blob: cc3ef980fe5acfc422d12242696748e8367818fa [file] [log] [blame]
use anyhow::Error;
use crate::util::errors::{CargoResult, HttpNotSuccessful};
use crate::util::Config;
use std::task::Poll;
pub trait PollExt<T> {
fn expect(self, msg: &str) -> T;
impl<T> PollExt<T> for Poll<T> {
fn expect(self, msg: &str) -> T {
match self {
Poll::Ready(val) => val,
Poll::Pending => panic!("{}", msg),
pub struct Retry<'a> {
config: &'a Config,
remaining: u32,
impl<'a> Retry<'a> {
pub fn new(config: &'a Config) -> CargoResult<Retry<'a>> {
Ok(Retry {
remaining: config.net_config()?.retry.unwrap_or(2),
/// Returns `Ok(None)` for operations that should be re-tried.
pub fn r#try<T>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce() -> CargoResult<T>) -> CargoResult<Option<T>> {
match f() {
Err(ref e) if maybe_spurious(e) && self.remaining > 0 => {
let msg = format!(
"spurious network error ({} tries remaining): {}",
self.remaining -= 1;
other =>,
fn maybe_spurious(err: &Error) -> bool {
if let Some(git_err) = err.downcast_ref::<git2::Error>() {
match git_err.class() {
| git2::ErrorClass::Os
| git2::ErrorClass::Zlib
| git2::ErrorClass::Http => return true,
_ => (),
if let Some(curl_err) = err.downcast_ref::<curl::Error>() {
if curl_err.is_couldnt_connect()
|| curl_err.is_couldnt_resolve_proxy()
|| curl_err.is_couldnt_resolve_host()
|| curl_err.is_operation_timedout()
|| curl_err.is_recv_error()
|| curl_err.is_send_error()
|| curl_err.is_http2_error()
|| curl_err.is_http2_stream_error()
|| curl_err.is_ssl_connect_error()
|| curl_err.is_partial_file()
return true;
if let Some(not_200) = err.downcast_ref::<HttpNotSuccessful>() {
if 500 <= not_200.code && not_200.code < 600 {
return true;
/// Wrapper method for network call retry logic.
/// Retry counts provided by Config object `net.retry`. Config shell outputs
/// a warning on per retry.
/// Closure must return a `CargoResult`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use crate::cargo::util::{CargoResult, Config};
/// # let download_something = || return Ok(());
/// # let config = Config::default().unwrap();
/// use cargo::util::network;
/// let cargo_result = network::with_retry(&config, || download_something());
/// ```
pub fn with_retry<T, F>(config: &Config, mut callback: F) -> CargoResult<T>
F: FnMut() -> CargoResult<T>,
let mut retry = Retry::new(config)?;
loop {
if let Some(ret) = retry.r#try(&mut callback)? {
return Ok(ret);
fn with_retry_repeats_the_call_then_works() {
use crate::core::Shell;
//Error HTTP codes (5xx) are considered maybe_spurious and will prompt retry
let error1 = HttpNotSuccessful {
code: 501,
url: "Uri".to_string(),
body: Vec::new(),
let error2 = HttpNotSuccessful {
code: 502,
url: "Uri".to_string(),
body: Vec::new(),
let mut results: Vec<CargoResult<()>> = vec![Ok(()), Err(error1), Err(error2)];
let config = Config::default().unwrap();
* = Shell::from_write(Box::new(Vec::new()));
let result = with_retry(&config, || results.pop().unwrap());
fn with_retry_finds_nested_spurious_errors() {
use crate::core::Shell;
//Error HTTP codes (5xx) are considered maybe_spurious and will prompt retry
//String error messages are not considered spurious
let error1 = anyhow::Error::from(HttpNotSuccessful {
code: 501,
url: "Uri".to_string(),
body: Vec::new(),
let error1 = anyhow::Error::from(error1.context("A non-spurious wrapping err"));
let error2 = anyhow::Error::from(HttpNotSuccessful {
code: 502,
url: "Uri".to_string(),
body: Vec::new(),
let error2 = anyhow::Error::from(error2.context("A second chained error"));
let mut results: Vec<CargoResult<()>> = vec![Ok(()), Err(error1), Err(error2)];
let config = Config::default().unwrap();
* = Shell::from_write(Box::new(Vec::new()));
let result = with_retry(&config, || results.pop().unwrap());
fn curle_http2_stream_is_spurious() {
let code = curl_sys::CURLE_HTTP2_STREAM;
let err = curl::Error::new(code);