blob: ec51dddc2c8102265469b2fb08cc6b842eafbbf3 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::{
ObligationCauseCode, OnUnimplementedDirective, OnUnimplementedNote, PredicateObligation,
use crate::infer::InferCtxt;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_middle::ty::subst::Subst;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, GenericParamDefKind};
use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
use super::InferCtxtPrivExt;
crate trait InferCtxtExt<'tcx> {
fn impl_similar_to(
trait_ref: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>,
obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
) -> Option<DefId>;
fn describe_enclosure(&self, hir_id: hir::HirId) -> Option<&'static str>;
fn on_unimplemented_note(
trait_ref: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>,
obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
) -> OnUnimplementedNote;
impl<'a, 'tcx> InferCtxtExt<'tcx> for InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
fn impl_similar_to(
trait_ref: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>,
obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
) -> Option<DefId> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let param_env = obligation.param_env;
let trait_ref = tcx.erase_late_bound_regions(&trait_ref);
let trait_self_ty = trait_ref.self_ty();
let mut self_match_impls = vec![];
let mut fuzzy_match_impls = vec![];
self.tcx.for_each_relevant_impl(trait_ref.def_id, trait_self_ty, |def_id| {
let impl_substs = self.fresh_substs_for_item(obligation.cause.span, def_id);
let impl_trait_ref = tcx.impl_trait_ref(def_id).unwrap().subst(tcx, impl_substs);
let impl_self_ty = impl_trait_ref.self_ty();
if let Ok(..) = self.can_eq(param_env, trait_self_ty, impl_self_ty) {
if trait_ref
.all(|(u, v)| self.fuzzy_match_tys(u, v))
let impl_def_id = if self_match_impls.len() == 1 {
} else if fuzzy_match_impls.len() == 1 {
} else {
return None;
tcx.has_attr(impl_def_id, sym::rustc_on_unimplemented).then_some(impl_def_id)
/// Used to set on_unimplemented's `ItemContext`
/// to be the enclosing (async) block/function/closure
fn describe_enclosure(&self, hir_id: hir::HirId) -> Option<&'static str> {
let hir = &self.tcx.hir();
let node = hir.find(hir_id)?;
match &node {
hir::Node::Item(hir::Item { kind: hir::ItemKind::Fn(sig, _, body_id), .. }) => {
self.describe_generator(*body_id).or_else(|| {
Some(match sig.header {
hir::FnHeader { asyncness: hir::IsAsync::Async, .. } => "an async function",
_ => "a function",
hir::Node::TraitItem(hir::TraitItem {
kind: hir::TraitItemKind::Fn(_, hir::TraitFn::Provided(body_id)),
}) => self.describe_generator(*body_id).or_else(|| Some("a trait method")),
hir::Node::ImplItem(hir::ImplItem {
kind: hir::ImplItemKind::Fn(sig, body_id),
}) => self.describe_generator(*body_id).or_else(|| {
Some(match sig.header {
hir::FnHeader { asyncness: hir::IsAsync::Async, .. } => "an async method",
_ => "a method",
hir::Node::Expr(hir::Expr {
kind: hir::ExprKind::Closure(_is_move, _, body_id, _, gen_movability),
}) => self.describe_generator(*body_id).or_else(|| {
Some(if gen_movability.is_some() { "an async closure" } else { "a closure" })
hir::Node::Expr(hir::Expr { .. }) => {
let parent_hid = hir.get_parent_node(hir_id);
if parent_hid != hir_id { self.describe_enclosure(parent_hid) } else { None }
_ => None,
fn on_unimplemented_note(
trait_ref: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>,
obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
) -> OnUnimplementedNote {
let def_id =
self.impl_similar_to(trait_ref, obligation).unwrap_or_else(|| trait_ref.def_id());
let trait_ref = trait_ref.skip_binder();
let mut flags = vec![];
self.describe_enclosure(obligation.cause.body_id).map(|s| s.to_owned()),
match obligation.cause.code {
| ObligationCauseCode::ImplDerivedObligation(..)
| ObligationCauseCode::DerivedObligation(..) => {}
_ => {
// this is a "direct", user-specified, rather than derived,
// obligation.
flags.push((sym::direct, None));
if let ObligationCauseCode::ItemObligation(item)
| ObligationCauseCode::BindingObligation(item, _) = obligation.cause.code
// FIXME: maybe also have some way of handling methods
// from other traits? That would require name resolution,
// which we might want to be some sort of hygienic.
// Currently I'm leaving it for what I need for `try`.
if self.tcx.trait_of_item(item) == Some(trait_ref.def_id) {
let method = self.tcx.item_name(item);
flags.push((sym::from_method, None));
flags.push((sym::from_method, Some(method.to_string())));
if let Some((t, _)) = self.get_parent_trait_ref(&obligation.cause.code) {
flags.push((sym::parent_trait, Some(t)));
if let Some(k) = obligation.cause.span.desugaring_kind() {
flags.push((sym::from_desugaring, None));
flags.push((sym::from_desugaring, Some(format!("{:?}", k))));
let generics = self.tcx.generics_of(def_id);
let self_ty = trait_ref.self_ty();
// This is also included through the generics list as `Self`,
// but the parser won't allow you to use it
flags.push((sym::_Self, Some(self_ty.to_string())));
if let Some(def) = self_ty.ty_adt_def() {
// We also want to be able to select self's original
// signature with no type arguments resolved
flags.push((sym::_Self, Some(self.tcx.type_of(def.did).to_string())));
for param in generics.params.iter() {
let value = match param.kind {
GenericParamDefKind::Type { .. } | GenericParamDefKind::Const => {
trait_ref.substs[param.index as usize].to_string()
GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => continue,
let name =;
flags.push((name, Some(value)));
if let Some(true) = self_ty.ty_adt_def().map(|def| def.did.is_local()) {
flags.push((sym::crate_local, None));
// Allow targeting all integers using `{integral}`, even if the exact type was resolved
if self_ty.is_integral() {
flags.push((sym::_Self, Some("{integral}".to_owned())));
if let ty::Array(aty, len) = self_ty.kind {
flags.push((sym::_Self, Some("[]".to_owned())));
flags.push((sym::_Self, Some(format!("[{}]", aty))));
if let Some(def) = aty.ty_adt_def() {
// We also want to be able to select the array's type's original
// signature with no type arguments resolved
Some(format!("[{}]", self.tcx.type_of(def.did).to_string())),
let tcx = self.tcx;
if let Some(len) = len.try_eval_usize(tcx, ty::ParamEnv::empty()) {
Some(format!("[{}; {}]", self.tcx.type_of(def.did).to_string(), len)),
} else {
Some(format!("[{}; _]", self.tcx.type_of(def.did).to_string())),
if let ty::Dynamic(traits, _) = self_ty.kind {
for t in traits.skip_binder() {
if let ty::ExistentialPredicate::Trait(trait_ref) = t {
flags.push((sym::_Self, Some(self.tcx.def_path_str(trait_ref.def_id))))
if let Ok(Some(command)) =
OnUnimplementedDirective::of_item(self.tcx, trait_ref.def_id, def_id)
command.evaluate(self.tcx, trait_ref, &flags[..])
} else {