blob: 69ad6810c6fe050671bb24ffc5960af386e6ae1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Generic arguments.
use crate::ty::codec::{TyDecoder, TyEncoder};
use crate::ty::fold::{FallibleTypeFolder, TypeFoldable, TypeFolder, TypeSuperFoldable};
use crate::ty::sty::{ClosureArgs, CoroutineArgs, InlineConstArgs};
use crate::ty::visit::{TypeVisitable, TypeVisitableExt, TypeVisitor};
use crate::ty::{self, Lift, List, ParamConst, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_data_structures::intern::Interned;
use rustc_errors::{DiagnosticArgValue, IntoDiagnosticArg};
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_macros::HashStable;
use rustc_serialize::{Decodable, Encodable};
use rustc_type_ir::WithCachedTypeInfo;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use core::intrinsics;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::ops::{ControlFlow, Deref};
use std::ptr::NonNull;
/// An entity in the Rust type system, which can be one of
/// several kinds (types, lifetimes, and consts).
/// To reduce memory usage, a `GenericArg` is an interned pointer,
/// with the lowest 2 bits being reserved for a tag to
/// indicate the type (`Ty`, `Region`, or `Const`) it points to.
/// Note: the `PartialEq`, `Eq` and `Hash` derives are only valid because `Ty`,
/// `Region` and `Const` are all interned.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct GenericArg<'tcx> {
ptr: NonNull<()>,
marker: PhantomData<(Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Const<'tcx>)>,
unsafe impl<'tcx> rustc_data_structures::sync::DynSend for GenericArg<'tcx> where
&'tcx (Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Const<'tcx>): rustc_data_structures::sync::DynSend
unsafe impl<'tcx> rustc_data_structures::sync::DynSync for GenericArg<'tcx> where
&'tcx (Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Const<'tcx>): rustc_data_structures::sync::DynSync
unsafe impl<'tcx> Send for GenericArg<'tcx> where
&'tcx (Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Const<'tcx>): Send
unsafe impl<'tcx> Sync for GenericArg<'tcx> where
&'tcx (Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Const<'tcx>): Sync
impl<'tcx> IntoDiagnosticArg for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue {
const TAG_MASK: usize = 0b11;
const TYPE_TAG: usize = 0b00;
const REGION_TAG: usize = 0b01;
const CONST_TAG: usize = 0b10;
#[derive(Debug, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, HashStable)]
pub enum GenericArgKind<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> GenericArgKind<'tcx> {
fn pack(self) -> GenericArg<'tcx> {
let (tag, ptr) = match self {
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt) => {
// Ensure we can use the tag bits.
assert_eq!(mem::align_of_val(&*lt.0.0) & TAG_MASK, 0);
(REGION_TAG, NonNull::from(lt.0.0).cast())
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => {
// Ensure we can use the tag bits.
assert_eq!(mem::align_of_val(&*ty.0.0) & TAG_MASK, 0);
(TYPE_TAG, NonNull::from(ty.0.0).cast())
GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => {
// Ensure we can use the tag bits.
assert_eq!(mem::align_of_val(&*ct.0.0) & TAG_MASK, 0);
(CONST_TAG, NonNull::from(ct.0.0).cast())
GenericArg { ptr: ptr.map_addr(|addr| addr | tag), marker: PhantomData }
impl<'tcx> Ord for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &GenericArg<'tcx>) -> Ordering {
impl<'tcx> PartialOrd for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &GenericArg<'tcx>) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<'tcx> From<ty::Region<'tcx>> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn from(r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> GenericArg<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> From<Ty<'tcx>> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn from(ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> GenericArg<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> From<ty::Const<'tcx>> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn from(c: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> GenericArg<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> From<ty::Term<'tcx>> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn from(value: ty::Term<'tcx>) -> Self {
match value.unpack() {
ty::TermKind::Ty(t) => t.into(),
ty::TermKind::Const(c) => c.into(),
impl<'tcx> GenericArg<'tcx> {
pub fn unpack(self) -> GenericArgKind<'tcx> {
let ptr = unsafe {
self.ptr.map_addr(|addr| NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(addr.get() & !TAG_MASK))
// SAFETY: use of `Interned::new_unchecked` here is ok because these
// pointers were originally created from `Interned` types in `pack()`,
// and this is just going in the other direction.
unsafe {
match self.ptr.addr().get() & TAG_MASK {
REGION_TAG => GenericArgKind::Lifetime(ty::Region(Interned::new_unchecked(
TYPE_TAG => GenericArgKind::Type(Ty(Interned::new_unchecked(
CONST_TAG => GenericArgKind::Const(ty::Const(Interned::new_unchecked(
_ => intrinsics::unreachable(),
pub fn as_type(self) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
match self.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => Some(ty),
_ => None,
pub fn as_region(self) -> Option<ty::Region<'tcx>> {
match self.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(re) => Some(re),
_ => None,
pub fn as_const(self) -> Option<ty::Const<'tcx>> {
match self.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => Some(ct),
_ => None,
/// Unpack the `GenericArg` as a region when it is known certainly to be a region.
pub fn expect_region(self) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
self.as_region().unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("expected a region, but found another kind"))
/// Unpack the `GenericArg` as a type when it is known certainly to be a type.
/// This is true in cases where `GenericArgs` is used in places where the kinds are known
/// to be limited (e.g. in tuples, where the only parameters are type parameters).
pub fn expect_ty(self) -> Ty<'tcx> {
self.as_type().unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("expected a type, but found another kind"))
/// Unpack the `GenericArg` as a const when it is known certainly to be a const.
pub fn expect_const(self) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
self.as_const().unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("expected a const, but found another kind"))
pub fn is_non_region_infer(self) -> bool {
match self.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_) => false,
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => ty.is_ty_or_numeric_infer(),
GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => ct.is_ct_infer(),
impl<'a, 'tcx> Lift<'tcx> for GenericArg<'a> {
type Lifted = GenericArg<'tcx>;
fn lift_to_tcx(self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> Option<Self::Lifted> {
match self.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt) => tcx.lift(lt).map(|lt| lt.into()),
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => tcx.lift(ty).map(|ty| ty.into()),
GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => tcx.lift(ct).map(|ct| ct.into()),
impl<'tcx> TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn try_fold_with<F: FallibleTypeFolder<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(
folder: &mut F,
) -> Result<Self, F::Error> {
match self.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt) => lt.try_fold_with(folder).map(Into::into),
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => ty.try_fold_with(folder).map(Into::into),
GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => ct.try_fold_with(folder).map(Into::into),
impl<'tcx> TypeVisitable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> ControlFlow<V::BreakTy> {
match self.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt) => lt.visit_with(visitor),
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => ty.visit_with(visitor),
GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => ct.visit_with(visitor),
impl<'tcx, E: TyEncoder<I = TyCtxt<'tcx>>> Encodable<E> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn encode(&self, e: &mut E) {
impl<'tcx, D: TyDecoder<I = TyCtxt<'tcx>>> Decodable<D> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
fn decode(d: &mut D) -> GenericArg<'tcx> {
/// List of generic arguments that are gonna be used to replace generic parameters.
pub type GenericArgs<'tcx> = List<GenericArg<'tcx>>;
pub type GenericArgsRef<'tcx> = &'tcx GenericArgs<'tcx>;
impl<'tcx> GenericArgs<'tcx> {
/// Converts generic args to a type list.
/// # Panics
/// If any of the generic arguments are not types.
pub fn into_type_list(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> &'tcx List<Ty<'tcx>> {
tcx.mk_type_list_from_iter(self.iter().map(|arg| match arg.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => ty,
_ => bug!("`into_type_list` called on generic arg with non-types"),
/// Interpret these generic args as the args of a closure type.
/// Closure args have a particular structure controlled by the
/// compiler that encodes information like the signature and closure kind;
/// see `ty::ClosureArgs` struct for more comments.
pub fn as_closure(&'tcx self) -> ClosureArgs<'tcx> {
ClosureArgs { args: self }
/// Interpret these generic args as the args of a coroutine type.
/// Coroutine args have a particular structure controlled by the
/// compiler that encodes information like the signature and coroutine kind;
/// see `ty::CoroutineArgs` struct for more comments.
pub fn as_coroutine(&'tcx self) -> CoroutineArgs<'tcx> {
CoroutineArgs { args: self }
/// Interpret these generic args as the args of an inline const.
/// Inline const args have a particular structure controlled by the
/// compiler that encodes information like the inferred type;
/// see `ty::InlineConstArgs` struct for more comments.
pub fn as_inline_const(&'tcx self) -> InlineConstArgs<'tcx> {
InlineConstArgs { args: self }
/// Creates an `GenericArgs` that maps each generic parameter to itself.
pub fn identity_for_item(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: impl Into<DefId>) -> GenericArgsRef<'tcx> {
Self::for_item(tcx, def_id.into(), |param, _| tcx.mk_param_from_def(param))
/// Creates an `GenericArgs` for generic parameter definitions,
/// by calling closures to obtain each kind.
/// The closures get to observe the `GenericArgs` as they're
/// being built, which can be used to correctly
/// replace defaults of generic parameters.
pub fn for_item<F>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: DefId, mut mk_kind: F) -> GenericArgsRef<'tcx>
F: FnMut(&ty::GenericParamDef, &[GenericArg<'tcx>]) -> GenericArg<'tcx>,
let defs = tcx.generics_of(def_id);
let count = defs.count();
let mut args = SmallVec::with_capacity(count);
Self::fill_item(&mut args, tcx, defs, &mut mk_kind);
pub fn extend_to<F>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
mut mk_kind: F,
) -> GenericArgsRef<'tcx>
F: FnMut(&ty::GenericParamDef, &[GenericArg<'tcx>]) -> GenericArg<'tcx>,
Self::for_item(tcx, def_id, |param, args| {
self.get(param.index as usize).cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| mk_kind(param, args))
pub fn fill_item<F>(
args: &mut SmallVec<[GenericArg<'tcx>; 8]>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
defs: &ty::Generics,
mk_kind: &mut F,
) where
F: FnMut(&ty::GenericParamDef, &[GenericArg<'tcx>]) -> GenericArg<'tcx>,
if let Some(def_id) = defs.parent {
let parent_defs = tcx.generics_of(def_id);
Self::fill_item(args, tcx, parent_defs, mk_kind);
Self::fill_single(args, defs, mk_kind)
pub fn fill_single<F>(
args: &mut SmallVec<[GenericArg<'tcx>; 8]>,
defs: &ty::Generics,
mk_kind: &mut F,
) where
F: FnMut(&ty::GenericParamDef, &[GenericArg<'tcx>]) -> GenericArg<'tcx>,
for param in &defs.params {
let kind = mk_kind(param, args);
assert_eq!(param.index as usize, args.len(), "{args:#?}, {defs:#?}");
// Extend an `original_args` list to the full number of args expected by `def_id`,
// filling in the missing parameters with error ty/ct or 'static regions.
pub fn extend_with_error(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
original_args: &[GenericArg<'tcx>],
) -> GenericArgsRef<'tcx> {
ty::GenericArgs::for_item(tcx, def_id, |def, args| {
if let Some(arg) = original_args.get(def.index as usize) {
} else {
def.to_error(tcx, args)
pub fn types(&'tcx self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = Ty<'tcx>> + 'tcx {
self.iter().filter_map(|k| k.as_type())
pub fn regions(&'tcx self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = ty::Region<'tcx>> + 'tcx {
self.iter().filter_map(|k| k.as_region())
pub fn consts(&'tcx self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = ty::Const<'tcx>> + 'tcx {
self.iter().filter_map(|k| k.as_const())
/// Returns generic arguments that are not lifetimes or host effect params.
pub fn non_erasable_generics(
&'tcx self,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = GenericArgKind<'tcx>> + 'tcx {
let generics = tcx.generics_of(def_id);
self.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(i, k)| match k.unpack() {
_ if Some(i) == generics.host_effect_index => None,
ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_) => None,
generic => Some(generic),
pub fn type_at(&self, i: usize) -> Ty<'tcx> {
self[i].as_type().unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("expected type for param #{} in {:?}", i, self))
pub fn region_at(&self, i: usize) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
.unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("expected region for param #{} in {:?}", i, self))
pub fn const_at(&self, i: usize) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
self[i].as_const().unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("expected const for param #{} in {:?}", i, self))
pub fn type_for_def(&self, def: &ty::GenericParamDef) -> GenericArg<'tcx> {
self.type_at(def.index as usize).into()
/// Transform from generic args for a child of `source_ancestor`
/// (e.g., a trait or impl) to args for the same child
/// in a different item, with `target_args` as the base for
/// the target impl/trait, with the source child-specific
/// parameters (e.g., method parameters) on top of that base.
/// For example given:
/// ```no_run
/// trait X<S> { fn f<T>(); }
/// impl<U> X<U> for U { fn f<V>() {} }
/// ```
/// * If `self` is `[Self, S, T]`: the identity args of `f` in the trait.
/// * If `source_ancestor` is the def_id of the trait.
/// * If `target_args` is `[U]`, the args for the impl.
/// * Then we will return `[U, T]`, the arg for `f` in the impl that
/// are needed for it to match the trait.
pub fn rebase_onto(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
source_ancestor: DefId,
target_args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
) -> GenericArgsRef<'tcx> {
let defs = tcx.generics_of(source_ancestor);
pub fn truncate_to(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, generics: &ty::Generics) -> GenericArgsRef<'tcx> {
pub fn print_as_list(&self) -> String {
let v = self.iter().map(|arg| arg.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
format!("[{}]", v.join(", "))
impl<'tcx> TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for GenericArgsRef<'tcx> {
fn try_fold_with<F: FallibleTypeFolder<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(
folder: &mut F,
) -> Result<Self, F::Error> {
// This code is hot enough that it's worth specializing for the most
// common length lists, to avoid the overhead of `SmallVec` creation.
// The match arms are in order of frequency. The 1, 2, and 0 cases are
// typically hit in 90--99.99% of cases. When folding doesn't change
// the args, it's faster to reuse the existing args rather than
// calling `mk_args`.
match self.len() {
1 => {
let param0 = self[0].try_fold_with(folder)?;
if param0 == self[0] { Ok(self) } else { Ok(folder.interner().mk_args(&[param0])) }
2 => {
let param0 = self[0].try_fold_with(folder)?;
let param1 = self[1].try_fold_with(folder)?;
if param0 == self[0] && param1 == self[1] {
} else {
Ok(folder.interner().mk_args(&[param0, param1]))
0 => Ok(self),
_ => ty::util::fold_list(self, folder, |tcx, v| tcx.mk_args(v)),
impl<'tcx> TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for &'tcx ty::List<Ty<'tcx>> {
fn try_fold_with<F: FallibleTypeFolder<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(
folder: &mut F,
) -> Result<Self, F::Error> {
// This code is fairly hot, though not as hot as `GenericArgsRef`.
// When compiling stage 2, I get the following results:
// len | total | %
// --- | --------- | -----
// 2 | 15083590 | 48.1
// 3 | 7540067 | 24.0
// 1 | 5300377 | 16.9
// 4 | 1351897 | 4.3
// 0 | 1256849 | 4.0
// I've tried it with some private repositories and got
// close to the same result, with 4 and 0 swapping places
// sometimes.
match self.len() {
2 => {
let param0 = self[0].try_fold_with(folder)?;
let param1 = self[1].try_fold_with(folder)?;
if param0 == self[0] && param1 == self[1] {
} else {
Ok(folder.interner().mk_type_list(&[param0, param1]))
_ => ty::util::fold_list(self, folder, |tcx, v| tcx.mk_type_list(v)),
impl<'tcx, T: TypeVisitable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>> TypeVisitable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for &'tcx ty::List<T> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> ControlFlow<V::BreakTy> {
self.iter().try_for_each(|t| t.visit_with(visitor))
/// Similar to [`super::Binder`] except that it tracks early bound generics, i.e. `struct Foo<T>(T)`
/// needs `T` instantiated immediately. This type primarily exists to avoid forgetting to call
/// `instantiate`.
/// If you don't have anything to `instantiate`, you may be looking for
/// [`instantiate_identity`](EarlyBinder::instantiate_identity) or [`skip_binder`](EarlyBinder::skip_binder).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
#[derive(Encodable, Decodable, HashStable)]
pub struct EarlyBinder<T> {
value: T,
/// For early binders, you should first call `instantiate` before using any visitors.
impl<'tcx, T> !TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for ty::EarlyBinder<T> {}
impl<'tcx, T> !TypeVisitable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for ty::EarlyBinder<T> {}
impl<T> EarlyBinder<T> {
pub fn bind(value: T) -> EarlyBinder<T> {
EarlyBinder { value }
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> EarlyBinder<&T> {
EarlyBinder { value: &self.value }
pub fn map_bound_ref<F, U>(&self, f: F) -> EarlyBinder<U>
F: FnOnce(&T) -> U,
pub fn map_bound<F, U>(self, f: F) -> EarlyBinder<U>
F: FnOnce(T) -> U,
let value = f(self.value);
EarlyBinder { value }
pub fn try_map_bound<F, U, E>(self, f: F) -> Result<EarlyBinder<U>, E>
F: FnOnce(T) -> Result<U, E>,
let value = f(self.value)?;
Ok(EarlyBinder { value })
pub fn rebind<U>(&self, value: U) -> EarlyBinder<U> {
EarlyBinder { value }
/// Skips the binder and returns the "bound" value.
/// This can be used to extract data that does not depend on generic parameters
/// (e.g., getting the `DefId` of the inner value or getting the number of
/// arguments of an `FnSig`). Otherwise, consider using
/// [`instantiate_identity`](EarlyBinder::instantiate_identity).
/// To skip the binder on `x: &EarlyBinder<T>` to obtain `&T`, leverage
/// [`EarlyBinder::as_ref`](EarlyBinder::as_ref): `x.as_ref().skip_binder()`.
/// See also [`Binder::skip_binder`](super::Binder::skip_binder), which is
/// the analogous operation on [`super::Binder`].
pub fn skip_binder(self) -> T {
impl<T> EarlyBinder<Option<T>> {
pub fn transpose(self) -> Option<EarlyBinder<T>> {|value| EarlyBinder { value })
impl<'tcx, 's, I: IntoIterator> EarlyBinder<I>
I::Item: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
pub fn iter_instantiated(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
args: &'s [GenericArg<'tcx>],
) -> IterInstantiated<'s, 'tcx, I> {
IterInstantiated { it: self.value.into_iter(), tcx, args }
/// Similar to [`instantiate_identity`](EarlyBinder::instantiate_identity),
/// but on an iterator of `TypeFoldable` values.
pub fn instantiate_identity_iter(self) -> I::IntoIter {
pub struct IterInstantiated<'s, 'tcx, I: IntoIterator> {
it: I::IntoIter,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
args: &'s [GenericArg<'tcx>],
impl<'tcx, I: IntoIterator> Iterator for IterInstantiated<'_, 'tcx, I>
I::Item: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
type Item = I::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
Some(EarlyBinder { value: }.instantiate(self.tcx, self.args))
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl<'tcx, I: IntoIterator> DoubleEndedIterator for IterInstantiated<'_, 'tcx, I>
I::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,
I::Item: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
Some(EarlyBinder { value: }.instantiate(self.tcx, self.args))
impl<'tcx, I: IntoIterator> ExactSizeIterator for IterInstantiated<'_, 'tcx, I>
I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,
I::Item: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
impl<'tcx, 's, I: IntoIterator> EarlyBinder<I>
I::Item: Deref,
<I::Item as Deref>::Target: Copy + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
pub fn iter_instantiated_copied(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
args: &'s [GenericArg<'tcx>],
) -> IterInstantiatedCopied<'s, 'tcx, I> {
IterInstantiatedCopied { it: self.value.into_iter(), tcx, args }
/// Similar to [`instantiate_identity`](EarlyBinder::instantiate_identity),
/// but on an iterator of values that deref to a `TypeFoldable`.
pub fn instantiate_identity_iter_copied(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = <I::Item as Deref>::Target> {
self.value.into_iter().map(|v| *v)
pub struct IterInstantiatedCopied<'a, 'tcx, I: IntoIterator> {
it: I::IntoIter,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
args: &'a [GenericArg<'tcx>],
impl<'tcx, I: IntoIterator> Iterator for IterInstantiatedCopied<'_, 'tcx, I>
I::Item: Deref,
<I::Item as Deref>::Target: Copy + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
type Item = <I::Item as Deref>::Target;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|value| EarlyBinder { value: *value }.instantiate(self.tcx, self.args))
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl<'tcx, I: IntoIterator> DoubleEndedIterator for IterInstantiatedCopied<'_, 'tcx, I>
I::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,
I::Item: Deref,
<I::Item as Deref>::Target: Copy + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
.map(|value| EarlyBinder { value: *value }.instantiate(self.tcx, self.args))
impl<'tcx, I: IntoIterator> ExactSizeIterator for IterInstantiatedCopied<'_, 'tcx, I>
I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,
I::Item: Deref,
<I::Item as Deref>::Target: Copy + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
pub struct EarlyBinderIter<T> {
t: T,
impl<T: IntoIterator> EarlyBinder<T> {
pub fn transpose_iter(self) -> EarlyBinderIter<T::IntoIter> {
EarlyBinderIter { t: self.value.into_iter() }
impl<T: Iterator> Iterator for EarlyBinderIter<T> {
type Item = EarlyBinder<T::Item>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|value| EarlyBinder { value })
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl<'tcx, T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>> ty::EarlyBinder<T> {
pub fn instantiate(self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, args: &[GenericArg<'tcx>]) -> T {
let mut folder = ArgFolder { tcx, args, binders_passed: 0 };
self.value.fold_with(&mut folder)
/// Makes the identity replacement `T0 => T0, ..., TN => TN`.
/// Conceptually, this converts universally bound variables into placeholders
/// when inside of a given item.
/// For example, consider `for<T> fn foo<T>(){ .. }`:
/// - Outside of `foo`, `T` is bound (represented by the presence of `EarlyBinder`).
/// - Inside of the body of `foo`, we treat `T` as a placeholder by calling
/// `instantiate_identity` to discharge the `EarlyBinder`.
pub fn instantiate_identity(self) -> T {
/// Returns the inner value, but only if it contains no bound vars.
pub fn no_bound_vars(self) -> Option<T> {
if !self.value.has_param() { Some(self.value) } else { None }
// The actual substitution engine itself is a type folder.
struct ArgFolder<'a, 'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
args: &'a [GenericArg<'tcx>],
/// Number of region binders we have passed through while doing the substitution
binders_passed: u32,
impl<'a, 'tcx> TypeFolder<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for ArgFolder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn interner(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
fn fold_binder<T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(
&mut self,
t: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>,
) -> ty::Binder<'tcx, T> {
self.binders_passed += 1;
let t = t.super_fold_with(self);
self.binders_passed -= 1;
fn fold_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
fn region_param_out_of_range(data: ty::EarlyParamRegion, args: &[GenericArg<'_>]) -> ! {
"Region parameter out of range when substituting in region {} (index={}, args = {:?})",,
fn region_param_invalid(data: ty::EarlyParamRegion, other: GenericArgKind<'_>) -> ! {
"Unexpected parameter {:?} when substituting in region {} (index={})",
// Note: This routine only handles regions that are bound on
// type declarations and other outer declarations, not those
// bound in *fn types*. Region substitution of the bound
// regions that appear in a function signature is done using
// the specialized routine `ty::replace_late_regions()`.
match *r {
ty::ReEarlyParam(data) => {
let rk = self.args.get(data.index as usize).map(|k| k.unpack());
match rk {
Some(GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt)) => self.shift_region_through_binders(lt),
Some(other) => region_param_invalid(data, other),
None => region_param_out_of_range(data, self.args),
| ty::ReLateParam(_)
| ty::ReStatic
| ty::RePlaceholder(_)
| ty::ReErased
| ty::ReError(_) => r,
ty::ReVar(_) => bug!("unexpected region: {r:?}"),
fn fold_ty(&mut self, t: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
if !t.has_param() {
return t;
match *t.kind() {
ty::Param(p) => self.ty_for_param(p, t),
_ => t.super_fold_with(self),
fn fold_const(&mut self, c: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
if let ty::ConstKind::Param(p) = c.kind() {
self.const_for_param(p, c)
} else {
impl<'a, 'tcx> ArgFolder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn ty_for_param(&self, p: ty::ParamTy, source_ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
// Look up the type in the args. It really should be in there.
let opt_ty = self.args.get(p.index as usize).map(|k| k.unpack());
let ty = match opt_ty {
Some(GenericArgKind::Type(ty)) => ty,
Some(kind) => self.type_param_expected(p, source_ty, kind),
None => self.type_param_out_of_range(p, source_ty),
fn type_param_expected(&self, p: ty::ParamTy, ty: Ty<'tcx>, kind: GenericArgKind<'tcx>) -> ! {
"expected type for `{:?}` ({:?}/{}) but found {:?} when substituting, args={:?}",
fn type_param_out_of_range(&self, p: ty::ParamTy, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> ! {
"type parameter `{:?}` ({:?}/{}) out of range when substituting, args={:?}",
fn const_for_param(&self, p: ParamConst, source_ct: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
// Look up the const in the args. It really should be in there.
let opt_ct = self.args.get(p.index as usize).map(|k| k.unpack());
let ct = match opt_ct {
Some(GenericArgKind::Const(ct)) => ct,
Some(kind) => self.const_param_expected(p, source_ct, kind),
None => self.const_param_out_of_range(p, source_ct),
fn const_param_expected(
p: ty::ParamConst,
ct: ty::Const<'tcx>,
kind: GenericArgKind<'tcx>,
) -> ! {
"expected const for `{:?}` ({:?}/{}) but found {:?} when substituting args={:?}",
fn const_param_out_of_range(&self, p: ty::ParamConst, ct: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> ! {
"const parameter `{:?}` ({:?}/{}) out of range when substituting args={:?}",
/// It is sometimes necessary to adjust the De Bruijn indices during substitution. This occurs
/// when we are substituting a type with escaping bound vars into a context where we have
/// passed through binders. That's quite a mouthful. Let's see an example:
/// ```
/// type Func<A> = fn(A);
/// type MetaFunc = for<'a> fn(Func<&'a i32>);
/// ```
/// The type `MetaFunc`, when fully expanded, will be
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// for<'a> fn(fn(&'a i32))
/// // ^~ ^~ ^~~
/// // | | |
/// // | | DebruijnIndex of 2
/// // Binders
/// ```
/// Here the `'a` lifetime is bound in the outer function, but appears as an argument of the
/// inner one. Therefore, that appearance will have a DebruijnIndex of 2, because we must skip
/// over the inner binder (remember that we count De Bruijn indices from 1). However, in the
/// definition of `MetaFunc`, the binder is not visible, so the type `&'a i32` will have a
/// De Bruijn index of 1. It's only during the substitution that we can see we must increase the
/// depth by 1 to account for the binder that we passed through.
/// As a second example, consider this twist:
/// ```
/// type FuncTuple<A> = (A,fn(A));
/// type MetaFuncTuple = for<'a> fn(FuncTuple<&'a i32>);
/// ```
/// Here the final type will be:
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// for<'a> fn((&'a i32, fn(&'a i32)))
/// // ^~~ ^~~
/// // | |
/// // DebruijnIndex of 1 |
/// // DebruijnIndex of 2
/// ```
/// As indicated in the diagram, here the same type `&'a i32` is substituted once, but in the
/// first case we do not increase the De Bruijn index and in the second case we do. The reason
/// is that only in the second case have we passed through a fn binder.
fn shift_vars_through_binders<T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(&self, val: T) -> T {
"shift_vars(val={:?}, binders_passed={:?}, has_escaping_bound_vars={:?})",
if self.binders_passed == 0 || !val.has_escaping_bound_vars() {
return val;
let result = ty::fold::shift_vars(TypeFolder::interner(self), val, self.binders_passed);
debug!("shift_vars: shifted result = {:?}", result);
fn shift_region_through_binders(&self, region: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
if self.binders_passed == 0 || !region.has_escaping_bound_vars() {
return region;
ty::fold::shift_region(self.tcx, region, self.binders_passed)
/// Stores the user-given args to reach some fully qualified path
/// (e.g., `<T>::Item` or `<T as Trait>::Item`).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, TyEncodable, TyDecodable)]
#[derive(HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub struct UserArgs<'tcx> {
/// The args for the item as given by the user.
pub args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
/// The self type, in the case of a `<T>::Item` path (when applied
/// to an inherent impl). See `UserSelfTy` below.
pub user_self_ty: Option<UserSelfTy<'tcx>>,
/// Specifies the user-given self type. In the case of a path that
/// refers to a member in an inherent impl, this self type is
/// sometimes needed to constrain the type parameters on the impl. For
/// example, in this code:
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// struct Foo<T> { }
/// impl<A> Foo<A> { fn method() { } }
/// ```
/// when you then have a path like `<Foo<&'static u32>>::method`,
/// this struct would carry the `DefId` of the impl along with the
/// self type `Foo<u32>`. Then we can instantiate the parameters of
/// the impl (with the args from `UserArgs`) and apply those to
/// the self type, giving `Foo<?A>`. Finally, we unify that with
/// the self type here, which contains `?A` to be `&'static u32`
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, TyEncodable, TyDecodable)]
#[derive(HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub struct UserSelfTy<'tcx> {
pub impl_def_id: DefId,
pub self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,