blob: 674a0984ae98751315974b2cc5a3d87d0f448a71 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::dep_graph::DepNodeIndex;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::sharded::{self, Sharded};
use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lock, OnceLock};
use rustc_hir::def_id::LOCAL_CRATE;
use rustc_index::{Idx, IndexVec};
use rustc_span::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_span::def_id::DefIndex;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub trait CacheSelector<'tcx, V> {
type Cache
V: Copy;
pub trait QueryCache: Sized {
type Key: Hash + Eq + Copy + Debug;
type Value: Copy;
/// Checks if the query is already computed and in the cache.
fn lookup(&self, key: &Self::Key) -> Option<(Self::Value, DepNodeIndex)>;
fn complete(&self, key: Self::Key, value: Self::Value, index: DepNodeIndex);
fn iter(&self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&Self::Key, &Self::Value, DepNodeIndex));
pub struct DefaultCacheSelector<K>(PhantomData<K>);
impl<'tcx, K: Eq + Hash, V: 'tcx> CacheSelector<'tcx, V> for DefaultCacheSelector<K> {
type Cache = DefaultCache<K, V>
V: Copy;
pub struct DefaultCache<K, V> {
cache: Sharded<FxHashMap<K, (V, DepNodeIndex)>>,
impl<K, V> Default for DefaultCache<K, V> {
fn default() -> Self {
DefaultCache { cache: Default::default() }
impl<K, V> QueryCache for DefaultCache<K, V>
K: Eq + Hash + Copy + Debug,
V: Copy,
type Key = K;
type Value = V;
fn lookup(&self, key: &K) -> Option<(V, DepNodeIndex)> {
let key_hash = sharded::make_hash(key);
let lock = self.cache.lock_shard_by_hash(key_hash);
let result = lock.raw_entry().from_key_hashed_nocheck(key_hash, key);
if let Some((_, value)) = result { Some(*value) } else { None }
fn complete(&self, key: K, value: V, index: DepNodeIndex) {
let mut lock = self.cache.lock_shard_by_value(&key);
// We may be overwriting another value. This is all right, since the dep-graph
// will check that the fingerprint matches.
lock.insert(key, (value, index));
fn iter(&self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&Self::Key, &Self::Value, DepNodeIndex)) {
for shard in self.cache.lock_shards() {
for (k, v) in shard.iter() {
f(k, &v.0, v.1);
pub struct SingleCacheSelector;
impl<'tcx, V: 'tcx> CacheSelector<'tcx, V> for SingleCacheSelector {
type Cache = SingleCache<V>
V: Copy;
pub struct SingleCache<V> {
cache: OnceLock<(V, DepNodeIndex)>,
impl<V> Default for SingleCache<V> {
fn default() -> Self {
SingleCache { cache: OnceLock::new() }
impl<V> QueryCache for SingleCache<V>
V: Copy,
type Key = ();
type Value = V;
fn lookup(&self, _key: &()) -> Option<(V, DepNodeIndex)> {
fn complete(&self, _key: (), value: V, index: DepNodeIndex) {
self.cache.set((value, index)).ok();
fn iter(&self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&Self::Key, &Self::Value, DepNodeIndex)) {
if let Some(value) = self.cache.get() {
f(&(), &value.0, value.1)
pub struct VecCacheSelector<K>(PhantomData<K>);
impl<'tcx, K: Idx, V: 'tcx> CacheSelector<'tcx, V> for VecCacheSelector<K> {
type Cache = VecCache<K, V>
V: Copy;
pub struct VecCache<K: Idx, V> {
cache: Sharded<IndexVec<K, Option<(V, DepNodeIndex)>>>,
impl<K: Idx, V> Default for VecCache<K, V> {
fn default() -> Self {
VecCache { cache: Default::default() }
impl<K, V> QueryCache for VecCache<K, V>
K: Eq + Idx + Copy + Debug,
V: Copy,
type Key = K;
type Value = V;
fn lookup(&self, key: &K) -> Option<(V, DepNodeIndex)> {
// FIXME: lock_shard_by_hash will use high bits which are usually zero in the index() passed
// here. This makes sharding essentially useless, always selecting the zero'th shard.
let lock = self.cache.lock_shard_by_hash(key.index() as u64);
if let Some(Some(value)) = lock.get(*key) { Some(*value) } else { None }
fn complete(&self, key: K, value: V, index: DepNodeIndex) {
let mut lock = self.cache.lock_shard_by_hash(key.index() as u64);
lock.insert(key, (value, index));
fn iter(&self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&Self::Key, &Self::Value, DepNodeIndex)) {
for shard in self.cache.lock_shards() {
for (k, v) in shard.iter_enumerated() {
if let Some(v) = v {
f(&k, &v.0, v.1);
pub struct DefIdCacheSelector;
impl<'tcx, V: 'tcx> CacheSelector<'tcx, V> for DefIdCacheSelector {
type Cache = DefIdCache<V>
V: Copy;
pub struct DefIdCache<V> {
/// Stores the local DefIds in a dense map. Local queries are much more often dense, so this is
/// a win over hashing query keys at marginal memory cost (~5% at most) compared to FxHashMap.
/// The second element of the tuple is the set of keys actually present in the IndexVec, used
/// for faster iteration in `iter()`.
// FIXME: This may want to be sharded, like VecCache. However *how* to shard an IndexVec isn't
// super clear; VecCache is effectively not sharded today (see FIXME there). For now just omit
// that complexity here.
local: Lock<(IndexVec<DefIndex, Option<(V, DepNodeIndex)>>, Vec<DefIndex>)>,
foreign: DefaultCache<DefId, V>,
impl<V> Default for DefIdCache<V> {
fn default() -> Self {
DefIdCache { local: Default::default(), foreign: Default::default() }
impl<V> QueryCache for DefIdCache<V>
V: Copy,
type Key = DefId;
type Value = V;
fn lookup(&self, key: &DefId) -> Option<(V, DepNodeIndex)> {
if key.krate == LOCAL_CRATE {
let cache = self.local.lock();
cache.0.get(key.index).and_then(|v| *v)
} else {
fn complete(&self, key: DefId, value: V, index: DepNodeIndex) {
if key.krate == LOCAL_CRATE {
let mut cache = self.local.lock();
let (cache, present) = &mut *cache;
let slot = cache.ensure_contains_elem(key.index, Default::default);
if slot.is_none() {
// FIXME: Only store the present set when running in incremental mode. `iter` is not
// used outside of saving caches to disk and self-profile.
*slot = Some((value, index));
} else {
self.foreign.complete(key, value, index)
fn iter(&self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&Self::Key, &Self::Value, DepNodeIndex)) {
let guard = self.local.lock();
let (cache, present) = &*guard;
for &idx in present.iter() {
let value = cache[idx].unwrap();
f(&DefId { krate: LOCAL_CRATE, index: idx }, &value.0, value.1);