blob: 624597ffca949d403b998ec45052f80ff901b4a4 [file] [log] [blame]
use clippy_config::msrvs::{self, Msrv};
use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_then;
use clippy_utils::source::snippet_with_applicability;
use clippy_utils::ty::{is_copy, is_type_diagnostic_item};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_errors::Applicability;
use rustc_hir::def::Res;
use rustc_hir::intravisit::{walk_path, Visitor};
use rustc_hir::{ExprKind, HirId, Node, PatKind, Path, QPath};
use rustc_lint::LateContext;
use rustc_middle::hir::nested_filter;
use rustc_span::{sym, Span};
use super::MAP_UNWRAP_OR;
/// lint use of `map().unwrap_or()` for `Option`s
pub(super) fn check<'tcx>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
expr: &rustc_hir::Expr<'_>,
recv: &rustc_hir::Expr<'_>,
map_arg: &'tcx rustc_hir::Expr<'_>,
unwrap_recv: &rustc_hir::Expr<'_>,
unwrap_arg: &'tcx rustc_hir::Expr<'_>,
map_span: Span,
msrv: &Msrv,
) {
// lint if the caller of `map()` is an `Option`
if is_type_diagnostic_item(cx, cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(recv), sym::Option) {
if !is_copy(cx, cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(unwrap_arg)) {
// Replacing `.map(<f>).unwrap_or(<a>)` with `.map_or(<a>, <f>)` can sometimes lead to
// borrowck errors, see #10579 for one such instance.
// In particular, if `a` causes a move and `f` references that moved binding, then we cannot lint:
// ```
// let x = vec![1, 2];
// x.get(0..1).map(|s| s.to_vec()).unwrap_or(x);
// ```
// This compiles, but changing it to `map_or` will produce a compile error:
// ```
// let x = vec![1, 2];
// x.get(0..1).map_or(x, |s| s.to_vec())
// ^ moving `x` here
// ^^^^^^^^^^^ while it is borrowed here (and later used in the closure)
// ```
// So, we have to check that `a` is not referenced anywhere (even outside of the `.map` closure!)
// before the call to `unwrap_or`.
let mut unwrap_visitor = UnwrapVisitor {
identifiers: FxHashSet::default(),
let mut reference_visitor = ReferenceVisitor {
identifiers: unwrap_visitor.identifiers,
found_reference: false,
unwrap_or_span: unwrap_arg.span,
let map = cx.tcx.hir();
let body = map.body(map.body_owned_by(map.enclosing_body_owner(expr.hir_id)));
if reference_visitor.found_reference {
if !unwrap_arg.span.eq_ctxt(map_span) {
// is_some_and is stabilised && `unwrap_or` argument is false; suggest `is_some_and` instead
let suggest_is_some_and = msrv.meets(msrvs::OPTION_RESULT_IS_VARIANT_AND)
&& matches!(&unwrap_arg.kind, ExprKind::Lit(lit)
if matches!(lit.node, rustc_ast::LitKind::Bool(false)));
let mut applicability = Applicability::MachineApplicable;
// get snippet for unwrap_or()
let unwrap_snippet = snippet_with_applicability(cx, unwrap_arg.span, "..", &mut applicability);
// lint message
// comparing the snippet from source to raw text ("None") below is safe
// because we already have checked the type.
let arg = if unwrap_snippet == "None" {
} else if suggest_is_some_and {
} else {
let unwrap_snippet_none = unwrap_snippet == "None";
let suggest = if unwrap_snippet_none {
} else if suggest_is_some_and {
} else {
"map_or(<a>, <f>)"
let msg = &format!("called `map(<f>).unwrap_or({arg})` on an `Option` value");
span_lint_and_then(cx, MAP_UNWRAP_OR, expr.span, msg, |diag| {
let map_arg_span = map_arg.span;
let mut suggestion = vec![
String::from(if unwrap_snippet_none {
} else if suggest_is_some_and {
} else {
(expr.span.with_lo(unwrap_recv.span.hi()), String::new()),
if !unwrap_snippet_none && !suggest_is_some_and {
suggestion.push((map_arg_span.with_hi(map_arg_span.lo()), format!("{unwrap_snippet}, ")));
diag.multipart_suggestion(format!("use `{suggest}` instead"), suggestion, applicability);
struct UnwrapVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
cx: &'a LateContext<'tcx>,
identifiers: FxHashSet<HirId>,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for UnwrapVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::All;
fn visit_path(&mut self, path: &Path<'tcx>, _: HirId) {
if let Res::Local(local_id) = path.res
&& let Some(Node::Pat(pat)) =
&& let PatKind::Binding(_, local_id, ..) = pat.kind
walk_path(self, path);
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
struct ReferenceVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
cx: &'a LateContext<'tcx>,
identifiers: FxHashSet<HirId>,
found_reference: bool,
unwrap_or_span: Span,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for ReferenceVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::All;
fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'tcx rustc_hir::Expr<'_>) {
// If we haven't found a reference yet, check if this references
// one of the locals that was moved in the `unwrap_or` argument.
// We are only interested in exprs that appear before the `unwrap_or` call.
if !self.found_reference {
if expr.span < self.unwrap_or_span
&& let ExprKind::Path(ref path) = expr.kind
&& let QPath::Resolved(_, path) = path
&& let Res::Local(local_id) = path.res
&& let Some(Node::Pat(pat)) =
&& let PatKind::Binding(_, local_id, ..) = pat.kind
&& self.identifiers.contains(&local_id)
self.found_reference = true;
rustc_hir::intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr);
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {