blob: bb056aab87c5c637e2e1c7bcafe03fc2bf2b8f2a [file] [log] [blame]
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
macro_rules! skip {
($($reason: expr),+) => {
use ::std::io::{self, Write};
let stderr = io::stderr();
let mut handle = stderr.lock();
writeln!(handle, $($reason),+).unwrap();
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] {
#[macro_export] macro_rules! require_capability {
($name:expr, $capname:ident) => {
use ::caps::{Capability, CapSet, has_cap};
if !has_cap(None, CapSet::Effective, Capability::$capname)
skip!("{} requires capability {}. Skipping test.", $name, Capability::$capname);
} else if #[cfg(not(target_os = "redox"))] {
#[macro_export] macro_rules! require_capability {
($name:expr, $capname:ident) => {}
/// Skip the test if we don't have the ability to mount file systems.
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
macro_rules! require_mount {
($name:expr) => {
use ::sysctl::{CtlValue, Sysctl};
use nix::unistd::Uid;
let ctl = ::sysctl::Ctl::new("vfs.usermount").unwrap();
if !Uid::current().is_root() && CtlValue::Int(0) == ctl.value().unwrap()
"{} requires the ability to mount file systems. Skipping test.",
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))]
macro_rules! skip_if_cirrus {
($reason:expr) => {
if std::env::var_os("CIRRUS_CI").is_some() {
skip!("{}", $reason);
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
macro_rules! skip_if_jailed {
($name:expr) => {
use ::sysctl::{CtlValue, Sysctl};
let ctl = ::sysctl::Ctl::new("security.jail.jailed").unwrap();
if let CtlValue::Int(1) = ctl.value().unwrap() {
skip!("{} cannot run in a jail. Skipping test.", $name);
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "redox", target_os = "fuchsia")))]
macro_rules! skip_if_not_root {
($name:expr) => {
use nix::unistd::Uid;
if !Uid::current().is_root() {
skip!("{} requires root privileges. Skipping test.", $name);
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] {
#[macro_export] macro_rules! skip_if_seccomp {
($name:expr) => {
if let Ok(s) = std::fs::read_to_string("/proc/self/status") {
for l in s.lines() {
let mut fields = l.split_whitespace();
if == Some("Seccomp:") && != Some("0")
skip!("{} cannot be run in Seccomp mode. Skipping test.",
} else if #[cfg(not(target_os = "redox"))] {
#[macro_export] macro_rules! skip_if_seccomp {
($name:expr) => {}
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] {
#[macro_export] macro_rules! require_kernel_version {
($name:expr, $version_requirement:expr) => {
use semver::{Version, VersionReq};
let version_requirement = VersionReq::parse($version_requirement)
.expect("Bad match_version provided");
let uname = nix::sys::utsname::uname().unwrap();
println!("{}", uname.sysname().to_str().unwrap());
println!("{}", uname.nodename().to_str().unwrap());
println!("{}", uname.release().to_str().unwrap());
println!("{}", uname.version().to_str().unwrap());
println!("{}", uname.machine().to_str().unwrap());
// Fix stuff that the semver parser can't handle
let fixed_release = &uname.release().to_str().unwrap().to_string()
// Fedora 33 reports version as 4.18.el8_2.x86_64 or
// 5.18.200-fc33.x86_64. Remove the underscore.
.replace("_", "-")
// Cirrus-CI reports version as 4.19.112+ . Remove the +
.replace("+", "");
let mut version = Version::parse(fixed_release).unwrap();
//Keep only numeric parts
version.pre = semver::Prerelease::EMPTY; = semver::BuildMetadata::EMPTY;
if !version_requirement.matches(&version) {
skip!("Skip {} because kernel version `{}` doesn't match the requirement `{}`",
stringify!($name), version, version_requirement);