blob: 5efa976f04dd1a52da379f650b78a53f4f8196f3 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::core::compiler::{CompileKind, CompileMode, Layout, RustcTargetData};
use crate::core::profiles::Profiles;
use crate::core::{PackageIdSpec, TargetKind, Workspace};
use crate::ops;
use crate::util::errors::{CargoResult, CargoResultExt};
use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
use crate::util::paths;
use crate::util::Config;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
pub struct CleanOptions<'a> {
pub config: &'a Config,
/// A list of packages to clean. If empty, everything is cleaned.
pub spec: Vec<String>,
/// The target arch triple to clean, or None for the host arch
pub targets: Vec<String>,
/// Whether to clean the release directory
pub profile_specified: bool,
/// Whether to clean the directory of a certain build profile
pub requested_profile: InternedString,
/// Whether to just clean the doc directory
pub doc: bool,
/// Cleans the package's build artifacts.
pub fn clean(ws: &Workspace<'_>, opts: &CleanOptions<'_>) -> CargoResult<()> {
let mut target_dir = ws.target_dir();
let config = ws.config();
// If the doc option is set, we just want to delete the doc directory.
if opts.doc {
target_dir = target_dir.join("doc");
return rm_rf(&target_dir.into_path_unlocked(), config);
let profiles = Profiles::new(ws.profiles(), config, opts.requested_profile, ws.features())?;
if opts.profile_specified {
// After parsing profiles we know the dir-name of the profile, if a profile
// was passed from the command line. If so, delete only the directory of
// that profile.
let dir_name = profiles.get_dir_name();
target_dir = target_dir.join(dir_name);
// If we have a spec, then we need to delete some packages, otherwise, just
// remove the whole target directory and be done with it!
// Note that we don't bother grabbing a lock here as we're just going to
// blow it all away anyway.
if opts.spec.is_empty() {
return rm_rf(&target_dir.into_path_unlocked(), config);
// Clean specific packages.
let requested_kinds = CompileKind::from_requested_targets(config, &opts.targets)?;
let target_data = RustcTargetData::new(ws, &requested_kinds)?;
let (pkg_set, resolve) = ops::resolve_ws(ws)?;
let prof_dir_name = profiles.get_dir_name();
let host_layout = Layout::new(ws, None, &prof_dir_name)?;
// Convert requested kinds to a Vec of layouts.
let target_layouts: Vec<(CompileKind, Layout)> = requested_kinds
.filter_map(|kind| match kind {
CompileKind::Target(target) => match Layout::new(ws, Some(target), &prof_dir_name) {
Ok(layout) => Some(Ok((kind, layout))),
Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
CompileKind::Host => None,
// A Vec of layouts. This is a little convoluted because there can only be
// one host_layout.
let layouts = if opts.targets.is_empty() {
vec![(CompileKind::Host, &host_layout)]
} else {
.map(|(kind, layout)| (*kind, layout))
// Create a Vec that also includes the host for things that need to clean both.
let layouts_with_host: Vec<(CompileKind, &Layout)> =
std::iter::once((CompileKind::Host, &host_layout))
.chain(layouts.iter().map(|(k, l)| (*k, *l)))
// Cleaning individual rustdoc crates is currently not supported.
// For example, the search index would need to be rebuilt to fully
// remove it (otherwise you're left with lots of broken links).
// Doc tests produce no output.
// Get Packages for the specified specs.
let mut pkg_ids = Vec::new();
for spec_str in opts.spec.iter() {
// Translate the spec to a Package.
let spec = PackageIdSpec::parse(spec_str)?;
if spec.version().is_some() {!(
"version qualifier in `-p {}` is ignored, \
cleaning all versions of `{}` found",
if spec.url().is_some() {!(
"url qualifier in `-p {}` ignored, \
cleaning all versions of `{}` found",
let matches: Vec<_> = resolve.iter().filter(|id| spec.matches(*id)).collect();
if matches.is_empty() {
anyhow::bail!("package ID specification `{}` matched no packages", spec);
let packages = pkg_set.get_many(pkg_ids)?;
for pkg in packages {
let pkg_dir = format!("{}-*",;
// Clean fingerprints.
for (_, layout) in &layouts_with_host {
rm_rf_glob(&layout.fingerprint().join(&pkg_dir), config)?;
for target in pkg.targets() {
if target.is_custom_build() {
// Get both the build_script_build and the output directory.
for (_, layout) in &layouts_with_host {
rm_rf_glob(&, config)?;
let crate_name = target.crate_name();
for &mode in &[
CompileMode::Check { test: false },
] {
for (compile_kind, layout) in &layouts {
let triple = target_data.short_name(compile_kind);
let (file_types, _unsupported) = target_data
.rustc_outputs(mode, target.kind(), triple)?;
let (dir, uplift_dir) = match target.kind() {
TargetKind::ExampleBin | TargetKind::ExampleLib(..) => {
(layout.examples(), Some(layout.examples()))
// Tests/benchmarks are never uplifted.
TargetKind::Test | TargetKind::Bench => (layout.deps(), None),
_ => (layout.deps(), Some(layout.dest())),
for file_type in file_types {
// Some files include a hash in the filename, some don't.
let hashed_name = file_type.output_filename(target, Some("*"));
let unhashed_name = file_type.output_filename(target, None);
rm_rf_glob(&dir.join(&hashed_name), config)?;
rm_rf(&dir.join(&unhashed_name), config)?;
// Remove dep-info file generated by rustc. It is not tracked in
// file_types. It does not have a prefix.
let hashed_dep_info = dir.join(format!("{}-*.d", crate_name));
let unhashed_dep_info = dir.join(format!("{}.d", crate_name));
rm_rf_glob(&hashed_dep_info, config)?;
rm_rf(&unhashed_dep_info, config)?;
// Remove the uplifted copy.
if let Some(uplift_dir) = uplift_dir {
let uplifted_path = uplift_dir.join(file_type.uplift_filename(target));
rm_rf(&uplifted_path, config)?;
// Dep-info generated by Cargo itself.
let dep_info = uplifted_path.with_extension("d");
rm_rf(&dep_info, config)?;
// TODO: what to do about build_script_build?
let incremental = layout.incremental().join(format!("{}-*", crate_name));
rm_rf_glob(&incremental, config)?;
fn rm_rf_glob(pattern: &Path, config: &Config) -> CargoResult<()> {
// TODO: Display utf8 warning to user? Or switch to globset?
let pattern = pattern
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("expected utf-8 path"))?;
for path in glob::glob(pattern)? {
rm_rf(&path?, config)?;
fn rm_rf(path: &Path, config: &Config) -> CargoResult<()> {
let m = fs::symlink_metadata(path);
if m.as_ref().map(|s| s.is_dir()).unwrap_or(false) {
.verbose(|shell| shell.status("Removing", path.display()))?;
.chain_err(|| anyhow::format_err!("could not remove build directory"))?;
} else if m.is_ok() {
.verbose(|shell| shell.status("Removing", path.display()))?;
.chain_err(|| anyhow::format_err!("failed to remove build artifact"))?;