blob: f2cb6f2374960cd086ab89ac4acbdd31274f086a [file] [log] [blame]
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use futures::future::Future;
use lsp_types::{notification::*, request::*, *};
use serde::de::Deserialize;
use serde_json::json;
use crate::support::project_builder::{project, ProjectBuilder};
use crate::support::{basic_bin_manifest, fixtures_dir};
mod support;
fn initialize_params(root_path: &Path) -> InitializeParams {
InitializeParams {
process_id: None,
root_uri: None,
root_path: Some(root_path.display().to_string()),
initialization_options: None,
capabilities: ClientCapabilities {
workspace: None,
window: Some(WindowClientCapabilities { progress: Some(true) }),
text_document: None,
experimental: None,
trace: None,
workspace_folders: None,
fn initialize_params_with_opts(root_path: &Path, opts: serde_json::Value) -> InitializeParams {
InitializeParams { initialization_options: Some(opts), ..initialize_params(root_path) }
fn client_test_infer_bin() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("infer_bin")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("struct is never constructed: `UnusedBin`"));
fn client_test_infer_lib() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("infer_lib")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("struct is never constructed: `UnusedLib`"));
fn client_test_infer_custom_bin() {
let p =
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("struct is never constructed: `UnusedCustomBin`"));
/// Test includes window/progress regression testing
fn client_test_simple_workspace() {
let p = project("simple_workspace")
members = [
name = "member_lib"
version = "0.1.0"
name = "member_bin"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"member_lib 0.1.0",
name = "member_bin"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Igor Matuszewski <>"]
member_lib = { path = "../member_lib" }
extern crate member_lib;
fn main() {
let a = member_lib::MemberLibStruct;
name = "member_lib"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Igor Matuszewski <>"]
pub struct MemberLibStruct;
struct Unused;
mod tests {
fn it_works() {
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
// Check if we built member_lib and member_bin + their cfg(test) variants
let count = rls
.filter(|msg| msg["method"] == "window/progress")
.filter(|msg| msg["params"]["title"] == "Building")
.filter(|msg| {
msg["params"]["message"].as_str().map(|x| x.starts_with("member_")).unwrap_or(false)
assert_eq!(count, 4);
fn client_changing_workspace_lib_retains_diagnostics() {
let p = project("simple_workspace")
members = [
name = "library"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Example <>"]
pub fn fetch_u32() -> u32 {
let unused = ();
mod test {
fn my_test() {
let test_val: u32 = super::fetch_u32();
name = "binary"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Igor Matuszewski <>"]
library = { path = "../library" }
extern crate library;
fn main() {
let val: u32 = library::fetch_u32();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let lib = rls.future_diagnostics("library/src/");
let bin = rls.future_diagnostics("binary/src/");
let (lib, bin) = rls.block_on(lib.join(bin)).unwrap();
assert!(lib.diagnostics.iter().any(|m| m.message.contains("unused variable: `test_val`")));
assert!(lib.diagnostics.iter().any(|m| m.message.contains("unused variable: `unused`")));
assert!(bin.diagnostics[0].message.contains("unused variable: `val`"));
rls.notify::<DidChangeTextDocument>(DidChangeTextDocumentParams {
content_changes: vec![TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(Range {
start: Position { line: 1, character: 38 },
end: Position { line: 1, character: 41 },
range_length: Some(3),
text: "u64".to_string(),
text_document: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("library/src/")).unwrap(),
version: Some(0),
let lib = rls.future_diagnostics("library/src/");
let bin = rls.future_diagnostics("binary/src/");
let (lib, bin) = rls.block_on(lib.join(bin)).unwrap();
// lib unit tests have compile errors
assert!(lib.diagnostics.iter().any(|m| m.message.contains("unused variable: `unused`")));
assert!(lib.diagnostics.iter().any(|m| m.message.contains("expected u32, found u64")));
// bin depending on lib picks up type mismatch
assert!(bin.diagnostics[0].message.contains("mismatched types\n\nexpected u32, found u64"));
rls.notify::<DidChangeTextDocument>(DidChangeTextDocumentParams {
content_changes: vec![TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(Range {
start: Position { line: 1, character: 38 },
end: Position { line: 1, character: 41 },
range_length: Some(3),
text: "u32".to_string(),
text_document: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("library/src/")).unwrap(),
version: Some(1),
let lib = rls.future_diagnostics("library/src/");
let bin = rls.future_diagnostics("binary/src/");
let (lib, bin) = rls.block_on(lib.join(bin)).unwrap();
assert!(lib.diagnostics.iter().any(|m| m.message.contains("unused variable: `test_val`")));
assert!(lib.diagnostics.iter().any(|m| m.message.contains("unused variable: `unused`")));
assert!(bin.diagnostics[0].message.contains("unused variable: `val`"));
fn client_implicit_workspace_pick_up_lib_changes() {
let p = project("simple_workspace")
name = "binary"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Example <>"]
inner = { path = "inner" }
extern crate inner;
fn main() {
let val = inner::foo();
name = "inner"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Example <>"]
pub fn foo() -> u32 { 42 }
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let bin = rls.future_diagnostics("src/");
let bin = rls.block_on(bin).unwrap();
assert!(bin.diagnostics[0].message.contains("unused variable: `val`"));
rls.notify::<DidChangeTextDocument>(DidChangeTextDocumentParams {
content_changes: vec![TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(Range {
start: Position { line: 1, character: 23 },
end: Position { line: 1, character: 26 },
range_length: Some(3),
text: "bar".to_string(),
text_document: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("inner/src/")).unwrap(),
version: Some(0),
// bin depending on lib picks up type mismatch
let bin = rls.future_diagnostics("src/");
let bin = rls.block_on(bin).unwrap();
assert!(bin.diagnostics[0].message.contains("cannot find function `foo`"));
rls.notify::<DidChangeTextDocument>(DidChangeTextDocumentParams {
content_changes: vec![TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(Range {
start: Position { line: 1, character: 23 },
end: Position { line: 1, character: 26 },
range_length: Some(3),
text: "foo".to_string(),
text_document: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("inner/src/")).unwrap(),
version: Some(1),
let bin = rls.future_diagnostics("src/");
let bin = rls.block_on(bin).unwrap();
assert!(bin.diagnostics[0].message.contains("unused variable: `val`"));
fn client_test_complete_self_crate_name() {
let p = project("ws_with_test_dir")
members = ["library"]
name = "library"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Example <>"]
pub fn function() -> usize { 5 }
extern crate library;
use library::~
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("expected identifier"));
let response = rls.request::<Completion>(
CompletionParams {
context: Some(CompletionContext {
trigger_character: Some(":".to_string()),
trigger_kind: CompletionTriggerKind::TriggerCharacter,
position: Position::new(2, 32),
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("library/tests/")).unwrap(),
let items = match response {
Some(CompletionResponse::Array(items)) => items,
Some(CompletionResponse::List(CompletionList { items, .. })) => items,
_ => Vec::new(),
let item = items.into_iter().nth(0).expect("Racer autocompletion failed");
assert_eq!(item.detail.unwrap(), "pub fn function() -> usize");
// Spurious in Rust CI, e.g.
fn client_completion_suggests_arguments_in_statements() {
let p = project("ws_with_test_dir")
members = ["library"]
name = "library"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Example <>"]
pub fn function() -> usize { 5 }
extern crate library;
fn magic() {
let a = library::f~
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
lsp_types::InitializeParams {
process_id: None,
root_uri: None,
root_path: Some(root_path.display().to_string()),
initialization_options: None,
capabilities: lsp_types::ClientCapabilities {
workspace: None,
window: Some(WindowClientCapabilities { progress: Some(true) }),
text_document: Some(TextDocumentClientCapabilities {
completion: Some(CompletionCapability {
completion_item: Some(CompletionItemCapability {
snippet_support: Some(true),
experimental: None,
trace: None,
workspace_folders: None,
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("expected one of"));
let response = rls.request::<Completion>(
CompletionParams {
context: Some(CompletionContext {
trigger_character: Some("f".to_string()),
trigger_kind: CompletionTriggerKind::TriggerCharacter,
position: Position::new(3, 41),
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("library/tests/")).unwrap(),
let items = match response {
Some(CompletionResponse::Array(items)) => items,
Some(CompletionResponse::List(CompletionList { items, .. })) => items,
_ => Vec::new(),
let item = items.into_iter().nth(0).expect("Racer autocompletion failed");
assert_eq!(item.insert_text.unwrap(), "function()");
fn client_use_statement_completion_doesnt_suggest_arguments() {
let p = project("ws_with_test_dir")
members = ["library"]
name = "library"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Example <>"]
pub fn function() -> usize { 5 }
extern crate library;
use library::~;
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("expected identifier"));
let response = rls.request::<Completion>(
CompletionParams {
context: Some(CompletionContext {
trigger_character: Some(":".to_string()),
trigger_kind: CompletionTriggerKind::TriggerCharacter,
position: Position::new(2, 32),
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("library/tests/")).unwrap(),
let items = match response {
Some(CompletionResponse::Array(items)) => items,
Some(CompletionResponse::List(CompletionList { items, .. })) => items,
_ => Vec::new(),
let item = items.into_iter().nth(0).expect("Racer autocompletion failed");
assert_eq!(item.insert_text.unwrap(), "function");
/// Test simulates typing in a dependency wrongly in a couple of ways before finally getting it
/// right. Rls should provide Cargo.toml diagnostics.
/// ```
/// [dependencies]
/// version-check = "0.5555"
/// ```
/// * Firstly "version-check" doesn't exist, it should be "version_check"
/// * Secondly version 0.5555 of "version_check" doesn't exist.
fn client_dependency_typo_and_fix() {
let manifest_with_dependency = |dep: &str| {
name = "dependency_typo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [""]
let p = project("dependency_typo")
.file("Cargo.toml", &manifest_with_dependency(r#"version-check = "0.5555""#))
fn main() {
println!("Hello world!");
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error));
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("no matching package named `version-check`"));
let change_manifest = |contents: &str| {
std::fs::write(root_path.join("Cargo.toml"), contents).unwrap();
// fix naming typo, we now expect a version error diagnostic
change_manifest(&manifest_with_dependency(r#"version_check = "0.5555""#));
rls.notify::<DidChangeWatchedFiles>(DidChangeWatchedFilesParams {
changes: vec![FileEvent {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("Cargo.toml")).unwrap(),
typ: FileChangeType::Changed,
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error));
// Fix version issue so no error diagnostics occur.
// This is kinda slow as cargo will compile the dependency, though I
// chose version_check to minimise this as it is a very small dependency.
change_manifest(&manifest_with_dependency(r#"version_check = "0.1""#));
rls.notify::<DidChangeWatchedFiles>(DidChangeWatchedFilesParams {
changes: vec![FileEvent {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("Cargo.toml")).unwrap(),
typ: FileChangeType::Changed,
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
diag.diagnostics.iter().find(|d| d.severity == Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error)),
/// Tests correct positioning of a toml parse error, use of `==` instead of `=`.
fn client_invalid_toml_manifest() {
let p = project("invalid_toml")
name = "probably_valid"
version == "0.1.0"
authors = [""]
fn main() {
println!("Hello world!");
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag: PublishDiagnosticsParams = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error));
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("failed to parse manifest"));
Range {
start: Position { line: 2, character: 21 },
end: Position { line: 2, character: 22 },
/// Tests correct file highlighting of workspace member manifest with invalid path dependency.
fn client_invalid_member_toml_manifest() {
let project = project("invalid_member_toml")
name = "root_is_fine"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [""]
member_a = { path = "member_a" }
.file("src/", "fn main() {}")
name = "member_a"
version = "0.0.3"
authors = [""]
dodgy_member = { path = "dodgy_member" }
.file("member_a/src/", "fn ma() {}")
name = "dodgy_member"
version = "0.5.0"
authors = [""]
nosuch = { path = "not-exist" }
.file("member_a/dodgy_member/src/", "fn dm() {}")
let root_path = project.root();
let mut rls = project.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag: PublishDiagnosticsParams = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error));
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("failed to read"));
fn client_invalid_member_dependency_resolution() {
let project = project("invalid_member_resolution")
name = "root_is_fine"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [""]
member_a = { path = "member_a" }
.file("src/", "fn main() {}")
name = "member_a"
version = "0.0.5"
authors = [""]
dodgy_member = { path = "dodgy_member" }
.file("member_a/src/", "fn ma() {}")
name = "dodgy_member"
version = "0.6.0"
authors = [""]
nosuchdep123 = "1.2.4"
.file("member_a/dodgy_member/src/", "fn dm() {}")
let root_path = project.root();
let mut rls = project.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag: PublishDiagnosticsParams = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error));
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("no matching package named `nosuchdep123`"));
fn client_handle_utf16_unit_text_edits() {
let p = project("client_handle_utf16_unit_text_edits")
name = "client_handle_utf16_unit_text_edits"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [""]
.file("src/", "fn main() {}")
.file("src/", "😢")
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
rls.notify::<DidChangeTextDocument>(DidChangeTextDocumentParams {
text_document: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
version: Some(0),
// "😢" -> ""
content_changes: vec![TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(Range {
start: Position { line: 0, character: 0 },
end: Position { line: 0, character: 2 },
range_length: Some(2),
text: "".to_string(),
/// Ensures that wide characters do not prevent RLS from calculating correct
/// 'whole file' LSP range.
fn client_format_utf16_range() {
let p = project("client_format_utf16_range")
name = "client_format_utf16_range"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [""]
.file("src/", "/* 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 */ fn main() { }")
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let result = rls.request::<Formatting>(
DocumentFormattingParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
options: FormattingOptions {
tab_size: 4,
insert_spaces: true,
properties: Default::default(),
let new_text: Vec<_> =
result.unwrap().iter().map(|edit| edit.new_text.as_str().replace('\r', "")).collect();
// Actual formatting isn't important - what is, is that the buffer isn't
// malformed and code stays semantically equivalent.
assert_eq!(new_text, vec!["/* 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 */\nfn main() {}\n"]);
fn client_lens_run() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("lens_run")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
lsp_types::InitializeParams {
process_id: None,
root_uri: None,
root_path: Some(root_path.display().to_string()),
initialization_options: Some(json!({ "cmdRun": true})),
capabilities: Default::default(),
trace: None,
workspace_folders: None,
assert!(rls.messages().iter().count() >= 7);
let lens = rls.request::<CodeLensRequest>(
CodeLensParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
let expected = CodeLens {
command: Some(Command {
command: "".to_string(),
title: "Run test".to_string(),
arguments: Some(vec![json!({
"args": [ "test", "--", "--nocapture", "test_foo" ],
"binary": "cargo",
"env": { "RUST_BACKTRACE": "short" }
data: None,
range: Range {
start: Position { line: 4, character: 3 },
end: Position { line: 4, character: 11 },
assert_eq!(lens, Some(vec![expected]));
#[ignore] // Spurious in Rust CI,
fn client_find_definitions() {
const SRC: &str = r#"
struct Foo {
impl Foo {
fn new() {
fn main() {
let p = project("simple_workspace")
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("bar"))
.file("src/", SRC)
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
// FIXME: Without `all_targets=false`, this test will randomly fail.
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": {"racer_completion": false, "all_targets": false } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let mut results = vec![];
for (line_index, line) in SRC.lines().enumerate() {
for i in 0..line.len() {
let id = (line_index * 100 + i) as u64;
let result = rls.request::<GotoDefinition>(
TextDocumentPositionParams {
position: Position { line: line_index as u64, character: i as u64 },
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
let ranges: Vec<_> = result
.flat_map(|x| match x {
GotoDefinitionResponse::Scalar(loc) => vec![loc].into_iter(),
GotoDefinitionResponse::Array(locs) => locs.into_iter(),
_ => unreachable!(),
.map(|x| x.range)
if !ranges.is_empty() {
results.push((line_index, i, ranges));
// Foo
let foo_definition = Range {
start: Position { line: 1, character: 15 },
end: Position { line: 1, character: 18 },
// Foo::new
let foo_new_definition = Range {
start: Position { line: 5, character: 15 },
end: Position { line: 5, character: 18 },
// main
let main_definition = Range {
start: Position { line: 9, character: 11 },
end: Position { line: 9, character: 15 },
let expected = [
// struct Foo
(1, 15, vec![foo_definition]),
(1, 16, vec![foo_definition]),
(1, 17, vec![foo_definition]),
(1, 18, vec![foo_definition]),
// impl Foo
(4, 13, vec![foo_definition]),
(4, 14, vec![foo_definition]),
(4, 15, vec![foo_definition]),
(4, 16, vec![foo_definition]),
// fn new
(5, 15, vec![foo_new_definition]),
(5, 16, vec![foo_new_definition]),
(5, 17, vec![foo_new_definition]),
(5, 18, vec![foo_new_definition]),
// fn main
(9, 11, vec![main_definition]),
(9, 12, vec![main_definition]),
(9, 13, vec![main_definition]),
(9, 14, vec![main_definition]),
(9, 15, vec![main_definition]),
// Foo::new()
(10, 12, vec![foo_definition]),
(10, 13, vec![foo_definition]),
(10, 14, vec![foo_definition]),
(10, 15, vec![foo_definition]),
(10, 17, vec![foo_new_definition]),
(10, 18, vec![foo_new_definition]),
(10, 19, vec![foo_new_definition]),
(10, 20, vec![foo_new_definition]),
if results.len() != expected.len() {
"Got different amount of completions than expected: {} vs. {}: {:#?}",
for (i, (actual, expected)) in results.iter().zip(expected.iter()).enumerate() {
if actual != expected {
"Found different definition at index {}. Got {:#?}, expected {:#?}",
i, actual, expected
fn client_deglob() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("deglob")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
// Test a single swglob
let commands = rls
CodeActionParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
range: Range { start: Position::new(2, 0), end: Position::new(2, 0) },
context: CodeActionContext { diagnostics: vec![], only: None },
.expect("No code actions returned for line 2");
// Right now we only support deglobbing via commands. Please update this
// test if we move to making text edits via CodeAction (which we should for
// deglobbing);
let Command { title, command, arguments, .. } = match commands {
CodeActionResponse::Commands(commands) => commands,
CodeActionResponse::Actions(_) => unimplemented!(),
let arguments = arguments.expect("Missing command arguments");
assert_eq!(title, "Deglob import".to_string());
assert!(arguments[0]["new_text"].as_str() == Some("{Stdin, Stdout}"));
Location {
range: Range { start: Position::new(2, 13), end: Position::new(2, 14) },
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
rls.request::<ExecuteCommand>(200, ExecuteCommandParams { command, arguments });
// Right now the execute command returns an empty response and sends
// appropriate apply edit request via a side-channel
let result = rls
.rfind(|msg| msg["method"] == ApplyWorkspaceEdit::METHOD)
let params = <ApplyWorkspaceEdit as Request>::Params::deserialize(&result["params"])
.expect("Couldn't deserialize params");
let (url, edits) = params.edit.changes.unwrap().drain().nth(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(url, Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap());
vec![TextEdit {
range: Range { start: Position::new(2, 13), end: Position::new(2, 14) },
new_text: "{Stdin, Stdout}".to_string(),
// Test a deglob for double wildcard
let commands = rls
CodeActionParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
range: Range { start: Position::new(5, 0), end: Position::new(5, 0) },
context: CodeActionContext { diagnostics: vec![], only: None },
.expect("No code actions returned for line 12");
// Right now we only support deglobbing via commands. Please update this
// test if we move to making text edits via CodeAction (which we should for
// deglobbing);
let Command { title, command, arguments, .. } = match commands {
CodeActionResponse::Commands(commands) => commands,
CodeActionResponse::Actions(_) => unimplemented!(),
let arguments = arguments.expect("Missing command arguments");
assert_eq!(title, "Deglob imports".to_string());
let expected = [(14, 15, "size_of"), (31, 32, "max")];
for i in 0..2 {
assert!(arguments[i]["new_text"].as_str() == Some(expected[i].2));
Location {
range: Range {
start: Position::new(5, expected[i].0),
end: Position::new(5, expected[i].1),
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
rls.request::<ExecuteCommand>(1200, ExecuteCommandParams { command, arguments });
// Right now the execute command returns an empty response and sends
// appropriate apply edit request via a side-channel
let result = rls
.rfind(|msg| msg["method"] == ApplyWorkspaceEdit::METHOD)
let params = <ApplyWorkspaceEdit as Request>::Params::deserialize(&result["params"])
.expect("Couldn't deserialize params");
let (url, edits) = params.edit.changes.unwrap().drain().nth(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(url, Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap());
.map(|e| TextEdit {
range: Range { start: Position::new(5, e.0), end: Position::new(5, e.1) },
new_text: e.2.to_string()
fn is_notification_for_unknown_config(msg: &serde_json::Value) -> bool {
msg["method"] == ShowMessage::METHOD
&& msg["params"]["message"].as_str().unwrap().contains("Unknown")
fn is_notification_for_duplicated_config(msg: &serde_json::Value) -> bool {
msg["method"] == ShowMessage::METHOD
&& msg["params"]["message"].as_str().unwrap().contains("Duplicate")
fn client_init_duplicated_and_unknown_settings() {
let p = project("simple_workspace")
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("foo"))
struct UnusedBin;
fn main() {
println!("Hello world!");
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({
"settings": {
"rust": {
"features": ["some_feature"],
"all_targets": false,
"unknown1": 1,
"unknown2": false,
"dup_val": 1,
"dup_val": false,
"dup_licated": "dup_lacated",
"DupLicated": "DupLicated",
"dup-licated": "dup-licated"
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
fn client_did_change_configuration_duplicated_and_unknown_settings() {
let p = project("simple_workspace")
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("foo"))
struct UnusedBin;
fn main() {
println!("Hello world!");
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let settings = json!({
"rust": {
"features": ["some_feature"],
"all_targets": false,
"unknown1": 1,
"unknown2": false,
"dup_val": 1,
"dup_val": false,
"dup_licated": "dup_lacated",
"DupLicated": "DupLicated",
"dup-licated": "dup-licated"
rls.notify::<DidChangeConfiguration>(DidChangeConfigurationParams {
settings: settings.clone(),
if !rls.messages().iter().any(is_notification_for_duplicated_config) {
fn client_shutdown() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
fn client_goto_def() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let result = rls.request::<GotoDefinition>(
TextDocumentPositionParams {
position: Position { line: 12, character: 27 },
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
let ranges: Vec<_> = result
.flat_map(|x| match x {
GotoDefinitionResponse::Scalar(loc) => vec![loc].into_iter(),
GotoDefinitionResponse::Array(locs) => locs.into_iter(),
_ => unreachable!(),
.map(|x| x.range)
assert!(ranges.iter().any(|r| r.start == Position { line: 11, character: 8 }));
fn client_hover() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
// FIXME: Without `all_targets=false`, this test will randomly fail.
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "all_targets": false } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let result = rls
TextDocumentPositionParams {
position: Position { line: 12, character: 27 },
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
let contents = ["&str", "let world = \"world\";"];
let mut contents: Vec<_> = contents.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect();
let contents =
contents.drain(..).map(|value| LanguageString { language: "rust".to_string(), value });
let contents =;
assert_eq!(result.contents, HoverContents::Array(contents));
/// Test hover continues to work after the source has moved line
#[ignore] // FIXME(#1265): Spurious failure - sometimes we lose the semantic information from Rust - why?
fn client_hover_after_src_line_change() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": {"racer_completion": false } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let world_src_pos = Position { line: 12, character: 27 };
let world_src_pos_after = Position { line: 13, character: 27 };
let result = rls
TextDocumentPositionParams {
position: world_src_pos,
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
let contents = ["&str", "let world = \"world\";"];
let contents: Vec<_> = contents
.map(|value| LanguageString { language: "rust".to_string(), value: value.to_string() })
assert_eq!(result.contents, HoverContents::Array(contents.clone()));
rls.notify::<DidChangeTextDocument>(DidChangeTextDocumentParams {
content_changes: vec![TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(Range {
start: Position { line: 10, character: 15 },
end: Position { line: 10, character: 15 },
range_length: Some(0),
text: "\n ".to_string(),
text_document: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
version: Some(2),
let result = rls
TextDocumentPositionParams {
position: world_src_pos_after,
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
assert_eq!(result.contents, HoverContents::Array(contents));
fn client_workspace_symbol() {
let p =
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "cfg_test": true } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let symbols = rls
.request::<WorkspaceSymbol>(42, WorkspaceSymbolParams { query: "nemo".to_owned() })
let mut nemos = vec![
("src/", "nemo", SymbolKind::Function, 1, 11, 1, 15, Some("x")),
("src/", "nemo", SymbolKind::Module, 0, 4, 0, 8, Some("foo")),
for (file, name, kind, start_l, start_c, end_l, end_c, container_name) in nemos.drain(..) {
let sym = SymbolInformation {
name: name.to_string(),
location: Location {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join(file)).unwrap(),
range: Range {
start: Position { line: start_l, character: start_c },
end: Position { line: end_l, character: end_c },
deprecated: None,
assert!(symbols.iter().any(|s| *s == sym));
fn client_workspace_symbol_duplicates() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("workspace_symbol_duplicates"))
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "cfg_test": true } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let symbols = rls
.request::<WorkspaceSymbol>(42, WorkspaceSymbolParams { query: "Frobnicator".to_owned() })
let symbol = SymbolInformation {
name: "Frobnicator".to_string(),
kind: SymbolKind::Struct,
container_name: Some("a".to_string()),
location: Location {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
range: Range {
start: Position { line: 1, character: 7 },
end: Position { line: 1, character: 18 },
deprecated: None,
assert_eq!(symbols, vec![symbol]);
#[ignore] // FIXME(#1265): This is spurious (we don't pick up reference under #[cfg(test)])-ed code - why?
fn client_find_all_refs_test() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": {"all_targets": true } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let result = rls
ReferenceParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
position: Position { line: 0, character: 7 },
context: ReferenceContext { include_declaration: true },
let ranges = [((0, 7), (0, 10)), ((6, 14), (6, 17)), ((14, 15), (14, 18))];
for ((sl, sc), (el, ec)) in &ranges {
let range = Range {
start: Position { line: *sl, character: *sc },
end: Position { line: *el, character: *ec },
assert!(result.iter().any(|x| x.range == range));
fn client_find_all_refs_no_cfg_test() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("find_all_refs_no_cfg_test"))
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "all_targets": false } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let result = rls
ReferenceParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
position: Position { line: 0, character: 7 },
context: ReferenceContext { include_declaration: true },
let ranges = [((0, 7), (0, 10)), ((13, 15), (13, 18))];
for ((sl, sc), (el, ec)) in &ranges {
let range = Range {
start: Position { line: *sl, character: *sc },
end: Position { line: *el, character: *ec },
assert!(result.iter().any(|x| x.range == range));
fn client_borrow_error() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("borrow_error")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
let msg = "cannot borrow `x` as mutable more than once at a time";
assert!(diag.diagnostics.iter().any(|diag| diag.message.contains(msg)));
fn client_highlight() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
// FIXME: Without `all_targets=false`, this test will randomly fail.
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "all_targets": false } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let result = rls
TextDocumentPositionParams {
position: Position { line: 12, character: 27 },
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
let ranges = [((11, 8), (11, 13)), ((12, 27), (12, 32))];
for ((sl, sc), (el, ec)) in &ranges {
let range = Range {
start: Position { line: *sl, character: *sc },
end: Position { line: *el, character: *ec },
assert!(result.iter().any(|x| x.range == range));
fn client_rename() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
// FIXME: Without `all_targets=false`, this test will randomly fail.
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "all_targets": false } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let result = rls
RenameParams {
position: Position { line: 12, character: 27 },
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
new_name: "foo".to_owned(),
let uri = Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap();
let ranges = [((11, 8), (11, 13)), ((12, 27), (12, 32))];
let ranges = ranges
.map(|((sl, sc), (el, ec))| Range {
start: Position { line: *sl, character: *sc },
end: Position { line: *el, character: *ec },
.map(|range| TextEdit { range, new_text: "foo".to_string() });
let changes = std::iter::once((uri, ranges.collect())).collect();
assert_eq!(result.changes, Some(changes));
fn client_reformat() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("reformat")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let result = rls.request::<Formatting>(
DocumentFormattingParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
options: FormattingOptions {
tab_size: 4,
insert_spaces: true,
properties: Default::default(),
assert_eq!(result.unwrap()[0], TextEdit {
range: Range {
start: Position { line: 0, character: 0 },
end: Position { line: 2, character: 0 },
new_text: "pub mod foo;\npub fn main() {\n let world = \"world\";\n println!(\"Hello, {}!\", world);\n}\n".to_string(),
fn client_reformat_with_range() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("reformat_with_range"))
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let result = rls.request::<RangeFormatting>(
DocumentRangeFormattingParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
range: Range {
start: Position { line: 1, character: 0 },
end: Position { line: 2, character: 0 },
options: FormattingOptions {
tab_size: 4,
insert_spaces: true,
properties: Default::default(),
let newline = if cfg!(windows) { "\r\n" } else { "\n" };
let formatted = r#"pub fn main() {
let world1 = "world";
println!("Hello, {}!", world1);
.replace("\r", "")
.replace("\n", newline);
let edits = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(edits.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(edits[0].new_text, formatted);
assert_eq!(edits[1].new_text, newline);
fn client_multiple_binaries() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("multiple_bins")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "build_bin": "bin2" } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let msgs = rls.messages();
let diags = msgs
.filter(|x| x["method"] == PublishDiagnostics::METHOD)
.flat_map(|msg| msg["params"]["diagnostics"].as_array().unwrap())
.map(|diag| diag["message"].as_str().unwrap())
for i in 1..3 {
let msg = &format!("unused variable: `bin_name{}`", i);
assert!(diags.iter().any(|message| message.starts_with(msg)));
#[ignore] // Requires `rust-src` component, which isn't available in Rust CI.
fn client_completion() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let text_document =
TextDocumentIdentifier { uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap() };
let completions = |x: CompletionResponse| match x {
CompletionResponse::Array(items) => items,
CompletionResponse::List(CompletionList { items, .. }) => items,
macro_rules! item_eq {
($item:expr, $expected:expr) => {{
let (label, kind, detail) = $expected;
($item.label == *label && $item.kind == *kind && $item.detail == *detail)
let expected = [
// FIXME( - empty " " string
("world", &Some(CompletionItemKind::Variable), &Some("let world = \" \";".to_string())),
("x", &Some(CompletionItemKind::Field), &Some("x: u64".to_string())),
let result = rls.request::<Completion>(
CompletionParams {
text_document: text_document.clone(),
position: Position { line: 12, character: 30 },
context: None,
let items = completions(result.unwrap());
assert!(items.iter().any(|item| item_eq!(item, expected[0])));
let result = rls.request::<Completion>(
CompletionParams {
text_document: text_document.clone(),
position: Position { line: 15, character: 30 },
context: None,
let items = completions(result.unwrap());
assert!(items.iter().any(|item| item_eq!(item, expected[1])));
fn client_bin_lib_project() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("bin_lib")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "cfg_test": true, "build_bin": "bin_lib" } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let diag: PublishDiagnosticsParams = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Warning));
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("unused variable: `unused_var`"));
fn client_infer_lib() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("infer_lib")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Warning));
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("struct is never constructed: `UnusedLib`"));
fn client_omit_init_build() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
const ID: u64 = 1337;
let response = rls.future_msg(|msg| msg["id"] == json!(ID));
let opts = json!({ "omitInitBuild": true });
rls.request::<Initialize>(ID, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
// We need to assert that no other messages are received after a short
// period of time (e.g. no build progress messages).
assert_eq!(rls.messages().iter().count(), 1);
fn client_find_impls() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("find_impls")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
let uri = Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap();
let locations = |result: Option<GotoDefinitionResponse>| match result.unwrap() {
GotoDefinitionResponse::Scalar(loc) => vec![loc],
GotoDefinitionResponse::Array(locations) => locations,
GotoDefinitionResponse::Link(mut links) => {
links.drain(..).map(|l| Location { uri: l.target_uri, range: l.target_range }).collect()
let result = rls.request::<GotoImplementation>(
TextDocumentPositionParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier::new(uri.clone()),
position: Position { line: 3, character: 7 }, // "Bar"
let expected = [(9, 15, 9, 18), (10, 12, 10, 15)];
let expected = expected.iter().map(|(a, b, c, d)| Location {
uri: uri.clone(),
range: Range {
start: Position { line: *a, character: *b },
end: Position { line: *c, character: *d },
let locs = locations(result);
for exp in expected {
assert!(locs.iter().any(|x| *x == exp));
let result = rls.request::<GotoImplementation>(
TextDocumentPositionParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier::new(uri.clone()),
position: Position { line: 6, character: 6 }, // "Super"
let expected = [(9, 15, 9, 18), (13, 15, 13, 18)];
let expected = expected.iter().map(|(a, b, c, d)| Location {
uri: uri.clone(),
range: Range {
start: Position { line: *a, character: *b },
end: Position { line: *c, character: *d },
let locs = locations(result);
for exp in expected {
assert!(locs.iter().any(|x| *x == exp));
fn client_features() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("features")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": {"features": ["bar", "baz"] } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error));
let msg = "cannot find struct, variant or union type `Foo` in this scope";
fn client_all_features() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("features")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": {"all_features": true } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
rls.messages().iter().filter(|x| x["method"] == PublishDiagnostics::METHOD).count(),
fn client_no_default_features() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("features")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust":
{ "no_default_features": true, "features": ["foo", "bar"] } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error));
let msg = "cannot find struct, variant or union type `Baz` in this scope";
fn client_all_targets() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("bin_lib")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({"settings": {"rust": { "cfg_test": true, "all_targets": true } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let diag: PublishDiagnosticsParams = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Warning));
assert!(diag.diagnostics[0].message.contains("unused variable: `unused_var`"));
/// Handle receiving a notification before the `initialize` request by ignoring and
/// continuing to run
fn client_ignore_uninitialized_notification() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
rls.notify::<DidChangeConfiguration>(DidChangeConfigurationParams { settings: json!({}) });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params(root_path));
/// Handle receiving requests before the `initialize` request by returning an error response
/// and continuing to run
fn client_fail_uninitialized_request() {
let p = ProjectBuilder::try_from_fixture(fixtures_dir().join("common")).unwrap().build();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
const ID: u64 = 1337;
TextDocumentPositionParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: Url::from_file_path(p.root().join("src/")).unwrap(),
position: Position { line: 0, character: 0 },
let delay = tokio_timer::Delay::new(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1));
let err = jsonrpc_core::Failure::deserialize(rls.messages().last().unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, jsonrpc_core::Id::Num(ID));
assert_eq!(err.error.code, jsonrpc_core::ErrorCode::ServerError(-32002));
assert_eq!(err.error.message, "not yet received `initialize` request");
// Test that RLS can accept configuration with config keys in 4 different cases:
// - mixedCase
// - CamelCase
// - snake_case
// - kebab-case
fn client_init_impl(convert_case: fn(&str) -> String) {
let p = project("config_cases")
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("foo"))
struct NonCfg;
struct CfgTest { inner: PathBuf }
let root_path = p.root();
let mut rls = p.spawn_rls_async();
let opts = json!({ "settings": { "rust": { convert_case("all_targets"): true } } });
rls.request::<Initialize>(0, initialize_params_with_opts(root_path, opts));
let diag = rls.wait_for_diagnostics();
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(diag.diagnostics[0].severity, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::Error));
let msg = "cannot find type `PathBuf` in this scope";
fn client_init_with_configuration_mixed_case() {
fn client_init_with_configuration_camel_case() {
fn client_init_with_configuration_snake_case() {
fn client_init_with_configuration_kebab_case() {
fn client_parse_error_on_malformed_input() {
use crate::support::rls_exe;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
let mut cmd = Command::new(rls_exe())
cmd.stdin.take().unwrap().write_all(b"Malformed input").unwrap();
let mut output = vec![];
cmd.stdout.take().unwrap().read_to_end(&mut output).unwrap();
let output = String::from_utf8(output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "Content-Length: 75\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"error\":{\"code\":-32700,\"message\":\"Parse error\"},\"id\":null}");
// Right now parse errors shutdown the RLS, which we might want to revisit
// to provide better fault tolerance.