blob: fbbdbc21265958ef7a10d099243888380785b592 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The Windows command line is just a string
//! <>
//! This module implements the parsing necessary to turn that string into a list of arguments.
mod tests;
use super::os::current_exe;
use crate::ffi::OsString;
use crate::fmt;
use crate::io;
use crate::num::NonZeroU16;
use crate::os::windows::prelude::*;
use crate::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use crate::sys::path::get_long_path;
use crate::sys::process::ensure_no_nuls;
use crate::sys::{c, to_u16s};
use crate::sys_common::wstr::WStrUnits;
use crate::vec;
use crate::iter;
/// This is the const equivalent to `NonZeroU16::new(n).unwrap()`
/// FIXME: This can be removed once `Option::unwrap` is stably const.
/// See the `const_option` feature (#67441).
const fn non_zero_u16(n: u16) -> NonZeroU16 {
match NonZeroU16::new(n) {
Some(n) => n,
None => panic!("called `unwrap` on a `None` value"),
pub fn args() -> Args {
// SAFETY: `GetCommandLineW` returns a pointer to a null terminated UTF-16
// string so it's safe for `WStrUnits` to use.
unsafe {
let lp_cmd_line = c::GetCommandLineW();
let parsed_args_list = parse_lp_cmd_line(WStrUnits::new(lp_cmd_line), || {
current_exe().map(PathBuf::into_os_string).unwrap_or_else(|_| OsString::new())
Args { parsed_args_list: parsed_args_list.into_iter() }
/// Implements the Windows command-line argument parsing algorithm.
/// Microsoft's documentation for the Windows CLI argument format can be found at
/// <>
/// A more in-depth explanation is here:
/// <>
/// Windows includes a function to do command line parsing in shell32.dll.
/// However, this is not used for two reasons:
/// 1. Linking with that DLL causes the process to be registered as a GUI application.
/// GUI applications add a bunch of overhead, even if no windows are drawn. See
/// <>.
/// 2. It does not follow the modern C/C++ argv rules outlined in the first two links above.
/// This function was tested for equivalence to the C/C++ parsing rules using an
/// extensive test suite available at
/// <>.
fn parse_lp_cmd_line<'a, F: Fn() -> OsString>(
lp_cmd_line: Option<WStrUnits<'a>>,
exe_name: F,
) -> Vec<OsString> {
const BACKSLASH: NonZeroU16 = non_zero_u16(b'\\' as u16);
const QUOTE: NonZeroU16 = non_zero_u16(b'"' as u16);
const TAB: NonZeroU16 = non_zero_u16(b'\t' as u16);
const SPACE: NonZeroU16 = non_zero_u16(b' ' as u16);
let mut ret_val = Vec::new();
// If the cmd line pointer is null or it points to an empty string then
// return the name of the executable as argv[0].
if lp_cmd_line.as_ref().and_then(|cmd| cmd.peek()).is_none() {
return ret_val;
let mut code_units = lp_cmd_line.unwrap();
// The executable name at the beginning is special.
let mut in_quotes = false;
let mut cur = Vec::new();
for w in &mut code_units {
match w {
// A quote mark always toggles `in_quotes` no matter what because
// there are no escape characters when parsing the executable name.
QUOTE => in_quotes = !in_quotes,
// If not `in_quotes` then whitespace ends argv[0].
SPACE | TAB if !in_quotes => break,
// In all other cases the code unit is taken literally.
_ => cur.push(w.get()),
// Skip whitespace.
code_units.advance_while(|w| w == SPACE || w == TAB);
// Parse the arguments according to these rules:
// * All code units are taken literally except space, tab, quote and backslash.
// * When not `in_quotes`, space and tab separate arguments. Consecutive spaces and tabs are
// treated as a single separator.
// * A space or tab `in_quotes` is taken literally.
// * A quote toggles `in_quotes` mode unless it's escaped. An escaped quote is taken literally.
// * A quote can be escaped if preceded by an odd number of backslashes.
// * If any number of backslashes is immediately followed by a quote then the number of
// backslashes is halved (rounding down).
// * Backslashes not followed by a quote are all taken literally.
// * If `in_quotes` then a quote can also be escaped using another quote
// (i.e. two consecutive quotes become one literal quote).
let mut cur = Vec::new();
let mut in_quotes = false;
while let Some(w) = {
match w {
// If not `in_quotes`, a space or tab ends the argument.
SPACE | TAB if !in_quotes => {
// Skip whitespace.
code_units.advance_while(|w| w == SPACE || w == TAB);
// Backslashes can escape quotes or backslashes but only if consecutive backslashes are followed by a quote.
let backslash_count = code_units.advance_while(|w| w == BACKSLASH) + 1;
if code_units.peek() == Some(QUOTE) {
cur.extend(iter::repeat(BACKSLASH.get()).take(backslash_count / 2));
// The quote is escaped if there are an odd number of backslashes.
if backslash_count % 2 == 1 {;
} else {
// If there is no quote on the end then there is no escaping.
// If `in_quotes` and not backslash escaped (see above) then a quote either
// unsets `in_quote` or is escaped by another quote.
QUOTE if in_quotes => match code_units.peek() {
// Two consecutive quotes when `in_quotes` produces one literal quote.
Some(QUOTE) => {
// Otherwise set `in_quotes`.
Some(_) => in_quotes = false,
// The end of the command line.
// Push `cur` even if empty, which we do by breaking while `in_quotes` is still set.
None => break,
// If not `in_quotes` and not BACKSLASH escaped (see above) then a quote sets `in_quote`.
QUOTE => in_quotes = true,
// Everything else is always taken literally.
_ => cur.push(w.get()),
// Push the final argument, if any.
if !cur.is_empty() || in_quotes {
pub struct Args {
parsed_args_list: vec::IntoIter<OsString>,
impl fmt::Debug for Args {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl Iterator for Args {
type Item = OsString;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<OsString> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl DoubleEndedIterator for Args {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<OsString> {
impl ExactSizeIterator for Args {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub(crate) enum Arg {
/// Add quotes (if needed)
/// Append raw string without quoting
enum Quote {
// Every arg is quoted
// Whitespace and empty args are quoted
// Arg appended without any changes (#29494)
pub(crate) fn append_arg(cmd: &mut Vec<u16>, arg: &Arg, force_quotes: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
let (arg, quote) = match arg {
Arg::Regular(arg) => (arg, if force_quotes { Quote::Always } else { Quote::Auto }),
Arg::Raw(arg) => (arg, Quote::Never),
// If an argument has 0 characters then we need to quote it to ensure
// that it actually gets passed through on the command line or otherwise
// it will be dropped entirely when parsed on the other end.
let arg_bytes = arg.as_encoded_bytes();
let (quote, escape) = match quote {
Quote::Always => (true, true),
Quote::Auto => {
(arg_bytes.iter().any(|c| *c == b' ' || *c == b'\t') || arg_bytes.is_empty(), true)
Quote::Never => (false, false),
if quote {
cmd.push('"' as u16);
let mut backslashes: usize = 0;
for x in arg.encode_wide() {
if escape {
if x == '\\' as u16 {
backslashes += 1;
} else {
if x == '"' as u16 {
// Add n+1 backslashes to total 2n+1 before internal '"'.
cmd.extend((0..=backslashes).map(|_| '\\' as u16));
backslashes = 0;
if quote {
// Add n backslashes to total 2n before ending '"'.
cmd.extend((0..backslashes).map(|_| '\\' as u16));
cmd.push('"' as u16);
pub(crate) fn make_bat_command_line(
script: &[u16],
args: &[Arg],
force_quotes: bool,
) -> io::Result<Vec<u16>> {
// Set the start of the command line to `cmd.exe /c "`
// It is necessary to surround the command in an extra pair of quotes,
// hence the trailing quote here. It will be closed after all arguments
// have been added.
let mut cmd: Vec<u16> = "cmd.exe /d /c \"".encode_utf16().collect();
// Push the script name surrounded by its quote pair.
cmd.push(b'"' as u16);
// Windows file names cannot contain a `"` character or end with `\\`.
// If the script name does then return an error.
if script.contains(&(b'"' as u16)) || script.last() == Some(&(b'\\' as u16)) {
return Err(io::const_io_error!(
"Windows file names may not contain `\"` or end with `\\`"
cmd.push(b'"' as u16);
// Append the arguments.
// FIXME: This needs tests to ensure that the arguments are properly
// reconstructed by the batch script by default.
for arg in args {
cmd.push(' ' as u16);
// Make sure to always quote special command prompt characters, including:
// * Characters `cmd /?` says require quotes.
// * `%` for environment variables, as in `%TMP%`.
// * `|<>` pipe/redirect characters.
const SPECIAL: &[u8] = b"\t &()[]{}^=;!'+,`~%|<>";
let force_quotes = match arg {
Arg::Regular(arg) if !force_quotes => {
arg.as_encoded_bytes().iter().any(|c| SPECIAL.contains(c))
_ => force_quotes,
append_arg(&mut cmd, arg, force_quotes)?;
// Close the quote we left opened earlier.
cmd.push(b'"' as u16);
/// Takes a path and tries to return a non-verbatim path.
/// This is necessary because cmd.exe does not support verbatim paths.
pub(crate) fn to_user_path(path: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<u16>> {
pub(crate) fn from_wide_to_user_path(mut path: Vec<u16>) -> io::Result<Vec<u16>> {
use super::fill_utf16_buf;
use crate::ptr;
// UTF-16 encoded code points, used in parsing and building UTF-16 paths.
// All of these are in the ASCII range so they can be cast directly to `u16`.
const SEP: u16 = b'\\' as _;
const QUERY: u16 = b'?' as _;
const COLON: u16 = b':' as _;
const U: u16 = b'U' as _;
const N: u16 = b'N' as _;
const C: u16 = b'C' as _;
// Early return if the path is too long to remove the verbatim prefix.
const LEGACY_MAX_PATH: usize = 260;
if path.len() > LEGACY_MAX_PATH {
return Ok(path);
match &path[..] {
// `\\?\C:\...` => `C:\...`
[SEP, SEP, QUERY, SEP, _, COLON, SEP, ..] => unsafe {
let lpfilename = path[4..].as_ptr();
|buffer, size| c::GetFullPathNameW(lpfilename, size, buffer, ptr::null_mut()),
|full_path: &[u16]| {
if full_path == &path[4..path.len() - 1] {
let mut path: Vec<u16> = full_path.into();
} else {
// `\\?\UNC\...` => `\\...`
[SEP, SEP, QUERY, SEP, U, N, C, SEP, ..] => unsafe {
// Change the `C` in `UNC\` to `\` so we can get a slice that starts with `\\`.
path[6] = b'\\' as u16;
let lpfilename = path[6..].as_ptr();
|buffer, size| c::GetFullPathNameW(lpfilename, size, buffer, ptr::null_mut()),
|full_path: &[u16]| {
if full_path == &path[6..path.len() - 1] {
let mut path: Vec<u16> = full_path.into();
} else {
// Restore the 'C' in "UNC".
path[6] = b'C' as u16;
// For everything else, leave the path unchanged.
_ => get_long_path(path, false),