blob: db1aee1190359fb7a06759a55f64a01f32967a5e [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use rustc_type_ir::fold::{TypeFoldable, TypeFolder, TypeSuperFoldable};
use rustc_type_ir::{
self as ty, Canonical, CanonicalTyVarKind, CanonicalVarInfo, CanonicalVarKind, ConstTy,
InferCtxtLike, Interner, IntoKind, PlaceholderLike,
/// Whether we're canonicalizing a query input or the query response.
/// When canonicalizing an input we're in the context of the caller
/// while canonicalizing the response happens in the context of the
/// query.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CanonicalizeMode {
/// FIXME: We currently return region constraints referring to
/// placeholders and inference variables from a binder instantiated
/// inside of the query.
/// In the long term we should eagerly deal with these constraints
/// inside of the query and only propagate constraints which are
/// actually nameable by the caller.
Response {
/// The highest universe nameable by the caller.
/// All variables in a universe nameable by the caller get mapped
/// to the root universe in the response and then mapped back to
/// their correct universe when applying the query response in the
/// context of the caller.
/// This doesn't work for universes created inside of the query so
/// we do remember their universe in the response.
max_input_universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
pub struct Canonicalizer<'a, Infcx: InferCtxtLike<Interner = I>, I: Interner> {
infcx: &'a Infcx,
canonicalize_mode: CanonicalizeMode,
variables: &'a mut Vec<I::GenericArg>,
primitive_var_infos: Vec<CanonicalVarInfo<I>>,
binder_index: ty::DebruijnIndex,
impl<'a, Infcx: InferCtxtLike<Interner = I>, I: Interner> Canonicalizer<'a, Infcx, I> {
pub fn canonicalize<T: TypeFoldable<I>>(
infcx: &'a Infcx,
canonicalize_mode: CanonicalizeMode,
variables: &'a mut Vec<I::GenericArg>,
value: T,
) -> ty::Canonical<I, T> {
let mut canonicalizer = Canonicalizer {
primitive_var_infos: Vec::new(),
binder_index: ty::INNERMOST,
let value = value.fold_with(&mut canonicalizer);
// FIXME: Restore these assertions. Should we uplift type flags?
// assert!(!value.has_infer(), "unexpected infer in {value:?}");
// assert!(!value.has_placeholders(), "unexpected placeholders in {value:?}");
let (max_universe, variables) = canonicalizer.finalize();
Canonical { max_universe, variables, value }
fn finalize(self) -> (ty::UniverseIndex, I::CanonicalVars) {
let mut var_infos = self.primitive_var_infos;
// See the rustc-dev-guide section about how we deal with universes
// during canonicalization in the new solver.
match self.canonicalize_mode {
// We try to deduplicate as many query calls as possible and hide
// all information which should not matter for the solver.
// For this we compress universes as much as possible.
CanonicalizeMode::Input => {}
// When canonicalizing a response we map a universes already entered
// by the caller to the root universe and only return useful universe
// information for placeholders and inference variables created inside
// of the query.
CanonicalizeMode::Response { max_input_universe } => {
for var in var_infos.iter_mut() {
let uv = var.universe();
let new_uv = ty::UniverseIndex::from(
*var = var.with_updated_universe(new_uv);
let max_universe = var_infos
.map(|info| info.universe())
let var_infos = self.infcx.interner().mk_canonical_var_infos(&var_infos);
return (max_universe, var_infos);
// Given a `var_infos` with existentials `En` and universals `Un` in
// universes `n`, this algorithm compresses them in place so that:
// - the new universe indices are as small as possible
// - we only create a new universe if we would otherwise put a placeholder in
// the same compressed universe as an existential which cannot name it
// Let's walk through an example:
// - var_infos: [E0, U1, E5, U2, E2, E6, U6], curr_compressed_uv: 0, next_orig_uv: 0
// - var_infos: [E0, U1, E5, U2, E2, E6, U6], curr_compressed_uv: 0, next_orig_uv: 1
// - var_infos: [E0, U1, E5, U2, E2, E6, U6], curr_compressed_uv: 1, next_orig_uv: 2
// - var_infos: [E0, U1, E5, U1, E1, E6, U6], curr_compressed_uv: 1, next_orig_uv: 5
// - var_infos: [E0, U1, E1, U1, E1, E6, U6], curr_compressed_uv: 1, next_orig_uv: 6
// - var_infos: [E0, U1, E1, U1, E1, E2, U2], curr_compressed_uv: 2, next_orig_uv: -
// This algorithm runs in `O(n²)` where `n` is the number of different universe
// indices in the input. This should be fine as `n` is expected to be small.
let mut curr_compressed_uv = ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT;
let mut existential_in_new_uv = false;
let mut next_orig_uv = Some(ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT);
while let Some(orig_uv) = next_orig_uv.take() {
let mut update_uv = |var: &mut CanonicalVarInfo<I>, orig_uv, is_existential| {
let uv = var.universe();
match uv.cmp(&orig_uv) {
Ordering::Less => (), // Already updated
Ordering::Equal => {
if is_existential {
existential_in_new_uv = true;
} else if existential_in_new_uv {
// `var` is a placeholder from a universe which is not nameable
// by an existential which we already put into the compressed
// universe `curr_compressed_uv`. We therefore have to create a
// new universe for `var`.
curr_compressed_uv = curr_compressed_uv.next_universe();
existential_in_new_uv = false;
*var = var.with_updated_universe(curr_compressed_uv);
Ordering::Greater => {
// We can ignore this variable in this iteration. We only look at
// universes which actually occur in the input for performance.
// For this we set `next_orig_uv` to the next smallest, not yet compressed,
// universe of the input.
if next_orig_uv.map_or(true, |curr_next_uv| uv.cannot_name(curr_next_uv)) {
next_orig_uv = Some(uv);
// For each universe which occurs in the input, we first iterate over all
// placeholders and then over all inference variables.
// Whenever we compress the universe of a placeholder, no existential with
// an already compressed universe can name that placeholder.
for is_existential in [false, true] {
for var in var_infos.iter_mut() {
// We simply put all regions from the input into the highest
// compressed universe, so we only deal with them at the end.
if !var.is_region() {
if is_existential == var.is_existential() {
update_uv(var, orig_uv, is_existential)
for var in var_infos.iter_mut() {
if var.is_region() {
*var = var.with_updated_universe(curr_compressed_uv);
let var_infos = self.infcx.interner().mk_canonical_var_infos(&var_infos);
(curr_compressed_uv, var_infos)
impl<Infcx: InferCtxtLike<Interner = I>, I: Interner> TypeFolder<I>
for Canonicalizer<'_, Infcx, I>
fn interner(&self) -> I {
fn fold_binder<T>(&mut self, t: I::Binder<T>) -> I::Binder<T>
T: TypeFoldable<I>,
I::Binder<T>: TypeSuperFoldable<I>,
let t = t.super_fold_with(self);
fn fold_region(&mut self, r: I::Region) -> I::Region {
let kind = match r.kind() {
ty::ReBound(..) => return r,
// We may encounter `ReStatic` in item signatures or the hidden type
// of an opaque. `ReErased` should only be encountered in the hidden
// type of an opaque for regions that are ignored for the purposes of
// captures.
// FIXME: We should investigate the perf implications of not uniquifying
// `ReErased`. We may be able to short-circuit registering region
// obligations if we encounter a `ReErased` on one side, for example.
ty::ReStatic | ty::ReErased => match self.canonicalize_mode {
CanonicalizeMode::Input => CanonicalVarKind::Region(ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT),
CanonicalizeMode::Response { .. } => return r,
ty::ReEarlyParam(_) | ty::ReLateParam(_) => match self.canonicalize_mode {
CanonicalizeMode::Input => CanonicalVarKind::Region(ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT),
CanonicalizeMode::Response { .. } => {
panic!("unexpected region in response: {r:?}")
ty::RePlaceholder(placeholder) => match self.canonicalize_mode {
// We canonicalize placeholder regions as existentials in query inputs.
CanonicalizeMode::Input => CanonicalVarKind::Region(ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT),
CanonicalizeMode::Response { max_input_universe } => {
// If we have a placeholder region inside of a query, it must be from
// a new universe.
if max_input_universe.can_name(placeholder.universe()) {
panic!("new placeholder in universe {max_input_universe:?}: {r:?}");
ty::ReVar(vid) => {
"region vid should have been resolved fully before canonicalization"
match self.canonicalize_mode {
CanonicalizeMode::Input => CanonicalVarKind::Region(ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT),
CanonicalizeMode::Response { .. } => {
ty::ReError(_) => return r,
let existing_bound_var = match self.canonicalize_mode {
CanonicalizeMode::Input => None,
CanonicalizeMode::Response { .. } => {
self.variables.iter().position(|&v| v == r.into()).map(ty::BoundVar::from)
let var = existing_bound_var.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let var = ty::BoundVar::from(self.variables.len());
self.primitive_var_infos.push(CanonicalVarInfo { kind });
self.interner().mk_bound_region(self.binder_index, var)
fn fold_ty(&mut self, t: I::Ty) -> I::Ty
I::Ty: TypeSuperFoldable<I>,
let kind = match t.kind() {
ty::Infer(i) => match i {
ty::TyVar(vid) => {
"ty vid should have been resolved fully before canonicalization"
"ty vid should have been resolved fully before canonicalization"
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("ty var should have been resolved: {t:?}")),
ty::IntVar(_) => CanonicalVarKind::Ty(CanonicalTyVarKind::Int),
ty::FloatVar(_) => CanonicalVarKind::Ty(CanonicalTyVarKind::Float),
ty::FreshTy(_) | ty::FreshIntTy(_) | ty::FreshFloatTy(_) => {
ty::Placeholder(placeholder) => match self.canonicalize_mode {
CanonicalizeMode::Input => CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(PlaceholderLike::new(
CanonicalizeMode::Response { .. } => CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(placeholder),
ty::Param(_) => match self.canonicalize_mode {
CanonicalizeMode::Input => CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(PlaceholderLike::new(
CanonicalizeMode::Response { .. } => panic!("param ty in response: {t:?}"),
| ty::Char
| ty::Int(_)
| ty::Uint(_)
| ty::Float(_)
| ty::Adt(_, _)
| ty::Foreign(_)
| ty::Str
| ty::Array(_, _)
| ty::Slice(_)
| ty::RawPtr(_)
| ty::Ref(_, _, _)
| ty::FnDef(_, _)
| ty::FnPtr(_)
| ty::Dynamic(_, _, _)
| ty::Closure(_, _)
| ty::Coroutine(_, _)
| ty::CoroutineWitness(..)
| ty::Never
| ty::Tuple(_)
| ty::Alias(_, _)
| ty::Bound(_, _)
| ty::Error(_) => return t.super_fold_with(self),
let var = ty::BoundVar::from(
self.variables.iter().position(|&v| v == t.into()).unwrap_or_else(|| {
let var = self.variables.len();
self.primitive_var_infos.push(CanonicalVarInfo { kind });
self.interner().mk_bound_ty(self.binder_index, var)
fn fold_const(&mut self, c: I::Const) -> I::Const
I::Const: TypeSuperFoldable<I>,
let kind = match c.kind() {
ty::ConstKind::Infer(i) => {
// FIXME: we should fold the ty too eventually
match i {
ty::InferConst::Var(vid) => {
"region vid should have been resolved fully before canonicalization"
"region vid should have been resolved fully before canonicalization"
CanonicalVarKind::Const(self.infcx.universe_of_ct(vid).unwrap(), c.ty())
ty::InferConst::EffectVar(_) => CanonicalVarKind::Effect,
ty::InferConst::Fresh(_) => todo!(),
ty::ConstKind::Placeholder(placeholder) => match self.canonicalize_mode {
CanonicalizeMode::Input => CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(
PlaceholderLike::new(placeholder.universe(), self.variables.len().into()),
CanonicalizeMode::Response { .. } => {
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(placeholder, c.ty())
ty::ConstKind::Param(_) => match self.canonicalize_mode {
CanonicalizeMode::Input => CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(
PlaceholderLike::new(ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT, self.variables.len().into()),
CanonicalizeMode::Response { .. } => panic!("param ty in response: {c:?}"),
ty::ConstKind::Bound(_, _)
| ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(_)
| ty::ConstKind::Value(_)
| ty::ConstKind::Error(_)
| ty::ConstKind::Expr(_) => return c.super_fold_with(self),
let var = ty::BoundVar::from(
self.variables.iter().position(|&v| v == c.into()).unwrap_or_else(|| {
let var = self.variables.len();
self.primitive_var_infos.push(CanonicalVarInfo { kind });
self.interner().mk_bound_const(self.binder_index, var, c.ty())