blob: 2e4e48e2b8767a2196efb559c0532ab24ba7ae43 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Tests for the `cargo rustdoc` command.
use cargo_test_support::{basic_manifest, cross_compile, project};
fn rustdoc_simple() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc -v")
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
[RUNNING] `rustdoc [..]--crate-name foo src/ [..]\
-o [CWD]/target/doc \
[..] \
-L dependency=[CWD]/target/debug/deps [..]`
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
[GENERATED] [CWD]/target/doc/foo/index.html
fn rustdoc_simple_html() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc --output-format html --open -v")
error: the `--output-format` flag is unstable, and only available on the nightly channel of Cargo, but this is the `stable` channel
See for more information about the `--output-format` flag.
#[cargo_test(nightly, reason = "--output-format is unstable")]
fn rustdoc_simple_json() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc -Z unstable-options --output-format json -v")
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
[RUNNING] `rustdoc [..]--crate-name foo [..]-o [CWD]/target/doc [..]--output-format=json[..]
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
[GENERATED] [CWD]/target/doc/foo.json
fn rustdoc_invalid_output_format() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc -Z unstable-options --output-format pdf -v")
error: invalid value 'pdf' for '--output-format <FMT>'
[possible values: html, json]
For more information, try '--help'.
fn rustdoc_json_stable() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc -Z unstable-options --output-format json -v")
error: the `-Z` flag is only accepted on the nightly channel of Cargo, but this is the `stable` channel
fn rustdoc_json_without_unstable_options() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc --output-format json -v")
error: the `--output-format` flag is unstable, pass `-Z unstable-options` to enable it
fn rustdoc_args() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc -v -- --cfg=foo")
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
[RUNNING] `rustdoc [..]--crate-name foo src/ [..]\
-o [CWD]/target/doc \
[..] \
--cfg=foo \
-C metadata=[..] \
-L dependency=[CWD]/target/debug/deps [..]`
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
[GENERATED] [CWD]/target/doc/foo/index.html
fn rustdoc_binary_args_passed() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc -v")
.with_stderr_contains("[RUNNING] `rustdoc [..] --markdown-no-toc[..]`")
fn rustdoc_foo_with_bar_dependency() {
let foo = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = []
path = "../bar"
.file("src/", "extern crate bar; pub fn foo() {}")
let _bar = project()
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.0.1"))
.file("src/", "pub fn baz() {}")
foo.cargo("rustdoc -v -- --cfg=foo")
[CHECKING] bar v0.0.1 ([..])
[RUNNING] `rustc [..]bar/src/ [..]`
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
[RUNNING] `rustdoc [..]--crate-name foo src/ [..]\
-o [CWD]/target/doc \
[..] \
--cfg=foo \
-C metadata=[..] \
-L dependency=[CWD]/target/debug/deps \
--extern [..]`
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
[GENERATED] [CWD]/target/doc/foo/index.html
fn rustdoc_only_bar_dependency() {
let foo = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = []
path = "../bar"
.file("src/", "extern crate bar; fn main() { bar::baz() }")
let _bar = project()
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.0.1"))
.file("src/", "pub fn baz() {}")
foo.cargo("rustdoc -v -p bar -- --cfg=foo")
[DOCUMENTING] bar v0.0.1 ([..])
[RUNNING] `rustdoc [..]--crate-name bar [..]bar/src/ [..]\
-o [CWD]/target/doc \
[..] \
--cfg=foo \
-C metadata=[..] \
-L dependency=[CWD]/target/debug/deps [..]`
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
[GENERATED] [CWD]/target/doc/bar/index.html
fn rustdoc_same_name_documents_lib() {
let p = project()
.file("src/", "fn main() {}")
.file("src/", r#" "#)
p.cargo("rustdoc -v -- --cfg=foo")
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
[RUNNING] `rustdoc [..]--crate-name foo src/ [..]\
-o [CWD]/target/doc \
[..] \
--cfg=foo \
-C metadata=[..] \
-L dependency=[CWD]/target/debug/deps [..]`
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
[GENERATED] [CWD]/target/doc/foo/index.html
fn features() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = []
quux = []
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("rustdoc --verbose --features quux")
fn proc_macro_crate_type() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = []
proc-macro = true
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("rustdoc --verbose")
[RUNNING] `rustdoc --crate-type proc-macro [..]`
fn rustdoc_target() {
if cross_compile::disabled() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("rustdoc --verbose --target")
[DOCUMENTING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
[RUNNING] `rustdoc [..]--crate-name foo src/ [..]\
--target {target} \
-o [CWD]/target/{target}/doc \
[..] \
-L dependency=[CWD]/target/{target}/debug/deps \
-L dependency=[CWD]/target/debug/deps[..]`
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
[GENERATED] [CWD]/target/[..]/doc/foo/index.html",
target = cross_compile::alternate()
fn fail_with_glob() {
let p = project()
members = ["bar"]
.file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0"))
.file("bar/src/", "pub fn bar() { break_the_build(); }")
p.cargo("rustdoc -p '*z'")
.with_stderr("[ERROR] Glob patterns on package selection are not supported.")