blob: 85bb9584a057537d97f21c005625f0718c410780 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::diagnostics::error::{
span_err, throw_invalid_attr, throw_span_err, DiagnosticDeriveError,
use crate::diagnostics::utils::{
build_field_mapping, is_doc_comment, report_error_if_not_applied_to_span, report_type_error,
should_generate_arg, type_is_bool, type_is_unit, type_matches_path, FieldInfo, FieldInnerTy,
FieldMap, HasFieldMap, SetOnce, SpannedOption, SubdiagnosticKind,
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{format_ident, quote, quote_spanned};
use syn::Token;
use syn::{parse_quote, spanned::Spanned, Attribute, Meta, Path, Type};
use synstructure::{BindingInfo, Structure, VariantInfo};
use super::utils::SubdiagnosticVariant;
/// What kind of diagnostic is being derived - a fatal/error/warning or a lint?
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum DiagnosticDeriveKind {
/// Tracks persistent information required for a specific variant when building up individual calls
/// to diagnostic methods for generated diagnostic derives - both `Diagnostic` for
/// fatal/errors/warnings and `LintDiagnostic` for lints.
pub(crate) struct DiagnosticDeriveVariantBuilder {
/// The kind for the entire type.
pub kind: DiagnosticDeriveKind,
/// Initialization of format strings for code suggestions.
pub formatting_init: TokenStream,
/// Span of the struct or the enum variant.
pub span: proc_macro::Span,
/// Store a map of field name to its corresponding field. This is built on construction of the
/// derive builder.
pub field_map: FieldMap,
/// Slug is a mandatory part of the struct attribute as corresponds to the Fluent message that
/// has the actual diagnostic message.
pub slug: SpannedOption<Path>,
/// Error codes are a optional part of the struct attribute - this is only set to detect
/// multiple specifications.
pub code: SpannedOption<()>,
impl HasFieldMap for DiagnosticDeriveVariantBuilder {
fn get_field_binding(&self, field: &String) -> Option<&TokenStream> {
impl DiagnosticDeriveKind {
/// Call `f` for the struct or for each variant of the enum, returning a `TokenStream` with the
/// tokens from `f` wrapped in an `match` expression. Emits errors for use of derive on unions
/// or attributes on the type itself when input is an enum.
pub(crate) fn each_variant<'s, F>(self, structure: &mut Structure<'s>, f: F) -> TokenStream
F: for<'v> Fn(DiagnosticDeriveVariantBuilder, &VariantInfo<'v>) -> TokenStream,
let ast = structure.ast();
let span = ast.span().unwrap();
match {
syn::Data::Struct(..) | syn::Data::Enum(..) => (),
syn::Data::Union(..) => {
span_err(span, "diagnostic derives can only be used on structs and enums").emit();
if matches!(, syn::Data::Enum(..)) {
for attr in &ast.attrs {
"unsupported type attribute for diagnostic derive enum",
structure.bind_with(|_| synstructure::BindStyle::Move);
let variants = structure.each_variant(|variant| {
let span = match structure.ast().data {
syn::Data::Struct(..) => span,
// There isn't a good way to get the span of the variant, so the variant's
// name will need to do.
_ => variant.ast().ident.span().unwrap(),
let builder = DiagnosticDeriveVariantBuilder {
kind: self,
field_map: build_field_mapping(variant),
formatting_init: TokenStream::new(),
slug: None,
code: None,
f(builder, variant)
quote! {
match self {
impl DiagnosticDeriveVariantBuilder {
/// Generates calls to `code` and similar functions based on the attributes on the type or
/// variant.
pub(crate) fn preamble(&mut self, variant: &VariantInfo<'_>) -> TokenStream {
let ast = variant.ast();
let attrs = &ast.attrs;
let preamble = attrs.iter().map(|attr| {
self.generate_structure_code_for_attr(attr).unwrap_or_else(|v| v.to_compile_error())
quote! {
/// Generates calls to `span_label` and similar functions based on the attributes on fields or
/// calls to `arg` when no attributes are present.
pub(crate) fn body(&mut self, variant: &VariantInfo<'_>) -> TokenStream {
let mut body = quote! {};
// Generate `arg` calls first..
for binding in variant.bindings().iter().filter(|bi| should_generate_arg(bi.ast())) {
// ..and then subdiagnostic additions.
for binding in variant.bindings().iter().filter(|bi| !should_generate_arg(bi.ast())) {
/// Parse a `SubdiagnosticKind` from an `Attribute`.
fn parse_subdiag_attribute(
attr: &Attribute,
) -> Result<Option<(SubdiagnosticKind, Path, bool)>, DiagnosticDeriveError> {
let Some(subdiag) = SubdiagnosticVariant::from_attr(attr, self)? else {
// Some attributes aren't errors - like documentation comments - but also aren't
// subdiagnostics.
return Ok(None);
if let SubdiagnosticKind::MultipartSuggestion { .. } = subdiag.kind {
throw_invalid_attr!(attr, |diag| diag
.help("consider creating a `Subdiagnostic` instead"));
let slug = subdiag.slug.unwrap_or_else(|| match subdiag.kind {
SubdiagnosticKind::Label => parse_quote! { _subdiag::label },
SubdiagnosticKind::Note => parse_quote! { _subdiag::note },
SubdiagnosticKind::Help => parse_quote! { _subdiag::help },
SubdiagnosticKind::Warn => parse_quote! { _subdiag::warn },
SubdiagnosticKind::Suggestion { .. } => parse_quote! { _subdiag::suggestion },
SubdiagnosticKind::MultipartSuggestion { .. } => unreachable!(),
Ok(Some((subdiag.kind, slug, subdiag.no_span)))
/// Establishes state in the `DiagnosticDeriveBuilder` resulting from the struct
/// attributes like `#[diag(..)]`, such as the slug and error code. Generates
/// diagnostic builder calls for setting error code and creating note/help messages.
fn generate_structure_code_for_attr(
&mut self,
attr: &Attribute,
) -> Result<TokenStream, DiagnosticDeriveError> {
// Always allow documentation comments.
if is_doc_comment(attr) {
return Ok(quote! {});
let name = attr.path().segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
let name = name.as_str();
let mut first = true;
if name == "diag" {
let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
attr.parse_nested_meta(|nested| {
let path = &nested.path;
if first && (nested.input.is_empty() || nested.input.peek(Token![,])) {
self.slug.set_once(path.clone(), path.span().unwrap());
first = false;
return Ok(());
first = false;
let Ok(nested) = nested.value() else {
"diagnostic slug must be the first argument",
return Ok(());
if path.is_ident("code") {
self.code.set_once((), path.span().unwrap());
let code = nested.parse::<syn::Expr>()?;
tokens.extend(quote! {
} else {
span_err(path.span().unwrap(), "unknown argument")
.note("only the `code` parameter is valid after the slug")
// consume the buffer so we don't have syntax errors from syn
let _ = nested.parse::<TokenStream>();
return Ok(tokens);
let Some((subdiag, slug, _no_span)) = self.parse_subdiag_attribute(attr)? else {
// Some attributes aren't errors - like documentation comments - but also aren't
// subdiagnostics.
return Ok(quote! {});
let fn_ident = format_ident!("{}", subdiag);
match subdiag {
SubdiagnosticKind::Note | SubdiagnosticKind::Help | SubdiagnosticKind::Warn => {
Ok(self.add_subdiagnostic(&fn_ident, slug))
SubdiagnosticKind::Label | SubdiagnosticKind::Suggestion { .. } => {
throw_invalid_attr!(attr, |diag| diag
.help("`#[label]` and `#[suggestion]` can only be applied to fields"));
SubdiagnosticKind::MultipartSuggestion { .. } => unreachable!(),
fn generate_field_code(&mut self, binding_info: &BindingInfo<'_>) -> TokenStream {
let field = binding_info.ast();
let mut field_binding = binding_info.binding.clone();
let ident = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let ident = format_ident!("{}", ident); // strip `r#` prefix, if present
quote! {
fn generate_field_attrs_code(&mut self, binding_info: &BindingInfo<'_>) -> TokenStream {
let field = binding_info.ast();
let field_binding = &binding_info.binding;
let inner_ty = FieldInnerTy::from_type(&field.ty);
.map(move |attr| {
// Always allow documentation comments.
if is_doc_comment(attr) {
return quote! {};
let name = attr.path().segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
let needs_clone =
name == "primary_span" && matches!(inner_ty, FieldInnerTy::Vec(_));
let (binding, needs_destructure) = if needs_clone {
// `primary_span` can accept a `Vec<Span>` so don't destructure that.
(quote_spanned! {inner_ty.span()=> #field_binding.clone() }, false)
} else {
(quote_spanned! {inner_ty.span()=> #field_binding }, true)
let generated_code = self
FieldInfo { binding: binding_info, ty: inner_ty, span: &field.span() },
.unwrap_or_else(|v| v.to_compile_error());
if needs_destructure {
inner_ty.with(field_binding, generated_code)
} else {
fn generate_inner_field_code(
&mut self,
attr: &Attribute,
info: FieldInfo<'_>,
binding: TokenStream,
) -> Result<TokenStream, DiagnosticDeriveError> {
let ident = &attr.path().segments.last().unwrap().ident;
let name = ident.to_string();
match (&attr.meta, name.as_str()) {
// Don't need to do anything - by virtue of the attribute existing, the
// `arg` call will not be generated.
(Meta::Path(_), "skip_arg") => return Ok(quote! {}),
(Meta::Path(_), "primary_span") => {
match self.kind {
DiagnosticDeriveKind::Diagnostic => {
report_error_if_not_applied_to_span(attr, &info)?;
return Ok(quote! {
DiagnosticDeriveKind::LintDiagnostic => {
throw_invalid_attr!(attr, |diag| {"the `primary_span` field attribute is not valid for lint diagnostics")
(Meta::Path(_), "subdiagnostic") => {
if FieldInnerTy::from_type(&info.binding.ast().ty).will_iterate() {
let DiagnosticDeriveKind::Diagnostic = self.kind else {
// No eager translation for lints.
return Ok(quote! { diag.subdiagnostic(#binding); });
return Ok(quote! { diag.eager_subdiagnostic(dcx, #binding); });
} else {
return Ok(quote! { diag.subdiagnostic(#binding); });
(Meta::List(meta_list), "subdiagnostic") => {
let err = || {
"`eager` is the only supported nested attribute for `subdiagnostic`",
let Ok(p): Result<Path, _> = meta_list.parse_args() else {
return Ok(quote! {});
if !p.is_ident("eager") {
return Ok(quote! {});
match &self.kind {
DiagnosticDeriveKind::Diagnostic => {}
DiagnosticDeriveKind::LintDiagnostic => {
throw_invalid_attr!(attr, |diag| {"eager subdiagnostics are not supported on lints")
return Ok(quote! { diag.eager_subdiagnostic(dcx, #binding); });
_ => (),
let Some((subdiag, slug, _no_span)) = self.parse_subdiag_attribute(attr)? else {
// Some attributes aren't errors - like documentation comments - but also aren't
// subdiagnostics.
return Ok(quote! {});
let fn_ident = format_ident!("{}", subdiag);
match subdiag {
SubdiagnosticKind::Label => {
report_error_if_not_applied_to_span(attr, &info)?;
Ok(self.add_spanned_subdiagnostic(binding, &fn_ident, slug))
SubdiagnosticKind::Note | SubdiagnosticKind::Help | SubdiagnosticKind::Warn => {
let inner = info.ty.inner_type();
if type_matches_path(inner, &["rustc_span", "Span"])
|| type_matches_path(inner, &["rustc_span", "MultiSpan"])
Ok(self.add_spanned_subdiagnostic(binding, &fn_ident, slug))
} else if type_is_unit(inner)
|| (matches!(info.ty, FieldInnerTy::Plain(_)) && type_is_bool(inner))
Ok(self.add_subdiagnostic(&fn_ident, slug))
} else {
report_type_error(attr, "`Span`, `MultiSpan`, `bool` or `()`")?
SubdiagnosticKind::Suggestion {
applicability: static_applicability,
} => {
if let FieldInnerTy::Vec(_) = info.ty {
throw_invalid_attr!(attr, |diag| {
.note("`#[suggestion(...)]` applied to `Vec` field is ambiguous")
.help("to show a suggestion consisting of multiple parts, use a `Subdiagnostic` annotated with `#[multipart_suggestion(...)]`")
.help("to show a variable set of suggestions, use a `Vec` of `Subdiagnostic`s annotated with `#[suggestion(...)]`")
let (span_field, mut applicability) = self.span_and_applicability_of_ty(info)?;
if let Some((static_applicability, span)) = static_applicability {
applicability.set_once(quote! { #static_applicability }, span);
let applicability = applicability
.unwrap_or_else(|| quote! { rustc_errors::Applicability::Unspecified });
let style = suggestion_kind.to_suggestion_style();
Ok(quote! {
SubdiagnosticKind::MultipartSuggestion { .. } => unreachable!(),
/// Adds a spanned subdiagnostic by generating a `diag.span_$kind` call with the current slug
/// and `fluent_attr_identifier`.
fn add_spanned_subdiagnostic(
field_binding: TokenStream,
kind: &Ident,
fluent_attr_identifier: Path,
) -> TokenStream {
let fn_name = format_ident!("span_{}", kind);
quote! {
/// Adds a subdiagnostic by generating a `diag.span_$kind` call with the current slug
/// and `fluent_attr_identifier`.
fn add_subdiagnostic(&self, kind: &Ident, fluent_attr_identifier: Path) -> TokenStream {
quote! {
fn span_and_applicability_of_ty(
info: FieldInfo<'_>,
) -> Result<(TokenStream, SpannedOption<TokenStream>), DiagnosticDeriveError> {
match &info.ty.inner_type() {
// If `ty` is `Span` w/out applicability, then use `Applicability::Unspecified`.
ty @ Type::Path(..) if type_matches_path(ty, &["rustc_span", "Span"]) => {
let binding = &info.binding.binding;
Ok((quote!(#binding), None))
// If `ty` is `(Span, Applicability)` then return tokens accessing those.
Type::Tuple(tup) => {
let mut span_idx = None;
let mut applicability_idx = None;
fn type_err(span: &Span) -> Result<!, DiagnosticDeriveError> {
span_err(span.unwrap(), "wrong types for suggestion")
"`#[suggestion(...)]` on a tuple field must be applied to fields \
of type `(Span, Applicability)`",
for (idx, elem) in tup.elems.iter().enumerate() {
if type_matches_path(elem, &["rustc_span", "Span"]) {
span_idx.set_once(syn::Index::from(idx), elem.span().unwrap());
} else if type_matches_path(elem, &["rustc_errors", "Applicability"]) {
applicability_idx.set_once(syn::Index::from(idx), elem.span().unwrap());
} else {
let Some((span_idx, _)) = span_idx else {
let Some((applicability_idx, applicability_span)) = applicability_idx else {
let binding = &info.binding.binding;
let span = quote!(#binding.#span_idx);
let applicability = quote!(#binding.#applicability_idx);
Ok((span, Some((applicability, applicability_span))))
// If `ty` isn't a `Span` or `(Span, Applicability)` then emit an error.
_ => throw_span_err!(info.span.unwrap(), "wrong field type for suggestion", |diag| {
"`#[suggestion(...)]` should be applied to fields of type `Span` or \
`(Span, Applicability)`",