blob: d9c77d9300efca45f67a83940700d310ff77c737 [file] [log] [blame]
#![allow(deprecated)] // .cause has been changed to .source
//! Create the `Error`, `ErrorKind`, `ResultExt`, and `Result` types
error_chain! {
errors {
/// Error during execution of `cargo metadata`
CargoMetadata(stderr: String) {
description("execution of `cargo metadata` failed")
display("error during execution of `cargo metadata`: {}", stderr)
foreign_links {
Io(::std::io::Error) #[doc = "IO Error during execution of `cargo metadata`"];
Utf8(::std::str::Utf8Error) #[doc = "Output of `cargo metadata` was not valid utf8"];
ErrUtf8(::std::string::FromUtf8Error) #[doc = "Error output of `cargo metadata` was not valid utf8"];
Json(::serde_json::Error) #[doc = "Deserialization error (structure of json did not match expected structure)"];