blob: 5b969d36a3ef9ee01d60b7ab36c01e1d1e2a8d8e [file] [log] [blame]
/// The Toml Insert extensions
#[cfg(feature = "typed")]
use serde::Serialize;
use toml::Value;
use crate::tokenizer::Token;
use crate::tokenizer::tokenize_with_seperator;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
pub trait TomlValueInsertExt {
/// Extension function for inserting a value in the current toml::Value document
/// using a custom seperator.
/// For difference to TomlSetExt::set() and friends, read [#semantics].
/// # Semantics
/// The function automatically creates intermediate data structures based on the query string.
/// That means, if the query string is `"a.b.c.[0]"`, but only a table `"a"` exists in the
/// document, the function automatically creates a table `"b"` inside `"a"` and `"c"` inside
/// `"b"`, and an array in `"c"`. The array index is ignored if the array is created.
/// If an Array exists, but the specified index is larger than the last index, the array will
/// be expanded by one element: If the array has a length of 3, but the query string specifies
/// that the element should be put at 1000, the function ignores the large index and simply
/// appends the value to the index.
/// If a Value is inserted into an Array, the array indexes are shifted. Semantically this is
/// the same as doing a `array.insert(4, _)` (see the standard library).
/// ## Known Bugs
/// The current implementation does _not_ create intermediate Arrays as described above.
/// This is a known bug. So queries like "[0].baz" (or any query which has an array
/// element) will fail with an error rather than work.
/// # Return value
/// If the insert operation worked correctly, `Ok(None)` is returned.
/// If the insert operation replaced an existing value `Ok(Some(old_value))` is returned
/// On failure, `Err(e)` is returned
/// # Examples
/// The following example shows a working `insert_with_seperator()` call on an empty toml
/// document. The Value is inserted as `" = 1"` in the document.
/// ```rust
/// extern crate toml;
/// extern crate toml_query;
/// let mut toml : toml::Value = toml::from_str("").unwrap();
/// let query = "";
/// let sep = '.';
/// let val = toml::Value::Integer(1);
/// let res = toml_query::insert::TomlValueInsertExt::insert_with_seperator(&mut toml, query, sep, val);
/// assert!(res.is_ok());
/// let res = res.unwrap();
/// assert!(res.is_none());
/// ```
/// The following example shows a failing `insert_with_seperator()` call on an empty toml
/// document. The Query does contain an array token, which does not yet work.
/// ```rust,should_panic
/// extern crate toml;
/// extern crate toml_query;
/// let mut toml : toml::Value = toml::from_str("").unwrap();
/// let query = "foo.[0]";
/// let sep = '.';
/// let val = toml::Value::Integer(1);
/// let res = toml_query::insert::TomlValueInsertExt::insert_with_seperator(&mut toml, query, sep, val);
/// assert!(res.is_ok()); // panics
/// ```
fn insert_with_seperator(&mut self, query: &str, sep: char, value: Value) -> Result<Option<Value>>;
/// Extension function for inserting a value from the current toml::Value document
/// See documentation of `TomlValueinsertExt::insert_with_seperator`
fn insert(&mut self, query: &str, value: Value) -> Result<Option<Value>> {
self.insert_with_seperator(query, '.', value)
/// A convenience method for inserting any arbitrary serializable value.
#[cfg(feature = "typed")]
fn insert_serialized<S: Serialize>(&mut self, query: &str, value: S) -> Result<Option<Value>> {
let value = Value::try_from(value).map_err(Error::TomlSerialize)?;
self.insert(query, value)
impl TomlValueInsertExt for Value {
fn insert_with_seperator(&mut self, query: &str, sep: char, value: Value) -> Result<Option<Value>> {
use crate::resolver::mut_creating_resolver::resolve;
let mut tokens = r#try!(tokenize_with_seperator(query, sep));
let (val, last) = match tokens.pop_last() {
None => (self, Box::new(tokens)),
Some(last) => (r#try!(resolve(self, &tokens)), last),
match *last {
Token::Identifier { ident, .. } => {
match val {
&mut Value::Table(ref mut t) => {
Ok(t.insert(ident, value))
_ => Err(Error::NoIdentifierInArray(ident.clone()))
Token::Index { idx , .. } => {
match val {
&mut Value::Array(ref mut a) => {
if a.len() > idx {
a.insert(idx, value);
} else {
_ => Err(Error::NoIndexInTable(idx))
mod test {
use super::*;
use toml::Value;
use toml::from_str as toml_from_str;
fn test_insert_one_token() {
use toml::map::Map;
let mut toml = Value::Table(Map::new());
let res = toml.insert(&String::from("value"), Value::Integer(1));
println!("TOML: {:?}", toml);
let res = res.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(toml, Value::Table(_)));
match toml {
Value::Table(ref t) => {
let val = t.get("value");
assert!(val.is_some(), "'value' from table {:?} should be Some(_), is None", t);
let val = val.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(val, &Value::Integer(1)), "Is not one: {:?}", val);
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
fn test_insert_with_seperator_into_table() {
let mut toml : Value = toml_from_str(r#"
let res = toml.insert_with_seperator(&String::from("table.a"), '.', Value::Integer(1));
let res = res.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(toml, Value::Table(_)));
match toml {
Value::Table(ref t) => {
let table = t.get("table");
let table = table.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(table, &Value::Table(_)));
match table {
&Value::Table(ref t) => {
let a = t.get("a");
let a = a.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(a, &Value::Integer(1)));
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
fn test_insert_with_seperator_into_array() {
use std::ops::Index;
let mut toml : Value = toml_from_str(r#"
array = []
let res = toml.insert_with_seperator(&String::from("array.[0]"), '.', Value::Integer(1));
let res = res.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(toml, Value::Table(_)));
match toml {
Value::Table(ref t) => {
let array = t.get("array");
let array = array.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(array, &Value::Array(_)));
match array {
&Value::Array(ref a) => {
assert!(is_match!(a.index(0), &Value::Integer(1)));
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
fn test_insert_with_seperator_into_nested_table() {
let mut toml : Value = toml_from_str(r#"
let res = toml.insert_with_seperator(&String::from("a.b.c.d"), '.', Value::Integer(1));
let res = res.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(toml, Value::Table(_)));
match toml {
Value::Table(ref outer) => {
let a_tab = outer.get("a");
let a_tab = a_tab.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(a_tab, &Value::Table(_)));
match a_tab {
&Value::Table(ref a) => {
let b_tab = a.get("b");
let b_tab = b_tab.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(b_tab, &Value::Table(_)));
match b_tab {
&Value::Table(ref b) => {
let c_tab = b.get("c");
let c_tab = c_tab.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(c_tab, &Value::Table(_)));
match c_tab {
&Value::Table(ref c) => {
let d = c.get("d");
let d = d.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(d, &Value::Integer(1)));
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
_ => panic!("What just happened?"),
fn test_insert_with_seperator_into_table_where_array_is() {
let mut toml : Value = toml_from_str(r#"
table = []
let res = toml.insert_with_seperator(&String::from("table.a"), '.', Value::Integer(1));
let err = res.unwrap_err();
assert!(is_match!(err, Error::NoIdentifierInArray(_)));
fn test_insert_with_seperator_into_array_where_table_is() {
let mut toml : Value = toml_from_str(r#"
let res = toml.insert_with_seperator(&String::from("table.[0]"), '.', Value::Integer(1));
let err = res.unwrap_err();
assert!(is_match!(err, Error::NoIndexInTable(_)));
fn test_insert_with_seperator_into_array_between_values() {
use std::ops::Index;
let mut toml : Value = toml_from_str(r#"
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let res = toml.insert_with_seperator(&String::from("array.[2]"), '.', Value::Integer(6));
let res = res.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(toml, Value::Table(_)));
match toml {
Value::Table(ref t) => {
let array = t.get("array");
let array = array.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(array, &Value::Array(_)));
match array {
&Value::Array(ref a) => {
assert!(is_match!(a.index(0), &Value::Integer(1)));
assert!(is_match!(a.index(1), &Value::Integer(2)));
assert!(is_match!(a.index(2), &Value::Integer(6)));
assert!(is_match!(a.index(3), &Value::Integer(3)));
assert!(is_match!(a.index(4), &Value::Integer(4)));
assert!(is_match!(a.index(5), &Value::Integer(5)));
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
fn test_insert_with_seperator_into_table_with_nonexisting_keys() {
let mut toml : Value = toml_from_str(r#"
let res = toml.insert_with_seperator(&String::from("table.a"), '.', Value::Integer(1));
let res = res.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(toml, Value::Table(_)));
match toml {
Value::Table(ref t) => {
let table = t.get("table");
let table = table.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(table, &Value::Table(_)));
match table {
&Value::Table(ref t) => {
let a = t.get("a");
let a = a.unwrap();
assert!(is_match!(a, &Value::Integer(1)));
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),
_ => panic!("What just happenend?"),