blob: c859e8acadebd2f1a4013072e733f706e3ccb12b [file] [log] [blame]
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
use crate::common::{Config, Debugger, Mode};
use crate::header::{parse_normalization_string, EarlyProps, HeadersCache};
fn make_test_description<R: Read>(
config: &Config,
name: test::TestName,
path: &Path,
src: R,
cfg: Option<&str>,
) -> test::TestDesc {
let cache = HeadersCache::load(config);
let mut poisoned = false;
let test =
crate::header::make_test_description(config, &cache, name, path, src, cfg, &mut poisoned);
if poisoned {
fn test_parse_normalization_string() {
let mut s = "normalize-stderr-32bit: \"something (32 bits)\" -> \"something ($WORD bits)\".";
let first = parse_normalization_string(&mut s);
assert_eq!(first, Some("something (32 bits)".to_owned()));
assert_eq!(s, " -> \"something ($WORD bits)\".");
// Nothing to normalize (No quotes)
let mut s = "normalize-stderr-32bit: something (32 bits) -> something ($WORD bits).";
let first = parse_normalization_string(&mut s);
assert_eq!(first, None);
assert_eq!(s, r#"normalize-stderr-32bit: something (32 bits) -> something ($WORD bits)."#);
// Nothing to normalize (Only a single quote)
let mut s = "normalize-stderr-32bit: \"something (32 bits) -> something ($WORD bits).";
let first = parse_normalization_string(&mut s);
assert_eq!(first, None);
assert_eq!(s, "normalize-stderr-32bit: \"something (32 bits) -> something ($WORD bits).");
// Nothing to normalize (Three quotes)
let mut s = "normalize-stderr-32bit: \"something (32 bits)\" -> \"something ($WORD bits).";
let first = parse_normalization_string(&mut s);
assert_eq!(first, Some("something (32 bits)".to_owned()));
assert_eq!(s, " -> \"something ($WORD bits).");
// Nothing to normalize (No quotes, 16-bit)
let mut s = "normalize-stderr-16bit: something (16 bits) -> something ($WORD bits).";
let first = parse_normalization_string(&mut s);
assert_eq!(first, None);
assert_eq!(s, r#"normalize-stderr-16bit: something (16 bits) -> something ($WORD bits)."#);
struct ConfigBuilder {
mode: Option<String>,
channel: Option<String>,
host: Option<String>,
target: Option<String>,
stage_id: Option<String>,
llvm_version: Option<String>,
git_hash: bool,
system_llvm: bool,
profiler_support: bool,
impl ConfigBuilder {
fn mode(&mut self, s: &str) -> &mut Self {
self.mode = Some(s.to_owned());
fn channel(&mut self, s: &str) -> &mut Self { = Some(s.to_owned());
fn host(&mut self, s: &str) -> &mut Self { = Some(s.to_owned());
fn target(&mut self, s: &str) -> &mut Self { = Some(s.to_owned());
fn stage_id(&mut self, s: &str) -> &mut Self {
self.stage_id = Some(s.to_owned());
fn llvm_version(&mut self, s: &str) -> &mut Self {
self.llvm_version = Some(s.to_owned());
fn git_hash(&mut self, b: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.git_hash = b;
fn system_llvm(&mut self, s: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.system_llvm = s;
fn profiler_support(&mut self, s: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.profiler_support = s;
fn build(&mut self) -> Config {
let args = &[
let mut args: Vec<String> = args.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect();
if let Some(ref llvm_version) = self.llvm_version {
if self.git_hash {
if self.system_llvm {
if self.profiler_support {
// This is a subtle/fragile thing. On rust-lang CI, there is no global
// `rustc`, and Cargo doesn't offer a convenient way to get the path to
// `rustc`. Fortunately bootstrap sets `RUSTC` for us, which is pointing
// to the stage0 compiler.
// Otherwise, if you are running compiletests's tests manually, you
// probably don't have `RUSTC` set, in which case this falls back to the
// global rustc. If your global rustc is too far out of sync with stage0,
// then this may cause confusing errors. Or if for some reason you don't
// have rustc in PATH, that would also fail.
args.push(std::env::var("RUSTC").unwrap_or_else(|_| {
"warning: RUSTC not set, using global rustc (are you not running via bootstrap?)"
fn cfg() -> ConfigBuilder {
fn parse_rs(config: &Config, contents: &str) -> EarlyProps {
let bytes = contents.as_bytes();
EarlyProps::from_reader(config, Path::new(""), bytes)
fn check_ignore(config: &Config, contents: &str) -> bool {
let tn = test::DynTestName(String::new());
let p = Path::new("");
let d = make_test_description(&config, tn, p, std::io::Cursor::new(contents), None);
fn parse_makefile(config: &Config, contents: &str) -> EarlyProps {
let bytes = contents.as_bytes();
EarlyProps::from_reader(config, Path::new("Makefile"), bytes)
fn should_fail() {
let config: Config = cfg().build();
let tn = test::DynTestName(String::new());
let p = Path::new("");
let d = make_test_description(&config, tn.clone(), p, std::io::Cursor::new(""), None);
assert_eq!(d.should_panic, test::ShouldPanic::No);
let d = make_test_description(&config, tn, p, std::io::Cursor::new("// should-fail"), None);
assert_eq!(d.should_panic, test::ShouldPanic::Yes);
fn revisions() {
let config: Config = cfg().build();
assert_eq!(parse_rs(&config, "// revisions: a b c").revisions, vec!["a", "b", "c"],);
parse_makefile(&config, "# revisions: hello there").revisions,
vec!["hello", "there"],
fn aux_build() {
let config: Config = cfg().build();
// aux-build:
// aux-build:
vec!["", ""],
fn llvm_version() {
let config: Config = cfg().llvm_version("8.1.2").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// min-llvm-version: 9.0"));
let config: Config = cfg().llvm_version("9.0.1").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// min-llvm-version: 9.2"));
let config: Config = cfg().llvm_version("9.3.1").build();
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// min-llvm-version: 9.2"));
let config: Config = cfg().llvm_version("10.0.0").build();
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// min-llvm-version: 9.0"));
fn system_llvm_version() {
let config: Config = cfg().system_llvm(true).llvm_version("17.0.0").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// min-system-llvm-version: 18.0"));
let config: Config = cfg().system_llvm(true).llvm_version("18.0.0").build();
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// min-system-llvm-version: 18.0"));
let config: Config = cfg().llvm_version("17.0.0").build();
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// min-system-llvm-version: 18.0"));
fn ignore_target() {
let config: Config = cfg().target("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-x86_64"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-linux"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-gnu"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-64bit"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-x86"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-windows"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-msvc"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-32bit"));
fn only_target() {
let config: Config = cfg().target("x86_64-pc-windows-gnu").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// only-x86"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// only-linux"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// only-msvc"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// only-32bit"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// only-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// only-x86_64"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// only-windows"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// only-gnu"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// only-64bit"));
fn stage() {
let config: Config = cfg().stage_id("stage1-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-stage1"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-stage2"));
fn cross_compile() {
let config: Config = cfg().host("x86_64-apple-darwin").target("wasm32-unknown-unknown").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-cross-compile"));
let config: Config = cfg().host("x86_64-apple-darwin").target("x86_64-apple-darwin").build();
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-cross-compile"));
fn debugger() {
let mut config = cfg().build();
config.debugger = None;
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-cdb"));
config.debugger = Some(Debugger::Cdb);
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-cdb"));
config.debugger = Some(Debugger::Gdb);
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-gdb"));
config.debugger = Some(Debugger::Lldb);
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-lldb"));
fn git_hash() {
let config: Config = cfg().git_hash(false).build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// needs-git-hash"));
let config: Config = cfg().git_hash(true).build();
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// needs-git-hash"));
fn sanitizers() {
// Target that supports all sanitizers:
let config: Config = cfg().target("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu").build();
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// needs-sanitizer-address"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// needs-sanitizer-leak"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// needs-sanitizer-memory"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// needs-sanitizer-thread"));
// Target that doesn't support sanitizers:
let config: Config = cfg().target("wasm32-unknown-emscripten").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// needs-sanitizer-address"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// needs-sanitizer-leak"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// needs-sanitizer-memory"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// needs-sanitizer-thread"));
fn profiler_support() {
let config: Config = cfg().profiler_support(false).build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// needs-profiler-support"));
let config: Config = cfg().profiler_support(true).build();
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// needs-profiler-support"));
fn asm_support() {
let asms = [
("avr-unknown-gnu-atmega328", false),
("i686-unknown-netbsd", true),
("riscv32gc-unknown-linux-gnu", true),
("riscv64imac-unknown-none-elf", true),
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", true),
("i686-unknown-netbsd", true),
for (target, has_asm) in asms {
let config = cfg().target(target).build();
assert_eq!(config.has_asm_support(), has_asm);
assert_eq!(check_ignore(&config, "// needs-asm-support"), !has_asm)
fn channel() {
let config: Config = cfg().channel("beta").build();
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-beta"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// only-nightly"));
assert!(check_ignore(&config, "// only-stable"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// only-beta"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-nightly"));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-stable"));
fn test_extract_version_range() {
use super::{extract_llvm_version, extract_version_range};
assert_eq!(extract_version_range("1.2.3 - 4.5.6", extract_llvm_version), Some((10203, 40506)));
assert_eq!(extract_version_range("0 - 4.5.6", extract_llvm_version), Some((0, 40506)));
assert_eq!(extract_version_range("1.2.3 -", extract_llvm_version), None);
assert_eq!(extract_version_range("1.2.3 - ", extract_llvm_version), None);
assert_eq!(extract_version_range("- 4.5.6", extract_llvm_version), None);
assert_eq!(extract_version_range("-", extract_llvm_version), None);
assert_eq!(extract_version_range(" - 4.5.6", extract_llvm_version), None);
assert_eq!(extract_version_range(" - 4.5.6", extract_llvm_version), None);
assert_eq!(extract_version_range("0 -", extract_llvm_version), None);
#[should_panic(expected = "Duplicate revision: `rpass1` in line ` rpass1 rpass1`")]
fn test_duplicate_revisions() {
let config: Config = cfg().build();
parse_rs(&config, "// revisions: rpass1 rpass1");
fn ignore_arch() {
let archs = [
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64"),
("i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86"),
("nvptx64-nvidia-cuda", "nvptx64"),
("thumbv7m-none-eabi", "thumb"),
for (target, arch) in archs {
let config: Config = cfg().target(target).build();
assert!(config.matches_arch(arch), "{target} {arch}");
assert!(check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-{arch}")));
fn matches_os() {
let oss = [
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "linux"),
("x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx", "unknown"),
("wasm32-unknown-unknown", "unknown"),
("x86_64-unknown-none", "none"),
for (target, os) in oss {
let config = cfg().target(target).build();
assert!(config.matches_os(os), "{target} {os}");
assert!(check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-{os}")));
fn matches_env() {
let envs = [
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "gnu"),
("x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx", "sgx"),
("arm-unknown-linux-musleabi", "musl"),
for (target, env) in envs {
let config: Config = cfg().target(target).build();
assert!(config.matches_env(env), "{target} {env}");
assert!(check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-{env}")));
fn matches_abi() {
let abis = [
("aarch64-apple-ios-macabi", "macabi"),
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnux32", "x32"),
("arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "eabi"),
for (target, abi) in abis {
let config: Config = cfg().target(target).build();
assert!(config.matches_abi(abi), "{target} {abi}");
assert!(check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-{abi}")));
fn is_big_endian() {
let endians = [
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", false),
("bpfeb-unknown-none", true),
("m68k-unknown-linux-gnu", true),
("aarch64_be-unknown-linux-gnu", true),
("powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu", true),
for (target, is_big) in endians {
let config = cfg().target(target).build();
assert_eq!(config.is_big_endian(), is_big, "{target} {is_big}");
assert_eq!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-endian-big"), is_big);
fn pointer_width() {
let widths = [
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", 64),
("i686-unknown-linux-gnu", 32),
("arm64_32-apple-watchos", 32),
("msp430-none-elf", 16),
for (target, width) in widths {
let config: Config = cfg().target(target).build();
assert_eq!(config.get_pointer_width(), width, "{target} {width}");
assert_eq!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-16bit"), width == 16);
assert_eq!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-32bit"), width == 32);
assert_eq!(check_ignore(&config, "// ignore-64bit"), width == 64);
fn wasm_special() {
let ignores = [
("wasm32-unknown-unknown", "emscripten", true),
("wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm32", true),
("wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm32-bare", true),
("wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm64", false),
("wasm32-unknown-emscripten", "emscripten", true),
("wasm32-unknown-emscripten", "wasm32", true),
("wasm32-unknown-emscripten", "wasm32-bare", false),
("wasm32-wasi", "emscripten", false),
("wasm32-wasi", "wasm32", true),
("wasm32-wasi", "wasm32-bare", false),
("wasm32-wasi", "wasi", true),
("wasm64-unknown-unknown", "emscripten", false),
("wasm64-unknown-unknown", "wasm32", false),
("wasm64-unknown-unknown", "wasm32-bare", false),
("wasm64-unknown-unknown", "wasm64", true),
for (target, pattern, ignore) in ignores {
let config: Config = cfg().target(target).build();
check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-{pattern}")),
"{target} {pattern}"
fn families() {
let families = [
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "unix"),
("x86_64-pc-windows-gnu", "windows"),
("wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm"),
("wasm32-unknown-emscripten", "wasm"),
("wasm32-unknown-emscripten", "unix"),
for (target, family) in families {
let config: Config = cfg().target(target).build();
let other = if family == "windows" { "unix" } else { "windows" };
assert!(check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-{family}")));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-{other}")));
fn ignore_mode() {
for &mode in Mode::STR_VARIANTS {
// Indicate profiler support so that "coverage-run" tests aren't skipped.
let config: Config = cfg().mode(mode).profiler_support(true).build();
let other = if mode == "coverage-run" { "coverage-map" } else { "coverage-run" };
assert_ne!(mode, other);
assert_eq!(config.mode, Mode::from_str(mode).unwrap());
assert_ne!(config.mode, Mode::from_str(other).unwrap());
assert!(check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-mode-{mode}")));
assert!(!check_ignore(&config, &format!("// ignore-mode-{other}")));