blob: f908b02088eb46efb507556cb21d573f392be4f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
// (online at: ).
use crate::parser::{ParserError, SubtagIterator};
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::ops::RangeInclusive;
use core::str::FromStr;
use tinystr::TinyAsciiStr;
/// A value used in a list of [`Fields`](super::Fields).
/// The value has to be a sequence of one or more alphanumerical strings
/// separated by `-`.
/// Each part of the sequence has to be no shorter than three characters and no
/// longer than 8.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use icu::locid::extensions::transform::Value;
/// "hybrid".parse::<Value>().expect("Valid Value.");
/// "hybrid-foobar".parse::<Value>().expect("Valid Value.");
/// "no".parse::<Value>().expect_err("Invalid Value.");
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Default)]
pub struct Value(Vec<TinyAsciiStr<{ *TYPE_LENGTH.end() }>>);
const TYPE_LENGTH: RangeInclusive<usize> = 3..=8;
const TRUE_TVALUE: TinyAsciiStr<8> = tinystr::tinystr!(8, "true");
impl Value {
/// A constructor which takes a utf8 slice, parses it and
/// produces a well-formed [`Value`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use icu::locid::extensions::transform::Value;
/// let value = Value::try_from_bytes(b"hybrid").expect("Parsing failed.");
/// ```
pub fn try_from_bytes(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParserError> {
let mut v = vec![];
let mut has_value = false;
for subtag in SubtagIterator::new(input) {
if !Self::is_type_subtag(subtag) {
return Err(ParserError::InvalidExtension);
has_value = true;
let val =
TinyAsciiStr::from_bytes(subtag).map_err(|_| ParserError::InvalidExtension)?;
if val != TRUE_TVALUE {
if !has_value {
return Err(ParserError::InvalidExtension);
pub(crate) fn from_vec_unchecked(input: Vec<TinyAsciiStr<{ *TYPE_LENGTH.end() }>>) -> Self {
pub(crate) fn is_type_subtag(t: &[u8]) -> bool {
TYPE_LENGTH.contains(&t.len()) && !t.iter().any(|c: &u8| !c.is_ascii_alphanumeric())
pub(crate) fn parse_subtag(
t: &[u8],
) -> Result<Option<TinyAsciiStr<{ *TYPE_LENGTH.end() }>>, ParserError> {
let s = TinyAsciiStr::from_bytes(t).map_err(|_| ParserError::InvalidSubtag)?;
if !TYPE_LENGTH.contains(&t.len()) || !s.is_ascii_alphanumeric() {
return Err(ParserError::InvalidExtension);
let s = s.to_ascii_lowercase();
if s == TRUE_TVALUE {
} else {
pub(crate) fn for_each_subtag_str<E, F>(&self, f: &mut F) -> Result<(), E>
F: FnMut(&str) -> Result<(), E>,
if self.0.is_empty() {
} else {
impl FromStr for Value {
type Err = ParserError;
fn from_str(source: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
impl_writeable_for_each_subtag_str_no_test!(Value, selff, selff.0.is_empty() => alloc::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("true"));
fn test_writeable() {
use writeable::assert_writeable_eq;
let hybrid = "hybrid".parse().unwrap();
let foobar = "foobar".parse().unwrap();
assert_writeable_eq!(Value::default(), "true");
assert_writeable_eq!(Value::from_vec_unchecked(vec![hybrid]), "hybrid");
Value::from_vec_unchecked(vec![hybrid, foobar]),