// Make sure we use the build-time working directory for interpreting Miri/rustc arguments.
// But then we need to switch to the run-time one, which we instruct Miri to do by setting `MIRI_CWD`.
cmd.env("MIRI_CWD", env::current_dir().unwrap());
// Run it.
debug_cmd("[cargo-miri runner]", verbose, &cmd);
match phase {
RunnerPhase::Rustdoc => exec_with_pipe(cmd, &info.stdin, format!("{binary}.stdin")),
RunnerPhase::Cargo => exec(cmd),
pub fn phase_rustdoc(mut args: impl Iterator<Item = String>) {
let verbose = std::env::var("MIRI_VERBOSE")
.map_or(0, |verbose| verbose.parse().expect("verbosity flag must be an integer"));
// phase_cargo_miri sets the RUSTDOC env var to ourselves, so we can't use that here;
// just default to a straight-forward invocation for now:
let mut cmd = Command::new("rustdoc");
let extern_flag = "--extern";
let runtool_flag = "--runtool";
while let Some(arg) = {
if arg == extern_flag {
// Patch --extern arguments to use *.rmeta files, since phase_cargo_rustc only creates stub *.rlib files.
forward_patched_extern_arg(&mut args, &mut cmd);
} else if arg == runtool_flag {
// An existing --runtool flag indicates cargo is running in cross-target mode, which we don't support.
// Note that this is only passed when cargo is run with the unstable -Zdoctest-xcompile flag;
// otherwise, we won't be called as rustdoc at all.
show_error!("cross-interpreting doctests is not currently supported by Miri.");
} else {
// Doctests of `proc-macro` crates (and their dependencies) are always built for the host,
// so we are not able to run them in Miri.
if get_arg_flag_values("--crate-type").any(|crate_type| crate_type == "proc-macro") {
eprintln!("Running doctests of `proc-macro` crates is not currently supported by Miri.");
// For each doctest, rustdoc starts two child processes: first the test is compiled,
// then the produced executable is invoked. We want to reroute both of these to cargo-miri,
// such that the first time we'll enter phase_cargo_rustc, and phase_cargo_runner second.
// rustdoc invokes the test-builder by forwarding most of its own arguments, which makes
// it difficult to determine when phase_cargo_rustc should run instead of phase_cargo_rustdoc.
// Furthermore, the test code is passed via stdin, rather than a temporary file, so we need
// to let phase_cargo_rustc know to expect that. We'll use this environment variable as a flag:
// The `--test-builder` and `--runtool` arguments are unstable rustdoc features,
// which are disabled by default. We first need to enable them explicitly:
// rustdoc needs to know the right sysroot.
// make sure the 'miri' flag is set for rustdoc
// Make rustdoc call us back.
let cargo_miri_path = std::env::current_exe().expect("current executable path invalid");
cmd.arg("--test-builder").arg(&cargo_miri_path); // invoked by forwarding most arguments
cmd.arg("--runtool").arg(&cargo_miri_path); // invoked with just a single path argument
debug_cmd("[cargo-miri rustdoc]", verbose, &cmd);