blob: 68f67a1ed98d48ef0531abdc66fcc3c2e86ebd9d [file] [log] [blame]
use std::iter;
use rustc_attr as attr;
use rustc_ast::ast::FloatTy;
use rustc_middle::{mir, ty};
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::IntegerExt;
use rustc_apfloat::{Float, Round};
use rustc_target::abi::{Align, Integer, LayoutOf};
use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
use crate::*;
use helpers::check_arg_count;
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {}
pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> {
fn call_intrinsic(
&mut self,
instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
args: &[OpTy<'tcx, Tag>],
ret: Option<(PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>, mir::BasicBlock)>,
unwind: Option<mir::BasicBlock>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let intrinsic_name = this.tcx.item_name(instance.def_id());
// We want to overwrite some of the intrinsic implementations that CTFE uses.
let prefer_miri_intrinsic = match intrinsic_name {
sym::ptr_guaranteed_eq | sym::ptr_guaranteed_ne => true,
_ => false,
if !prefer_miri_intrinsic && this.emulate_intrinsic(instance, args, ret)? {
return Ok(());
// First handle intrinsics without return place.
let intrinsic_name = &*intrinsic_name.as_str();
let (dest, ret) = match ret {
None => match intrinsic_name {
"miri_start_panic" => return this.handle_miri_start_panic(args, unwind),
"unreachable" => throw_ub!(Unreachable),
_ => throw_unsup_format!("unimplemented (diverging) intrinsic: {}", intrinsic_name),
Some(p) => p,
// Then handle terminating intrinsics.
match intrinsic_name {
// Miri overwriting CTFE intrinsics.
"ptr_guaranteed_eq" => {
let &[left, right] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let left = this.read_immediate(left)?;
let right = this.read_immediate(right)?;
this.binop_ignore_overflow(mir::BinOp::Eq, left, right, dest)?;
"ptr_guaranteed_ne" => {
let &[left, right] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let left = this.read_immediate(left)?;
let right = this.read_immediate(right)?;
this.binop_ignore_overflow(mir::BinOp::Ne, left, right, dest)?;
// Raw memory accesses
| "copy"
| "copy_nonoverlapping"
=> {
let &[src, dest, count] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let elem_ty = instance.substs.type_at(0);
let elem_layout = this.layout_of(elem_ty)?;
let count = this.read_scalar(count)?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let elem_align = elem_layout.align.abi;
let size = elem_layout.size.checked_mul(count, this)
.ok_or_else(|| err_ub_format!("overflow computing total size of `{}`", intrinsic_name))?;
let src = this.read_scalar(src)?.not_undef()?;
let src = this.memory.check_ptr_access(src, size, elem_align)?;
let dest = this.read_scalar(dest)?.not_undef()?;
let dest = this.memory.check_ptr_access(dest, size, elem_align)?;
if let (Some(src), Some(dest)) = (src, dest) {
"move_val_init" => {
let &[place, dest] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let place = this.deref_operand(place)?;
this.copy_op(dest, place.into())?;
"volatile_load" => {
let &[place] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let place = this.deref_operand(place)?;
this.copy_op(place.into(), dest)?;
"volatile_store" => {
let &[place, dest] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let place = this.deref_operand(place)?;
this.copy_op(dest, place.into())?;
"write_bytes" => {
let &[ptr, val_byte, count] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let ty = instance.substs.type_at(0);
let ty_layout = this.layout_of(ty)?;
let val_byte = this.read_scalar(val_byte)?.to_u8()?;
let ptr = this.read_scalar(ptr)?.not_undef()?;
let count = this.read_scalar(count)?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let byte_count = ty_layout.size.checked_mul(count, this)
.ok_or_else(|| err_ub_format!("overflow computing total size of `write_bytes`"))?;
.write_bytes(ptr, iter::repeat(val_byte).take(byte_count.bytes() as usize))?;
// Floating-point operations
| "sinf32"
| "fabsf32"
| "cosf32"
| "sqrtf32"
| "expf32"
| "exp2f32"
| "logf32"
| "log10f32"
| "log2f32"
| "floorf32"
| "ceilf32"
| "truncf32"
| "roundf32"
=> {
let &[f] = check_arg_count(args)?;
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f = f32::from_bits(this.read_scalar(f)?.to_u32()?);
let f = match intrinsic_name {
"sinf32" => f.sin(),
"fabsf32" => f.abs(),
"cosf32" => f.cos(),
"sqrtf32" => f.sqrt(),
"expf32" => f.exp(),
"exp2f32" => f.exp2(),
"logf32" => f.ln(),
"log10f32" => f.log10(),
"log2f32" => f.log2(),
"floorf32" => f.floor(),
"ceilf32" => f.ceil(),
"truncf32" => f.trunc(),
"roundf32" => f.round(),
_ => bug!(),
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u32(f.to_bits()), dest)?;
| "sinf64"
| "fabsf64"
| "cosf64"
| "sqrtf64"
| "expf64"
| "exp2f64"
| "logf64"
| "log10f64"
| "log2f64"
| "floorf64"
| "ceilf64"
| "truncf64"
| "roundf64"
=> {
let &[f] = check_arg_count(args)?;
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f = f64::from_bits(this.read_scalar(f)?.to_u64()?);
let f = match intrinsic_name {
"sinf64" => f.sin(),
"fabsf64" => f.abs(),
"cosf64" => f.cos(),
"sqrtf64" => f.sqrt(),
"expf64" => f.exp(),
"exp2f64" => f.exp2(),
"logf64" => f.ln(),
"log10f64" => f.log10(),
"log2f64" => f.log2(),
"floorf64" => f.floor(),
"ceilf64" => f.ceil(),
"truncf64" => f.trunc(),
"roundf64" => f.round(),
_ => bug!(),
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u64(f.to_bits()), dest)?;
| "fadd_fast"
| "fsub_fast"
| "fmul_fast"
| "fdiv_fast"
| "frem_fast"
=> {
let &[a, b] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let a = this.read_immediate(a)?;
let b = this.read_immediate(b)?;
let op = match intrinsic_name {
"fadd_fast" => mir::BinOp::Add,
"fsub_fast" => mir::BinOp::Sub,
"fmul_fast" => mir::BinOp::Mul,
"fdiv_fast" => mir::BinOp::Div,
"frem_fast" => mir::BinOp::Rem,
_ => bug!(),
this.binop_ignore_overflow(op, a, b, dest)?;
| "minnumf32"
| "maxnumf32"
| "copysignf32"
=> {
let &[a, b] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let a = this.read_scalar(a)?.to_f32()?;
let b = this.read_scalar(b)?.to_f32()?;
let res = match intrinsic_name {
"minnumf32" => a.min(b),
"maxnumf32" => a.max(b),
"copysignf32" => a.copy_sign(b),
_ => bug!(),
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_f32(res), dest)?;
| "minnumf64"
| "maxnumf64"
| "copysignf64"
=> {
let &[a, b] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let a = this.read_scalar(a)?.to_f64()?;
let b = this.read_scalar(b)?.to_f64()?;
let res = match intrinsic_name {
"minnumf64" => a.min(b),
"maxnumf64" => a.max(b),
"copysignf64" => a.copy_sign(b),
_ => bug!(),
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_f64(res), dest)?;
"powf32" => {
let &[f, f2] = check_arg_count(args)?;
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f = f32::from_bits(this.read_scalar(f)?.to_u32()?);
let f2 = f32::from_bits(this.read_scalar(f2)?.to_u32()?);
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u32(f.powf(f2).to_bits()), dest)?;
"powf64" => {
let &[f, f2] = check_arg_count(args)?;
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f = f64::from_bits(this.read_scalar(f)?.to_u64()?);
let f2 = f64::from_bits(this.read_scalar(f2)?.to_u64()?);
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u64(f.powf(f2).to_bits()), dest)?;
"fmaf32" => {
let &[a, b, c] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let a = this.read_scalar(a)?.to_f32()?;
let b = this.read_scalar(b)?.to_f32()?;
let c = this.read_scalar(c)?.to_f32()?;
let res = a.mul_add(b, c).value;
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_f32(res), dest)?;
"fmaf64" => {
let &[a, b, c] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let a = this.read_scalar(a)?.to_f64()?;
let b = this.read_scalar(b)?.to_f64()?;
let c = this.read_scalar(c)?.to_f64()?;
let res = a.mul_add(b, c).value;
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_f64(res), dest)?;
"powif32" => {
let &[f, i] = check_arg_count(args)?;
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f = f32::from_bits(this.read_scalar(f)?.to_u32()?);
let i = this.read_scalar(i)?.to_i32()?;
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u32(f.powi(i).to_bits()), dest)?;
"powif64" => {
let &[f, i] = check_arg_count(args)?;
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f = f64::from_bits(this.read_scalar(f)?.to_u64()?);
let i = this.read_scalar(i)?.to_i32()?;
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u64(f.powi(i).to_bits()), dest)?;
"float_to_int_unchecked" => {
let &[val] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let val = this.read_immediate(val)?;
let res = match val.layout.ty.kind {
ty::Float(FloatTy::F32) => {
this.float_to_int_unchecked(val.to_scalar()?.to_f32()?, dest.layout.ty)?
ty::Float(FloatTy::F64) => {
this.float_to_int_unchecked(val.to_scalar()?.to_f64()?, dest.layout.ty)?
_ => bug!("`float_to_int_unchecked` called with non-float input type {:?}", val.layout.ty),
this.write_scalar(res, dest)?;
// Atomic operations
| "atomic_load"
| "atomic_load_relaxed"
| "atomic_load_acq"
=> {
let &[place] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let place = this.deref_operand(place)?;
let val = this.read_scalar(place.into())?; // make sure it fits into a scalar; otherwise it cannot be atomic
// Check alignment requirements. Atomics must always be aligned to their size,
// even if the type they wrap would be less aligned (e.g. AtomicU64 on 32bit must
// be 8-aligned).
let align = Align::from_bytes(place.layout.size.bytes()).unwrap();
this.memory.check_ptr_access(place.ptr, place.layout.size, align)?;
this.write_scalar(val, dest)?;
| "atomic_store"
| "atomic_store_relaxed"
| "atomic_store_rel"
=> {
let &[place, val] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let place = this.deref_operand(place)?;
let val = this.read_scalar(val)?; // make sure it fits into a scalar; otherwise it cannot be atomic
// Check alignment requirements. Atomics must always be aligned to their size,
// even if the type they wrap would be less aligned (e.g. AtomicU64 on 32bit must
// be 8-aligned).
let align = Align::from_bytes(place.layout.size.bytes()).unwrap();
this.memory.check_ptr_access(place.ptr, place.layout.size, align)?;
this.write_scalar(val, place.into())?;
| "atomic_fence_acq"
| "atomic_fence_rel"
| "atomic_fence_acqrel"
| "atomic_fence"
| "atomic_singlethreadfence_acq"
| "atomic_singlethreadfence_rel"
| "atomic_singlethreadfence_acqrel"
| "atomic_singlethreadfence"
=> {
let &[] = check_arg_count(args)?;
// FIXME: this will become relevant once we try to detect data races.
_ if intrinsic_name.starts_with("atomic_xchg") => {
let &[place, new] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let place = this.deref_operand(place)?;
let new = this.read_scalar(new)?;
let old = this.read_scalar(place.into())?;
// Check alignment requirements. Atomics must always be aligned to their size,
// even if the type they wrap would be less aligned (e.g. AtomicU64 on 32bit must
// be 8-aligned).
let align = Align::from_bytes(place.layout.size.bytes()).unwrap();
this.memory.check_ptr_access(place.ptr, place.layout.size, align)?;
this.write_scalar(old, dest)?; // old value is returned
this.write_scalar(new, place.into())?;
_ if intrinsic_name.starts_with("atomic_cxchg") => {
let &[place, expect_old, new] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let place = this.deref_operand(place)?;
let expect_old = this.read_immediate(expect_old)?; // read as immediate for the sake of `binary_op()`
let new = this.read_scalar(new)?;
let old = this.read_immediate(place.into())?; // read as immediate for the sake of `binary_op()`
// Check alignment requirements. Atomics must always be aligned to their size,
// even if the type they wrap would be less aligned (e.g. AtomicU64 on 32bit must
// be 8-aligned).
let align = Align::from_bytes(place.layout.size.bytes()).unwrap();
this.memory.check_ptr_access(place.ptr, place.layout.size, align)?;
// `binary_op` will bail if either of them is not a scalar.
let eq = this.overflowing_binary_op(mir::BinOp::Eq, old, expect_old)?.0;
let res = Immediate::ScalarPair(old.to_scalar_or_undef(), eq.into());
// Return old value.
this.write_immediate(res, dest)?;
// Update ptr depending on comparison.
if eq.to_bool()? {
this.write_scalar(new, place.into())?;
| "atomic_or"
| "atomic_or_acq"
| "atomic_or_rel"
| "atomic_or_acqrel"
| "atomic_or_relaxed"
| "atomic_xor"
| "atomic_xor_acq"
| "atomic_xor_rel"
| "atomic_xor_acqrel"
| "atomic_xor_relaxed"
| "atomic_and"
| "atomic_and_acq"
| "atomic_and_rel"
| "atomic_and_acqrel"
| "atomic_and_relaxed"
| "atomic_nand"
| "atomic_nand_acq"
| "atomic_nand_rel"
| "atomic_nand_acqrel"
| "atomic_nand_relaxed"
| "atomic_xadd"
| "atomic_xadd_acq"
| "atomic_xadd_rel"
| "atomic_xadd_acqrel"
| "atomic_xadd_relaxed"
| "atomic_xsub"
| "atomic_xsub_acq"
| "atomic_xsub_rel"
| "atomic_xsub_acqrel"
| "atomic_xsub_relaxed"
=> {
let &[place, rhs] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let place = this.deref_operand(place)?;
if !place.layout.ty.is_integral() {
bug!("Atomic arithmetic operations only work on integer types");
let rhs = this.read_immediate(rhs)?;
let old = this.read_immediate(place.into())?;
// Check alignment requirements. Atomics must always be aligned to their size,
// even if the type they wrap would be less aligned (e.g. AtomicU64 on 32bit must
// be 8-aligned).
let align = Align::from_bytes(place.layout.size.bytes()).unwrap();
this.memory.check_ptr_access(place.ptr, place.layout.size, align)?;
this.write_immediate(*old, dest)?; // old value is returned
let (op, neg) = match intrinsic_name.split('_').nth(1).unwrap() {
"or" => (mir::BinOp::BitOr, false),
"xor" => (mir::BinOp::BitXor, false),
"and" => (mir::BinOp::BitAnd, false),
"xadd" => (mir::BinOp::Add, false),
"xsub" => (mir::BinOp::Sub, false),
"nand" => (mir::BinOp::BitAnd, true),
_ => bug!(),
// Atomics wrap around on overflow.
let val = this.binary_op(op, old, rhs)?;
let val = if neg { this.unary_op(mir::UnOp::Not, val)? } else { val };
this.write_immediate(*val, place.into())?;
// Query type information
"assert_inhabited" |
"assert_zero_valid" |
"assert_uninit_valid" => {
let &[] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let ty = instance.substs.type_at(0);
let layout = this.layout_of(ty)?;
// Abort here because the caller might not be panic safe.
if layout.abi.is_uninhabited() {
throw_machine_stop!(TerminationInfo::Abort(Some(format!("attempted to instantiate uninhabited type `{}`", ty))))
if intrinsic_name == "assert_zero_valid" && !layout.might_permit_raw_init(this, /*zero:*/ true).unwrap() {
throw_machine_stop!(TerminationInfo::Abort(Some(format!("attempted to zero-initialize type `{}`, which is invalid", ty))))
if intrinsic_name == "assert_uninit_valid" && !layout.might_permit_raw_init(this, /*zero:*/ false).unwrap() {
throw_machine_stop!(TerminationInfo::Abort(Some(format!("attempted to leave type `{}` uninitialized, which is invalid", ty))))
"min_align_of_val" => {
let &[mplace] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let mplace = this.deref_operand(mplace)?;
let (_, align) = this
.expect("size_of_val called on extern type");
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_machine_usize(align.bytes(), this), dest)?;
"size_of_val" => {
let &[mplace] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let mplace = this.deref_operand(mplace)?;
let (size, _) = this
.expect("size_of_val called on extern type");
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_machine_usize(size.bytes(), this), dest)?;
// Other
"assume" => {
let &[cond] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let cond = this.read_scalar(cond)?.not_undef()?.to_bool()?;
if !cond {
throw_ub_format!("`assume` intrinsic called with `false`");
"exact_div" => {
let &[num, denom] = check_arg_count(args)?;
this.exact_div(this.read_immediate(num)?, this.read_immediate(denom)?, dest)?;
"forget" => {
// We get an argument... and forget about it.
let &[_] = check_arg_count(args)?;
"try" => return this.handle_try(args, dest, ret),
name => throw_unsup_format!("unimplemented intrinsic: {}", name),
fn float_to_int_unchecked<F>(
f: F,
dest_ty: ty::Ty<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar<Tag>>
F: Float + Into<Scalar<Tag>>
let this = self.eval_context_ref();
// Step 1: cut off the fractional part of `f`. The result of this is
// guaranteed to be precisely representable in IEEE floats.
let f = f.round_to_integral(Round::TowardZero).value;
// Step 2: Cast the truncated float to the target integer type and see if we lose any information in this step.
Ok(match dest_ty.kind {
// Unsigned
ty::Uint(t) => {
let size = Integer::from_attr(this, attr::IntType::UnsignedInt(t)).size();
let res = f.to_u128(size.bits_usize());
if res.status.is_empty() {
// No status flags means there was no further rounding or other loss of precision.
Scalar::from_uint(res.value, size)
} else {
// `f` was not representable in this integer type.
"`float_to_int_unchecked` intrinsic called on {} which cannot be represented in target type `{:?}`",
f, dest_ty,
// Signed
ty::Int(t) => {
let size = Integer::from_attr(this, attr::IntType::SignedInt(t)).size();
let res = f.to_i128(size.bits_usize());
if res.status.is_empty() {
// No status flags means there was no further rounding or other loss of precision.
Scalar::from_int(res.value, size)
} else {
// `f` was not representable in this integer type.
"`float_to_int_unchecked` intrinsic called on {} which cannot be represented in target type `{:?}`",
f, dest_ty,
// Nothing else
_ => bug!("`float_to_int_unchecked` called with non-int output type {:?}", dest_ty),