blob: 9f84321ced4ae6bcf61d22a9cc931eb0d886065a [file] [log] [blame]
use clippy_utils::ty::get_iterator_item_ty;
use hir::ExprKind;
use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LintContext};
use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_sugg;
use clippy_utils::source::{indent_of, reindent_multiline};
use clippy_utils::{get_parent_expr, is_trait_method, peel_blocks, span_contains_comment};
use rustc_errors::Applicability;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::QPath;
use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Ident, Symbol};
use rustc_span::Span;
use std::borrow::Cow;
/// Returns true if the expression is a method call to `method_name`
/// e.g. `a.method_name()` or `Option::method_name`.
/// The type-checker verifies for us that the method accepts the right kind of items
/// (e.g. `Option::is_some` accepts `Option<_>`), so we don't need to check that.
/// How to capture each case:
/// `.filter(|a| { std::option::Option::is_some(a) })`
/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <- this is a closure, getting unwrapped and
/// recursively checked.
/// `std::option::Option::is_some(a)`
/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <- this is a call. It unwraps to a path with
/// `QPath::TypeRelative`. Since this is a type relative path, we need to check the method name, the
/// type, and that the parameter of the closure is passed in the call. This part is the dual of
/// `receiver.method_name()` below.
/// `filter(std::option::Option::is_some);`
/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <- this is a type relative path, like above, we check the
/// type and the method name.
/// `filter(|a| a.is_some());`
/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <- this is a method call inside a closure,
/// we check that the parameter of the closure is the receiver of the method call and don't allow
/// any other parameters.
fn is_method(
cx: &LateContext<'_>,
expr: &hir::Expr<'_>,
type_symbol: Symbol,
method_name: Symbol,
params: &[&hir::Pat<'_>],
) -> bool {
fn pat_is_recv(ident: Ident, param: &hir::Pat<'_>) -> bool {
match param.kind {
hir::PatKind::Binding(_, _, other, _) => ident == other,
hir::PatKind::Ref(pat, _) => pat_is_recv(ident, pat),
_ => false,
match expr.kind {
hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(hir::PathSegment { ident, .. }, recv, ..) => {
// compare the identifier of the receiver to the parameter
// we are in a filter => closure has a single parameter and a single, non-block
// expression, this means that the parameter shadows all outside variables with
// the same name => avoid FPs. If the parameter is not the receiver, then this hits
// outside variables => avoid FP
if == method_name
&& let ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(None, path)) = recv.kind
&& let &[seg] = path.segments
&& params.iter().any(|p| pat_is_recv(seg.ident, p))
return true;
// This is used to check for complete paths via `|a| std::option::Option::is_some(a)`
// this then unwraps to a path with `QPath::TypeRelative`
// we pass the params as they've been passed to the current call through the closure
hir::ExprKind::Call(expr, [param]) => {
// this will hit the `QPath::TypeRelative` case and check that the method name is correct
if is_method(cx, expr, type_symbol, method_name, params)
// we then check that this is indeed passing the parameter of the closure
&& let ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(None, path)) = param.kind
&& let &[seg] = path.segments
&& params.iter().any(|p| pat_is_recv(seg.ident, p))
return true;
hir::ExprKind::Path(QPath::TypeRelative(ty, mname)) => {
let ty = cx.typeck_results().node_type(ty.hir_id);
if let Some(did) = cx.tcx.get_diagnostic_item(type_symbol)
&& ty.ty_adt_def() == cx.tcx.type_of(did).skip_binder().ty_adt_def()
return == method_name;
hir::ExprKind::Closure(&hir::Closure { body, .. }) => {
let body = cx.tcx.hir().body(body);
let closure_expr = peel_blocks(body.value);
let params = body.params.iter().map(|param| param.pat).collect::<Vec<_>>();
is_method(cx, closure_expr, type_symbol, method_name, params.as_slice())
_ => false,
fn parent_is_map(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> bool {
if let Some(expr) = get_parent_expr(cx, expr)
&& is_trait_method(cx, expr, sym::Iterator)
&& let hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(path, _, _, _) = expr.kind
&& == rustc_span::sym::map
return true;
enum FilterType {
/// Returns the `FilterType` of the expression if it is a filter over an Iter<Option> or
/// Iter<Result> with the parent expression not being a map, and not having a comment in the span of
/// the filter. If it is not a filter over an Iter<Option> or Iter<Result> then it returns None
/// How this is done:
/// 1. we know that this is invoked in a method call with `filter` as the method name via ``
/// 2. we check that we are in a trait method. Therefore we are in an
/// `(x as Iterator).filter({filter_arg})` method call.
/// 3. we check that the parent expression is not a map. This is because we don't want to lint
/// twice, and we already have a specialized lint for that.
/// 4. we check that the span of the filter does not contain a comment.
/// 5. we get the type of the `Item` in the `Iterator`, and compare against the type of Option and
/// Result.
/// 6. we finally check the contents of the filter argument to see if it is a call to `is_some` or
/// `is_ok`.
/// 7. if all of the above are true, then we return the `FilterType`
fn expression_type(
cx: &LateContext<'_>,
expr: &hir::Expr<'_>,
filter_arg: &hir::Expr<'_>,
filter_span: Span,
) -> Option<FilterType> {
if !is_trait_method(cx, expr, sym::Iterator)
|| parent_is_map(cx, expr)
|| span_contains_comment(cx.sess().source_map(), filter_span.with_hi(expr.span.hi()))
return None;
if let hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(_, receiver, _, _) = expr.kind
&& let receiver_ty = cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(receiver)
&& let Some(iter_item_ty) = get_iterator_item_ty(cx, receiver_ty)
if let Some(opt_defid) = cx.tcx.get_diagnostic_item(sym::Option)
&& let opt_ty = cx.tcx.type_of(opt_defid).skip_binder()
&& iter_item_ty.ty_adt_def() == opt_ty.ty_adt_def()
&& is_method(cx, filter_arg, sym::Option, sym!(is_some), &[])
return Some(FilterType::IsSome);
if let Some(opt_defid) = cx.tcx.get_diagnostic_item(sym::Result)
&& let opt_ty = cx.tcx.type_of(opt_defid).skip_binder()
&& iter_item_ty.ty_adt_def() == opt_ty.ty_adt_def()
&& is_method(cx, filter_arg, sym::Result, sym!(is_ok), &[])
return Some(FilterType::IsOk);
pub(super) fn check(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>, filter_arg: &hir::Expr<'_>, filter_span: Span) {
// we are in a filter inside an iterator
match expression_type(cx, expr, filter_arg, filter_span) {
None => (),
Some(FilterType::IsOk) => span_lint_and_sugg(
"`filter` for `is_ok` on iterator over `Result`s",
"consider using `flatten` instead",
reindent_multiline(Cow::Borrowed("flatten()"), true, indent_of(cx, filter_span)).into_owned(),
Some(FilterType::IsSome) => span_lint_and_sugg(
"`filter` for `is_some` on iterator over `Option`",
"consider using `flatten` instead",
reindent_multiline(Cow::Borrowed("flatten()"), true, indent_of(cx, filter_span)).into_owned(),