blob: 5ceff16471cee99fde034adabf0d53e8fadd9eeb [file] [log] [blame]
# needs-sanitizer-support
# needs-sanitizer-address
# only-linux
-include ../
# This test first builds a staticlib with AddressSanitizer and checks that
# linking it to an executable fails due to the missing sanitizer runtime.
# It then builds an executable linking to the staticlib and checks that
# the fault in the staticlib is detected correctly.
# Note that checking for the link failure actually checks two things at once:
# 1) That the library has the sanitizer intrumentation
# 2) and that library does not have the sanitizer runtime
$(RUSTC) -g -Z sanitizer=address --crate-type staticlib --target $(TARGET)
! $(CC) program.c $(call STATICLIB,library) $(call OUT_EXE,program) $(EXTRACFLAGS) $(EXTRACXXFLAGS)
$(RUSTC) -g -Z sanitizer=address --crate-type bin --target $(TARGET) -L .
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(TMPDIR) $(TMPDIR)/program 2>&1 | $(CGREP) stack-buffer-overflow