blob: f6f6aa07cb3f65cd7d0639a5330dfe5463f0bfca [file] [log] [blame]
//! The data that we will serialize and deserialize.
//! Notionally, the dep-graph is a sequence of NodeInfo with the dependencies
//! specified inline. The total number of nodes and edges are stored as the last
//! 16 bytes of the file, so we can find them easily at decoding time.
//! The serialisation is performed on-demand when each node is emitted. Using this
//! scheme, we do not need to keep the current graph in memory.
//! The deserialization is performed manually, in order to convert from the stored
//! sequence of NodeInfos to the different arrays in SerializedDepGraph. Since the
//! node and edge count are stored at the end of the file, all the arrays can be
//! pre-allocated with the right length.
//! The encoding of the de-pgraph is generally designed around the fact that fixed-size
//! reads of encoded data are generally faster than variable-sized reads. Ergo we adopt
//! essentially the same varint encoding scheme used in the rmeta format; the edge lists
//! for each node on the graph store a 2-bit integer which is the number of bytes per edge
//! index in that node's edge list. We effectively ignore that an edge index of 0 could be
//! encoded with 0 bytes in order to not require 3 bits to store the byte width of the edges.
//! The overhead of calculating the correct byte width for each edge is mitigated by
//! building edge lists with [`EdgesVec`] which keeps a running max of the edges in a node.
//! When we decode this data, we do not immediately create [`SerializedDepNodeIndex`] and
//! instead keep the data in its denser serialized form which lets us turn our on-disk size
//! efficiency directly into a peak memory reduction. When we convert these encoded-in-memory
//! values into their fully-deserialized type, we use a fixed-size read of the encoded array
//! then mask off any errant bytes we read. The array of edge index bytes is padded to permit this.
//! We also encode and decode the entire rest of each node using [`SerializedNodeHeader`]
//! to let this encoding and decoding be done in one fixed-size operation. These headers contain
//! two [`Fingerprint`]s along with the serialized [`DepKind`], and the number of edge indices
//! in the node and the number of bytes used to encode the edge indices for this node. The
//! [`DepKind`], number of edges, and bytes per edge are all bit-packed together, if they fit.
//! If the number of edges in this node does not fit in the bits available in the header, we
//! store it directly after the header with leb128.
use super::query::DepGraphQuery;
use super::{DepKind, DepNode, DepNodeIndex, Deps};
use crate::dep_graph::edges::EdgesVec;
use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::Fingerprint;
use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::PackedFingerprint;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::profiling::SelfProfilerRef;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lock;
use rustc_data_structures::unhash::UnhashMap;
use rustc_index::{Idx, IndexVec};
use rustc_serialize::opaque::{FileEncodeResult, FileEncoder, IntEncodedWithFixedSize, MemDecoder};
use rustc_serialize::{Decodable, Decoder, Encodable, Encoder};
use std::iter;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
// The maximum value of `SerializedDepNodeIndex` leaves the upper two bits
// unused so that we can store multiple index types in `CompressedHybridIndex`,
// and use those bits to encode which index type it contains.
rustc_index::newtype_index! {
#[max = 0x7FFF_FFFF]
pub struct SerializedDepNodeIndex {}
const DEP_NODE_SIZE: usize = std::mem::size_of::<SerializedDepNodeIndex>();
/// Amount of padding we need to add to the edge list data so that we can retrieve every
/// SerializedDepNodeIndex with a fixed-size read then mask.
const DEP_NODE_PAD: usize = DEP_NODE_SIZE - 1;
/// Number of bits we need to store the number of used bytes in a SerializedDepNodeIndex.
/// Note that wherever we encode byte widths like this we actually store the number of bytes used
/// minus 1; for a 4-byte value we technically would have 5 widths to store, but using one byte to
/// store zeroes (which are relatively rare) is a decent tradeoff to save a bit in our bitfields.
/// Data for use when recompiling the **current crate**.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct SerializedDepGraph {
/// The set of all DepNodes in the graph
nodes: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, DepNode>,
/// The set of all Fingerprints in the graph. Each Fingerprint corresponds to
/// the DepNode at the same index in the nodes vector.
fingerprints: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, Fingerprint>,
/// For each DepNode, stores the list of edges originating from that
/// DepNode. Encoded as a [start, end) pair indexing into edge_list_data,
/// which holds the actual DepNodeIndices of the target nodes.
edge_list_indices: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, EdgeHeader>,
/// A flattened list of all edge targets in the graph, stored in the same
/// varint encoding that we use on disk. Edge sources are implicit in edge_list_indices.
edge_list_data: Vec<u8>,
/// Stores a map from fingerprints to nodes per dep node kind.
/// This is the reciprocal of `nodes`.
index: Vec<UnhashMap<PackedFingerprint, SerializedDepNodeIndex>>,
impl SerializedDepGraph {
pub fn edge_targets_from(
source: SerializedDepNodeIndex,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = SerializedDepNodeIndex> + '_ {
let header = self.edge_list_indices[source];
let mut raw = &self.edge_list_data[header.start()..];
// Figure out where the edge list for `source` ends by getting the start index of the next
// edge list, or the end of the array if this is the last edge.
let end = self
.get(source + 1)
.map(|h| h.start())
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.edge_list_data.len() - DEP_NODE_PAD);
// The number of edges for this node is implicitly stored in the combination of the byte
// width and the length.
let bytes_per_index = header.bytes_per_index();
let len = (end - header.start()) / bytes_per_index;
// LLVM doesn't hoist EdgeHeader::mask so we do it ourselves.
let mask = header.mask();
(0..len).map(move |_| {
// Doing this slicing in this order ensures that the first bounds check suffices for
// all the others.
let index = &raw[..DEP_NODE_SIZE];
raw = &raw[bytes_per_index..];
let index = u32::from_le_bytes(index.try_into().unwrap()) & mask;
pub fn index_to_node(&self, dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex) -> DepNode {
pub fn node_to_index_opt(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option<SerializedDepNodeIndex> {
pub fn fingerprint_by_index(&self, dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex) -> Fingerprint {
pub fn node_count(&self) -> usize {
/// A packed representation of an edge's start index and byte width.
/// This is packed by stealing 2 bits from the start index, which means we only accomodate edge
/// data arrays up to a quarter of our address space. Which seems fine.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct EdgeHeader {
repr: usize,
impl EdgeHeader {
fn start(self) -> usize {
self.repr >> DEP_NODE_WIDTH_BITS
fn bytes_per_index(self) -> usize {
(self.repr & mask(DEP_NODE_WIDTH_BITS)) + 1
fn mask(self) -> u32 {
mask(self.bytes_per_index() * 8) as u32
fn mask(bits: usize) -> usize {
usize::MAX >> ((std::mem::size_of::<usize>() * 8) - bits)
impl SerializedDepGraph {
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(d))]
pub fn decode<D: Deps>(d: &mut MemDecoder<'_>) -> SerializedDepGraph {
// The last 16 bytes are the node count and edge count.
debug!("position: {:?}", d.position());
let (node_count, edge_count) =
d.with_position(d.len() - 2 * IntEncodedWithFixedSize::ENCODED_SIZE, |d| {
debug!("position: {:?}", d.position());
let node_count = IntEncodedWithFixedSize::decode(d).0 as usize;
let edge_count = IntEncodedWithFixedSize::decode(d).0 as usize;
(node_count, edge_count)
debug!("position: {:?}", d.position());
debug!(?node_count, ?edge_count);
let graph_bytes = d.len() - (2 * IntEncodedWithFixedSize::ENCODED_SIZE) - d.position();
let mut nodes = IndexVec::with_capacity(node_count);
let mut fingerprints = IndexVec::with_capacity(node_count);
let mut edge_list_indices = IndexVec::with_capacity(node_count);
// This estimation assumes that all of the encoded bytes are for the edge lists or for the
// fixed-size node headers. But that's not necessarily true; if any edge list has a length
// that spills out of the size we can bit-pack into SerializedNodeHeader then some of the
// total serialized size is also used by leb128-encoded edge list lengths. Neglecting that
// contribution to graph_bytes means our estimation of the bytes needed for edge_list_data
// slightly overshoots. But it cannot overshoot by much; consider that the worse case is
// for a node with length 64, which means the spilled 1-byte leb128 length is 1 byte of at
// least (34 byte header + 1 byte len + 64 bytes edge data), which is ~1%. A 2-byte leb128
// length is about the same fractional overhead and it amortizes for yet greater lengths.
let mut edge_list_data = Vec::with_capacity(
graph_bytes - node_count * std::mem::size_of::<SerializedNodeHeader<D>>(),
for _index in 0..node_count {
// Decode the header for this edge; the header packs together as many of the fixed-size
// fields as possible to limit the number of times we update decoder state.
let node_header =
SerializedNodeHeader::<D> { bytes: d.read_array(), _marker: PhantomData };
let _i: SerializedDepNodeIndex = nodes.push(node_header.node());
debug_assert_eq!(_i.index(), _index);
let _i: SerializedDepNodeIndex = fingerprints.push(node_header.fingerprint());
debug_assert_eq!(_i.index(), _index);
// If the length of this node's edge list is small, the length is stored in the header.
// If it is not, we fall back to another decoder call.
let num_edges = node_header.len().unwrap_or_else(|| d.read_usize());
// The edges index list uses the same varint strategy as rmeta tables; we select the
// number of byte elements per-array not per-element. This lets us read the whole edge
// list for a node with one decoder call and also use the on-disk format in memory.
let edges_len_bytes = node_header.bytes_per_index() * num_edges;
// The in-memory structure for the edges list stores the byte width of the edges on
// this node with the offset into the global edge data array.
let edges_header = node_header.edges_header(&edge_list_data);
let _i: SerializedDepNodeIndex = edge_list_indices.push(edges_header);
debug_assert_eq!(_i.index(), _index);
// When we access the edge list data, we do a fixed-size read from the edge list data then
// mask off the bytes that aren't for that edge index, so the last read may dangle off the
// end of the array. This padding ensure it doesn't.
edge_list_data.extend(&[0u8; DEP_NODE_PAD]);
// Read the number of each dep kind and use it to create an hash map with a suitable size.
let mut index: Vec<_> = (0..(D::DEP_KIND_MAX + 1))
.map(|_| UnhashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(d.read_u32() as usize, Default::default()))
for (idx, node) in nodes.iter_enumerated() {
index[node.kind.as_usize()].insert(node.hash, idx);
SerializedDepGraph { nodes, fingerprints, edge_list_indices, edge_list_data, index }
/// A packed representation of all the fixed-size fields in a `NodeInfo`.
/// This stores in one byte array:
/// * The `Fingerprint` in the `NodeInfo`
/// * The `Fingerprint` in `DepNode` that is in this `NodeInfo`
/// * The `DepKind`'s discriminant (a u16, but not all bits are used...)
/// * The byte width of the encoded edges for this node
/// * In whatever bits remain, the length of the edge list for this node, if it fits
struct SerializedNodeHeader<D> {
// 2 bytes for the DepNode
// 16 for Fingerprint in DepNode
// 16 for Fingerprint in NodeInfo
bytes: [u8; 34],
_marker: PhantomData<D>,
// The fields of a `SerializedNodeHeader`, this struct is an implementation detail and exists only
// to make the implementation of `SerializedNodeHeader` simpler.
struct Unpacked {
len: Option<usize>,
bytes_per_index: usize,
kind: DepKind,
hash: PackedFingerprint,
fingerprint: Fingerprint,
// Bit fields, where
// M: bits used to store the length of a node's edge list
// N: bits used to store the byte width of elements of the edge list
// are
// 0..M length of the edge
// M..M+N bytes per index
// M+N..16 kind
impl<D: Deps> SerializedNodeHeader<D> {
const TOTAL_BITS: usize = std::mem::size_of::<DepKind>() * 8;
const LEN_BITS: usize = Self::TOTAL_BITS - Self::KIND_BITS - Self::WIDTH_BITS;
const KIND_BITS: usize = Self::TOTAL_BITS - D::DEP_KIND_MAX.leading_zeros() as usize;
const MAX_INLINE_LEN: usize = (u16::MAX as usize >> (Self::TOTAL_BITS - Self::LEN_BITS)) - 1;
fn new(node_info: &NodeInfo) -> Self {
debug_assert_eq!(Self::TOTAL_BITS, Self::LEN_BITS + Self::WIDTH_BITS + Self::KIND_BITS);
let NodeInfo { node, fingerprint, edges } = node_info;
let mut head = node.kind.as_inner();
let free_bytes = edges.max_index().leading_zeros() as usize / 8;
let bytes_per_index = (DEP_NODE_SIZE - free_bytes).saturating_sub(1);
head |= (bytes_per_index as u16) << Self::KIND_BITS;
// Encode number of edges + 1 so that we can reserve 0 to indicate that the len doesn't fit
// in this bitfield.
if edges.len() <= Self::MAX_INLINE_LEN {
head |= (edges.len() as u16 + 1) << (Self::KIND_BITS + Self::WIDTH_BITS);
let hash: Fingerprint = node.hash.into();
// Using half-open ranges ensures an unconditional panic if we get the magic numbers wrong.
let mut bytes = [0u8; 34];
let res = Self { bytes, _marker: PhantomData };
assert_eq!(node_info.fingerprint, res.fingerprint());
assert_eq!(node_info.node, res.node());
if let Some(len) = res.len() {
assert_eq!(node_info.edges.len(), len);
Self { bytes, _marker: PhantomData }
fn unpack(&self) -> Unpacked {
let head = u16::from_le_bytes(self.bytes[..2].try_into().unwrap());
let hash = self.bytes[2..18].try_into().unwrap();
let fingerprint = self.bytes[18..].try_into().unwrap();
let kind = head & mask(Self::KIND_BITS) as u16;
let bytes_per_index = (head >> Self::KIND_BITS) & mask(Self::WIDTH_BITS) as u16;
let len = (head as usize) >> (Self::WIDTH_BITS + Self::KIND_BITS);
Unpacked {
len: len.checked_sub(1),
bytes_per_index: bytes_per_index as usize + 1,
kind: DepKind::new(kind),
hash: Fingerprint::from_le_bytes(hash).into(),
fingerprint: Fingerprint::from_le_bytes(fingerprint),
fn len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
fn bytes_per_index(&self) -> usize {
fn fingerprint(&self) -> Fingerprint {
fn node(&self) -> DepNode {
let Unpacked { kind, hash, .. } = self.unpack();
DepNode { kind, hash }
fn edges_header(&self, edge_list_data: &[u8]) -> EdgeHeader {
EdgeHeader {
repr: (edge_list_data.len() << DEP_NODE_WIDTH_BITS) | (self.bytes_per_index() - 1),
struct NodeInfo {
node: DepNode,
fingerprint: Fingerprint,
edges: EdgesVec,
impl NodeInfo {
fn encode<D: Deps>(&self, e: &mut FileEncoder) {
let header = SerializedNodeHeader::<D>::new(self);
if header.len().is_none() {
let bytes_per_index = header.bytes_per_index();
for node_index in self.edges.iter() {
e.write_with(|dest| {
*dest = node_index.as_u32().to_le_bytes();
struct Stat {
kind: DepKind,
node_counter: u64,
edge_counter: u64,
struct EncoderState<D: Deps> {
encoder: FileEncoder,
total_node_count: usize,
total_edge_count: usize,
stats: Option<FxHashMap<DepKind, Stat>>,
/// Stores the number of times we've encoded each dep kind.
kind_stats: Vec<u32>,
marker: PhantomData<D>,
impl<D: Deps> EncoderState<D> {
fn new(encoder: FileEncoder, record_stats: bool) -> Self {
Self {
total_edge_count: 0,
total_node_count: 0,
stats: record_stats.then(FxHashMap::default),
kind_stats: iter::repeat(0).take(D::DEP_KIND_MAX as usize + 1).collect(),
marker: PhantomData,
fn encode_node(
&mut self,
node: &NodeInfo,
record_graph: &Option<Lock<DepGraphQuery>>,
) -> DepNodeIndex {
let index = DepNodeIndex::new(self.total_node_count);
self.total_node_count += 1;
self.kind_stats[node.node.kind.as_usize()] += 1;
let edge_count = node.edges.len();
self.total_edge_count += edge_count;
if let Some(record_graph) = &record_graph {
// Do not ICE when a query is called from within `with_query`.
if let Some(record_graph) = &mut record_graph.try_lock() {
record_graph.push(index, node.node, &node.edges);
if let Some(stats) = &mut self.stats {
let kind = node.node.kind;
let stat = stats.entry(kind).or_insert(Stat { kind, node_counter: 0, edge_counter: 0 });
stat.node_counter += 1;
stat.edge_counter += edge_count as u64;
let encoder = &mut self.encoder;
fn finish(self, profiler: &SelfProfilerRef) -> FileEncodeResult {
let Self {
mut encoder,
stats: _,
marker: _,
} = self;
let node_count = total_node_count.try_into().unwrap();
let edge_count = total_edge_count.try_into().unwrap();
// Encode the number of each dep kind encountered
for count in kind_stats.iter() {
count.encode(&mut encoder);
debug!(?node_count, ?edge_count);
debug!("position: {:?}", encoder.position());
IntEncodedWithFixedSize(node_count).encode(&mut encoder);
IntEncodedWithFixedSize(edge_count).encode(&mut encoder);
debug!("position: {:?}", encoder.position());
// Drop the encoder so that nothing is written after the counts.
let result = encoder.finish();
if let Ok(position) = result {
// FIXME(rylev): we hardcode the dep graph file name so we
// don't need a dependency on rustc_incremental just for that.
profiler.artifact_size("dep_graph", "dep-graph.bin", position as u64);
pub struct GraphEncoder<D: Deps> {
status: Lock<EncoderState<D>>,
record_graph: Option<Lock<DepGraphQuery>>,
impl<D: Deps> GraphEncoder<D> {
pub fn new(
encoder: FileEncoder,
prev_node_count: usize,
record_graph: bool,
record_stats: bool,
) -> Self {
let record_graph = record_graph.then(|| Lock::new(DepGraphQuery::new(prev_node_count)));
let status = Lock::new(EncoderState::new(encoder, record_stats));
GraphEncoder { status, record_graph }
pub(crate) fn with_query(&self, f: impl Fn(&DepGraphQuery)) {
if let Some(record_graph) = &self.record_graph {
pub(crate) fn print_incremental_info(
total_read_count: u64,
total_duplicate_read_count: u64,
) {
let status = self.status.lock();
if let Some(record_stats) = &status.stats {
let mut stats: Vec<_> = record_stats.values().collect();
stats.sort_by_key(|s| -(s.node_counter as i64));
const SEPARATOR: &str = "[incremental] --------------------------------\
eprintln!("[incremental] DepGraph Statistics");
eprintln!("[incremental] Total Node Count: {}", status.total_node_count);
eprintln!("[incremental] Total Edge Count: {}", status.total_edge_count);
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
eprintln!("[incremental] Total Edge Reads: {total_read_count}");
eprintln!("[incremental] Total Duplicate Edge Reads: {total_duplicate_read_count}");
"[incremental] {:<36}| {:<17}| {:<12}| {:<17}|",
"Node Kind", "Node Frequency", "Node Count", "Avg. Edge Count"
for stat in stats {
let node_kind_ratio =
(100.0 * (stat.node_counter as f64)) / (status.total_node_count as f64);
let node_kind_avg_edges = (stat.edge_counter as f64) / (stat.node_counter as f64);
"[incremental] {:<36}|{:>16.1}% |{:>12} |{:>17.1} |",
format!("{:?}", stat.kind),
pub(crate) fn send(
profiler: &SelfProfilerRef,
node: DepNode,
fingerprint: Fingerprint,
edges: EdgesVec,
) -> DepNodeIndex {
let _prof_timer = profiler.generic_activity("incr_comp_encode_dep_graph");
let node = NodeInfo { node, fingerprint, edges };
self.status.lock().encode_node(&node, &self.record_graph)
pub fn finish(self, profiler: &SelfProfilerRef) -> FileEncodeResult {
let _prof_timer = profiler.generic_activity("incr_comp_encode_dep_graph");