blob: cf1f232229d51c0571baa597cc4ab6edcad02d8c [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::coercion::{AsCoercionSite, CoerceMany};
use crate::{Diverges, Expectation, FnCtxt, Needs};
use rustc_errors::Diagnostic;
use rustc_hir::{self as hir, ExprKind};
use rustc_hir_pretty::ty_to_string;
use rustc_infer::infer::type_variable::{TypeVariableOrigin, TypeVariableOriginKind};
use rustc_infer::traits::Obligation;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty};
use rustc_span::Span;
use rustc_trait_selection::traits::query::evaluate_obligation::InferCtxtExt;
use rustc_trait_selection::traits::{
IfExpressionCause, MatchExpressionArmCause, ObligationCause, ObligationCauseCode,
impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
#[instrument(skip(self), level = "debug", ret)]
pub fn check_match(
expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
scrut: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
arms: &'tcx [hir::Arm<'tcx>],
orig_expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
match_src: hir::MatchSource,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let acrb = arms_contain_ref_bindings(arms);
let scrutinee_ty = self.demand_scrutinee_type(scrut, acrb, arms.is_empty());
// If there are no arms, that is a diverging match; a special case.
if arms.is_empty() {
self.diverges.set(self.diverges.get() | Diverges::always(expr.span));
return tcx.types.never;
// Otherwise, we have to union together the types that the arms produce and so forth.
let scrut_diverges = self.diverges.replace(Diverges::Maybe);
// #55810: Type check patterns first so we get types for all bindings.
let scrut_span = scrut.span.find_ancestor_inside(expr.span).unwrap_or(scrut.span);
for arm in arms {
self.check_pat_top(arm.pat, scrutinee_ty, Some(scrut_span), Some(scrut), None);
// Now typecheck the blocks.
// The result of the match is the common supertype of all the
// arms. Start out the value as bottom, since it's the, well,
// bottom the type lattice, and we'll be moving up the lattice as
// we process each arm. (Note that any match with 0 arms is matching
// on any empty type and is therefore unreachable; should the flow
// of execution reach it, we will panic, so bottom is an appropriate
// type in that case)
let mut all_arms_diverge = Diverges::WarnedAlways;
let expected = orig_expected.adjust_for_branches(self);
let mut coercion = {
let coerce_first = match expected {
// We don't coerce to `()` so that if the match expression is a
// statement it's branches can have any consistent type. That allows
// us to give better error messages (pointing to a usually better
// arm for inconsistent arms or to the whole match when a `()` type
// is required).
Expectation::ExpectHasType(ety) if ety != Ty::new_unit(self.tcx) => ety,
_ => self.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin {
kind: TypeVariableOriginKind::MiscVariable,
span: expr.span,
CoerceMany::with_coercion_sites(coerce_first, arms)
let mut other_arms = vec![]; // Used only for diagnostics.
let mut prior_arm = None;
for arm in arms {
if let Some(e) = &arm.guard {
self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(e, tcx.types.bool, |_| {});
let arm_ty = self.check_expr_with_expectation(arm.body, expected);
all_arms_diverge &= self.diverges.get();
let opt_suggest_box_span = prior_arm.and_then(|(_, prior_arm_ty, _)| {
self.opt_suggest_box_span(prior_arm_ty, arm_ty, orig_expected)
let (arm_block_id, arm_span) = if let hir::ExprKind::Block(blk, _) = arm.body.kind {
(Some(blk.hir_id), self.find_block_span(blk))
} else {
(None, arm.body.span)
let (span, code) = match prior_arm {
// The reason for the first arm to fail is not that the match arms diverge,
// but rather that there's a prior obligation that doesn't hold.
None => {
(arm_span, ObligationCauseCode::BlockTailExpression(arm.body.hir_id, match_src))
Some((prior_arm_block_id, prior_arm_ty, prior_arm_span)) => (
ObligationCauseCode::MatchExpressionArm(Box::new(MatchExpressionArmCause {
scrut_span: scrut.span,
scrut_hir_id: scrut.hir_id,
source: match_src,
prior_arms: other_arms.clone(),
let cause = self.cause(span, code);
// This is the moral equivalent of `coercion.coerce(self, cause, arm.body, arm_ty)`.
// We use it this way to be able to expand on the potential error and detect when a
// `match` tail statement could be a tail expression instead. If so, we suggest
// removing the stray semicolon.
|err| {
self.explain_never_type_coerced_to_unit(err, arm, arm_ty, prior_arm, expr);
if other_arms.len() > 5 {
if !arm_ty.is_never() {
// When a match arm has type `!`, then it doesn't influence the expected type for
// the following arm. If all of the prior arms are `!`, then the influence comes
// from elsewhere and we shouldn't point to any previous arm.
prior_arm = Some((arm_block_id, arm_ty, arm_span));
// If all of the arms in the `match` diverge,
// and we're dealing with an actual `match` block
// (as opposed to a `match` desugared from something else'),
// we can emit a better note. Rather than pointing
// at a diverging expression in an arbitrary arm,
// we can point at the entire `match` expression
if let (Diverges::Always { .. }, hir::MatchSource::Normal) = (all_arms_diverge, match_src) {
all_arms_diverge = Diverges::Always {
span: expr.span,
custom_note: Some(
"any code following this `match` expression is unreachable, as all arms diverge",
// We won't diverge unless the scrutinee or all arms diverge.
self.diverges.set(scrut_diverges | all_arms_diverge);
fn explain_never_type_coerced_to_unit(
err: &mut Diagnostic,
arm: &hir::Arm<'tcx>,
arm_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
prior_arm: Option<(Option<hir::HirId>, Ty<'tcx>, Span)>,
expr: &hir::Expr<'tcx>,
) {
if let hir::ExprKind::Block(block, _) = arm.body.kind
&& let Some(expr) = block.expr
&& let arm_tail_ty = self.node_ty(expr.hir_id)
&& arm_tail_ty.is_never()
&& !arm_ty.is_never()
"this expression is of type `!`, but it is coerced to `{arm_ty}` due to its \
surrounding expression",
prior_arm.map_or(arm_tail_ty, |(_, ty, _)| ty),
self.suggest_removing_semicolon_for_coerce(err, expr, arm_ty, prior_arm)
fn suggest_removing_semicolon_for_coerce(
diag: &mut Diagnostic,
expr: &hir::Expr<'tcx>,
arm_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
prior_arm: Option<(Option<hir::HirId>, Ty<'tcx>, Span)>,
) {
let hir = self.tcx.hir();
// First, check that we're actually in the tail of a function.
let Some(body_id) = hir.maybe_body_owned_by(self.body_id) else {
let body = hir.body(body_id);
let hir::ExprKind::Block(block, _) = body.value.kind else {
let Some(hir::Stmt { kind: hir::StmtKind::Semi(last_expr), span: semi_span, .. }) =
else {
if last_expr.hir_id != expr.hir_id {
// Next, make sure that we have no type expectation.
let Some(ret) = self
.and_then(|owner| owner.fn_decl())
.map(|decl| decl.output.span())
else {
let can_coerce_to_return_ty = match self.ret_coercion.as_ref() {
Some(ret_coercion) => {
let ret_ty = ret_coercion.borrow().expected_ty();
let ret_ty = self.inh.infcx.shallow_resolve(ret_ty);
self.can_coerce(arm_ty, ret_ty)
&& prior_arm.map_or(true, |(_, ty, _)| self.can_coerce(ty, ret_ty))
// The match arms need to unify for the case of `impl Trait`.
&& !matches!(ret_ty.kind(), ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ..))
_ => false,
if !can_coerce_to_return_ty {
let semi = expr.span.shrink_to_hi().with_hi(semi_span.hi());
let sugg = crate::errors::RemoveSemiForCoerce { expr: expr.span, ret, semi };
/// When the previously checked expression (the scrutinee) diverges,
/// warn the user about the match arms being unreachable.
fn warn_arms_when_scrutinee_diverges(&self, arms: &'tcx [hir::Arm<'tcx>]) {
for arm in arms {
self.warn_if_unreachable(arm.body.hir_id, arm.body.span, "arm");
/// Handle the fallback arm of a desugared if(-let) like a missing else.
/// Returns `true` if there was an error forcing the coercion to the `()` type.
pub(super) fn if_fallback_coercion<T>(
span: Span,
then_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
coercion: &mut CoerceMany<'tcx, '_, T>,
) -> bool
T: AsCoercionSite,
// If this `if` expr is the parent's function return expr,
// the cause of the type coercion is the return type, point at it. (#25228)
let hir_id = self.tcx.hir().parent_id(self.tcx.hir().parent_id(then_expr.hir_id));
let ret_reason = self.maybe_get_coercion_reason(hir_id, span);
let cause = self.cause(span, ObligationCauseCode::IfExpressionWithNoElse);
let mut error = false;
|err| {
if let Some((span, msg)) = &ret_reason {
err.span_label(*span, msg.clone());
} else if let ExprKind::Block(block, _) = &then_expr.kind
&& let Some(expr) = &block.expr
err.span_label(expr.span, "found here");
err.note("`if` expressions without `else` evaluate to `()`");"consider adding an `else` block that evaluates to the expected type");
error = true;
pub fn maybe_get_coercion_reason(
hir_id: hir::HirId,
sp: Span,
) -> Option<(Span, String)> {
let node = self.tcx.hir_node(hir_id);
if let hir::Node::Block(block) = node {
// check that the body's parent is an fn
let parent = self.tcx.hir().get_parent(self.tcx.hir().parent_id(block.hir_id));
if let (Some(expr), hir::Node::Item(hir::Item { kind: hir::ItemKind::Fn(..), .. })) =
(&block.expr, parent)
// check that the `if` expr without `else` is the fn body's expr
if expr.span == sp {
return self.get_fn_decl(hir_id).and_then(|(_, fn_decl, _)| {
let (ty, span) = match fn_decl.output {
hir::FnRetTy::DefaultReturn(span) => ("()".to_string(), span),
hir::FnRetTy::Return(ty) => (ty_to_string(ty), ty.span),
Some((span, format!("expected `{ty}` because of this return type")))
if let hir::Node::Local(hir::Local { ty: Some(_), pat, .. }) = node {
return Some((pat.span, "expected because of this assignment".to_string()));
pub(crate) fn if_cause(
span: Span,
cond_span: Span,
then_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
else_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
then_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
else_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
opt_suggest_box_span: Option<Span>,
) -> ObligationCause<'tcx> {
let mut outer_span = if self.tcx.sess.source_map().is_multiline(span) {
// The `if`/`else` isn't in one line in the output, include some context to make it
// clear it is an if/else expression:
// ```
// LL | let x = if true {
// | _____________-
// LL || 10i32
// || ----- expected because of this
// LL || } else {
// LL || 10u32
// || ^^^^^ expected `i32`, found `u32`
// LL || };
// ||_____- `if` and `else` have incompatible types
// ```
} else {
// The entire expression is in one line, only point at the arms
// ```
// LL | let x = if true { 10i32 } else { 10u32 };
// | ----- ^^^^^ expected `i32`, found `u32`
// | |
// | expected because of this
// ```
let (error_sp, else_id) = if let ExprKind::Block(block, _) = &else_expr.kind {
let block = block.innermost_block();
// Avoid overlapping spans that aren't as readable:
// ```
// 2 | let x = if true {
// | _____________-
// 3 | | 3
// | | - expected because of this
// 4 | | } else {
// | |____________^
// 5 | ||
// 6 | || };
// | || ^
// | ||_____|
// | |______if and else have incompatible types
// | expected integer, found `()`
// ```
// by not pointing at the entire expression:
// ```
// 2 | let x = if true {
// | ------- `if` and `else` have incompatible types
// 3 | 3
// | - expected because of this
// 4 | } else {
// | ____________^
// 5 | |
// 6 | | };
// | |_____^ expected integer, found `()`
// ```
if block.expr.is_none()
&& block.stmts.is_empty()
&& let Some(outer_span) = &mut outer_span
&& let Some(cond_span) = cond_span.find_ancestor_inside(*outer_span)
*outer_span = outer_span.with_hi(cond_span.hi())
(self.find_block_span(block), block.hir_id)
} else {
(else_expr.span, else_expr.hir_id)
let then_id = if let ExprKind::Block(block, _) = &then_expr.kind {
let block = block.innermost_block();
// Exclude overlapping spans
if block.expr.is_none() && block.stmts.is_empty() {
outer_span = None;
} else {
// Finally construct the cause:
ObligationCauseCode::IfExpression(Box::new(IfExpressionCause {
pub(super) fn demand_scrutinee_type(
scrut: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
contains_ref_bindings: Option<hir::Mutability>,
no_arms: bool,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
// Not entirely obvious: if matches may create ref bindings, we want to
// use the *precise* type of the scrutinee, *not* some supertype, as
// the "scrutinee type" (issue #23116).
// arielb1 [writes here in this comment thread][c] that there
// is certainly *some* potential danger, e.g., for an example
// like:
// [c]:
// ```
// let Foo(x) = f()[0];
// ```
// Then if the pattern matches by reference, we want to match
// `f()[0]` as a lexpr, so we can't allow it to be
// coerced. But if the pattern matches by value, `f()[0]` is
// still syntactically a lexpr, but we *do* want to allow
// coercions.
// However, *likely* we are ok with allowing coercions to
// happen if there are no explicit ref mut patterns - all
// implicit ref mut patterns must occur behind a reference, so
// they will have the "correct" variance and lifetime.
// This does mean that the following pattern would be legal:
// ```
// struct Foo(Bar);
// struct Bar(u32);
// impl Deref for Foo {
// type Target = Bar;
// fn deref(&self) -> &Bar { &self.0 }
// }
// impl DerefMut for Foo {
// fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Bar { &mut self.0 }
// }
// fn foo(x: &mut Foo) {
// {
// let Bar(z): &mut Bar = x;
// *z = 42;
// }
// assert_eq!(foo.0.0, 42);
// }
// ```
// FIXME(tschottdorf): don't call contains_explicit_ref_binding, which
// is problematic as the HIR is being scraped, but ref bindings may be
// implicit after #42640. We need to make sure that pat_adjustments
// (once introduced) is populated by the time we get here.
// See #44848.
if let Some(m) = contains_ref_bindings {
self.check_expr_with_needs(scrut, Needs::maybe_mut_place(m))
} else if no_arms {
} else {
// ...but otherwise we want to use any supertype of the
// scrutinee. This is sort of a workaround, see note (*) in
// `check_pat` for some details.
let scrut_ty = self.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin {
kind: TypeVariableOriginKind::TypeInference,
span: scrut.span,
self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(scrut, scrut_ty, |_| {});
/// When we have a `match` as a tail expression in a `fn` with a returned `impl Trait`
/// we check if the different arms would work with boxed trait objects instead and
/// provide a structured suggestion in that case.
pub(crate) fn opt_suggest_box_span(
first_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
second_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
orig_expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
) -> Option<Span> {
// FIXME(compiler-errors): This really shouldn't need to be done during the
// "good" path of typeck, but here we are.
match orig_expected {
Expectation::ExpectHasType(expected) => {
let TypeVariableOrigin {
kind: TypeVariableOriginKind::OpaqueTypeInference(rpit_def_id),
} = self.type_var_origin(expected)?
else {
return None;
let Some(rpit_local_def_id) = rpit_def_id.as_local() else {
return None;
if !matches!(
) {
return None;
let sig = self.body_fn_sig()?;
let args = sig.output().walk().find_map(|arg| {
if let ty::GenericArgKind::Type(ty) = arg.unpack()
&& let ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ty::AliasTy { def_id, args, .. }) = *ty.kind()
&& def_id == rpit_def_id
} else {
if !self.can_coerce(first_ty, expected) || !self.can_coerce(second_ty, expected) {
return None;
for ty in [first_ty, second_ty] {
for (clause, _) in self
.iter_instantiated_copied(self.tcx, args)
let pred = clause.kind().rebind(match clause.kind().skip_binder() {
ty::ClauseKind::Trait(trait_pred) => {
ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ty::AliasTy { def_id, args: alias_args, .. })
if def_id == rpit_def_id && args == alias_args
ty::ClauseKind::Trait(trait_pred.with_self_ty(self.tcx, ty))
ty::ClauseKind::Projection(mut proj_pred) => {
ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ty::AliasTy { def_id, args: alias_args, .. })
if def_id == rpit_def_id && args == alias_args
proj_pred = proj_pred.with_self_ty(self.tcx, ty);
_ => continue,
if !self.predicate_must_hold_modulo_regions(&Obligation::new(
ObligationCause::misc(span, self.body_id),
)) {
return None;
_ => None,
fn arms_contain_ref_bindings<'tcx>(arms: &'tcx [hir::Arm<'tcx>]) -> Option<hir::Mutability> {
arms.iter().filter_map(|a| a.pat.contains_explicit_ref_binding()).max()