blob: 30dd2a51585c5d99f2e1041d2d8e5995e4845209 [file] [log] [blame]
// build-fail
// a test demonstrating that const qualification cannot prevent monomorphization time errors
trait Foo {
const X: u32;
trait Bar<U: Foo> {
const F: u32 = 100 / U::X;
impl Foo for () {
const X: u32 = 42;
impl Foo for String {
const X: u32 = 0;
impl Bar<()> for () {}
impl Bar<String> for String {}
fn main() {
let x = <() as Bar<()>>::F;
// this test only causes errors due to the line below, so post-monomorphization
let y = <String as Bar<String>>::F; //~ ERROR erroneous constant