blob: cde2059ca9b912cbf7dc49dfad20fa78293cd635 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -Ztrait-solver=next
// When we're solving `<T as Foo>::Assoc = i32`, we actually first solve
// `<T as Foo>::Assoc = _#1t`, then unify `_#1t` with `i32`. That goal
// with the inference variable is ambiguous when there are >1 param-env
// candidates.
// We don't unify the RHS of a projection goal eagerly when solving, both
// for caching reasons and partly to make sure that we don't make the new
// trait solver smarter than it should be.
// This is (as far as I can tell) a forwards-compatible decision, but if you
// make this test go from fail to pass, be sure you understand the implications!
trait Foo {
type Assoc;
trait Bar {}
impl<T> Bar for T where T: Foo<Assoc = i32> {}
fn needs_bar<T: Bar>() {}
fn foo<T: Foo<Assoc = i32> + Foo<Assoc = u32>>() {
//~^ ERROR type annotations needed: cannot satisfy `T: Bar`
fn main() {}