blob: ccbc8e977816e222f18911c5c517e630cce939d7 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Unsafe, platform specific bindings to dynamic library loading facilities.
//! These modules expose more extensive, powerful, less principled bindings to the dynamic
//! library loading facilities. Use of these bindings come at the cost of less (in most cases,
//! none at all) safety guarantees, which are provided by the top-level bindings.
//! # Examples
//! Using these modules will likely involve conditional compilation:
//! ```ignore
//! # extern crate libloading;
//! #[cfg(unix)]
//! use libloading::os::unix::*;
//! #[cfg(windows)]
//! use libloading::os::windows::*;
//! ```
macro_rules! unix {
($item: item) => {
/// UNIX implementation of dynamic library loading.
/// This module should be expanded with more UNIX-specific functionality in the future.
macro_rules! windows {
($item: item) => {
/// Windows implementation of dynamic library loading.
/// This module should be expanded with more Windows-specific functionality in the future.
unix!(pub mod unix;);
windows!(pub mod windows {});
windows!(pub mod windows;);
unix!(pub mod unix {});