blob: 81083c7fbf81f09384aa549cd4c197af4aa8115f [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::env;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::task::Poll;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Context as _};
use ops::FilterRule;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::core::compiler::{DirtyReason, Freshness};
use crate::core::Target;
use crate::core::{Dependency, FeatureValue, Package, PackageId, QueryKind, Source, SourceId};
use crate::ops::{self, CompileFilter, CompileOptions};
use crate::sources::PathSource;
use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
use crate::util::Config;
use crate::util::{FileLock, Filesystem};
/// On-disk tracking for which package installed which binary.
/// v1 is an older style, v2 is a new style that tracks more information, and
/// is both backwards and forwards compatible. Cargo keeps both files in sync,
/// updating both v1 and v2 at the same time. Additionally, if it detects
/// changes in v1 that are not in v2 (such as when an older version of Cargo
/// is used), it will automatically propagate those changes to v2.
/// This maintains a filesystem lock, preventing other instances of Cargo from
/// modifying at the same time. Drop the value to unlock.
/// It is intended that v1 should be retained for a while during a longish
/// transition period, and then v1 can be removed.
pub struct InstallTracker {
v1: CrateListingV1,
v2: CrateListingV2,
v1_lock: FileLock,
v2_lock: FileLock,
/// Tracking information for the set of installed packages.
#[derive(Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct CrateListingV2 {
/// Map of every installed package.
installs: BTreeMap<PackageId, InstallInfo>,
/// Forwards compatibility. Unknown keys from future versions of Cargo
/// will be stored here and retained when the file is saved.
other: BTreeMap<String, serde_json::Value>,
/// Tracking information for the installation of a single package.
/// This tracks the settings that were used when the package was installed.
/// Future attempts to install the same package will check these settings to
/// determine if it needs to be rebuilt/reinstalled. If nothing has changed,
/// then Cargo will inform the user that it is "up to date".
/// This is only used for the v2 format.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct InstallInfo {
/// Version requested via `--version`.
/// None if `--version` not specified. Currently not used, possibly may be
/// used in the future.
version_req: Option<String>,
/// Set of binary names installed.
bins: BTreeSet<String>,
/// Set of features explicitly enabled.
features: BTreeSet<String>,
all_features: bool,
no_default_features: bool,
/// Either "debug" or "release".
profile: String,
/// The installation target.
/// Either the host or the value specified in `--target`.
/// None if unknown (when loading from v1).
target: Option<String>,
/// Output of `rustc -V`.
/// None if unknown (when loading from v1).
/// Currently not used, possibly may be used in the future.
rustc: Option<String>,
/// Forwards compatibility.
other: BTreeMap<String, serde_json::Value>,
/// Tracking information for the set of installed packages.
#[derive(Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct CrateListingV1 {
/// Map of installed package id to the set of binary names for that package.
v1: BTreeMap<PackageId, BTreeSet<String>>,
impl InstallTracker {
/// Create an InstallTracker from information on disk.
pub fn load(config: &Config, root: &Filesystem) -> CargoResult<InstallTracker> {
let v1_lock = root.open_rw(Path::new(".crates.toml"), config, "crate metadata")?;
let v2_lock = root.open_rw(Path::new(".crates2.json"), config, "crate metadata")?;
let v1 = (|| -> CargoResult<_> {
let mut contents = String::new();
v1_lock.file().read_to_string(&mut contents)?;
if contents.is_empty() {
} else {
Ok(toml::from_str(&contents).with_context(|| "invalid TOML found for metadata")?)
.with_context(|| {
"failed to parse crate metadata at `{}`",
let v2 = (|| -> CargoResult<_> {
let mut contents = String::new();
v2_lock.file().read_to_string(&mut contents)?;
let mut v2 = if contents.is_empty() {
} else {
.with_context(|| "invalid JSON found for metadata")?
.with_context(|| {
"failed to parse crate metadata at `{}`",
Ok(InstallTracker {
/// Checks if the given package should be built, and checks if executables
/// already exist in the destination directory.
/// Returns a tuple `(freshness, map)`. `freshness` indicates if the
/// package should be built (`Dirty`) or if it is already up-to-date
/// (`Fresh`) and should be skipped. The map maps binary names to the
/// PackageId that installed it (which is None if not known).
/// If there are no duplicates, then it will be considered `Dirty` (i.e.,
/// it is OK to build/install).
/// `force=true` will always be considered `Dirty` (i.e., it will always
/// be rebuilt/reinstalled).
/// Returns an error if there is a duplicate and `--force` is not used.
pub fn check_upgrade(
dst: &Path,
pkg: &Package,
force: bool,
opts: &CompileOptions,
target: &str,
_rustc: &str,
) -> CargoResult<(Freshness, BTreeMap<String, Option<PackageId>>)> {
let exes = exe_names(pkg, &opts.filter);
// Check if any tracked exe's are already installed.
let duplicates = self.find_duplicates(dst, &exes);
if force || duplicates.is_empty() {
return Ok((Freshness::Dirty(Some(DirtyReason::Forced)), duplicates));
// Check if all duplicates come from packages of the same name. If
// there are duplicates from other packages, then --force will be
// required.
// There may be multiple matching duplicates if different versions of
// the same package installed different binaries.
// This does not check the source_id in order to allow the user to
// switch between different sources. For example, installing from git,
// and then switching to the official release or vice-versa.
// If the source_id were included, then the user would get possibly
// confusing errors like "package `foo 1.0.0` is already installed"
// and the change of source may not be obvious why it fails.
let matching_duplicates: Vec<PackageId> = duplicates
.filter_map(|v| match v {
Some(dupe_pkg_id) if == => Some(*dupe_pkg_id),
_ => None,
// If both sets are the same length, that means all duplicates come
// from packages with the same name.
if matching_duplicates.len() == duplicates.len() {
// Determine if it is dirty or fresh.
let source_id = pkg.package_id().source_id();
if source_id.is_path() {
// `cargo install --path ...` is always rebuilt.
return Ok((Freshness::Dirty(Some(DirtyReason::Forced)), duplicates));
let is_up_to_date = |dupe_pkg_id| {
let info = self
.expect("dupes must be in sync");
let precise_equal = if source_id.is_git() {
// Git sources must have the exact same hash to be
// considered "fresh".
dupe_pkg_id.source_id().precise() == source_id.precise()
} else {
dupe_pkg_id.version() == pkg.version()
&& dupe_pkg_id.source_id() == source_id
&& precise_equal
&& info.is_up_to_date(opts, target, &exes)
if matching_duplicates.iter().all(is_up_to_date) {
Ok((Freshness::Fresh, duplicates))
} else {
Ok((Freshness::Dirty(Some(DirtyReason::Forced)), duplicates))
} else {
// Format the error message.
let mut msg = String::new();
for (bin, p) in duplicates.iter() {
msg.push_str(&format!("binary `{}` already exists in destination", bin));
if let Some(p) = p.as_ref() {
msg.push_str(&format!(" as part of `{}`\n", p));
} else {
msg.push_str("Add --force to overwrite");
bail!("{}", msg);
/// Check if any executables are already installed.
/// Returns a map of duplicates, the key is the executable name and the
/// value is the PackageId that is already installed. The PackageId is
/// None if it is an untracked executable.
fn find_duplicates(
dst: &Path,
exes: &BTreeSet<String>,
) -> BTreeMap<String, Option<PackageId>> {
.filter_map(|name| {
if !dst.join(&name).exists() {
} else {
let p = self.v2.package_for_bin(name);
Some((name.clone(), p))
/// Mark that a package was installed.
pub fn mark_installed(
&mut self,
package: &Package,
bins: &BTreeSet<String>,
version_req: Option<String>,
opts: &CompileOptions,
target: &str,
rustc: &str,
) {
.mark_installed(package, bins, version_req, opts, target, rustc);
self.v1.mark_installed(package, bins);
/// Save tracking information to disk.
pub fn save(&self) -> CargoResult<()> {|| {
"failed to write crate metadata at `{}`",
})?;|| {
"failed to write crate metadata at `{}`",
/// Iterator of all installed binaries.
/// Items are `(pkg_id, bins)` where `bins` is the set of binaries that
/// package installed.
pub fn all_installed_bins(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&PackageId, &BTreeSet<String>)> {
/// Set of binaries installed by a particular package.
/// Returns None if the package is not installed.
pub fn installed_bins(&self, pkg_id: PackageId) -> Option<&BTreeSet<String>> {
/// Remove a package from the tracker.
pub fn remove(&mut self, pkg_id: PackageId, bins: &BTreeSet<String>) {
self.v1.remove(pkg_id, bins);
self.v2.remove(pkg_id, bins);
impl CrateListingV1 {
fn mark_installed(&mut self, pkg: &Package, bins: &BTreeSet<String>) {
// Remove bins from any other packages.
for other_bins in self.v1.values_mut() {
for bin in bins {
// Remove entries where `bins` is empty.
let to_remove = self
.filter_map(|(&p, set)| if set.is_empty() { Some(p) } else { None })
for p in to_remove.iter() {
// Add these bins.
.append(&mut bins.clone());
fn remove(&mut self, pkg_id: PackageId, bins: &BTreeSet<String>) {
let mut installed = match self.v1.entry(pkg_id) {
btree_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => e,
btree_map::Entry::Vacant(..) => panic!("v1 unexpected missing `{}`", pkg_id),
for bin in bins {
if installed.get().is_empty() {
fn save(&self, lock: &FileLock) -> CargoResult<()> {
let mut file = lock.file();;
let data = toml::to_string_pretty(self)?;
impl CrateListingV2 {
/// Incorporate any changes from v1 into self.
/// This handles the initial upgrade to v2, *and* handles the case
/// where v2 is in use, and a v1 update is made, then v2 is used again.
/// i.e., `cargo +new install foo ; cargo +old install bar ; cargo +new install bar`
/// For now, v1 is the source of truth, so its values are trusted over v2.
fn sync_v1(&mut self, v1: &CrateListingV1) {
// Make the `bins` entries the same.
for (pkg_id, bins) in &v1.v1 {
.and_modify(|info| info.bins = bins.clone())
.or_insert_with(|| InstallInfo::from_v1(bins));
// Remove any packages that aren't present in v1.
let to_remove: Vec<_> = self
.filter(|pkg_id| !v1.v1.contains_key(pkg_id))
for pkg_id in to_remove {
fn package_for_bin(&self, bin_name: &str) -> Option<PackageId> {
.find(|(_, info)| info.bins.contains(bin_name))
.map(|(pkg_id, _)| *pkg_id)
fn mark_installed(
&mut self,
pkg: &Package,
bins: &BTreeSet<String>,
version_req: Option<String>,
opts: &CompileOptions,
target: &str,
rustc: &str,
) {
// Remove bins from any other packages.
for info in &mut self.installs.values_mut() {
for bin in bins {
// Remove entries where `bins` is empty.
let to_remove = self
.filter_map(|(&p, info)| if info.bins.is_empty() { Some(p) } else { None })
for p in to_remove.iter() {
// Add these bins.
if let Some(info) = self.installs.get_mut(&pkg.package_id()) {
info.bins.append(&mut bins.clone());
info.version_req = version_req;
info.features = feature_set(&opts.cli_features.features);
info.all_features = opts.cli_features.all_features;
info.no_default_features = !opts.cli_features.uses_default_features;
info.profile = opts.build_config.requested_profile.to_string(); = Some(target.to_string());
info.rustc = Some(rustc.to_string());
} else {
InstallInfo {
bins: bins.clone(),
features: feature_set(&opts.cli_features.features),
all_features: opts.cli_features.all_features,
no_default_features: !opts.cli_features.uses_default_features,
profile: opts.build_config.requested_profile.to_string(),
target: Some(target.to_string()),
rustc: Some(rustc.to_string()),
other: BTreeMap::new(),
fn remove(&mut self, pkg_id: PackageId, bins: &BTreeSet<String>) {
let mut info_entry = match self.installs.entry(pkg_id) {
btree_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => e,
btree_map::Entry::Vacant(..) => panic!("v2 unexpected missing `{}`", pkg_id),
for bin in bins {
if info_entry.get().bins.is_empty() {
fn save(&self, lock: &FileLock) -> CargoResult<()> {
let mut file = lock.file();;
let data = serde_json::to_string(self)?;
impl InstallInfo {
fn from_v1(set: &BTreeSet<String>) -> InstallInfo {
InstallInfo {
version_req: None,
bins: set.clone(),
features: BTreeSet::new(),
all_features: false,
no_default_features: false,
profile: "release".to_string(),
target: None,
rustc: None,
other: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Determine if this installation is "up to date", or if it needs to be reinstalled.
/// This does not do Package/Source/Version checking.
fn is_up_to_date(&self, opts: &CompileOptions, target: &str, exes: &BTreeSet<String>) -> bool {
self.features == feature_set(&opts.cli_features.features)
&& self.all_features == opts.cli_features.all_features
&& self.no_default_features != opts.cli_features.uses_default_features
&& self.profile.as_str() == opts.build_config.requested_profile.as_str()
&& ( || == Some(target))
&& &self.bins == exes
/// Determines the root directory where installation is done.
pub fn resolve_root(flag: Option<&str>, config: &Config) -> CargoResult<Filesystem> {
let config_root = config.get_path("install.root")?;
.or_else(|| config.get_env_os("CARGO_INSTALL_ROOT").map(PathBuf::from))
.or_else(move |||v| v.val))
.unwrap_or_else(|| config.home().clone()))
/// Determines the `PathSource` from a `SourceId`.
pub fn path_source(source_id: SourceId, config: &Config) -> CargoResult<PathSource<'_>> {
let path = source_id
.map_err(|()| format_err!("path sources must have a valid path"))?;
Ok(PathSource::new(&path, source_id, config))
/// Gets a Package based on command-line requirements.
pub fn select_dep_pkg<T>(
source: &mut T,
dep: Dependency,
config: &Config,
needs_update: bool,
) -> CargoResult<Package>
T: Source,
// This operation may involve updating some sources or making a few queries
// which may involve frobbing caches, as a result make sure we synchronize
// with other global Cargos
let _lock = config.acquire_package_cache_lock()?;
if needs_update {
let deps = loop {
match source.query_vec(&dep, QueryKind::Exact)? {
Poll::Ready(deps) => break deps,
Poll::Pending => source.block_until_ready()?,
match deps.iter().map(|p| p.package_id()).max() {
Some(pkgid) => {
let pkg = Box::new(source).download_now(pkgid, config)?;
None => {
let is_yanked: bool = if dep.version_req().is_exact() {
let version: String = dep.version_req().to_string();
if let Ok(pkg_id) =
PackageId::new(dep.package_name(), &version[1..], source.source_id())
loop {
match source.is_yanked(pkg_id) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(is_yanked)) => break is_yanked,
Poll::Ready(Err(_)) => break false,
Poll::Pending => source.block_until_ready()?,
} else {
} else {
if is_yanked {
"cannot install package `{}`, it has been yanked from {}",
} else {
"could not find `{}` in {} with version `{}`",
pub fn select_pkg<T, F>(
source: &mut T,
dep: Option<Dependency>,
mut list_all: F,
config: &Config,
) -> CargoResult<Package>
T: Source,
F: FnMut(&mut T) -> CargoResult<Vec<Package>>,
// This operation may involve updating some sources or making a few queries
// which may involve frobbing caches, as a result make sure we synchronize
// with other global Cargos
let _lock = config.acquire_package_cache_lock()?;
return if let Some(dep) = dep {
select_dep_pkg(source, dep, config, false)
} else {
let candidates = list_all(source)?;
let binaries = candidates
.filter(|cand| cand.targets().iter().filter(|t| t.is_bin()).count() > 0);
let examples = candidates
.filter(|cand| cand.targets().iter().filter(|t| t.is_example()).count() > 0);
let pkg = match one(binaries, |v| multi_err("binaries", v))? {
Some(p) => p,
None => match one(examples, |v| multi_err("examples", v))? {
Some(p) => p,
None => bail!(
"no packages found with binaries or \
fn multi_err(kind: &str, mut pkgs: Vec<&Package>) -> String {
"multiple packages with {} found: {}. When installing a git repository, \
cargo will always search the entire repo for any Cargo.toml. \
Please specify which to install.",
.join(", ")
/// Get one element from the iterator.
/// Returns None if none left.
/// Returns error if there is more than one item in the iterator.
fn one<I, F>(mut i: I, f: F) -> CargoResult<Option<I::Item>>
I: Iterator,
F: FnOnce(Vec<I::Item>) -> String,
match (, {
(Some(i1), Some(i2)) => {
let mut v = vec![i1, i2];
Err(format_err!("{}", f(v)))
(Some(i), None) => Ok(Some(i)),
(None, _) => Ok(None),
/// Helper to convert features to a BTreeSet.
fn feature_set(features: &Rc<BTreeSet<FeatureValue>>) -> BTreeSet<String> {
features.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect()
/// Helper to get the executable names from a filter.
pub fn exe_names(pkg: &Package, filter: &ops::CompileFilter) -> BTreeSet<String> {
let to_exe = |name| format!("{}{}", name, env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX);
match filter {
CompileFilter::Default { .. } => pkg
.filter(|t| t.is_bin())
.map(|t| to_exe(
CompileFilter::Only {
all_targets: true, ..
} => pkg
.filter(|target| target.is_executable())
.map(|target| to_exe(
CompileFilter::Only {
ref bins,
ref examples,
} => {
let collect = |rule: &_, f: fn(&Target) -> _| match rule {
FilterRule::All => pkg
.filter(|t| f(t))
FilterRule::Just(targets) => targets.clone(),
let all_bins = collect(bins, Target::is_bin);
let all_examples = collect(examples, Target::is_exe_example);
.map(|name| to_exe(name))