blob: af1630b8e459b321b3bea6af1c1f8d62abe1c95e [file] [log] [blame]
;; Extern type definitions and constructors for the x64 `MachInst` type.
;;;; `MInst` ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Don't build `MInst` variants directly, in general. Instead, use the
;; instruction-emitting helpers defined further down.
(type MInst nodebug
;; Nops of various sizes, including zero.
(Nop (len u8))
;; =========================================
;; Integer instructions.
;; Integer arithmetic/bit-twiddling.
(AluRmiR (size OperandSize) ;; 4 or 8
(op AluRmiROpcode)
(src1 Gpr)
(src2 GprMemImm)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Integer arithmetic read-modify-write on memory.
(AluRM (size OperandSize) ;; 4 or 8
(op AluRmiROpcode)
(src1_dst SyntheticAmode)
(src2 Gpr))
;; Instructions on general-purpose registers that only read src and
;; defines dst (dst is not modified). `bsr`, etc.
(UnaryRmR (size OperandSize) ;; 2, 4, or 8
(op UnaryRmROpcode)
(src GprMem)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Bitwise not.
(Not (size OperandSize) ;; 1, 2, 4, or 8
(src Gpr)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Integer negation.
(Neg (size OperandSize) ;; 1, 2, 4, or 8
(src Gpr)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Integer quotient and remainder: (div idiv) $rax $rdx (reg addr)
(Div (size OperandSize) ;; 1, 2, 4, or 8
(signed bool)
(divisor GprMem)
(dividend_lo Gpr)
(dividend_hi Gpr)
(dst_quotient WritableGpr)
(dst_remainder WritableGpr))
;; The high (and low) bits of a (un)signed multiply: `RDX:RAX := RAX *
;; rhs`.
(MulHi (size OperandSize)
(signed bool)
(src1 Gpr)
(src2 GprMem)
(dst_lo WritableGpr)
(dst_hi WritableGpr))
;; A synthetic sequence to implement the right inline checks for
;; remainder and division, assuming the dividend is in %rax.
;; The generated code sequence is described in the emit's function match
;; arm for this instruction.
(CheckedDivOrRemSeq (kind DivOrRemKind)
(size OperandSize)
(dividend_lo Gpr)
(dividend_hi Gpr)
(divisor Gpr)
(dst_quotient WritableGpr)
(dst_remainder WritableGpr)
(tmp OptionWritableGpr))
;; Do a sign-extend based on the sign of the value in rax into rdx: (cwd
;; cdq cqo) or al into ah: (cbw)
(SignExtendData (size OperandSize) ;; 1, 2, 4, or 8
(src Gpr)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Constant materialization: (imm32 imm64) reg.
;; Either: movl $imm32, %reg32 or movabsq $imm64, %reg32.
(Imm (dst_size OperandSize) ;; 4 or 8
(simm64 u64)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; GPR to GPR move: mov (64 32) reg reg.
(MovRR (size OperandSize) ;; 4 or 8
(src Gpr)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Like `MovRR` but with a physical register source (for implementing
;; CLIF instructions like `get_stack_pointer`).
(MovPReg (src PReg)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Zero-extended loads, except for 64 bits: movz (bl bq wl wq lq) addr
;; reg.
;; Note that the lq variant doesn't really exist since the default
;; zero-extend rule makes it unnecessary. For that case we emit the
;; equivalent "movl AM, reg32".
(MovzxRmR (ext_mode ExtMode)
(src GprMem)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; A plain 64-bit integer load, since MovZX_RM_R can't represent that.
(Mov64MR (src SyntheticAmode)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Loads the memory address of addr into dst.
(LoadEffectiveAddress (addr SyntheticAmode)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Sign-extended loads and moves: movs (bl bq wl wq lq) addr reg.
(MovsxRmR (ext_mode ExtMode)
(src GprMem)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Integer stores: mov (b w l q) reg addr.
(MovRM (size OperandSize) ;; 1, 2, 4, or 8
(src Gpr)
(dst SyntheticAmode))
;; Arithmetic shifts: (shl shr sar) (b w l q) imm reg.
(ShiftR (size OperandSize) ;; 1, 2, 4, or 8
(kind ShiftKind)
(src Gpr)
;; shift count: `Imm8Gpr::Imm8(0 .. #bits-in-type - 1)` or
;; `Imm8Reg::Gpr(r)` where `r` get's move mitosis'd into `%cl`.
(num_bits Imm8Gpr)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; Arithmetic SIMD shifts.
(XmmRmiReg (opcode SseOpcode)
(src1 Xmm)
(src2 XmmMemImm)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; Integer comparisons/tests: cmp or test (b w l q) (reg addr imm) reg.
(CmpRmiR (size OperandSize) ;; 1, 2, 4, or 8
(opcode CmpOpcode)
(src GprMemImm)
(dst Gpr))
;; Materializes the requested condition code in the destinaton reg.
(Setcc (cc CC)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; =========================================
;; Conditional moves.
;; GPR conditional move; overwrites the destination register.
(Cmove (size OperandSize)
(cc CC)
(consequent GprMem)
(alternative Gpr)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; XMM conditional move; overwrites the destination register.
(XmmCmove (ty Type)
(cc CC)
(consequent XmmMem)
(alternative Xmm)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; =========================================
;; Stack manipulation.
;; pushq (reg addr imm)
(Push64 (src GprMemImm))
;; popq reg
(Pop64 (dst WritableGpr))
;; Emits a inline stack probe loop.
(StackProbeLoop (tmp WritableReg)
(frame_size u32)
(guard_size u32))
;; =========================================
;; Floating-point operations.
;; XMM (scalar or vector) binary op: (add sub and or xor mul adc? sbb?)
;; (32 64) (reg addr) reg
(XmmRmR (op SseOpcode)
(src1 Xmm)
(src2 XmmMem)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; XMM (scalar or vector) binary op that relies on the VEX prefix.
(XmmRmRVex (op AvxOpcode)
(src1 Xmm)
(src2 Xmm)
(src3 XmmMem)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; XMM (scalar or vector) binary op that relies on the EVEX
;; prefix. Takes two inputs.
(XmmRmREvex (op Avx512Opcode)
(src1 XmmMem)
(src2 Xmm)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; XMM (scalar or vector) binary op that relies on the EVEX
;; prefix. Takes three inputs.
(XmmRmREvex3 (op Avx512Opcode)
(src1 XmmMem)
(src2 Xmm)
(src3 Xmm)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; XMM (scalar or vector) unary op: mov between XMM registers (32 64)
;; (reg addr) reg, sqrt, etc.
;; This differs from XMM_RM_R in that the dst register of XmmUnaryRmR is
;; not used in the computation of the instruction dst value and so does
;; not have to be a previously valid value. This is characteristic of mov
;; instructions.
(XmmUnaryRmR (op SseOpcode)
(src XmmMem)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; XMM (scalar or vector) unary op with immediate: roundss, roundsd, etc.
;; This differs from XMM_RM_R_IMM in that the dst register of
;; XmmUnaryRmRImm is not used in the computation of the instruction dst
;; value and so does not have to be a previously valid value.
(XmmUnaryRmRImm (op SseOpcode)
(src XmmMem)
(imm u8)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; XMM (scalar or vector) unary op that relies on the EVEX prefix.
(XmmUnaryRmREvex (op Avx512Opcode)
(src XmmMem)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; XMM (scalar or vector) unary op (from xmm to reg/mem): stores, movd,
;; movq
(XmmMovRM (op SseOpcode)
(src Reg)
(dst SyntheticAmode))
;; XMM (vector) unary op (to move a constant value into an xmm register):
;; movups
(XmmLoadConst (src VCodeConstant)
(dst WritableReg)
(ty Type))
;; XMM (scalar) unary op (from xmm to integer reg): movd, movq,
;; cvtts{s,d}2si
(XmmToGpr (op SseOpcode)
(src Xmm)
(dst WritableGpr)
(dst_size OperandSize))
;; XMM (scalar) unary op (from integer to float reg): movd, movq,
;; cvtsi2s{s,d}
(GprToXmm (op SseOpcode)
(src GprMem)
(dst WritableXmm)
(src_size OperandSize))
;; Converts an unsigned int64 to a float32/float64.
(CvtUint64ToFloatSeq (dst_size OperandSize) ;; 4 or 8
(src Gpr)
(dst WritableXmm)
(tmp_gpr1 WritableGpr)
(tmp_gpr2 WritableGpr))
;; Converts a scalar xmm to a signed int32/int64.
(CvtFloatToSintSeq (dst_size OperandSize)
(src_size OperandSize)
(is_saturating bool)
(src Xmm)
(dst WritableGpr)
(tmp_gpr WritableGpr)
(tmp_xmm WritableXmm))
;; Converts a scalar xmm to an unsigned int32/int64.
(CvtFloatToUintSeq (dst_size OperandSize)
(src_size OperandSize)
(is_saturating bool)
(src Xmm)
(dst WritableGpr)
(tmp_gpr WritableGpr)
(tmp_xmm WritableXmm)
(tmp_xmm2 WritableXmm))
;; A sequence to compute min/max with the proper NaN semantics for xmm
;; registers.
(XmmMinMaxSeq (size OperandSize)
(is_min bool)
(lhs Xmm)
(rhs Xmm)
(dst WritableXmm))
;; Float comparisons/tests: cmp (b w l q) (reg addr imm) reg.
(XmmCmpRmR (op SseOpcode)
(src XmmMem)
(dst Xmm))
;; A binary XMM instruction with an 8-bit immediate: e.g. cmp (ps pd) imm
;; (reg addr) reg
;; Note: this has to use `Reg*`, not `Xmm*`, operands because it is used
;; in various lane insertion and extraction instructions that move
;; between XMMs and GPRs.
(XmmRmRImm (op SseOpcode)
(src1 Reg)
(src2 RegMem)
(dst WritableReg)
(imm u8)
(size OperandSize))
;; =========================================
;; Control flow instructions.
;; Direct call: call simm32.
(CallKnown (dest ExternalName)
(info BoxCallInfo))
;; Indirect call: callq (reg mem)
(CallUnknown (dest RegMem)
(info BoxCallInfo))
;; Return.
(Ret (rets VecReg))
;; Jump to a known target: jmp simm32.
(JmpKnown (dst MachLabel))
;; One-way conditional branch: jcond cond target.
;; This instruction is useful when we have conditional jumps depending on
;; more than two conditions, see for instance the lowering of Brz/brnz
;; with Fcmp inputs.
;; A note of caution: in contexts where the branch target is another
;; block, this has to be the same successor as the one specified in the
;; terminator branch of the current block. Otherwise, this might confuse
;; register allocation by creating new invisible edges.
(JmpIf (cc CC)
(taken MachLabel))
;; Two-way conditional branch: jcond cond target target.
;; Emitted as a compound sequence; the MachBuffer will shrink it as
;; appropriate.
(JmpCond (cc CC)
(taken MachLabel)
(not_taken MachLabel))
;; Jump-table sequence, as one compound instruction (see note in
;; for rationale).
;; The generated code sequence is described in the emit's function match
;; arm for this instruction.
;; See comment on jmp_table_seq below about the temporaries signedness.
(JmpTableSeq (idx Reg)
(tmp1 WritableReg)
(tmp2 WritableReg)
(default_target MachLabel)
(targets BoxVecMachLabel))
;; Indirect jump: jmpq (reg mem).
(JmpUnknown (target RegMem))
;; Traps if the condition code is set.
(TrapIf (cc CC)
(trap_code TrapCode))
;; Traps if both of the condition codes are set.
(TrapIfAnd (cc1 CC)
(cc2 CC)
(trap_code TrapCode))
;; Traps if either of the condition codes are set.
(TrapIfOr (cc1 CC)
(cc2 CC)
(trap_code TrapCode))
;; A debug trap.
;; An instruction that will always trigger the illegal instruction
;; exception.
(Ud2 (trap_code TrapCode))
;; Loads an external symbol in a register, with a relocation:
;; movq $name@GOTPCREL(%rip), dst if PIC is enabled, or
;; movabsq $name, dst otherwise.
(LoadExtName (dst WritableReg)
(name BoxExternalName)
(offset i64))
;; =========================================
;; Instructions pertaining to atomic memory accesses.
;; A standard (native) `lock cmpxchg src, (amode)`, with register
;; conventions:
;; `mem` (read) address
;; `replacement` (read) replacement value
;; %rax (modified) in: expected value, out: value that was actually at `dst`
;; %rflags is written. Do not assume anything about it after the instruction.
;; The instruction "succeeded" iff the lowest `ty` bits of %rax
;; afterwards are the same as they were before.
(LockCmpxchg (ty Type) ;; I8, I16, I32, or I64
(replacement Reg)
(expected Reg)
(mem SyntheticAmode)
(dst_old WritableReg))
;; A synthetic instruction, based on a loop around a native `lock
;; cmpxchg` instruction.
;; This atomically modifies a value in memory and returns the old value.
;; The sequence consists of an initial "normal" load from `dst`, followed
;; by a loop which computes the new value and tries to compare-and-swap
;; ("CAS") it into `dst`, using the native instruction `lock
;; cmpxchg{b,w,l,q}`. The loop iterates until the CAS is successful. If
;; there is no contention, there will be only one pass through the loop
;; body. The sequence does *not* perform any explicit memory fence
;; instructions (`mfence`/`sfence`/`lfence`).
;; Note that the transaction is atomic in the sense that, as observed by
;; some other thread, `dst` either has the initial or final value, but no
;; other. It isn't atomic in the sense of guaranteeing that no other
;; thread writes to `dst` in between the initial load and the CAS -- but
;; that would cause the CAS to fail unless the other thread's last write
;; before the CAS wrote the same value that was already there. In other
;; words, this implementation suffers (unavoidably) from the A-B-A
;; problem.
;; This instruction sequence has fixed register uses as follows:
;; - %rax (written) the old value at `mem`
;; - %rflags is written. Do not assume anything about it after the
;; instruction.
(AtomicRmwSeq (ty Type) ;; I8, I16, I32, or I64
(op MachAtomicRmwOp)
(mem SyntheticAmode)
(operand Reg)
(temp WritableReg)
(dst_old WritableReg))
;; A memory fence (mfence, lfence or sfence).
(Fence (kind FenceKind))
;; =========================================
;; Meta-instructions generating no code.
;; Marker, no-op in generated code: SP "virtual offset" is adjusted.
;; This controls how `MemArg::NominalSPOffset` args are lowered.
(VirtualSPOffsetAdj (offset i64))
;; Provides a way to tell the register allocator that the upcoming
;; sequence of instructions will overwrite `dst` so it should be
;; considered as a `def`; use this with care.
;; This is useful when we have a sequence of instructions whose register
;; usages are nominally `mod`s, but such that the combination of
;; operations creates a result that is independent of the initial
;; register value. It's thus semantically a `def`, not a `mod`, when all
;; the instructions are taken together, so we want to ensure the register
;; is defined (its live-range starts) prior to the sequence to keep
;; analyses happy.
;; One alternative would be a compound instruction that somehow
;; encapsulates the others and reports its own `def`s/`use`s/`mod`s; this
;; adds complexity (the instruction list is no longer flat) and requires
;; knowledge about semantics and initial-value independence anyway.
(XmmUninitializedValue (dst WritableXmm))
;; A call to the `ElfTlsGetAddr` libcall. Returns address of TLS symbol
;; `dst`, which is constrained to `rax`.
(ElfTlsGetAddr (symbol ExternalName)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; A Mach-O TLS symbol access. Returns address of the TLS symbol in
;; `dst`, which is constrained to `rax`.
(MachOTlsGetAddr (symbol ExternalName)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; A Coff TLS symbol access. Returns address of the TLS symbol in
;; `dst`, which is constrained to `rax`.
(CoffTlsGetAddr (symbol ExternalName)
(dst WritableGpr))
;; An unwind pseudoinstruction describing the state of the machine at
;; this program point.
(Unwind (inst UnwindInst))
;; A pseudoinstruction that just keeps a value alive.
(DummyUse (reg Reg))))
(type OperandSize extern
(enum Size8
(type FenceKind extern
(enum MFence
(type BoxCallInfo extern (enum))
(type BoxVecMachLabel extern (enum))
(type MachLabelSlice extern (enum))
;; The size of the jump table.
(decl jump_table_size (BoxVecMachLabel) u32)
(extern constructor jump_table_size jump_table_size)
;; Extract a the target from a MachLabelSlice with exactly one target.
(decl single_target (MachLabel) MachLabelSlice)
(extern extractor single_target single_target)
;; Extract a the targets from a MachLabelSlice with exactly two targets.
(decl two_targets (MachLabel MachLabel) MachLabelSlice)
(extern extractor two_targets two_targets)
;; Extract the default target and jump table from a MachLabelSlice.
(decl jump_table_targets (MachLabel BoxVecMachLabel) MachLabelSlice)
(extern extractor jump_table_targets jump_table_targets)
;; Get the `OperandSize` for a given `Type`, rounding smaller types up to 32 bits.
(decl operand_size_of_type_32_64 (Type) OperandSize)
(extern constructor operand_size_of_type_32_64 operand_size_of_type_32_64)
;; Get the true `OperandSize` for a given `Type`, with no rounding.
(decl raw_operand_size_of_type (Type) OperandSize)
(extern constructor raw_operand_size_of_type raw_operand_size_of_type)
;; Get the bit width of an `OperandSize`.
(decl operand_size_bits (OperandSize) u16)
(rule (operand_size_bits (OperandSize.Size8)) 8)
(rule (operand_size_bits (OperandSize.Size16)) 16)
(rule (operand_size_bits (OperandSize.Size32)) 32)
(rule (operand_size_bits (OperandSize.Size64)) 64)
(type AluRmiROpcode extern
(enum Add
(type UnaryRmROpcode extern
(enum Bsr
(type DivOrRemKind extern
(enum SignedDiv
(type SseOpcode extern
(enum Addps
(type CmpOpcode extern
(enum Cmp
(type RegMemImm extern
(Reg (reg Reg))
(Mem (addr SyntheticAmode))
(Imm (simm32 u32))))
;; Put the given clif value into a `RegMemImm` operand.
;; Asserts that the value fits into a single register, and doesn't require
;; multiple registers for its representation (like `i128` for example).
;; As a side effect, this marks the value as used.
(decl put_in_reg_mem_imm (Value) RegMemImm)
(extern constructor put_in_reg_mem_imm put_in_reg_mem_imm)
(type RegMem extern
(Reg (reg Reg))
(Mem (addr SyntheticAmode))))
;; Convert a RegMem to a RegMemImm.
(decl reg_mem_to_reg_mem_imm (RegMem) RegMemImm)
(rule (reg_mem_to_reg_mem_imm (RegMem.Reg reg))
(RegMemImm.Reg reg))
(rule (reg_mem_to_reg_mem_imm (RegMem.Mem addr))
(RegMemImm.Mem addr))
;; Put the given clif value into a `RegMem` operand.
;; Asserts that the value fits into a single register, and doesn't require
;; multiple registers for its representation (like `i128` for example).
;; As a side effect, this marks the value as used.
(decl put_in_reg_mem (Value) RegMem)
(extern constructor put_in_reg_mem put_in_reg_mem)
;; Addressing modes.
(type SyntheticAmode extern (enum))
(decl synthetic_amode_to_reg_mem (SyntheticAmode) RegMem)
(extern constructor synthetic_amode_to_reg_mem synthetic_amode_to_reg_mem)
(decl amode_to_synthetic_amode (Amode) SyntheticAmode)
(extern constructor amode_to_synthetic_amode amode_to_synthetic_amode)
;; An `Amode` represents a possible addressing mode that can be used
;; in instructions. These denote a 64-bit value only.
(type Amode (enum
;; Immediate sign-extended and a register
(ImmReg (simm32 u32)
(base Reg)
(flags MemFlags))
;; Sign-extend-32-to-64(simm32) + base + (index << shift)
(ImmRegRegShift (simm32 u32)
(base Gpr)
(index Gpr)
(shift u8)
(flags MemFlags))
;; Sign-extend-32-to-64(immediate) + RIP (instruction
;; pointer). The appropriate relocation is emitted so
;; that the resulting immediate makes this Amode refer to
;; the given MachLabel.
(RipRelative (target MachLabel))))
;; Some Amode constructor helpers.
(decl amode_with_flags (Amode MemFlags) Amode)
(extern constructor amode_with_flags amode_with_flags)
(decl amode_imm_reg (u32 Gpr) Amode)
(extern constructor amode_imm_reg amode_imm_reg)
(decl amode_imm_reg_flags (u32 Gpr MemFlags) Amode)
(rule (amode_imm_reg_flags offset base flags)
(amode_with_flags (amode_imm_reg offset base) flags))
(decl amode_imm_reg_reg_shift (u32 Gpr Gpr u8) Amode)
(extern constructor amode_imm_reg_reg_shift amode_imm_reg_reg_shift)
(decl amode_imm_reg_reg_shift_flags (u32 Gpr Gpr u8 MemFlags) Amode)
(rule (amode_imm_reg_reg_shift_flags offset base index shift flags)
(amode_with_flags (amode_imm_reg_reg_shift offset base index shift) flags))
;; A helper to both check that the `Imm64` and `Offset32` values sum to less
;; than 32-bits AND return this summed `u32` value. Also, the `Imm64` will be
;; zero-extended from `Type` up to 64 bits. This is useful for `to_amode`.
(decl pure sum_extend_fits_in_32_bits (Type Imm64 Offset32) u32)
(extern constructor sum_extend_fits_in_32_bits sum_extend_fits_in_32_bits)
;;;; Amode lowering ;;;;
;; To generate an address for a memory access, we can pattern-match
;; various CLIF sub-trees to x64's complex addressing modes (`Amode`).
;; Information about available addressing modes is available in
;; Intel's Software Developer's Manual, volume 2, section 2.1.5,
;; "Addressing-Mode Encoding of ModR/M and SIB Bytes."
;; The general strategy to build an `Amode` is to traverse over the
;; input expression's addends, recursively deconstructing a tree of
;; `iadd` operators that add up parts of the address, updating the
;; `Amode` in an incremental fashion as we add in each piece.
;; We start with an "immediate + register" form that encapsulates the
;; load/store's built-in `Offset32` and `invalid_reg` as the
;; register. This is given by `amode_initial`. Then we add `Value`s
;; one at a time with `amode_add`. (Why start with `invalid_reg` at
;; all? Because we don't want to special-case the first input and
;; duplicate rules; this lets us use the "add a value" logic even for
;; the first value.)
;; It is always valid to use `amode_add` to add the one single
;; `address` input to the load/store (i.e., the `Value` given to
;; `to_amode`). In the fallback case, this is what we do. Then we get
;; an `Amode.ImmReg` with the `Offset32` and `Value` below and nothing
;; else; this always works and is not *that* bad.
;; But we can often do better. The toplevel rule for `iadd` below will
;; turn an `(amode_add amode (iadd a b))` into two invocations of
;; `amode_add`, for each operand of the `iadd`. This is what allows us
;; to handle sums of many parts.
;; Then we "just" need to work out how we can incorporate a new
;; component into an existing addressing mode:
;; - Case 1: When we have an `ImmReg` and the register is
;; `invalid_reg` (the initial `Amode` above), we can put the new
;; addend into a register and insert it into the `ImmReg`.
;; - Case 2: When we have an `ImmReg` with a valid register already,
;; and we have another register to add, we can transition to an
;; `ImmRegRegShift`.
;; - Case 3: When we're adding an `ishl`, we can refine the above rule
;; and use the built-in multiplier of 1, 2, 4, 8 to implement a
;; left-shift by 0, 1, 2, 3.
;; - Case 4: When we are adding another constant offset, we can fold
;; it into the existing offset, as long as the sum still fits into
;; the signed 32-bit field.
;; - Case 5: And as a general fallback, we can generate a new `add`
;; instruction and add the new addend to an existing component of
;; the `Amode`.
(decl to_amode (MemFlags Value Offset32) Amode)
;; Initial step in amode processing: create an ImmReg with
;; (invalid_reg) and encapsulating the flags and offset from the
;; load/store.
(decl amode_initial (MemFlags Offset32) Amode)
(rule (amode_initial flags (offset32 off))
(Amode.ImmReg off (invalid_reg) flags))
;; One step in amode processing: take an existing amode and add
;; another value to it.
(decl amode_add (Amode Value) Amode)
;; -- Top-level driver: pull apart the addends.
;; Any amode can absorb an `iadd` by absorbing first the LHS of the
;; add, then the RHS.
;; Priority 2 to take this above fallbacks and ensure we traverse the
;; `iadd` tree fully.
(rule 2 (amode_add amode (iadd x y))
(let ((amode1 Amode (amode_add amode x))
(amode2 Amode (amode_add amode1 y)))
;; -- Case 1 (adding a register to the initial Amode with invalid_reg).
;; An Amode.ImmReg with invalid_reg (initial state) can absorb a
;; register as the base register.
(rule (amode_add (Amode.ImmReg off (invalid_reg) flags) value)
(Amode.ImmReg off value flags))
;; -- Case 2 (adding a register to an Amode with a register already).
;; An Amode.ImmReg can absorb another register as the index register.
(rule (amode_add (Amode.ImmReg off base flags) value)
(if-let (valid_reg) base)
;; Shift of 0 --> base + 1*value.
(Amode.ImmRegRegShift off base value 0 flags))
;; -- Case 3 (adding a shifted value to an Amode).
;; An Amode.ImmReg can absorb a shift of another register as the index register.
;; Priority 2 to take these rules above generic case.
(rule 2 (amode_add (Amode.ImmReg off base flags) (ishl index (iconst (uimm8 shift))))
(if-let (valid_reg) base)
(if (u32_lteq (u8_as_u32 shift) 3))
(Amode.ImmRegRegShift off base index shift flags))
(rule 2 (amode_add (Amode.ImmReg off base flags) (uextend (ishl index (iconst (uimm8 shift)))))
(if-let (valid_reg) base)
(if (u32_lteq (u8_as_u32 shift) 3))
(Amode.ImmRegRegShift off base (extend_to_gpr index $I64 (ExtendKind.Zero)) shift flags))
;; Same, but with a uextend of a shift of a 32-bit add. This is valid
;; because we know our lowering of a narrower-than-64-bit `iadd` will
;; always write the full register width, so we can effectively ignore
;; the `uextend` and look through it to the `ishl`.
;; Priority 2 to take this case above generic rules.
(rule 2 (amode_add (Amode.ImmReg off base flags)
(uextend (ishl index @ (iadd _ _) (iconst (uimm8 shift)))))
(if-let (valid_reg) base)
(if (u32_lteq (u8_as_u32 shift) 3))
(Amode.ImmRegRegShift off base index shift flags))
;; -- Case 4 (absorbing constant offsets).
;; An Amode can absorb a constant (i64, or extended i32) as long as
;; the sum still fits in the signed-32-bit offset.
;; Priority 3 in order to take this option above the fallback
;; (immediate in register). Two rules, for imm+reg and
;; imm+reg+scale*reg cases.
(rule 3 (amode_add (Amode.ImmReg off base flags)
(iconst (simm32 c)))
(if-let sum (s32_add_fallible off c))
(Amode.ImmReg sum base flags))
(rule 3 (amode_add (Amode.ImmRegRegShift off base index shift flags)
(iconst (simm32 c)))
(if-let sum (s32_add_fallible off c))
(Amode.ImmRegRegShift sum base index shift flags))
;; Likewise for a zero-extended i32 const, as long as the constant
;; wasn't negative. (Why nonnegative? Because adding a
;; non-sign-extended negative to a 64-bit address is not the same as
;; adding in simm32-space.)
(rule 3 (amode_add (Amode.ImmReg off base flags)
(uextend (iconst (simm32 (u32_nonnegative c)))))
(if-let sum (s32_add_fallible off c))
(Amode.ImmReg sum base flags))
(rule 3 (amode_add (Amode.ImmRegRegShift off base index shift flags)
(uextend (iconst (simm32 (u32_nonnegative c)))))
(if-let sum (s32_add_fallible off c))
(Amode.ImmRegRegShift sum base index shift flags))
;; Likewise for a sign-extended i32 const.
(rule 3 (amode_add (Amode.ImmReg off base flags)
(sextend (iconst (simm32 c))))
(if-let sum (s32_add_fallible off c))
(Amode.ImmReg sum base flags))
(rule 3 (amode_add (Amode.ImmRegRegShift off base index shift flags)
(sextend (iconst (simm32 c))))
(if-let sum (s32_add_fallible off c))
(Amode.ImmRegRegShift sum base index shift flags))
;; -- Case 5 (fallback to add a new value to an imm+reg+scale*reg).
;; An Amode.ImmRegRegShift can absorb any other value by creating a
;; new add instruction and replacing the base with
;; (base+value).
(rule (amode_add (Amode.ImmRegRegShift off base index shift flags) value)
(let ((sum Gpr (x64_add $I64 base value)))
(Amode.ImmRegRegShift off sum index shift flags)))
;; Finally, define the toplevel `to_amode`.
(rule (to_amode flags base offset)
(amode_finalize (amode_add (amode_initial flags offset) base)))
;; If an amode has no registers at all and only offsets (a constant
;; value), we need to "finalize" it by sticking in a zero'd reg in
;; place of the (invalid_reg) produced by (amode_initial).
(decl amode_finalize (Amode) Amode)
(rule 1 (amode_finalize (Amode.ImmReg off (invalid_reg) flags))
(Amode.ImmReg off (imm $I64 0) flags))
(rule 0 (amode_finalize amode)
;; Offsetting an Amode. Used when we need to do consecutive
;; loads/stores to adjacent addresses.
(decl amode_offset (Amode u32) Amode)
(extern constructor amode_offset amode_offset)
;; Return a zero offset as an `Offset32`.
(decl zero_offset () Offset32)
(extern constructor zero_offset zero_offset)
;; Shift kinds.
(type ShiftKind extern
(enum ShiftLeft
(type Imm8Reg extern
(enum (Imm8 (imm u8))
(Reg (reg Reg))))
;; Put the given clif value into a `Imm8Reg` operand, masked to the bit width of
;; the given type.
;; Asserts that the value fits into a single register, and doesn't require
;; multiple registers for its representation (like `i128` for example).
;; As a side effect, this marks the value as used.
;; This is used when lowering various shifts and rotates.
(decl put_masked_in_imm8_gpr (Value Type) Imm8Gpr)
(rule (put_masked_in_imm8_gpr (u64_from_iconst amt) ty)
(const_to_type_masked_imm8 amt ty))
(rule (put_masked_in_imm8_gpr amt (fits_in_16 ty))
(x64_and $I64 (value_regs_get_gpr amt 0) (RegMemImm.Imm (shift_mask ty))))
(rule (put_masked_in_imm8_gpr amt ty)
(value_regs_get_gpr amt 0))
;; Condition codes
(type CC extern
(enum O
(decl intcc_to_cc (IntCC) CC)
(extern constructor intcc_to_cc intcc_to_cc)
(decl cc_invert (CC) CC)
(extern constructor cc_invert cc_invert)
(decl intcc_reverse (IntCC) IntCC)
(extern constructor intcc_reverse intcc_reverse)
(decl floatcc_inverse (FloatCC) FloatCC)
(extern constructor floatcc_inverse floatcc_inverse)
;; Fails if the argument is not either CC.NZ or CC.Z.
(decl cc_nz_or_z (CC) CC)
(extern extractor cc_nz_or_z cc_nz_or_z)
(type AvxOpcode extern
(enum Vfmadd213ss
(type Avx512Opcode extern
(enum Vcvtudq2ps
(type FcmpImm extern
(enum Equal
(decl encode_fcmp_imm (FcmpImm) u8)
(extern constructor encode_fcmp_imm encode_fcmp_imm)
(type RoundImm extern
(enum RoundNearest
(decl encode_round_imm (RoundImm) u8)
(extern constructor encode_round_imm encode_round_imm)
;;;; Newtypes for Different Register Classes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(type Gpr (primitive Gpr))
(type WritableGpr (primitive WritableGpr))
(type OptionWritableGpr (primitive OptionWritableGpr))
(type GprMem extern (enum))
(type GprMemImm extern (enum))
(type Imm8Gpr extern (enum))
(type Xmm (primitive Xmm))
(type WritableXmm (primitive WritableXmm))
(type OptionWritableXmm (primitive OptionWritableXmm))
(type XmmMem extern (enum))
(type XmmMemImm extern (enum))
;; Convert an `Imm8Reg` into an `Imm8Gpr`.
(decl imm8_reg_to_imm8_gpr (Imm8Reg) Imm8Gpr)
(extern constructor imm8_reg_to_imm8_gpr imm8_reg_to_imm8_gpr)
;; Convert a `WritableGpr` to a `WritableReg`.
(decl writable_gpr_to_reg (WritableGpr) WritableReg)
(extern constructor writable_gpr_to_reg writable_gpr_to_reg)
;; Convert a `WritableXmm` to a `WritableReg`.
(decl writable_xmm_to_reg (WritableXmm) WritableReg)
(extern constructor writable_xmm_to_reg writable_xmm_to_reg)
;; Convert a `WritableReg` to a `WritableXmm`.
(decl writable_reg_to_xmm (WritableReg) WritableXmm)
(extern constructor writable_reg_to_xmm writable_reg_to_xmm)
;; Convert a `WritableXmm` to an `Xmm`.
(decl writable_xmm_to_xmm (WritableXmm) Xmm)
(extern constructor writable_xmm_to_xmm writable_xmm_to_xmm)
;; Convert a `WritableGpr` to an `Gpr`.
(decl writable_gpr_to_gpr (WritableGpr) Gpr)
(extern constructor writable_gpr_to_gpr writable_gpr_to_gpr)
;; Convert an `Gpr` to a `Reg`.
(decl gpr_to_reg (Gpr) Reg)
(extern constructor gpr_to_reg gpr_to_reg)
;; Convert an `Gpr` to a `GprMem`.
(decl gpr_to_gpr_mem (Gpr) GprMem)
(extern constructor gpr_to_gpr_mem gpr_to_gpr_mem)
;; Convert an `Gpr` to a `GprMemImm`.
(decl gpr_to_gpr_mem_imm (Gpr) GprMemImm)
(extern constructor gpr_to_gpr_mem_imm gpr_to_gpr_mem_imm)
;; Convert an `Xmm` to a `Reg`.
(decl xmm_to_reg (Xmm) Reg)
(extern constructor xmm_to_reg xmm_to_reg)
;; Convert an `Xmm` into an `XmmMemImm`.
(decl xmm_to_xmm_mem_imm (Xmm) XmmMemImm)
(extern constructor xmm_to_xmm_mem_imm xmm_to_xmm_mem_imm)
;; Allocate a new temporary GPR register.
(decl temp_writable_gpr () WritableGpr)
(extern constructor temp_writable_gpr temp_writable_gpr)
;; Allocate a new temporary XMM register.
(decl temp_writable_xmm () WritableXmm)
(extern constructor temp_writable_xmm temp_writable_xmm)
;; Fetch the special pinned register.
(decl pinned_writable_gpr () WritableGpr)
(extern constructor pinned_writable_gpr pinned_writable_gpr)
;; Construct a new `XmmMem` from the given `RegMem`.
;; Asserts that the `RegMem`'s register, if any, is an XMM register.
(decl reg_mem_to_xmm_mem (RegMem) XmmMem)
(extern constructor reg_mem_to_xmm_mem reg_mem_to_xmm_mem)
;; Construct a new `RegMemImm` from the given `Reg`.
(decl reg_to_reg_mem_imm (Reg) RegMemImm)
(extern constructor reg_to_reg_mem_imm reg_to_reg_mem_imm)
;; Construct a new `GprMemImm` from the given `RegMemImm`.
;; Asserts that the `RegMemImm`'s register, if any, is an GPR register.
(decl gpr_mem_imm_new (RegMemImm) GprMemImm)
(extern constructor gpr_mem_imm_new gpr_mem_imm_new)
;; Construct a new `XmmMemImm` from the given `RegMemImm`.
;; Asserts that the `RegMemImm`'s register, if any, is an XMM register.
(decl xmm_mem_imm_new (RegMemImm) XmmMemImm)
(extern constructor xmm_mem_imm_new xmm_mem_imm_new)
;; Construct a new `XmmMem` from an `Xmm`.
(decl xmm_to_xmm_mem (Xmm) XmmMem)
(extern constructor xmm_to_xmm_mem xmm_to_xmm_mem)
;; Construct a new `XmmMem` from an `RegMem`.
(decl xmm_mem_to_reg_mem (XmmMem) RegMem)
(extern constructor xmm_mem_to_reg_mem xmm_mem_to_reg_mem)
;; Convert a `GprMem` to a `RegMem`.
(decl gpr_mem_to_reg_mem (GprMem) RegMem)
(extern constructor gpr_mem_to_reg_mem gpr_mem_to_reg_mem)
;; Construct a new `Xmm` from a `Reg`.
;; Asserts that the register is a XMM.
(decl xmm_new (Reg) Xmm)
(extern constructor xmm_new xmm_new)
;; Construct a new `Gpr` from a `Reg`.
;; Asserts that the register is a GPR.
(decl gpr_new (Reg) Gpr)
(extern constructor gpr_new gpr_new)
;; Construct a new `GprMem` from a `RegMem`.
;; Asserts that the `RegMem`'s register, if any, is a GPR.
(decl reg_mem_to_gpr_mem (RegMem) GprMem)
(extern constructor reg_mem_to_gpr_mem reg_mem_to_gpr_mem)
;; Construct a `GprMem` from a `Reg`.
;; Asserts that the `Reg` is a GPR.
(decl reg_to_gpr_mem (Reg) GprMem)
(extern constructor reg_to_gpr_mem reg_to_gpr_mem)
;; Construct a `GprMemImm` from a `Reg`.
;; Asserts that the `Reg` is a GPR.
(decl reg_to_gpr_mem_imm (Reg) GprMemImm)
(rule (reg_to_gpr_mem_imm r)
(gpr_to_gpr_mem_imm (gpr_new r)))
;; Put a value into a GPR.
;; Asserts that the value goes into a GPR.
(decl put_in_gpr (Value) Gpr)
(rule (put_in_gpr val)
(gpr_new (put_in_reg val)))
;; Put a value into a `GprMem`.
;; Asserts that the value goes into a GPR.
(decl put_in_gpr_mem (Value) GprMem)
(rule (put_in_gpr_mem val)
(reg_mem_to_gpr_mem (put_in_reg_mem val)))
;; Put a value into a `GprMemImm`.
;; Asserts that the value goes into a GPR.
(decl put_in_gpr_mem_imm (Value) GprMemImm)
(rule (put_in_gpr_mem_imm val)
(gpr_mem_imm_new (put_in_reg_mem_imm val)))
;; Put a value into a XMM.
;; Asserts that the value goes into a XMM.
(decl put_in_xmm (Value) Xmm)
(rule (put_in_xmm val)
(xmm_new (put_in_reg val)))
;; Put a value into a `XmmMem`.
;; Asserts that the value goes into a XMM.
(decl put_in_xmm_mem (Value) XmmMem)
(extern constructor put_in_xmm_mem put_in_xmm_mem)
;; Put a value into a `XmmMemImm`.
;; Asserts that the value goes into a XMM.
(decl put_in_xmm_mem_imm (Value) XmmMemImm)
(extern constructor put_in_xmm_mem_imm put_in_xmm_mem_imm)
;; Construct an `InstOutput` out of a single GPR register.
(decl output_gpr (Gpr) InstOutput)
(rule (output_gpr x)
(output_reg (gpr_to_reg x)))
;; Construct a `ValueRegs` out of two GPR registers.
(decl value_gprs (Gpr Gpr) ValueRegs)
(rule (value_gprs x y)
(value_regs (gpr_to_reg x) (gpr_to_reg y)))
;; Construct an `InstOutput` out of a single XMM register.
(decl output_xmm (Xmm) InstOutput)
(rule (output_xmm x)
(output_reg (xmm_to_reg x)))
;; Get the `n`th reg in a `ValueRegs` and construct a GPR from it.
;; Asserts that the register is a GPR.
(decl value_regs_get_gpr (ValueRegs usize) Gpr)
(rule (value_regs_get_gpr regs n)
(gpr_new (value_regs_get regs n)))
;; Convert a `Gpr` to an `Imm8Gpr`.
(decl gpr_to_imm8_gpr (Gpr) Imm8Gpr)
(extern constructor gpr_to_imm8_gpr gpr_to_imm8_gpr)
;; Convert an 8-bit immediate into an `Imm8Gpr`.
(decl imm8_to_imm8_gpr (u8) Imm8Gpr)
(extern constructor imm8_to_imm8_gpr imm8_to_imm8_gpr)
;; Get the low half of the given `Value` as a GPR.
(decl lo_gpr (Value) Gpr)
(rule (lo_gpr regs) (gpr_new (lo_reg regs)))
;;;; Helpers for Working With Integer Comparison Codes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; An extractor that fails if the two arguments are equal. The first argument is
;; returned when it does not match the second.
(decl pure intcc_neq (IntCC IntCC) IntCC)
(extern constructor intcc_neq intcc_neq)
;; This is a direct import of `IntCC::without_equal`.
;; Get the corresponding IntCC with the equal component removed.
;; For conditions without a zero component, this is a no-op.
(decl intcc_without_eq (IntCC) IntCC)
(extern constructor intcc_without_eq intcc_without_eq)
;; This is a direct import of `IntCC::unsigned`.
;; Get the corresponding IntCC with the signed component removed.
;; For conditions without a signed component, this is a no-op.
(decl intcc_unsigned (IntCC) IntCC)
(extern constructor intcc_unsigned intcc_unsigned)
;;;; Helpers for Getting Particular Physical Registers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; These should only be used for legalization purposes, when we can't otherwise
;; rely on something like `Inst::mov_mitosis` to put an operand into the
;; appropriate physical register for whatever reason.
(decl xmm0 () WritableXmm)
(extern constructor xmm0 xmm0)
;;;; Helpers for determining the register class of a value type ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl is_xmm_type (Type) Type)
(extern extractor is_xmm_type is_xmm_type)
(decl is_gpr_type (Type) Type)
(extern extractor is_gpr_type is_gpr_type)
(decl is_single_register_type (Type) Type)
(extern extractor is_single_register_type is_single_register_type)
;;;; Helpers for Querying Enabled ISA Extensions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl avx512vl_enabled () Type)
(extern extractor avx512vl_enabled avx512vl_enabled)
(decl avx512dq_enabled () Type)
(extern extractor avx512dq_enabled avx512dq_enabled)
(decl avx512f_enabled () Type)
(extern extractor avx512f_enabled avx512f_enabled)
(decl avx512bitalg_enabled () Type)
(extern extractor avx512bitalg_enabled avx512bitalg_enabled)
(decl avx512vbmi_enabled () Type)
(extern extractor avx512vbmi_enabled avx512vbmi_enabled)
(decl use_lzcnt () Type)
(extern extractor use_lzcnt use_lzcnt)
(decl use_bmi1 () Type)
(extern extractor use_bmi1 use_bmi1)
(decl use_popcnt () Type)
(extern extractor use_popcnt use_popcnt)
(decl use_fma () Type)
(extern extractor use_fma use_fma)
(decl use_sse41 () Type)
(extern extractor use_sse41 use_sse41)
;;;; Helpers for Merging and Sinking Immediates/Loads ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Extract a constant `Imm8Reg.Imm8` from a value operand.
(decl imm8_from_value (Imm8Reg) Value)
(extern extractor imm8_from_value imm8_from_value)
;; Mask a constant to the bit-width of the given type and package it into an
;; `Imm8Reg.Imm8`. This is used for shifts and rotates, so that we don't try and
;; shift/rotate more bits than the type has available, per Cranelift's
;; semantics.
(decl const_to_type_masked_imm8 (u64 Type) Imm8Gpr)
(extern constructor const_to_type_masked_imm8 const_to_type_masked_imm8)
;; Generate a mask for the bit-width of the given type
(decl shift_mask (Type) u32)
(extern constructor shift_mask shift_mask)
;; Extract a constant `GprMemImm.Imm` from a value operand.
(decl simm32_from_value (GprMemImm) Value)
(extern extractor simm32_from_value simm32_from_value)
;; Extract a constant `RegMemImm.Imm` from an `Imm64` immediate.
(decl simm32_from_imm64 (GprMemImm) Imm64)
(extern extractor simm32_from_imm64 simm32_from_imm64)
;; A load that can be sunk into another operation.
(type SinkableLoad extern (enum))
;; Extract a `SinkableLoad` that works with `RegMemImm.Mem` from a value
;; operand.
(decl sinkable_load (SinkableLoad) Value)
(extern extractor sinkable_load sinkable_load)
;; Sink a `SinkableLoad` into a `RegMemImm.Mem`.
;; This is a side-effectful operation that notifies the context that the
;; instruction that produced the `SinkableImm` has been sunk into another
;; instruction, and no longer needs to be lowered.
(decl sink_load (SinkableLoad) RegMem)
(extern constructor sink_load sink_load)
(decl sink_load_to_gpr_mem_imm (SinkableLoad) GprMemImm)
(rule (sink_load_to_gpr_mem_imm load)
(gpr_mem_imm_new (sink_load load)))
(decl sink_load_to_xmm_mem (SinkableLoad) XmmMem)
(rule (sink_load_to_xmm_mem load)
(reg_mem_to_xmm_mem (sink_load load)))
;;;; Helpers for Sign/Zero Extending ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(type ExtKind extern
(enum None
(type ExtendKind (enum Sign Zero))
(type ExtMode extern (enum BL BQ WL WQ LQ))
;; `ExtMode::new`
(decl ext_mode (u16 u16) ExtMode)
(extern constructor ext_mode ext_mode)
;; Put the given value into a register, but extended as the given type.
(decl extend_to_gpr (Value Type ExtendKind) Gpr)
;; If the value is already of the requested type, no extending is necessary.
(rule (extend_to_gpr (and val (value_type ty)) ty _kind)
(put_in_gpr val))
(rule (extend_to_gpr (and val (value_type from_ty))
(let ((from_bits u16 (ty_bits_u16 from_ty))
;; Use `operand_size_of_type` so that the we clamp the output to 32-
;; or 64-bit width types.
(to_bits u16 (operand_size_bits (operand_size_of_type_32_64 to_ty))))
(extend kind
(ext_mode from_bits to_bits)
(put_in_gpr_mem val))))
;; Do a sign or zero extension of the given `GprMem`.
(decl extend (ExtendKind Type ExtMode GprMem) Gpr)
;; Zero extending uses `movzx`.
(rule (extend (ExtendKind.Zero) ty mode src)
(x64_movzx mode src))
;; Sign extending uses `movsx`.
(rule (extend (ExtendKind.Sign) ty mode src)
(x64_movsx mode src))
;;;; Helpers for Working SSE tidbits ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Turn a vector type into its integer-typed vector equivalent.
(decl vec_int_type (Type) Type)
(rule (vec_int_type (multi_lane 8 16)) $I8X16)
(rule (vec_int_type (multi_lane 16 8)) $I16X8)
(rule (vec_int_type (multi_lane 32 4)) $I32X4)
(rule (vec_int_type (multi_lane 64 2)) $I64X2)
;; Determine the appropriate operation for xor-ing vectors of the specified type
(decl sse_xor_op (Type) SseOpcode)
(rule (sse_xor_op $F32X4) (SseOpcode.Xorps))
(rule (sse_xor_op $F64X2) (SseOpcode.Xorpd))
(rule (sse_xor_op (multi_lane _bits _lanes)) (SseOpcode.Pxor))
;; Performs an xor operation of the two operands specified.
(decl sse_xor (Type Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (sse_xor ty x y) (xmm_rm_r ty (sse_xor_op ty) x y))
;; Generates a register value which has an all-ones pattern.
;; Note that this is accomplished by comparing a fresh register with itself,
;; which for integers is always true. Also note that the comparison is always
;; done for integers. This is because we're comparing a fresh register to itself
;; and we don't know the previous contents of the register. If a floating-point
;; comparison is used then it runs the risk of comparing NaN against NaN and not
;; actually producing an all-ones mask. By using integer comparision operations
;; we're guaranteeed that everything is equal to itself.
(decl vector_all_ones () Xmm)
(rule (vector_all_ones)
(let ((r WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm)))
(x64_pcmpeqd r r)))
;; Helper for creating XmmUninitializedValue instructions.
(decl xmm_uninit_value () Xmm)
(rule (xmm_uninit_value)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUninitializedValue dst))))
;; Helper for creating an SSE register holding an `i64x2` from two `i64` values.
(decl make_i64x2_from_lanes (GprMem GprMem) Xmm)
(rule (make_i64x2_from_lanes lo hi)
(let ((dst_xmm WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(dst_reg WritableReg dst_xmm)
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUninitializedValue dst_xmm)))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmRImm (SseOpcode.Pinsrd)
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmRImm (SseOpcode.Pinsrd)
;; Move a `RegMemImm.Reg` operand to an XMM register, if necessary.
(decl mov_rmi_to_xmm (RegMemImm) XmmMemImm)
(rule (mov_rmi_to_xmm rmi @ (RegMemImm.Mem _)) (xmm_mem_imm_new rmi))
(rule (mov_rmi_to_xmm rmi @ (RegMemImm.Imm _)) (xmm_mem_imm_new rmi))
(rule (mov_rmi_to_xmm (RegMemImm.Reg r))
(gpr_to_xmm (SseOpcode.Movd)
;;;; Helpers for Emitting Calls ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl gen_call (SigRef ExternalName RelocDistance ValueSlice) InstOutput)
(extern constructor gen_call gen_call)
(decl gen_call_indirect (SigRef Value ValueSlice) InstOutput)
(extern constructor gen_call_indirect gen_call_indirect)
;;;; Helpers for Emitting Loads ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Helper for constructing a LoadExtName instruction.
(decl load_ext_name (ExternalName i64) Reg)
(rule (load_ext_name extname offset)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.LoadExtName dst extname offset))))
;; Load a value into a register.
(decl x64_load (Type SyntheticAmode ExtKind) Reg)
(rule (x64_load (fits_in_32 ty) addr (ExtKind.SignExtend))
(x64_movsx (ext_mode (ty_bytes ty) 8)
(rule (x64_load $I64 addr _ext_kind)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.Mov64MR addr dst))))
(rule (x64_load $F32 addr _ext_kind)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movss)
(rule (x64_load $F64 addr _ext_kind)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movsd)
(rule (x64_load $F32X4 addr _ext_kind)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movups)
(rule (x64_load $F64X2 addr _ext_kind)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movupd)
(rule (x64_load (multi_lane _bits _lanes) addr _ext_kind)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movdqu)
(decl x64_mov (Amode) Reg)
(rule (x64_mov addr)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.Mov64MR addr dst))))
(decl x64_movzx (ExtMode GprMem) Gpr)
(rule (x64_movzx mode src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.MovzxRmR mode src dst))))
(decl x64_movsx (ExtMode GprMem) Gpr)
(rule (x64_movsx mode src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.MovsxRmR mode src dst))))
(decl x64_movss_load (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_movss_load from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movss) from))
(decl x64_movsd_load (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_movsd_load from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movsd) from))
(decl x64_movups (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_movups from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movups) from))
(decl x64_movupd (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_movupd from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movupd) from))
(decl x64_movd (Xmm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_movd from)
(xmm_to_gpr (SseOpcode.Movd) from (OperandSize.Size32)))
(decl x64_movdqu (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_movdqu from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movdqu) from))
(decl x64_movapd (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_movapd src)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Movapd) src))
(decl x64_pmovsxbw (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmovsxbw from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pmovsxbw) from))
(decl x64_pmovzxbw (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmovzxbw from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pmovzxbw) from))
(decl x64_pmovsxwd (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmovsxwd from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pmovsxwd) from))
(decl x64_pmovzxwd (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmovzxwd from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pmovzxwd) from))
(decl x64_pmovsxdq (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmovsxdq from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pmovsxdq) from))
(decl x64_pmovzxdq (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmovzxdq from)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pmovzxdq) from))
(decl x64_movrm (Type SyntheticAmode Gpr) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_movrm ty addr data)
(let ((size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty)))
(SideEffectNoResult.Inst (MInst.MovRM size data addr))))
(decl x64_xmm_movrm (SseOpcode SyntheticAmode Xmm) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_xmm_movrm op addr data)
(SideEffectNoResult.Inst (MInst.XmmMovRM op data addr)))
;; Load a constant into an XMM register.
(decl x64_xmm_load_const (Type VCodeConstant) Xmm)
(rule (x64_xmm_load_const ty const)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmLoadConst const dst ty))))
;;;; Instruction Constructors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; These constructors create SSA-style `MInst`s. It is their responsibility to
;; maintain the invariant that each temporary register they allocate and define
;; only gets defined the once.
;; Helper for emitting `MInst.AluRmiR` instructions.
(decl alu_rmi_r (Type AluRmiROpcode Gpr GprMemImm) Gpr)
(rule (alu_rmi_r ty opcode src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.AluRmiR size opcode src1 src2 dst))))
;; Helper for emitting `add` instructions.
(decl x64_add (Type Gpr GprMemImm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_add ty src1 src2)
(alu_rmi_r ty
;; Helper for creating `add` instructions whose flags are also used.
(decl x64_add_with_flags_paired (Type Gpr GprMemImm) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_add_with_flags_paired ty src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr)))
(MInst.AluRmiR (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty)
;; Helper for creating `adc` instructions.
(decl x64_adc_paired (Type Gpr GprMemImm) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (x64_adc_paired ty src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr)))
(MInst.AluRmiR (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty)
;; Helper for emitting `sub` instructions.
(decl x64_sub (Type Gpr GprMemImm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_sub ty src1 src2)
(alu_rmi_r ty
;; Helper for creating `sub` instructions whose flags are also used.
(decl x64_sub_with_flags_paired (Type Gpr GprMemImm) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_sub_with_flags_paired ty src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr)))
(MInst.AluRmiR (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty)
;; Helper for creating `sbb` instructions.
(decl x64_sbb_paired (Type Gpr GprMemImm) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (x64_sbb_paired ty src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr)))
(MInst.AluRmiR (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty)
;; Helper for creating `mul` instructions.
(decl x64_mul (Type Gpr GprMemImm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_mul ty src1 src2)
(alu_rmi_r ty
;; Helper for emitting `and` instructions.
(decl x64_and (Type Gpr GprMemImm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_and ty src1 src2)
(alu_rmi_r ty
(decl x64_and_with_flags_paired (Type Gpr GprMemImm) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_and_with_flags_paired ty src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr)))
(MInst.AluRmiR (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty)
;; Helper for emitting `or` instructions.
(decl x64_or (Type Gpr GprMemImm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_or ty src1 src2)
(alu_rmi_r ty
;; Helper for emitting `xor` instructions.
(decl x64_xor (Type Gpr GprMemImm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_xor ty src1 src2)
(alu_rmi_r ty
;; Helper for emitting immediates.
(decl imm (Type u64) Reg)
;; Integer immediates.
(rule (imm (fits_in_64 ty) simm64)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.Imm size simm64 dst))))
;; `f32` immediates.
(rule (imm $F32 bits)
(gpr_to_xmm (SseOpcode.Movd)
(imm $I32 bits)
;; `f64` immediates.
(rule (imm $F64 bits)
(gpr_to_xmm (SseOpcode.Movq)
(imm $I64 bits)
;; Helper for emitting immediates with an `i64` value. Note that
;; integer constants in ISLE are always parsed as `i64`s; this enables
;; negative numbers to be used as immediates.
(decl imm_i64 (Type i64) Reg)
(rule (imm_i64 ty value)
(imm ty (i64_as_u64 value)))
(decl nonzero_u64_fits_in_u32 (u64) u64)
(extern extractor nonzero_u64_fits_in_u32 nonzero_u64_fits_in_u32)
;; Special case for when a 64-bit immediate fits into 32-bits. We can use a
;; 32-bit move that zero-extends the value, which has a smaller encoding.
(rule (imm $I64 (nonzero_u64_fits_in_u32 x))
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.Imm (OperandSize.Size32) x dst))))
;; Special case for integer zero immediates: turn them into an `xor r, r`.
(rule (imm (fits_in_64 ty) 0)
(let ((wgpr WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(g Gpr wgpr)
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.AluRmiR size
(gpr_to_reg g)))
;; Special case for zero immediates with vector types, they turn into an xor
;; specific to the vector type.
(rule (imm ty @ (multi_lane _bits _lanes) 0)
(let ((wr WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(r Xmm wr)
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (sse_xor_op ty)
(xmm_to_reg r)))
;; Special case for `f32` zero immediates to use `xorps`.
(rule (imm $F32 0)
(let ((wr WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(r Xmm wr)
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Xorps)
(xmm_to_reg r)))
;; TODO: use cmpeqps for all 1s
;; Special case for `f64` zero immediates to use `xorpd`.
(rule (imm $F64 0)
(let ((wr WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(r Xmm wr)
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Xorpd)
(xmm_to_reg r)))
;; TODO: use cmpeqpd for all 1s
;; Helper for creating `MInst.ShiftR` instructions.
(decl shift_r (Type ShiftKind Gpr Imm8Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (shift_r ty kind src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
;; Use actual 8/16-bit instructions when appropriate: we
;; rely on their shift-amount-masking semantics.
(size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.ShiftR size kind src1 src2 dst))))
;; Helper for creating `rotl` instructions.
(decl x64_rotl (Type Gpr Imm8Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_rotl ty src1 src2)
(shift_r ty (ShiftKind.RotateLeft) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `rotr` instructions.
(decl x64_rotr (Type Gpr Imm8Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_rotr ty src1 src2)
(shift_r ty (ShiftKind.RotateRight) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `shl` instructions.
(decl x64_shl (Type Gpr Imm8Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_shl ty src1 src2)
(shift_r ty (ShiftKind.ShiftLeft) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating logical shift-right instructions.
(decl x64_shr (Type Gpr Imm8Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_shr ty src1 src2)
(shift_r ty (ShiftKind.ShiftRightLogical) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating arithmetic shift-right instructions.
(decl x64_sar (Type Gpr Imm8Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_sar ty src1 src2)
(shift_r ty (ShiftKind.ShiftRightArithmetic) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.CmpRmiR` instructions.
(decl cmp_rmi_r (OperandSize CmpOpcode GprMemImm Gpr) ProducesFlags)
(rule (cmp_rmi_r size opcode src1 src2)
(MInst.CmpRmiR size
;; Helper for creating `cmp` instructions.
(decl x64_cmp (OperandSize GprMemImm Gpr) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_cmp size src1 src2)
(cmp_rmi_r size (CmpOpcode.Cmp) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `cmp` instructions with an immediate.
(decl x64_cmp_imm (OperandSize u32 Gpr) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_cmp_imm size src1 src2)
(cmp_rmi_r size (CmpOpcode.Cmp) (RegMemImm.Imm src1) src2))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmCmpRmR` instructions.
(decl xmm_cmp_rm_r (SseOpcode XmmMem Xmm) ProducesFlags)
(rule (xmm_cmp_rm_r opcode src1 src2)
(MInst.XmmCmpRmR opcode src1 src2)))
;; Helper for creating floating-point comparison instructions (`UCOMIS[S|D]`).
(decl x64_ucomis (Value Value) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_ucomis src1 @ (value_type $F32) src2)
;; N.B.: cmp can be generated more than once, so cannot do a
;; load-op merge. So `put_in_xmm` for src1, not `put_in_xmm_mem`.
(xmm_cmp_rm_r (SseOpcode.Ucomiss) (put_in_xmm src1) (put_in_xmm src2)))
(rule (x64_ucomis src1 @ (value_type $F64) src2)
(xmm_cmp_rm_r (SseOpcode.Ucomisd) (put_in_xmm src1) (put_in_xmm src2)))
;; Helper for creating `test` instructions.
(decl x64_test (OperandSize GprMemImm Gpr) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_test size src1 src2)
(cmp_rmi_r size (CmpOpcode.Test) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `ptest` instructions.
(decl x64_ptest (XmmMem Xmm) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_ptest src1 src2)
(xmm_cmp_rm_r (SseOpcode.Ptest) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `cmove` instructions. Note that these instructions do not
;; always result in a single emitted x86 instruction; e.g., XmmCmove uses jumps
;; to conditionally move the selected value into an XMM register.
(decl cmove (Type CC GprMem Gpr) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (cmove ty cc consequent alternative)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty)))
(MInst.Cmove size cc consequent alternative dst)
(decl cmove_xmm (Type CC XmmMem Xmm) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (cmove_xmm ty cc consequent alternative)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm)))
(MInst.XmmCmove ty cc consequent alternative dst)
;; Helper for creating `cmove` instructions directly from values. This allows us
;; to special-case the `I128` types and default to the `cmove` helper otherwise.
;; It also eliminates some `put_in_reg*` boilerplate in the lowering ISLE code.
(decl cmove_from_values (Type CC Value Value) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (cmove_from_values $I128 cc consequent alternative)
(let ((cons ValueRegs consequent)
(alt ValueRegs alternative)
(dst1 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(dst2 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (OperandSize.Size64))
(lower_cmove MInst (MInst.Cmove
size cc
(value_regs_get_gpr cons 0)
(value_regs_get_gpr alt 0)
(upper_cmove MInst (MInst.Cmove
size cc
(value_regs_get_gpr cons 1)
(value_regs_get_gpr alt 1)
(value_regs dst1 dst2))))
(rule (cmove_from_values (is_gpr_type (is_single_register_type ty)) cc consequent alternative)
(cmove ty cc consequent alternative))
(rule (cmove_from_values (is_xmm_type (is_single_register_type ty)) cc consequent alternative)
(cmove_xmm ty cc consequent alternative))
;; Helper for creating `cmove` instructions with the logical OR of multiple
;; flags. Note that these instructions will always result in more than one
;; emitted x86 instruction.
(decl cmove_or (Type CC CC GprMem Gpr) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (cmove_or ty cc1 cc2 consequent alternative)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(tmp WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(cmove1 MInst (MInst.Cmove size cc1 consequent alternative tmp))
(cmove2 MInst (MInst.Cmove size cc2 consequent tmp dst)))
(decl cmove_or_xmm (Type CC CC XmmMem Xmm) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (cmove_or_xmm ty cc1 cc2 consequent alternative)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(tmp WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(cmove1 MInst (MInst.XmmCmove ty cc1 consequent alternative tmp))
(cmove2 MInst (MInst.XmmCmove ty cc2 consequent tmp dst)))
;; Helper for creating `cmove_or` instructions directly from values. This allows
;; us to special-case the `I128` types and default to the `cmove_or` helper
;; otherwise.
(decl cmove_or_from_values (Type CC CC Value Value) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (cmove_or_from_values $I128 cc1 cc2 consequent alternative)
(let ((cons ValueRegs consequent)
(alt ValueRegs alternative)
(dst1 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(dst2 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(tmp1 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(tmp2 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (OperandSize.Size64))
(cmove1 MInst (MInst.Cmove size cc1 (value_regs_get_gpr cons 0) (value_regs_get_gpr alt 0) tmp1))
(cmove2 MInst (MInst.Cmove size cc2 (value_regs_get_gpr cons 0) tmp1 dst1))
(cmove3 MInst (MInst.Cmove size cc1 (value_regs_get_gpr cons 1) (value_regs_get_gpr alt 1) tmp2))
(cmove4 MInst (MInst.Cmove size cc2 (value_regs_get_gpr cons 1) tmp2 dst2)))
(value_regs dst1 dst2))))
(rule (cmove_or_from_values (is_gpr_type (is_single_register_type ty)) cc1 cc2 consequent alternative)
(cmove_or ty cc1 cc2 consequent alternative))
(rule (cmove_or_from_values (is_xmm_type (is_single_register_type ty)) cc1 cc2 consequent alternative)
(cmove_or_xmm ty cc1 cc2 consequent alternative))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.Setcc` instructions.
(decl x64_setcc (CC) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (x64_setcc cc)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr)))
(MInst.Setcc cc dst)
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmRmR` instructions.
(decl xmm_rm_r (Type SseOpcode Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_rm_r ty op src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR op src1 src2 dst))))
;; Helper for creating `paddb` instructions.
(decl x64_paddb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_paddb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Paddb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `paddw` instructions.
(decl x64_paddw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_paddw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Paddw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `paddd` instructions.
(decl x64_paddd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_paddd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I32X4 (SseOpcode.Paddd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `paddq` instructions.
(decl x64_paddq (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_paddq src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I64X2 (SseOpcode.Paddq) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `paddsb` instructions.
(decl x64_paddsb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_paddsb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Paddsb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `paddsw` instructions.
(decl x64_paddsw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_paddsw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Paddsw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `paddusb` instructions.
(decl x64_paddusb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_paddusb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Paddusb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `paddusw` instructions.
(decl x64_paddusw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_paddusw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Paddusw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psubb` instructions.
(decl x64_psubb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psubb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Psubb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psubw` instructions.
(decl x64_psubw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psubw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Psubw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psubd` instructions.
(decl x64_psubd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psubd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I32X4 (SseOpcode.Psubd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psubq` instructions.
(decl x64_psubq (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psubq src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I64X2 (SseOpcode.Psubq) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psubsb` instructions.
(decl x64_psubsb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psubsb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Psubsb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psubsw` instructions.
(decl x64_psubsw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psubsw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Psubsw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psubusb` instructions.
(decl x64_psubusb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psubusb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Psubusb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psubusw` instructions.
(decl x64_psubusw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psubusw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Psubusw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pavgb` instructions.
(decl x64_pavgb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pavgb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pavgb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pavgw` instructions.
(decl x64_pavgw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pavgw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pavgw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pand` instructions.
(decl x64_pand (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pand src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32X4 (SseOpcode.Pand) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `andps` instructions.
(decl x64_andps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_andps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32X4 (SseOpcode.Andps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `andpd` instructions.
(decl x64_andpd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_andpd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64X2 (SseOpcode.Andpd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `por` instructions.
(decl x64_por (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_por src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32X4 (SseOpcode.Por) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `orps` instructions.
(decl x64_orps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_orps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32X4 (SseOpcode.Orps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `orpd` instructions.
(decl x64_orpd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_orpd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64X2 (SseOpcode.Orpd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pxor` instructions.
(decl x64_pxor (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pxor src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pxor) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `xorps` instructions.
(decl x64_xorps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_xorps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32X4 (SseOpcode.Xorps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `xorpd` instructions.
(decl x64_xorpd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_xorpd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64X2 (SseOpcode.Xorpd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pmullw` instructions.
(decl x64_pmullw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmullw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pmullw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pmulld` instructions.
(decl x64_pmulld (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmulld src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pmulld) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pmulhw` instructions.
(decl x64_pmulhw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmulhw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pmulhw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pmulhrsw` instructions.
(decl x64_pmulhrsw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmulhrsw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pmulhrsw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pmulhuw` instructions.
(decl x64_pmulhuw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmulhuw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pmulhuw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pmuldq` instructions.
(decl x64_pmuldq (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmuldq src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pmuldq) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pmuludq` instructions.
(decl x64_pmuludq (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmuludq src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I64X2 (SseOpcode.Pmuludq) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `punpckhwd` instructions.
(decl x64_punpckhwd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_punpckhwd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Punpckhwd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `punpcklwd` instructions.
(decl x64_punpcklwd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_punpcklwd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Punpcklwd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `unpcklps` instructions.
(decl x64_unpcklps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_unpcklps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Unpcklps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `andnps` instructions.
(decl x64_andnps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_andnps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32X4 (SseOpcode.Andnps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `andnpd` instructions.
(decl x64_andnpd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_andnpd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64X2 (SseOpcode.Andnpd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pandn` instructions.
(decl x64_pandn (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pandn src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64X2 (SseOpcode.Pandn) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `addss` instructions.
(decl x64_addss (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_addss src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Addss) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `addsd` instructions.
(decl x64_addsd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_addsd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64 (SseOpcode.Addsd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `addps` instructions.
(decl x64_addps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_addps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Addps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `addpd` instructions.
(decl x64_addpd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_addpd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Addpd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `subss` instructions.
(decl x64_subss (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_subss src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Subss) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `subsd` instructions.
(decl x64_subsd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_subsd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64 (SseOpcode.Subsd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `subps` instructions.
(decl x64_subps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_subps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Subps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `subpd` instructions.
(decl x64_subpd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_subpd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Subpd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `mulss` instructions.
(decl x64_mulss (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_mulss src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Mulss) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `mulsd` instructions.
(decl x64_mulsd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_mulsd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64 (SseOpcode.Mulsd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `mulps` instructions.
(decl x64_mulps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_mulps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Mulps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `mulpd` instructions.
(decl x64_mulpd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_mulpd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Mulpd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `divss` instructions.
(decl x64_divss (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_divss src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Divss) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `divsd` instructions.
(decl x64_divsd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_divsd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F64 (SseOpcode.Divsd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `divps` instructions.
(decl x64_divps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_divps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Divps) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `divpd` instructions.
(decl x64_divpd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_divpd src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $F32 (SseOpcode.Divpd) src1 src2))
(decl sse_blend_op (Type) SseOpcode)
(rule (sse_blend_op $F32X4) (SseOpcode.Blendvps))
(rule (sse_blend_op $F64X2) (SseOpcode.Blendvpd))
(rule (sse_blend_op (multi_lane _bits _lanes)) (SseOpcode.Pblendvb))
(decl sse_mov_op (Type) SseOpcode)
(rule (sse_mov_op $F32X4) (SseOpcode.Movaps))
(rule (sse_mov_op $F64X2) (SseOpcode.Movapd))
(rule (sse_mov_op (multi_lane _bits _lanes)) (SseOpcode.Movdqa))
;; Helper for creating `blendvp{d,s}` and `pblendvb` instructions.
(decl x64_blend (Type XmmMem XmmMem Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_blend ty mask src1 src2)
;; Move the mask into `xmm0`, as blend instructions implicitly operate on
;; that register. (This kind of thing would normally happen inside of
;; `Inst::mov_mitosis`, but has to happen here, where we still have the
;; mask register, because the mask is implicit and doesn't appear in the
;; `Inst` itself.)
(let ((mask2 WritableXmm (xmm0))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (sse_mov_op ty)
(xmm_rm_r ty (sse_blend_op ty) src2 src1)))
;; Helper for creating `blendvpd` instructions.
(decl x64_blendvpd (Xmm XmmMem Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_blendvpd src1 src2 mask)
;; Move the mask into `xmm0`, as `blendvpd` implicitly operates on that
;; register. (This kind of thing would normally happen inside of
;; `Inst::mov_mitosis`, but has to happen here, where we still have the
;; mask register, because the mask is implicit and doesn't appear in the
;; `Inst` itself.)
(let ((mask2 WritableXmm (xmm0))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Movapd)
(xmm_rm_r $F64X2 (SseOpcode.Blendvpd) src1 src2)))
;; Helper for creating `movsd` instructions.
(decl x64_movsd_regmove (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_movsd_regmove src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Movsd) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `movlhps` instructions.
(decl x64_movlhps (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_movlhps src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Movlhps) src1 src2))
;; Helpers for creating `pmaxs*` instructions.
(decl x64_pmaxs (Type Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaxs $I8X16 x y) (x64_pmaxsb x y))
(rule (x64_pmaxs $I16X8 x y) (x64_pmaxsw x y))
(rule (x64_pmaxs $I32X4 x y) (x64_pmaxsd x y))
;; No $I64X2 version (PMAXSQ) in SSE4.1.
(decl x64_pmaxsb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaxsb src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pmaxsb) src1 src2))
(decl x64_pmaxsw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaxsw src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pmaxsw) src1 src2))
(decl x64_pmaxsd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaxsd src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pmaxsd) src1 src2))
;; Helpers for creating `pmins*` instructions.
(decl x64_pmins (Type Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmins $I8X16 x y) (x64_pminsb x y))
(rule (x64_pmins $I16X8 x y) (x64_pminsw x y))
(rule (x64_pmins $I32X4 x y) (x64_pminsd x y))
;; No $I64X2 version (PMINSQ) in SSE4.1.
(decl x64_pminsb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pminsb src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pminsb) src1 src2))
(decl x64_pminsw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pminsw src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pminsw) src1 src2))
(decl x64_pminsd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pminsd src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I32X4 (SseOpcode.Pminsd) src1 src2))
;; Helpers for creating `pmaxu*` instructions.
(decl x64_pmaxu (Type Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaxu $I8X16 x y) (x64_pmaxub x y))
(rule (x64_pmaxu $I16X8 x y) (x64_pmaxuw x y))
(rule (x64_pmaxu $I32X4 x y) (x64_pmaxud x y))
;; No $I64X2 version (PMAXUQ) in SSE4.1.
(decl x64_pmaxub (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaxub src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pmaxub) src1 src2))
(decl x64_pmaxuw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaxuw src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pmaxuw) src1 src2))
(decl x64_pmaxud (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaxud src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pmaxud) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pminu*` instructions.
(decl x64_pminu (Type Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pminu $I8X16 x y) (x64_pminub x y))
(rule (x64_pminu $I16X8 x y) (x64_pminuw x y))
(rule (x64_pminu $I32X4 x y) (x64_pminud x y))
;; No $I64X2 version (PMINUQ) in SSE4.1.
(decl x64_pminub (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pminub src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pminub) src1 src2))
(decl x64_pminuw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pminuw src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pminuw) src1 src2))
(decl x64_pminud (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pminud src1 src2) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pminud) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `punpcklbw` instructions.
(decl x64_punpcklbw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_punpcklbw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Punpcklbw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `punpckhbw` instructions.
(decl x64_punpckhbw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_punpckhbw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Punpckhbw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `packsswb` instructions.
(decl x64_packsswb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_packsswb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Packsswb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `packssdw` instructions.
(decl x64_packssdw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_packssdw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Packssdw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `packuswb` instructions.
(decl x64_packuswb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_packuswb src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Packuswb) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `packusdw` instructions.
(decl x64_packusdw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_packusdw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Packusdw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmRmRImm` instructions.
(decl xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode Reg RegMem u8 OperandSize) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_rm_r_imm op src1 src2 imm size)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmRImm op
;; Helper for creating `palignr` instructions.
(decl x64_palignr (Xmm XmmMem u8 OperandSize) Xmm)
(rule (x64_palignr src1 src2 imm size)
(xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Palignr)
;; Helpers for creating `cmpp*` instructions.
(decl x64_cmpp (Type Xmm XmmMem FcmpImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cmpp $F32X4 x y imm) (x64_cmpps x y imm))
(rule (x64_cmpp $F64X2 x y imm) (x64_cmppd x y imm))
(decl x64_cmpps (Xmm XmmMem FcmpImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cmpps src1 src2 imm)
(xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Cmpps)
(encode_fcmp_imm imm)
;; Note that `Size32` is intentional despite this being used for 64-bit
;; operations, since this presumably induces the correct encoding of the
;; instruction.
(decl x64_cmppd (Xmm XmmMem FcmpImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cmppd src1 src2 imm)
(xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Cmppd)
(encode_fcmp_imm imm)
;; Helper for creating `pinsrb` instructions.
(decl x64_pinsrb (Xmm GprMem u8) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pinsrb src1 src2 lane)
(xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Pinsrb)
;; Helper for creating `pinsrw` instructions.
(decl x64_pinsrw (Xmm GprMem u8) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pinsrw src1 src2 lane)
(xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Pinsrw)
;; Helper for creating `pinsrd` instructions.
(decl x64_pinsrd (Xmm GprMem u8 OperandSize) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pinsrd src1 src2 lane size)
(xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Pinsrd)
;; Helper for constructing `XmmUnaryRmRImm` instructions.
(decl xmm_unary_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode XmmMem u8) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_unary_rm_r_imm op src1 imm)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmRImm op src1 imm dst))))
;; Helper for creating `roundss` instructions.
(decl x64_roundss (XmmMem RoundImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_roundss src1 round)
(xmm_unary_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Roundss) src1 (encode_round_imm round)))
;; Helper for creating `roundsd` instructions.
(decl x64_roundsd (XmmMem RoundImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_roundsd src1 round)
(xmm_unary_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Roundsd) src1 (encode_round_imm round)))
;; Helper for creating `roundps` instructions.
(decl x64_roundps (XmmMem RoundImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_roundps src1 round)
(xmm_unary_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Roundps) src1 (encode_round_imm round)))
;; Helper for creating `roundpd` instructions.
(decl x64_roundpd (XmmMem RoundImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_roundpd src1 round)
(xmm_unary_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Roundpd) src1 (encode_round_imm round)))
;; Helper for creating `pmaddwd` instructions.
(decl x64_pmaddwd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaddwd src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Pmaddwd)
(decl x64_pmaddubsw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pmaddubsw src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pmaddubsw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `insertps` instructions.
(decl x64_insertps (Xmm XmmMem u8) Xmm)
(rule (x64_insertps src1 src2 lane)
(xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Insertps)
;; Helper for creating `pshufd` instructions.
(decl x64_pshufd (XmmMem u8 OperandSize) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pshufd src imm size)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmRImm (SseOpcode.Pshufd)
;; Helper for creating `pshufb` instructions.
(decl x64_pshufb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pshufb src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Pshufb)
;; Helper for creating `shufps` instructions.
(decl x64_shufps (Xmm XmmMem u8) Xmm)
(rule (x64_shufps src1 src2 byte)
(xmm_rm_r_imm (SseOpcode.Shufps)
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmUnaryRmR` instructions.
(decl xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_unary_rm_r op src)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR op src dst))))
;; Helper for creating `pabsb` instructions.
(decl x64_pabsb (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pabsb src)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pabsb) src))
;; Helper for creating `pabsw` instructions.
(decl x64_pabsw (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pabsw src)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pabsw) src))
;; Helper for creating `pabsd` instructions.
(decl x64_pabsd (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pabsd src)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Pabsd) src))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmUnaryRmREvex` instructions.
(decl xmm_unary_rm_r_evex (Avx512Opcode XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_unary_rm_r_evex op src)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmREvex op src dst))))
;; Helper for creating `vcvtudq2ps` instructions.
(decl x64_vcvtudq2ps (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vcvtudq2ps src)
(xmm_unary_rm_r_evex (Avx512Opcode.Vcvtudq2ps) src))
;; Helper for creating `vpabsq` instructions.
(decl x64_vpabsq (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vpabsq src)
(xmm_unary_rm_r_evex (Avx512Opcode.Vpabsq) src))
;; Helper for creating `vpopcntb` instructions.
(decl x64_vpopcntb (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vpopcntb src)
(xmm_unary_rm_r_evex (Avx512Opcode.Vpopcntb) src))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmRmREvex` instructions.
(decl xmm_rm_r_evex (Avx512Opcode XmmMem Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_rm_r_evex op src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmREvex op
;; Helper for creating `vpmullq` instructions.
;; Requires AVX-512 vl and dq.
(decl x64_vpmullq (XmmMem Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vpmullq src1 src2)
(xmm_rm_r_evex (Avx512Opcode.Vpmullq)
;; Helper for creating `vpermi2b` instructions.
;; Requires AVX-512 vl and vbmi extensions.
(decl x64_vpermi2b (Xmm Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vpermi2b src1 src2 src3)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmREvex3 (Avx512Opcode.Vpermi2b)
;; Helper for creating `MInst.MulHi` instructions.
;; Returns the (lo, hi) register halves of the multiplication.
(decl mul_hi (Type bool Gpr GprMem) ValueRegs)
(rule (mul_hi ty signed src1 src2)
(let ((dst_lo WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(dst_hi WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.MulHi size
(value_gprs dst_lo dst_hi)))
;; Helper for creating `mul` instructions that return both the lower and
;; (unsigned) higher halves of the result.
(decl mulhi_u (Type Gpr GprMem) ValueRegs)
(rule (mulhi_u ty src1 src2)
(mul_hi ty $false src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmRmiXmm` instructions.
(decl xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_rmi_xmm op src1 src2)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmiReg op
;; Helper for creating `psllw` instructions.
(decl x64_psllw (Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psllw src1 src2)
(xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode.Psllw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pslld` instructions.
(decl x64_pslld (Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pslld src1 src2)
(xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode.Pslld) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psllq` instructions.
(decl x64_psllq (Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psllq src1 src2)
(xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode.Psllq) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psrlw` instructions.
(decl x64_psrlw (Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psrlw src1 src2)
(xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode.Psrlw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psrld` instructions.
(decl x64_psrld (Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psrld src1 src2)
(xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode.Psrld) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psrlq` instructions.
(decl x64_psrlq (Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psrlq src1 src2)
(xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode.Psrlq) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psraw` instructions.
(decl x64_psraw (Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psraw src1 src2)
(xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode.Psraw) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `psrad` instructions.
(decl x64_psrad (Xmm XmmMemImm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_psrad src1 src2)
(xmm_rmi_xmm (SseOpcode.Psrad) src1 src2))
;; Helper for creating `pextrb` instructions.
(decl x64_pextrb (Type Xmm u8) Gpr)
(rule (x64_pextrb ty src lane)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmRImm (SseOpcode.Pextrb)
(operand_size_of_type_32_64 (lane_type ty))))))
;; Helper for creating `pextrw` instructions.
(decl x64_pextrw (Type Xmm u8) Gpr)
(rule (x64_pextrw ty src lane)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmRImm (SseOpcode.Pextrw)
(operand_size_of_type_32_64 (lane_type ty))))))
;; Helper for creating `pextrd` instructions.
(decl x64_pextrd (Type Xmm u8) Gpr)
(rule (x64_pextrd ty src lane)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmRImm (SseOpcode.Pextrd)
(operand_size_of_type_32_64 (lane_type ty))))))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmToGpr` instructions.
(decl xmm_to_gpr (SseOpcode Xmm OperandSize) Gpr)
(rule (xmm_to_gpr op src size)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmToGpr op src dst size))))
;; Helper for creating `pmovmskb` instructions.
(decl x64_pmovmskb (OperandSize Xmm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_pmovmskb size src)
(xmm_to_gpr (SseOpcode.Pmovmskb) src size))
;; Helper for creating `movmskps` instructions.
(decl x64_movmskps (OperandSize Xmm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_movmskps size src)
(xmm_to_gpr (SseOpcode.Movmskps) src size))
;; Helper for creating `movmskpd` instructions.
(decl x64_movmskpd (OperandSize Xmm) Gpr)
(rule (x64_movmskpd size src)
(xmm_to_gpr (SseOpcode.Movmskpd) src size))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.GprToXmm` instructions.
(decl gpr_to_xmm (SseOpcode GprMem OperandSize) Xmm)
(rule (gpr_to_xmm op src size)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.GprToXmm op src dst size))))
;; Helper for creating `not` instructions.
(decl x64_not (Type Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_not ty src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.Not size src dst))))
;; Helper for creating `neg` instructions.
(decl x64_neg (Type Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_neg ty src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.Neg size src dst))))
(decl x64_lea (SyntheticAmode) Gpr)
(rule (x64_lea addr)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.LoadEffectiveAddress addr dst))))
;; Helper for creating `ud2` instructions.
(decl x64_ud2 (TrapCode) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_ud2 code)
(SideEffectNoResult.Inst (MInst.Ud2 code)))
;; Helper for creating `hlt` instructions.
(decl x64_hlt () SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_hlt)
(SideEffectNoResult.Inst (MInst.Hlt)))
;; Helper for creating `lzcnt` instructions.
(decl x64_lzcnt (Type Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_lzcnt ty src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.UnaryRmR size (UnaryRmROpcode.Lzcnt) src dst))))
;; Helper for creating `tzcnt` instructions.
(decl x64_tzcnt (Type Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_tzcnt ty src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.UnaryRmR size (UnaryRmROpcode.Tzcnt) src dst))))
;; Helper for creating `bsr` instructions.
(decl x64_bsr (Type Gpr) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_bsr ty src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(inst MInst (MInst.UnaryRmR size (UnaryRmROpcode.Bsr) src dst)))
(ProducesFlags.ProducesFlagsReturnsReg inst dst)))
;; Helper for creating `bsr + cmov` instruction pairs that produce the
;; result of the `bsr`, or `alt` if the input was zero.
(decl bsr_or_else (Type Gpr Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (bsr_or_else ty src alt)
(let ((bsr ProducesFlags (x64_bsr ty src))
;; Manually extract the result from the bsr, then ignore
;; it below, since we need to thread it into the cmove
;; before we pass the cmove to with_flags_reg.
(bsr_result Gpr (produces_flags_get_reg bsr))
(cmove ConsumesFlags (cmove ty (CC.Z) alt bsr_result)))
(with_flags_reg (produces_flags_ignore bsr) cmove)))
;; Helper for creating `bsf` instructions.
(decl x64_bsf (Type Gpr) ProducesFlags)
(rule (x64_bsf ty src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(inst MInst (MInst.UnaryRmR size (UnaryRmROpcode.Bsf) src dst)))
(ProducesFlags.ProducesFlagsReturnsReg inst dst)))
;; Helper for creating `bsf + cmov` instruction pairs that produce the
;; result of the `bsf`, or `alt` if the input was zero.
(decl bsf_or_else (Type Gpr Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (bsf_or_else ty src alt)
(let ((bsf ProducesFlags (x64_bsf ty src))
;; Manually extract the result from the bsf, then ignore
;; it below, since we need to thread it into the cmove
;; before we pass the cmove to with_flags_reg.
(bsf_result Gpr (produces_flags_get_reg bsf))
(cmove ConsumesFlags (cmove ty (CC.Z) alt bsf_result)))
(with_flags_reg (produces_flags_ignore bsf) cmove)))
;; Helper for creating `popcnt` instructions.
(decl x64_popcnt (Type Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_popcnt ty src)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.UnaryRmR size (UnaryRmROpcode.Popcnt) src dst))))
;; Helper for creating `xmm_min_max_seq` psuedo-instructions.
(decl xmm_min_max_seq (Type bool Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_min_max_seq ty is_min lhs rhs)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmMinMaxSeq size is_min lhs rhs dst))))
;; Helper for creating `minss` instructions.
(decl x64_minss (Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_minss x y)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Minss) x y dst))))
;; Helper for creating `minsd` instructions.
(decl x64_minsd (Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_minsd x y)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Minsd) x y dst))))
;; Helper for creating `minps` instructions.
(decl x64_minps (Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_minps x y)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Minps) x y dst))))
;; Helper for creating `minpd` instructions.
(decl x64_minpd (Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_minpd x y)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Minpd) x y dst))))
;; Helper for creating `maxss` instructions.
(decl x64_maxss (Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_maxss x y)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Maxss) x y dst))))
;; Helper for creating `maxsd` instructions.
(decl x64_maxsd (Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_maxsd x y)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Maxsd) x y dst))))
;; Helper for creating `maxps` instructions.
(decl x64_maxps (Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_maxps x y)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Maxps) x y dst))))
;; Helper for creating `maxpd` instructions.
(decl x64_maxpd (Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_maxpd x y)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmR (SseOpcode.Maxpd) x y dst))))
;; Helper for creating `MInst.XmmRmRVex` instructions.
(decl xmm_rmr_vex (AvxOpcode Xmm Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (xmm_rmr_vex op src1 src2 src3)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmRmRVex op
;; Helper for creating `vfmadd213ss` instructions.
; TODO: This should have the (Xmm Xmm XmmMem) signature
; but we don't support VEX memory encodings yet
(decl x64_vfmadd213ss (Xmm Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vfmadd213ss x y z)
(xmm_rmr_vex (AvxOpcode.Vfmadd213ss) x y z))
;; Helper for creating `vfmadd213sd` instructions.
; TODO: This should have the (Xmm Xmm XmmMem) signature
; but we don't support VEX memory encodings yet
(decl x64_vfmadd213sd (Xmm Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vfmadd213sd x y z)
(xmm_rmr_vex (AvxOpcode.Vfmadd213sd) x y z))
;; Helper for creating `vfmadd213ps` instructions.
; TODO: This should have the (Xmm Xmm XmmMem) signature
; but we don't support VEX memory encodings yet
(decl x64_vfmadd213ps (Xmm Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vfmadd213ps x y z)
(xmm_rmr_vex (AvxOpcode.Vfmadd213ps) x y z))
;; Helper for creating `vfmadd213pd` instructions.
; TODO: This should have the (Xmm Xmm XmmMem) signature
; but we don't support VEX memory encodings yet
(decl x64_vfmadd213pd (Xmm Xmm Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_vfmadd213pd x y z)
(xmm_rmr_vex (AvxOpcode.Vfmadd213pd) x y z))
;; Helper for creating `sqrtss` instructions.
(decl x64_sqrtss (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_sqrtss x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Sqrtss) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `sqrtsd` instructions.
(decl x64_sqrtsd (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_sqrtsd x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Sqrtsd) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `sqrtps` instructions.
(decl x64_sqrtps (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_sqrtps x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Sqrtps) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `sqrtpd` instructions.
(decl x64_sqrtpd (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_sqrtpd x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Sqrtpd) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `cvtss2sd` instructions.
(decl x64_cvtss2sd (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvtss2sd x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Cvtss2sd) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `cvtsd2ss` instructions.
(decl x64_cvtsd2ss (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvtsd2ss x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Cvtsd2ss) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `cvtdq2ps` instructions.
(decl x64_cvtdq2ps (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvtdq2ps x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Cvtdq2ps) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `cvtps2pd` instructions.
(decl x64_cvtps2pd (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvtps2pd x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Cvtps2pd) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `cvtpd2ps` instructions.
(decl x64_cvtpd2ps (Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvtpd2ps x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Cvtpd2ps) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `cvtdq2pd` instructions.
(decl x64_cvtdq2pd (Type Xmm) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvtdq2pd ty x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.XmmUnaryRmR (SseOpcode.Cvtdq2pd) x dst))))
;; Helper for creating `cvtsi2ss` instructions.
(decl x64_cvtsi2ss (Type GprMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvtsi2ss ty x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.GprToXmm (SseOpcode.Cvtsi2ss) x dst size))))
;; Helper for creating `cvtsi2sd` instructions.
(decl x64_cvtsi2sd (Type GprMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvtsi2sd ty x)
(let ((dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.GprToXmm (SseOpcode.Cvtsi2sd) x dst size))))
;; Helper for creating `cvttps2dq` instructions.
(decl x64_cvttps2dq (Type XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvttps2dq ty x)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Cvttps2dq) x))
;; Helper for creating `cvttpd2dq` instructions.
(decl x64_cvttpd2dq (XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_cvttpd2dq x)
(xmm_unary_rm_r (SseOpcode.Cvttpd2dq) x))
(decl cvt_u64_to_float_seq (Type Gpr) Xmm)
(rule (cvt_u64_to_float_seq ty src)
(let ((size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty))
(dst WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(tmp_gpr1 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(tmp_gpr2 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.CvtUint64ToFloatSeq size src dst tmp_gpr1 tmp_gpr2))))
(decl cvt_float_to_uint_seq (Type Value bool) Gpr)
(rule (cvt_float_to_uint_seq out_ty src @ (value_type src_ty) is_saturating)
(let ((out_size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type out_ty))
(src_size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type src_ty))
(dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(tmp_xmm WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(tmp_xmm2 WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(tmp_gpr WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.CvtFloatToUintSeq out_size src_size is_saturating src dst tmp_gpr tmp_xmm tmp_xmm2))))
(decl cvt_float_to_sint_seq (Type Value bool) Gpr)
(rule (cvt_float_to_sint_seq out_ty src @ (value_type src_ty) is_saturating)
(let ((out_size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type out_ty))
(src_size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type src_ty))
(dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(tmp_xmm WritableXmm (temp_writable_xmm))
(tmp_gpr WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.CvtFloatToSintSeq out_size src_size is_saturating src dst tmp_gpr tmp_xmm))))
(decl fcvt_uint_mask_const () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor fcvt_uint_mask_const fcvt_uint_mask_const)
(decl fcvt_uint_mask_high_const () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor fcvt_uint_mask_high_const fcvt_uint_mask_high_const)
;; Helpers for creating `pcmpeq*` instructions.
(decl x64_pcmpeq (Type Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpeq $I8X16 x y) (x64_pcmpeqb x y))
(rule (x64_pcmpeq $I16X8 x y) (x64_pcmpeqw x y))
(rule (x64_pcmpeq $I32X4 x y) (x64_pcmpeqd x y))
(rule (x64_pcmpeq $I64X2 x y) (x64_pcmpeqq x y))
(decl x64_pcmpeqb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpeqb x y) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pcmpeqb) x y))
(decl x64_pcmpeqw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpeqw x y) (xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pcmpeqw) x y))
(decl x64_pcmpeqd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpeqd x y) (xmm_rm_r $I32X4 (SseOpcode.Pcmpeqd) x y))
(decl x64_pcmpeqq (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpeqq x y) (xmm_rm_r $I64X2 (SseOpcode.Pcmpeqq) x y))
;; Helpers for creating `pcmpgt*` instructions.
(decl x64_pcmpgt (Type Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpgt $I8X16 x y) (x64_pcmpgtb x y))
(rule (x64_pcmpgt $I16X8 x y) (x64_pcmpgtw x y))
(rule (x64_pcmpgt $I32X4 x y) (x64_pcmpgtd x y))
(rule (x64_pcmpgt $I64X2 x y) (x64_pcmpgtq x y))
(decl x64_pcmpgtb (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpgtb x y) (xmm_rm_r $I8X16 (SseOpcode.Pcmpgtb) x y))
(decl x64_pcmpgtw (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpgtw x y) (xmm_rm_r $I16X8 (SseOpcode.Pcmpgtw) x y))
(decl x64_pcmpgtd (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpgtd x y) (xmm_rm_r $I32X4 (SseOpcode.Pcmpgtd) x y))
(decl x64_pcmpgtq (Xmm XmmMem) Xmm)
(rule (x64_pcmpgtq x y) (xmm_rm_r $I64X2 (SseOpcode.Pcmpgtq) x y))
;; Helpers for read-modify-write ALU form (AluRM).
(decl alu_rm (Type AluRmiROpcode Amode Gpr) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (alu_rm ty opcode src1_dst src2)
(let ((size OperandSize (operand_size_of_type_32_64 ty)))
(SideEffectNoResult.Inst (MInst.AluRM size opcode src1_dst src2))))
(decl x64_add_mem (Type Amode Gpr) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_add_mem ty addr val)
(alu_rm ty (AluRmiROpcode.Add) addr val))
(decl x64_sub_mem (Type Amode Gpr) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_sub_mem ty addr val)
(alu_rm ty (AluRmiROpcode.Sub) addr val))
(decl x64_and_mem (Type Amode Gpr) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_and_mem ty addr val)
(alu_rm ty (AluRmiROpcode.And) addr val))
(decl x64_or_mem (Type Amode Gpr) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_or_mem ty addr val)
(alu_rm ty (AluRmiROpcode.Or) addr val))
(decl x64_xor_mem (Type Amode Gpr) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_xor_mem ty addr val)
(alu_rm ty (AluRmiROpcode.Xor) addr val))
;; Trap if the condition code supplied is set.
(decl trap_if (CC TrapCode) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (trap_if cc tc)
(ConsumesFlags.ConsumesFlagsSideEffect (MInst.TrapIf cc tc)))
;; Trap if both of the condition codes supplied are set.
(decl trap_if_and (CC CC TrapCode) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (trap_if_and cc1 cc2 tc)
(ConsumesFlags.ConsumesFlagsSideEffect (MInst.TrapIfAnd cc1 cc2 tc)))
;; Trap if either of the condition codes supplied are set.
(decl trap_if_or (CC CC TrapCode) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (trap_if_or cc1 cc2 tc)
(ConsumesFlags.ConsumesFlagsSideEffect (MInst.TrapIfOr cc1 cc2 tc)))
(decl trap_if_icmp (IcmpCondResult TrapCode) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (trap_if_icmp (IcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc) tc)
(with_flags_side_effect producer (trap_if cc tc)))
(decl trap_if_fcmp (FcmpCondResult TrapCode) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (trap_if_fcmp (FcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc) tc)
(with_flags_side_effect producer (trap_if cc tc)))
(rule (trap_if_fcmp (FcmpCondResult.AndCondition producer cc1 cc2) tc)
(with_flags_side_effect producer (trap_if_and cc1 cc2 tc)))
(rule (trap_if_fcmp (FcmpCondResult.OrCondition producer cc1 cc2) tc)
(with_flags_side_effect producer (trap_if_or cc1 cc2 tc)))
;;;; Jumps ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Unconditional jump.
(decl jmp_known (MachLabel) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (jmp_known target)
(SideEffectNoResult.Inst (MInst.JmpKnown target)))
(decl jmp_if (CC MachLabel) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (jmp_if cc taken)
(ConsumesFlags.ConsumesFlagsSideEffect (MInst.JmpIf cc taken)))
;; Conditional jump based on the condition code.
(decl jmp_cond (CC MachLabel MachLabel) ConsumesFlags)
(rule (jmp_cond cc taken not_taken)
(ConsumesFlags.ConsumesFlagsSideEffect (MInst.JmpCond cc taken not_taken)))
;; Conditional jump based on the result of an icmp.
(decl jmp_cond_icmp (IcmpCondResult MachLabel MachLabel) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (jmp_cond_icmp (IcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc) taken not_taken)
(with_flags_side_effect producer (jmp_cond cc taken not_taken)))
;; Conditional jump based on the result of an fcmp.
(decl jmp_cond_fcmp (FcmpCondResult MachLabel MachLabel) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (jmp_cond_fcmp (FcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc) taken not_taken)
(with_flags_side_effect producer (jmp_cond cc taken not_taken)))
(rule (jmp_cond_fcmp (FcmpCondResult.AndCondition producer cc1 cc2) taken not_taken)
(with_flags_side_effect producer
(jmp_if (cc_invert cc1) not_taken)
(jmp_cond (cc_invert cc2) not_taken taken))))
(rule (jmp_cond_fcmp (FcmpCondResult.OrCondition producer cc1 cc2) taken not_taken)
(with_flags_side_effect producer
(jmp_if cc1 taken)
(jmp_cond cc2 taken not_taken))))
;; Emit the compound instruction that does:
;; lea $jt, %rA
;; movsbl [%rA, %rIndex, 2], %rB
;; add %rB, %rA
;; j *%rA
;; [jt entries]
;; This must be *one* instruction in the vcode because we cannot allow regalloc
;; to insert any spills/fills in the middle of the sequence; otherwise, the
;; lea PC-rel offset to the jumptable would be incorrect. (The alternative
;; is to introduce a relocation pass for inlined jumptables, which is much
;; worse.)
(decl jmp_table_seq (Type Gpr MachLabel BoxVecMachLabel) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (jmp_table_seq ty idx default_target jt_targets)
(let (;; This temporary is used as a signed integer of 64-bits (to hold
;; addresses).
(tmp1 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
;; This temporary is used as a signed integer of 32-bits (for the
;; wasm-table index) and then 64-bits (address addend). The small
;; lie about the I64 type is benign, since the temporary is dead
;; after this instruction (and its Cranelift type is thus unused).
(tmp2 WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty))
(jt_size u32 (jump_table_size jt_targets)))
(x64_cmp size (RegMemImm.Imm jt_size) idx)
(MInst.JmpTableSeq idx tmp1 tmp2 default_target jt_targets)))))
;;;; iadd_pairwise constants ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl iadd_pairwise_mul_const_16 () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor iadd_pairwise_mul_const_16 iadd_pairwise_mul_const_16)
(decl iadd_pairwise_mul_const_32 () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor iadd_pairwise_mul_const_32 iadd_pairwise_mul_const_32)
(decl iadd_pairwise_xor_const_32 () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor iadd_pairwise_xor_const_32 iadd_pairwise_xor_const_32)
(decl iadd_pairwise_addd_const_32 () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor iadd_pairwise_addd_const_32 iadd_pairwise_addd_const_32)
;;;; snarrow constants ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl snarrow_umax_mask () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor snarrow_umax_mask snarrow_umax_mask)
;;;; Comparisons ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(type IcmpCondResult (enum (Condition (producer ProducesFlags) (cc CC))))
(decl icmp_cond_result (ProducesFlags CC) IcmpCondResult)
(rule (icmp_cond_result producer cc) (IcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc))
(decl invert_icmp_cond_result (IcmpCondResult) IcmpCondResult)
(rule (invert_icmp_cond_result (IcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc))
(icmp_cond_result producer (cc_invert cc)))
;; Lower an Icmp result into a boolean value in a register.
(decl lower_icmp_bool (IcmpCondResult) ValueRegs)
(rule (lower_icmp_bool (IcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc))
(with_flags producer (x64_setcc cc)))
;; Emit a conditional move based on the result of an icmp.
(decl select_icmp (IcmpCondResult Value Value) ValueRegs)
;; Ensure that we put the `x` argument into a register for single-register
;; gpr-typed arguments, as we rely on this for the legalization of heap_addr and
;; loading easily computed constants (like 0) from memory is too expensive.
(rule (select_icmp (IcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc) x @ (value_type (is_gpr_type (is_single_register_type ty))) y)
(with_flags producer (cmove ty cc (put_in_gpr x) y)))
;; Otherwise, fall back on the behavior of `cmove_from_values`.
(rule (select_icmp (IcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc) x @ (value_type ty) y)
(with_flags producer (cmove_from_values ty cc x y)))
(decl emit_cmp (IntCC Value Value) IcmpCondResult)
;; For GPR-held values we only need to emit `CMP + SETCC`. We rely here on
;; Cranelift's verification that `a` and `b` are of the same type.
;; Unfortunately for clarity, the registers are flipped here (TODO).
(rule (emit_cmp cc a @ (value_type ty) b)
(let ((size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty)))
(icmp_cond_result (x64_cmp size b a) cc)))
;; As a special case, reverse the arguments to the comparison when the LHS is a
;; constant. This ensures that we avoid moving the constant into a register when
;; performing the comparison.
(rule (emit_cmp cc (and (simm32_from_value a) (value_type ty)) b)
(let ((size OperandSize (raw_operand_size_of_type ty)))
(icmp_cond_result (x64_cmp size a b) (intcc_reverse cc))))
;; For I128 values (held in two GPRs), the instruction sequences depend on what
;; kind of condition is tested.
(rule (emit_cmp (IntCC.Equal) a @ (value_type $I128) b)
(let ((a_lo Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr a 0))
(a_hi Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr a 1))
(b_lo Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr b 0))
(b_hi Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr b 1))
(cmp_lo Reg (with_flags_reg (x64_cmp (OperandSize.Size64) b_lo a_lo) (x64_setcc (CC.Z))))
(cmp_hi Reg (with_flags_reg (x64_cmp (OperandSize.Size64) b_hi a_hi) (x64_setcc (CC.Z))))
;; At this point, `cmp_lo` and `cmp_hi` contain either 0 or 1 in the
;; lowest 8 bits--`SETcc` guarantees this. The upper bits may be
;; unchanged so we must compare against 1 below; this instruction
;; combines `cmp_lo` and `cmp_hi` for that final comparison.
(cmp Reg (x64_and $I64 cmp_lo cmp_hi)))
;; We must compare one more time against the immediate value 1 to
;; check if both `cmp_lo` and `cmp_hi` are true. If `cmp AND 1 == 0`
;; then the `ZF` will be set (see `TEST` definition); if either of
;; the halves `AND`s to 0, they were not equal, therefore we `SETcc`
;; with `NZ`.
(x64_test (OperandSize.Size64) (RegMemImm.Imm 1) cmp)
(rule (emit_cmp (IntCC.NotEqual) a @ (value_type $I128) b)
(let ((a_lo Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr a 0))
(a_hi Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr a 1))
(b_lo Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr b 0))
(b_hi Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr b 1))
(cmp_lo Reg (with_flags_reg (x64_cmp (OperandSize.Size64) b_lo a_lo) (x64_setcc (CC.NZ))))
(cmp_hi Reg (with_flags_reg (x64_cmp (OperandSize.Size64) b_hi a_hi) (x64_setcc (CC.NZ))))
;; See comments for `IntCC.Equal`.
(cmp Reg (x64_or $I64 cmp_lo cmp_hi)))
(x64_test (OperandSize.Size64) (RegMemImm.Imm 1) cmp)
;; Result = (a_hi <> b_hi) ||
;; (a_hi == b_hi && a_lo <> b_lo)
(rule (emit_cmp cc a @ (value_type $I128) b)
(if (intcc_neq cc (IntCC.Equal)))
(if (intcc_neq cc (IntCC.NotEqual)))
(let ((a_lo Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr a 0))
(a_hi Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr a 1))
(b_lo Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr b 0))
(b_hi Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr b 1))
(cmp_hi ValueRegs (with_flags (x64_cmp (OperandSize.Size64) b_hi a_hi)
(x64_setcc (intcc_without_eq cc))
(x64_setcc (CC.Z)))))
(cc_hi Reg (value_regs_get cmp_hi 0))
(eq_hi Reg (value_regs_get cmp_hi 1))
(cmp_lo Reg (with_flags_reg (x64_cmp (OperandSize.Size64) b_lo a_lo)
(x64_setcc (intcc_unsigned cc))))
(res_lo Reg (x64_and $I64 eq_hi cmp_lo))
(res Reg (x64_or $I64 cc_hi res_lo)))
(x64_test (OperandSize.Size64) (RegMemImm.Imm 1) res)
(type FcmpCondResult
;; The given condition code must be set.
(Condition (producer ProducesFlags) (cc CC))
;; Both condition codes must be set.
(AndCondition (producer ProducesFlags) (cc1 CC) (cc2 CC))
;; Either of the conditions codes must be set.
(OrCondition (producer ProducesFlags) (cc1 CC) (cc2 CC))))
;; Lower a FcmpCondResult to a boolean value in a register.
(decl lower_fcmp_bool (FcmpCondResult) ValueRegs)
(rule (lower_fcmp_bool (FcmpCondResult.Condition producer cc))
(with_flags producer (x64_setcc cc)))
(rule (lower_fcmp_bool (FcmpCondResult.AndCondition producer cc1 cc2))
(let ((maybe ValueRegs (with_flags producer
(x64_setcc cc1)
(x64_setcc cc2))))
(maybe0 Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr maybe 0))
(maybe1 Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr maybe 1)))
(value_reg (x64_and $I8 maybe0 maybe1))))
(rule (lower_fcmp_bool (FcmpCondResult.OrCondition producer cc1 cc2))
(let ((maybe ValueRegs (with_flags producer
(x64_setcc cc1)
(x64_setcc cc2))))
(maybe0 Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr maybe 0))
(maybe1 Gpr (value_regs_get_gpr maybe 1)))
(value_reg (x64_or $I8 maybe0 maybe1))))
;; CLIF's `fcmp` instruction always operates on XMM registers--both scalar and
;; vector. For the scalar versions, we use the flag-setting behavior of the
;; `UCOMIS*` instruction to `SETcc` a 0 or 1 in a GPR register. Note that CLIF's
;; `select` uses the same kind of flag-setting behavior but chooses values other
;; than 0 or 1.
;; Checking the result of `UCOMIS*` is unfortunately difficult in some cases
;; because we do not have `SETcc` instructions that explicitly check
;; simultaneously for the condition (i.e., `eq`, `le`, `gt`, etc.) *and*
;; orderedness. Instead, we must check the flags multiple times. The UCOMIS*
;; documentation (see Intel's Software Developer's Manual, volume 2, chapter 4)
;; is helpful:
;; - unordered assigns Z = 1, P = 1, C = 1
;; - greater than assigns Z = 0, P = 0, C = 0
;; - less than assigns Z = 0, P = 0, C = 1
;; - equal assigns Z = 1, P = 0, C = 0
(decl emit_fcmp (FloatCC Value Value) FcmpCondResult)
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.Equal) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float _)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.AndCondition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.NP) (CC.Z)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.NotEqual) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float _)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.OrCondition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.P) (CC.NZ)))
;; Some scalar lowerings correspond to one condition code.
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.Ordered) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.NP)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.Unordered) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.P)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.OrderedNotEqual) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.NZ)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.UnorderedOrEqual) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.Z)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.GreaterThan) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.NBE)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.GreaterThanOrEqual) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.NB)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.UnorderedOrLessThan) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.B)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.UnorderedOrLessThanOrEqual) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis b a) (CC.BE)))
;; Other scalar lowerings are made possible by flipping the operands and
;; reversing the condition code.
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.LessThan) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
;; Same flags as `GreaterThan`.
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis a b) (CC.NBE)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.LessThanOrEqual) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
;; Same flags as `GreaterThanOrEqual`.
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis a b) (CC.NB)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.UnorderedOrGreaterThan) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
;; Same flags as `UnorderedOrLessThan`.
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis a b) (CC.B)))
(rule (emit_fcmp (FloatCC.UnorderedOrGreaterThanOrEqual) a @ (value_type (ty_scalar_float ty)) b)
;; Same flags as `UnorderedOrLessThanOrEqual`.
(FcmpCondResult.Condition (x64_ucomis a b) (CC.BE)))
;;;; Type Guards ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; A type guard for matching ints and bools up to 64 bits, or 64 bit references.
(decl ty_int_bool_or_ref () Type)
(extern extractor ty_int_bool_or_ref ty_int_bool_or_ref)
;;;; Atomics ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl x64_mfence () SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (x64_mfence)
(SideEffectNoResult.Inst (MInst.Fence (FenceKind.MFence))))
(decl x64_cmpxchg (Type Gpr Gpr SyntheticAmode) Gpr)
(rule (x64_cmpxchg ty expected replacement addr)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.LockCmpxchg ty replacement expected addr dst))))
(decl x64_atomic_rmw_seq (Type MachAtomicRmwOp SyntheticAmode Gpr) Gpr)
(rule (x64_atomic_rmw_seq ty op mem input)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(tmp WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.AtomicRmwSeq ty op mem input tmp dst))))
;; CLIF IR has one enumeration for atomic operations (`AtomicRmwOp`) while the
;; mach backend has another (`MachAtomicRmwOp`)--this converts one to the other.
(type MachAtomicRmwOp extern (enum))
(decl atomic_rmw_op_to_mach_atomic_rmw_op (AtomicRmwOp) MachAtomicRmwOp)
(extern constructor atomic_rmw_op_to_mach_atomic_rmw_op atomic_rmw_op_to_mach_atomic_rmw_op)
;;;; Casting ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl bitcast_xmm_to_gpr (Type Xmm) Gpr)
(rule (bitcast_xmm_to_gpr $F32 src)
(xmm_to_gpr (SseOpcode.Movd) src (OperandSize.Size32)))
(rule (bitcast_xmm_to_gpr $F64 src)
(xmm_to_gpr (SseOpcode.Movq) src (OperandSize.Size64)))
(decl bitcast_gpr_to_xmm (Type Gpr) Xmm)
(rule (bitcast_gpr_to_xmm $I32 src)
(gpr_to_xmm (SseOpcode.Movd) src (OperandSize.Size32)))
(rule (bitcast_gpr_to_xmm $I64 src)
(gpr_to_xmm (SseOpcode.Movq) src (OperandSize.Size64)))
;;;; Stack Addresses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl stack_addr_impl (StackSlot Offset32) Gpr)
(rule (stack_addr_impl stack_slot offset)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (abi_stackslot_addr dst stack_slot offset))))
;;;; Division/Remainders ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl emit_div_or_rem (DivOrRemKind Type WritableGpr Gpr Gpr) Unit)
(extern constructor emit_div_or_rem emit_div_or_rem)
(decl div_or_rem (DivOrRemKind Value Value) Gpr)
(rule (div_or_rem kind a @ (value_type ty) b)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit_div_or_rem kind ty dst a b)))
;;;; Pinned Register ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl read_pinned_gpr () Gpr)
(rule (read_pinned_gpr)
(decl write_pinned_gpr (Gpr) SideEffectNoResult)
(rule (write_pinned_gpr val)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (pinned_writable_gpr)))
(SideEffectNoResult.Inst (gen_move $I64 dst val))))
;;;; Shuffle ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Produce a mask suitable for use with `pshufb` for permuting the argument to
;; shuffle, when the arguments are the same (i.e. `shuffle a a mask`). This will
;; map all indices in the range 0..31 to the range 0..15.
(decl shuffle_0_31_mask (VecMask) VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor shuffle_0_31_mask shuffle_0_31_mask)
;; Produce a mask suitable for use with `pshufb` for permuting the lhs of a
;; `shuffle` operation (lanes 0-15).
(decl shuffle_0_15_mask (VecMask) VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor shuffle_0_15_mask shuffle_0_15_mask)
;; Produce a mask suitable for use with `pshufb` for permuting the rhs of a
;; `shuffle` operation (lanes 16-31).
(decl shuffle_16_31_mask (VecMask) VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor shuffle_16_31_mask shuffle_16_31_mask)
;; Produce a permutation suitable for use with `vpermi2b`, for permuting two
;; I8X16 vectors simultaneously.
;; NOTE: `vpermi2b` will mask the indices in each lane to 5 bits when indexing
;; into vectors, so this constructor makes no effort to handle indices that are
;; larger than 31. If you are lowering a clif opcode like `shuffle` that has
;; special behavior for out of bounds indices (emitting a `0` in the resulting
;; vector in the case of `shuffle`) you'll need to handle that behavior
;; separately.
(decl perm_from_mask (VecMask) VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor perm_from_mask perm_from_mask)
;; If the mask that would be given to `shuffle` contains any out-of-bounds
;; indices, return a mask that will zero those.
(decl perm_from_mask_with_zeros (VCodeConstant VCodeConstant) VecMask)
(extern extractor perm_from_mask_with_zeros perm_from_mask_with_zeros)
;;;; Swizzle ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Create a mask for zeroing out-of-bounds lanes of the swizzle mask.
(decl swizzle_zero_mask () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor swizzle_zero_mask swizzle_zero_mask)
;;;; TLS Values ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Helper for emitting ElfTlsGetAddr.
(decl elf_tls_get_addr (ExternalName) Gpr)
(rule (elf_tls_get_addr name)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.ElfTlsGetAddr name dst))))
;; Helper for emitting MachOTlsGetAddr.
(decl macho_tls_get_addr (ExternalName) Gpr)
(rule (macho_tls_get_addr name)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.MachOTlsGetAddr name dst))))
;; Helper for emitting CoffTlsGetAddr.
(decl coff_tls_get_addr (ExternalName) Gpr)
(rule (coff_tls_get_addr name)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.CoffTlsGetAddr name dst))))
;;;; sqmul_round_sat ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl sqmul_round_sat_mask () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor sqmul_round_sat_mask sqmul_round_sat_mask)
;;;; uunarrow ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(decl uunarrow_umax_mask () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor uunarrow_umax_mask uunarrow_umax_mask)
(decl uunarrow_uint_mask () VCodeConstant)
(extern constructor uunarrow_uint_mask uunarrow_uint_mask)
;;;; Automatic conversions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(convert Gpr InstOutput output_gpr)
(convert Value Gpr put_in_gpr)
(convert Value GprMem put_in_gpr_mem)
(convert Value GprMemImm put_in_gpr_mem_imm)
(convert Value RegMem put_in_reg_mem)
(convert Value RegMemImm put_in_reg_mem_imm)
(convert Gpr GprMemImm gpr_to_gpr_mem_imm)
(convert Gpr GprMem gpr_to_gpr_mem)
(convert Gpr Reg gpr_to_reg)
(convert GprMem RegMem gpr_mem_to_reg_mem)
(convert Reg Gpr gpr_new)
(convert WritableGpr Gpr writable_gpr_to_gpr)
(convert RegMemImm GprMemImm gpr_mem_imm_new)
(convert RegMem GprMem reg_mem_to_gpr_mem)
(convert RegMem RegMemImm reg_mem_to_reg_mem_imm)
(convert Reg GprMem reg_to_gpr_mem)
(convert Reg GprMemImm reg_to_gpr_mem_imm)
(convert WritableGpr WritableReg writable_gpr_to_reg)
(convert WritableGpr Reg writable_gpr_to_r_reg)
(convert WritableGpr GprMem writable_gpr_to_gpr_mem)
(convert WritableGpr ValueRegs writable_gpr_to_value_regs)
(convert Xmm InstOutput output_xmm)
(convert Value Xmm put_in_xmm)
(convert Value XmmMem put_in_xmm_mem)
(convert Value XmmMemImm put_in_xmm_mem_imm)
(convert Xmm Reg xmm_to_reg)
(convert Xmm RegMem xmm_to_reg_mem)
(convert Reg Xmm xmm_new)
(convert Reg XmmMem reg_to_xmm_mem)
(convert Reg RegMemImm reg_to_reg_mem_imm)
(convert RegMem XmmMem reg_mem_to_xmm_mem)
(convert RegMemImm XmmMemImm mov_rmi_to_xmm)
(convert Xmm XmmMem xmm_to_xmm_mem)
(convert Xmm XmmMemImm xmm_to_xmm_mem_imm)
(convert XmmMem RegMem xmm_mem_to_reg_mem)
(convert WritableXmm Xmm writable_xmm_to_xmm)
(convert WritableXmm WritableReg writable_xmm_to_reg)
(convert WritableXmm Reg writable_xmm_to_r_reg)
(convert WritableXmm XmmMem writable_xmm_to_xmm_mem)
(convert WritableXmm ValueRegs writable_xmm_to_value_regs)
(convert Gpr Imm8Gpr gpr_to_imm8_gpr)
(convert Imm8Reg Imm8Gpr imm8_reg_to_imm8_gpr)
(convert Amode SyntheticAmode amode_to_synthetic_amode)
(convert Amode GprMem amode_to_gpr_mem)
(convert SyntheticAmode GprMem synthetic_amode_to_gpr_mem)
(convert Amode XmmMem amode_to_xmm_mem)
(convert SyntheticAmode XmmMem synthetic_amode_to_xmm_mem)
(convert IntCC CC intcc_to_cc)
(convert AtomicRmwOp MachAtomicRmwOp atomic_rmw_op_to_mach_atomic_rmw_op)
(decl reg_to_xmm_mem (Reg) XmmMem)
(rule (reg_to_xmm_mem r)
(xmm_to_xmm_mem (xmm_new r)))
(decl xmm_to_reg_mem (Reg) XmmMem)
(rule (xmm_to_reg_mem r)
(RegMem.Reg (xmm_to_reg r)))
(decl writable_gpr_to_r_reg (WritableGpr) Reg)
(rule (writable_gpr_to_r_reg w_gpr)
(writable_reg_to_reg (writable_gpr_to_reg w_gpr)))
(decl writable_gpr_to_gpr_mem (WritableGpr) GprMem)
(rule (writable_gpr_to_gpr_mem w_gpr)
(gpr_to_gpr_mem w_gpr))
(decl writable_gpr_to_value_regs (WritableGpr) ValueRegs)
(rule (writable_gpr_to_value_regs w_gpr)
(value_reg w_gpr))
(decl writable_xmm_to_r_reg (WritableXmm) Reg)
(rule (writable_xmm_to_r_reg w_xmm)
(writable_reg_to_reg (writable_xmm_to_reg w_xmm)))
(decl writable_xmm_to_xmm_mem (WritableXmm) XmmMem)
(rule (writable_xmm_to_xmm_mem w_xmm)
(xmm_to_xmm_mem (writable_xmm_to_xmm w_xmm)))
(decl writable_xmm_to_value_regs (WritableXmm) ValueRegs)
(rule (writable_xmm_to_value_regs w_xmm)
(value_reg w_xmm))
(decl synthetic_amode_to_gpr_mem (SyntheticAmode) GprMem)
(decl amode_to_gpr_mem (Amode) GprMem)
(rule (amode_to_gpr_mem amode)
(amode_to_synthetic_amode amode))
(rule (synthetic_amode_to_gpr_mem amode)
(synthetic_amode_to_reg_mem amode))
(decl amode_to_xmm_mem (Amode) XmmMem)
(rule (amode_to_xmm_mem amode)
(amode_to_synthetic_amode amode))
(decl synthetic_amode_to_xmm_mem (SyntheticAmode) XmmMem)
(rule (synthetic_amode_to_xmm_mem amode)
(synthetic_amode_to_reg_mem amode))
;; Helper for creating `MovPReg` instructions.
(decl mov_preg (PReg) Reg)
(rule (mov_preg preg)
(let ((dst WritableGpr (temp_writable_gpr))
(_ Unit (emit (MInst.MovPReg preg dst))))
(decl preg_rbp () PReg)
(extern constructor preg_rbp preg_rbp)
(decl preg_rsp () PReg)
(extern constructor preg_rsp preg_rsp)
(decl x64_rbp () Reg)
(rule (x64_rbp)
(mov_preg (preg_rbp)))
(decl x64_rsp () Reg)
(rule (x64_rsp)
(mov_preg (preg_rsp)))
;;;; Helpers for Emitting LibCalls ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(type LibCall extern
(decl libcall_1 (LibCall Reg) Reg)
(extern constructor libcall_1 libcall_1)
(decl libcall_3 (LibCall Reg Reg Reg) Reg)
(extern constructor libcall_3 libcall_3)