blob: e47ae07f84405bfe1369d3ca994a5142e231214c [file] [log] [blame]
//! # Fingerprints
//! This module implements change-tracking so that Cargo can know whether or
//! not something needs to be recompiled. A Cargo [`Unit`] can be either "dirty"
//! (needs to be recompiled) or "fresh" (it does not need to be recompiled).
//! There are several mechanisms that influence a Unit's freshness:
//! - The [`Fingerprint`] is a hash, saved to the filesystem in the
//! `.fingerprint` directory, that tracks information about the Unit. If the
//! fingerprint is missing (such as the first time the unit is being
//! compiled), then the unit is dirty. If any of the fingerprint fields
//! change (like the name of the source file), then the Unit is considered
//! dirty.
//! The `Fingerprint` also tracks the fingerprints of all its dependencies,
//! so a change in a dependency will propagate the "dirty" status up.
//! - Filesystem mtime tracking is also used to check if a unit is dirty.
//! See the section below on "Mtime comparison" for more details. There
//! are essentially two parts to mtime tracking:
//! 1. The mtime of a Unit's output files is compared to the mtime of all
//! its dependencies' output file mtimes (see
//! [`check_filesystem`]). If any output is missing, or is
//! older than a dependency's output, then the unit is dirty.
//! 2. The mtime of a Unit's source files is compared to the mtime of its
//! dep-info file in the fingerprint directory (see [`find_stale_file`]).
//! The dep-info file is used as an anchor to know when the last build of
//! the unit was done. See the "dep-info files" section below for more
//! details. If any input files are missing, or are newer than the
//! dep-info, then the unit is dirty.
//! Note: Fingerprinting is not a perfect solution. Filesystem mtime tracking
//! is notoriously imprecise and problematic. Only a small part of the
//! environment is captured. This is a balance of performance, simplicity, and
//! completeness. Sandboxing, hashing file contents, tracking every file
//! access, environment variable, and network operation would ensure more
//! reliable and reproducible builds at the cost of being complex, slow, and
//! platform-dependent.
//! ## Fingerprints and Metadata
//! The [`Metadata`] hash is a hash added to the output filenames to isolate
//! each unit. See its documentationfor more details.
//! NOTE: Not all output files are isolated via filename hashes (like dylibs).
//! The fingerprint directory uses a hash, but sometimes units share the same
//! fingerprint directory (when they don't have Metadata) so care should be
//! taken to handle this!
//! Fingerprints and Metadata are similar, and track some of the same things.
//! The Metadata contains information that is required to keep Units separate.
//! The Fingerprint includes additional information that should cause a
//! recompile, but it is desired to reuse the same filenames. A comparison
//! of what is tracked:
//! Value | Fingerprint | Metadata
//! -------------------------------------------|-------------|----------
//! rustc | ✓ | ✓
//! [`Profile`] | ✓ | ✓
//! `cargo rustc` extra args | ✓ | ✓
//! [`CompileMode`] | ✓ | ✓
//! Target Name | ✓ | ✓
//! TargetKind (bin/lib/etc.) | ✓ | ✓
//! Enabled Features | ✓ | ✓
//! Immediate dependency’s hashes | ✓[^1] | ✓
//! [`CompileKind`] (host/target) | ✓ | ✓
//! package_id | | ✓
//! authors, description, homepage, repo | ✓ |
//! Target src path relative to ws | ✓ |
//! Target flags (test/bench/for_host/edition) | ✓ |
//! -C incremental=… flag | ✓ |
//! mtime of sources | ✓[^3] |
//! [`Lto`] flags | ✓ | ✓
//! config settings[^5] | ✓ |
//! is_std | | ✓
//! [^1]: Build script and bin dependencies are not included.
//! [^3]: See below for details on mtime tracking.
//! [^4]: `__CARGO_DEFAULT_LIB_METADATA` is set by rustbuild to embed the
//! release channel (bootstrap/stable/beta/nightly) in libstd.
//! [^5]: Config settings that are not otherwise captured anywhere else.
//! Currently, this is only `doc.extern-map`.
//! When deciding what should go in the Metadata vs the Fingerprint, consider
//! that some files (like dylibs) do not have a hash in their filename. Thus,
//! if a value changes, only the fingerprint will detect the change (consider,
//! for example, swapping between different features). Fields that are only in
//! Metadata generally aren't relevant to the fingerprint because they
//! fundamentally change the output (like target vs host changes the directory
//! where it is emitted).
//! ## Fingerprint files
//! Fingerprint information is stored in the
//! `target/{debug,release}/.fingerprint/` directory. Each Unit is stored in a
//! separate directory. Each Unit directory contains:
//! - A file with a 16 hex-digit hash. This is the Fingerprint hash, used for
//! quick loading and comparison.
//! - A `.json` file that contains details about the Fingerprint. This is only
//! used to log details about *why* a fingerprint is considered dirty.
//! `CARGO_LOG=cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint=trace cargo build` can be
//! used to display this log information.
//! - A "dep-info" file which is a translation of rustc's `*.d` dep-info files
//! to a Cargo-specific format that tweaks file names and is optimized for
//! reading quickly.
//! - An `invoked.timestamp` file whose filesystem mtime is updated every time
//! the Unit is built. This is used for capturing the time when the build
//! starts, to detect if files are changed in the middle of the build. See
//! below for more details.
//! Note that some units are a little different. A Unit for *running* a build
//! script or for `rustdoc` does not have a dep-info file (it's not
//! applicable). Build script `invoked.timestamp` files are in the build
//! output directory.
//! ## Fingerprint calculation
//! After the list of Units has been calculated, the Units are added to the
//! [`JobQueue`]. As each one is added, the fingerprint is calculated, and the
//! dirty/fresh status is recorded. A closure is used to update the fingerprint
//! on-disk when the Unit successfully finishes. The closure will recompute the
//! Fingerprint based on the updated information. If the Unit fails to compile,
//! the fingerprint is not updated.
//! Fingerprints are cached in the [`Context`]. This makes computing
//! Fingerprints faster, but also is necessary for properly updating
//! dependency information. Since a Fingerprint includes the Fingerprints of
//! all dependencies, when it is updated, by using `Arc` clones, it
//! automatically picks up the updates to its dependencies.
//! ### dep-info files
//! Cargo has several kinds of "dep info" files:
//! * dep-info files generated by `rustc`.
//! * Fingerprint dep-info files translated from the first one.
//! * dep-info for external build system integration.
//! * Unstable `-Zbinary-dep-depinfo`.
//! #### `rustc` dep-info files
//! Cargo passes the `--emit=dep-info` flag to `rustc` so that `rustc` will
//! generate a "dep info" file (with the `.d` extension). This is a
//! Makefile-like syntax that includes all of the source files used to build
//! the crate. This file is used by Cargo to know which files to check to see
//! if the crate will need to be rebuilt. Example:
//! ```makefile
//! /path/to/target/debug/deps/cargo-b6219d178925203d: src/bin/ src/bin/cargo/ # … etc.
//! ```
//! #### Fingerprint dep-info files
//! After `rustc` exits successfully, Cargo will read the first kind of dep
//! info file and translate it into a binary format that is stored in the
//! fingerprint directory ([`translate_dep_info`]).
//! These are used to quickly scan for any changed files. The mtime of the
//! fingerprint dep-info file itself is used as the reference for comparing the
//! source files to determine if any of the source files have been modified
//! (see [below](#mtime-comparison) for more detail).
//! Note that Cargo parses the special `# env-var:...` comments in dep-info
//! files to learn about environment variables that the rustc compile depends on.
//! Cargo then later uses this to trigger a recompile if a referenced env var
//! changes (even if the source didn't change).
//! #### dep-info files for build system integration.
//! There is also a third dep-info file. Cargo will extend the file created by
//! rustc with some additional information and saves this into the output
//! directory. This is intended for build system integration. See the
//! [`output_depinfo`] function for more detail.
//! #### -Zbinary-dep-depinfo
//! `rustc` has an experimental flag `-Zbinary-dep-depinfo`. This causes
//! `rustc` to include binary files (like rlibs) in the dep-info file. This is
//! primarily to support rustc development, so that Cargo can check the
//! implicit dependency to the standard library (which lives in the sysroot).
//! We want Cargo to recompile whenever the standard library rlib/dylibs
//! change, and this is a generic mechanism to make that work.
//! ### Mtime comparison
//! The use of modification timestamps is the most common way a unit will be
//! determined to be dirty or fresh between builds. There are many subtle
//! issues and edge cases with mtime comparisons. This gives a high-level
//! overview, but you'll need to read the code for the gritty details. Mtime
//! handling is different for different unit kinds. The different styles are
//! driven by the [`Fingerprint::local`] field, which is set based on the unit
//! kind.
//! The status of whether or not the mtime is "stale" or "up-to-date" is
//! stored in [`Fingerprint::fs_status`].
//! All units will compare the mtime of its newest output file with the mtimes
//! of the outputs of all its dependencies. If any output file is missing,
//! then the unit is stale. If any dependency is newer, the unit is stale.
//! #### Normal package mtime handling
//! [`LocalFingerprint::CheckDepInfo`] is used for checking the mtime of
//! packages. It compares the mtime of the input files (the source files) to
//! the mtime of the dep-info file (which is written last after a build is
//! finished). If the dep-info is missing, the unit is stale (it has never
//! been built). The list of input files comes from the dep-info file. See the
//! section above for details on dep-info files.
//! Also note that although registry and git packages use [`CheckDepInfo`], none
//! of their source files are included in the dep-info (see
//! [`translate_dep_info`]), so for those kinds no mtime checking is done
//! (unless `-Zbinary-dep-depinfo` is used). Repository and git packages are
//! static, so there is no need to check anything.
//! When a build is complete, the mtime of the dep-info file in the
//! fingerprint directory is modified to rewind it to the time when the build
//! started. This is done by creating an `invoked.timestamp` file when the
//! build starts to capture the start time. The mtime is rewound to the start
//! to handle the case where the user modifies a source file while a build is
//! running. Cargo can't know whether or not the file was included in the
//! build, so it takes a conservative approach of assuming the file was *not*
//! included, and it should be rebuilt during the next build.
//! #### Rustdoc mtime handling
//! Rustdoc does not emit a dep-info file, so Cargo currently has a relatively
//! simple system for detecting rebuilds. [`LocalFingerprint::Precalculated`] is
//! used for rustdoc units. For registry packages, this is the package
//! version. For git packages, it is the git hash. For path packages, it is
//! the a string of the mtime of the newest file in the package.
//! There are some known bugs with how this works, so it should be improved at
//! some point.
//! #### Build script mtime handling
//! Build script mtime handling runs in different modes. There is the "old
//! style" where the build script does not emit any `rerun-if` directives. In
//! this mode, Cargo will use [`LocalFingerprint::Precalculated`]. See the
//! "rustdoc" section above how it works.
//! In the new-style, each `rerun-if` directive is translated to the
//! corresponding [`LocalFingerprint`] variant. The [`RerunIfChanged`] variant
//! compares the mtime of the given filenames against the mtime of the
//! "output" file.
//! Similar to normal units, the build script "output" file mtime is rewound
//! to the time just before the build script is executed to handle mid-build
//! modifications.
//! ## Considerations for inclusion in a fingerprint
//! Over time we've realized a few items which historically were included in
//! fingerprint hashings should not actually be included. Examples are:
//! * Modification time values. We strive to never include a modification time
//! inside a `Fingerprint` to get hashed into an actual value. While
//! theoretically fine to do, in practice this causes issues with common
//! applications like Docker. Docker, after a layer is built, will zero out
//! the nanosecond part of all filesystem modification times. This means that
//! the actual modification time is different for all build artifacts, which
//! if we tracked the actual values of modification times would cause
//! unnecessary recompiles. To fix this we instead only track paths which are
//! relevant. These paths are checked dynamically to see if they're up to
//! date, and the modification time doesn't make its way into the fingerprint
//! hash.
//! * Absolute path names. We strive to maintain a property where if you rename
//! a project directory Cargo will continue to preserve all build artifacts
//! and reuse the cache. This means that we can't ever hash an absolute path
//! name. Instead we always hash relative path names and the "root" is passed
//! in at runtime dynamically. Some of this is best effort, but the general
//! idea is that we assume all accesses within a crate stay within that
//! crate.
//! These are pretty tricky to test for unfortunately, but we should have a good
//! test suite nowadays and lord knows Cargo gets enough testing in the wild!
//! ## Build scripts
//! The *running* of a build script ([`CompileMode::RunCustomBuild`]) is treated
//! significantly different than all other Unit kinds. It has its own function
//! for calculating the Fingerprint ([`calculate_run_custom_build`]) and has some
//! unique considerations. It does not track the same information as a normal
//! Unit. The information tracked depends on the `rerun-if-changed` and
//! `rerun-if-env-changed` statements produced by the build script. If the
//! script does not emit either of these statements, the Fingerprint runs in
//! "old style" mode where an mtime change of *any* file in the package will
//! cause the build script to be re-run. Otherwise, the fingerprint *only*
//! tracks the individual "rerun-if" items listed by the build script.
//! The "rerun-if" statements from a *previous* build are stored in the build
//! output directory in a file called `output`. Cargo parses this file when
//! the Unit for that build script is prepared for the [`JobQueue`]. The
//! Fingerprint code can then use that information to compute the Fingerprint
//! and compare against the old fingerprint hash.
//! Care must be taken with build script Fingerprints because the
//! [`Fingerprint::local`] value may be changed after the build script runs
//! (such as if the build script adds or removes "rerun-if" items).
//! Another complication is if a build script is overridden. In that case, the
//! fingerprint is the hash of the output of the override.
//! ## Special considerations
//! Registry dependencies do not track the mtime of files. This is because
//! registry dependencies are not expected to change (if a new version is
//! used, the Package ID will change, causing a rebuild). Cargo currently
//! partially works with Docker caching. When a Docker image is built, it has
//! normal mtime information. However, when a step is cached, the nanosecond
//! portions of all files is zeroed out. Currently this works, but care must
//! be taken for situations like these.
//! HFS on macOS only supports 1 second timestamps. This causes a significant
//! number of problems, particularly with Cargo's testsuite which does rapid
//! builds in succession. Other filesystems have various degrees of
//! resolution.
//! Various weird filesystems (such as network filesystems) also can cause
//! complications. Network filesystems may track the time on the server
//! (except when the time is set manually such as with
//! `filetime::set_file_times`). Not all filesystems support modifying the
//! mtime.
//! See the [`A-rebuild-detection`] label on the issue tracker for more.
//! [`check_filesystem`]: Fingerprint::check_filesystem
//! [`Metadata`]: crate::core::compiler::Metadata
//! [`Profile`]: crate::core::profiles::Profile
//! [`CompileMode`]: crate::core::compiler::CompileMode
//! [`Lto`]: crate::core::compiler::Lto
//! [`CompileKind`]: crate::core::compiler::CompileKind
//! [`JobQueue`]: super::job_queue::JobQueue
//! [`output_depinfo`]: super::output_depinfo()
//! [`CheckDepInfo`]: LocalFingerprint::CheckDepInfo
//! [`RerunIfChanged`]: LocalFingerprint::RerunIfChanged
//! [`CompileMode::RunCustomBuild`]: crate::core::compiler::CompileMode::RunCustomBuild
//! [`A-rebuild-detection`]:
mod dirty_reason;
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap};
use std::env;
use std::hash::{self, Hash, Hasher};
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::SystemTime;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Context as _};
use cargo_util::{paths, ProcessBuilder};
use filetime::FileTime;
use log::{debug, info};
use serde::de;
use serde::ser;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::core::compiler::unit_graph::UnitDep;
use crate::core::Package;
use crate::util;
use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
use crate::util::{internal, path_args, profile, StableHasher};
use crate::{Config, CARGO_ENV};
use super::custom_build::BuildDeps;
use super::{BuildContext, Context, FileFlavor, Job, Unit, Work};
pub use dirty_reason::DirtyReason;
/// Determines if a [`Unit`] is up-to-date, and if not prepares necessary work to
/// update the persisted fingerprint.
/// This function will inspect `Unit`, calculate a fingerprint for it, and then
/// return an appropriate [`Job`] to run. The returned `Job` will be a noop if
/// `unit` is considered "fresh", or if it was previously built and cached.
/// Otherwise the `Job` returned will write out the true fingerprint to the
/// filesystem, to be executed after the unit's work has completed.
/// The `force` flag is a way to force the `Job` to be "dirty", or always
/// update the fingerprint. **Beware using this flag** because it does not
/// transitively propagate throughout the dependency graph, it only forces this
/// one unit which is very unlikely to be what you want unless you're
/// exclusively talking about top-level units.
pub fn prepare_target(cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>, unit: &Unit, force: bool) -> CargoResult<Job> {
let _p = profile::start(format!(
"fingerprint: {} / {}",
let bcx = cx.bcx;
let loc = cx.files().fingerprint_file_path(unit, "");
debug!("fingerprint at: {}", loc.display());
// Figure out if this unit is up to date. After calculating the fingerprint
// compare it to an old version, if any, and attempt to print diagnostic
// information about failed comparisons to aid in debugging.
let fingerprint = calculate(cx, unit)?;
let mtime_on_use = cx.bcx.config.cli_unstable().mtime_on_use;
let compare = compare_old_fingerprint(&loc, &*fingerprint, mtime_on_use);
log_compare(unit, &compare);
// If our comparison failed or reported dirty (e.g., we're going to trigger
// a rebuild of this crate), then we also ensure the source of the crate
// passes all verification checks before we build it.
// The `Source::verify` method is intended to allow sources to execute
// pre-build checks to ensure that the relevant source code is all
// up-to-date and as expected. This is currently used primarily for
// directory sources which will use this hook to perform an integrity check
// on all files in the source to ensure they haven't changed. If they have
// changed then an error is issued.
if compare
.map(|dirty| dirty.is_some())
let source_id = unit.pkg.package_id().source_id();
let sources = bcx.packages.sources();
let source = sources
.ok_or_else(|| internal("missing package source"))?;
let dirty_reason = match compare {
Ok(None) => {
if force {
} else {
return Ok(Job::new_fresh());
Ok(reason) => reason,
Err(_) => None,
// Clear out the old fingerprint file if it exists. This protects when
// compilation is interrupted leaving a corrupt file. For example, a
// project with a and integration test (two units):
// 1. Build the library and integration test.
// 2. Make a change to (NOT the integration test).
// 3. Build the integration test, hit Ctrl-C while linking. With gcc, this
// will leave behind an incomplete executable (zero size, or partially
// written). NOTE: The library builds successfully, it is the linking
// of the integration test that we are interrupting.
// 4. Build the integration test again.
// Without the following line, then step 3 will leave a valid fingerprint
// on the disk. Then step 4 will think the integration test is "fresh"
// because:
// - There is a valid fingerprint hash on disk (written in step 1).
// - The mtime of the output file (the corrupt integration executable
// written in step 3) is newer than all of its dependencies.
// - The mtime of the integration test fingerprint dep-info file (written
// in step 1) is newer than the integration test's source files, because
// we haven't modified any of its source files.
// But the executable is corrupt and needs to be rebuilt. Clearing the
// fingerprint at step 3 ensures that Cargo never mistakes a partially
// written output as up-to-date.
if loc.exists() {
// Truncate instead of delete so that compare_old_fingerprint will
// still log the reason for the fingerprint failure instead of just
// reporting "failed to read fingerprint" during the next build if
// this build fails.
paths::write(&loc, b"")?;
let write_fingerprint = if unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
// For build scripts the `local` field of the fingerprint may change
// while we're executing it. For example it could be in the legacy
// "consider everything a dependency mode" and then we switch to "deps
// are explicitly specified" mode.
// To handle this movement we need to regenerate the `local` field of a
// build script's fingerprint after it's executed. We do this by
// using the `build_script_local_fingerprints` function which returns a
// thunk we can invoke on a foreign thread to calculate this.
let build_script_outputs = Arc::clone(&cx.build_script_outputs);
let metadata = cx.get_run_build_script_metadata(unit);
let (gen_local, _overridden) = build_script_local_fingerprints(cx, unit);
let output_path = cx.build_explicit_deps[unit].build_script_output.clone();
Work::new(move |_| {
let outputs = build_script_outputs.lock().unwrap();
let output = outputs
.expect("output must exist after running");
let deps = BuildDeps::new(&output_path, Some(output));
// FIXME: it's basically buggy that we pass `None` to `call_box`
// here. See documentation on `build_script_local_fingerprints`
// below for more information. Despite this just try to proceed and
// hobble along if it happens to return `Some`.
if let Some(new_local) = (gen_local)(&deps, None)? {
*fingerprint.local.lock().unwrap() = new_local;
write_fingerprint(&loc, &fingerprint)
} else {
Work::new(move |_| write_fingerprint(&loc, &fingerprint))
Ok(Job::new_dirty(write_fingerprint, dirty_reason))
/// Dependency edge information for fingerprints. This is generated for each
/// dependency and is stored in a [`Fingerprint`].
struct DepFingerprint {
/// The hash of the package id that this dependency points to
pkg_id: u64,
/// The crate name we're using for this dependency, which if we change we'll
/// need to recompile!
name: InternedString,
/// Whether or not this dependency is flagged as a public dependency or not.
public: bool,
/// Whether or not this dependency is an rmeta dependency or a "full"
/// dependency. In the case of an rmeta dependency our dependency edge only
/// actually requires the rmeta from what we depend on, so when checking
/// mtime information all files other than the rmeta can be ignored.
only_requires_rmeta: bool,
/// The dependency's fingerprint we recursively point to, containing all the
/// other hash information we'd otherwise need.
fingerprint: Arc<Fingerprint>,
/// A fingerprint can be considered to be a "short string" representing the
/// state of a world for a package.
/// If a fingerprint ever changes, then the package itself needs to be
/// recompiled. Inputs to the fingerprint include source code modifications,
/// compiler flags, compiler version, etc. This structure is not simply a
/// `String` due to the fact that some fingerprints cannot be calculated lazily.
/// Path sources, for example, use the mtime of the corresponding dep-info file
/// as a fingerprint (all source files must be modified *before* this mtime).
/// This dep-info file is not generated, however, until after the crate is
/// compiled. As a result, this structure can be thought of as a fingerprint
/// to-be. The actual value can be calculated via `hash_u64()`, but the operation
/// may fail as some files may not have been generated.
/// Note that dependencies are taken into account for fingerprints because rustc
/// requires that whenever an upstream crate is recompiled that all downstream
/// dependents are also recompiled. This is typically tracked through
/// `DependencyQueue`, but it also needs to be retained here because Cargo can
/// be interrupted while executing, losing the state of the `DependencyQueue`
/// graph.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Fingerprint {
/// Hash of the version of `rustc` used.
rustc: u64,
/// Sorted list of cfg features enabled.
features: String,
/// Hash of the `Target` struct, including the target name,
/// package-relative source path, edition, etc.
target: u64,
/// Hash of the [`Profile`], [`CompileMode`], and any extra flags passed via
/// `cargo rustc` or `cargo rustdoc`.
/// [`Profile`]: crate::core::profiles::Profile
/// [`CompileMode`]: crate::core::compiler::CompileMode
profile: u64,
/// Hash of the path to the base source file. This is relative to the
/// workspace root for path members, or absolute for other sources.
path: u64,
/// Fingerprints of dependencies.
deps: Vec<DepFingerprint>,
/// Information about the inputs that affect this Unit (such as source
/// file mtimes or build script environment variables).
local: Mutex<Vec<LocalFingerprint>>,
/// Cached hash of the [`Fingerprint`] struct. Used to improve performance
/// for hashing.
memoized_hash: Mutex<Option<u64>>,
/// RUSTFLAGS/RUSTDOCFLAGS environment variable value (or config value).
rustflags: Vec<String>,
/// Hash of some metadata from the manifest, such as "authors", or
/// "description", which are exposed as environment variables during
/// compilation.
metadata: u64,
/// Hash of various config settings that change how things are compiled.
config: u64,
/// The rustc target. This is only relevant for `.json` files, otherwise
/// the metadata hash segregates the units.
compile_kind: u64,
/// Description of whether the filesystem status for this unit is up to date
/// or should be considered stale.
fs_status: FsStatus,
/// Files, relative to `target_root`, that are produced by the step that
/// this `Fingerprint` represents. This is used to detect when the whole
/// fingerprint is out of date if this is missing, or if previous
/// fingerprints output files are regenerated and look newer than this one.
outputs: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Indication of the status on the filesystem for a particular unit.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub enum FsStatus {
/// This unit is to be considered stale, even if hash information all
/// matches.
/// File system inputs have changed (or are missing), or there were
/// changes to the environment variables that affect this unit. See
/// the variants of [`StaleItem`] for more information.
/// A dependency was stale.
StaleDependency {
name: InternedString,
dep_mtime: FileTime,
max_mtime: FileTime,
/// A dependency was stale.
StaleDepFingerprint { name: InternedString },
/// This unit is up-to-date. All outputs and their corresponding mtime are
/// listed in the payload here for other dependencies to compare against.
UpToDate { mtimes: HashMap<PathBuf, FileTime> },
impl FsStatus {
fn up_to_date(&self) -> bool {
match self {
FsStatus::UpToDate { .. } => true,
| FsStatus::StaleItem(_)
| FsStatus::StaleDependency { .. }
| FsStatus::StaleDepFingerprint { .. } => false,
impl Serialize for DepFingerprint {
fn serialize<S>(&self, ser: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: ser::Serializer,
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for DepFingerprint {
fn deserialize<D>(d: D) -> Result<DepFingerprint, D::Error>
D: de::Deserializer<'de>,
let (pkg_id, name, public, hash) = <(u64, String, bool, u64)>::deserialize(d)?;
Ok(DepFingerprint {
name: InternedString::new(&name),
fingerprint: Arc::new(Fingerprint {
memoized_hash: Mutex::new(Some(hash)),
// This field is never read since it's only used in
// `check_filesystem` which isn't used by fingerprints loaded from
// disk.
only_requires_rmeta: false,
/// A `LocalFingerprint` represents something that we use to detect direct
/// changes to a `Fingerprint`.
/// This is where we track file information, env vars, etc. This
/// `LocalFingerprint` struct is hashed and if the hash changes will force a
/// recompile of any fingerprint it's included into. Note that the "local"
/// terminology comes from the fact that it only has to do with one crate, and
/// `Fingerprint` tracks the transitive propagation of fingerprint changes.
/// Note that because this is hashed its contents are carefully managed. Like
/// mentioned in the above module docs, we don't want to hash absolute paths or
/// mtime information.
/// Also note that a `LocalFingerprint` is used in `check_filesystem` to detect
/// when the filesystem contains stale information (based on mtime currently).
/// The paths here don't change much between compilations but they're used as
/// inputs when we probe the filesystem looking at information.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
enum LocalFingerprint {
/// This is a precalculated fingerprint which has an opaque string we just
/// hash as usual. This variant is primarily used for rustdoc where we
/// don't have a dep-info file to compare against.
/// This is also used for build scripts with no `rerun-if-*` statements, but
/// that's overall a mistake and causes bugs in Cargo. We shouldn't use this
/// for build scripts.
/// This is used for crate compilations. The `dep_info` file is a relative
/// path anchored at `target_root(...)` to the dep-info file that Cargo
/// generates (which is a custom serialization after parsing rustc's own
/// `dep-info` output).
/// The `dep_info` file, when present, also lists a number of other files
/// for us to look at. If any of those files are newer than this file then
/// we need to recompile.
CheckDepInfo { dep_info: PathBuf },
/// This represents a nonempty set of `rerun-if-changed` annotations printed
/// out by a build script. The `output` file is a relative file anchored at
/// `target_root(...)` which is the actual output of the build script. That
/// output has already been parsed and the paths printed out via
/// `rerun-if-changed` are listed in `paths`. The `paths` field is relative
/// to `pkg.root()`
/// This is considered up-to-date if all of the `paths` are older than
/// `output`, otherwise we need to recompile.
RerunIfChanged {
output: PathBuf,
paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// This represents a single `rerun-if-env-changed` annotation printed by a
/// build script. The exact env var and value are hashed here. There's no
/// filesystem dependence here, and if the values are changed the hash will
/// change forcing a recompile.
RerunIfEnvChanged { var: String, val: Option<String> },
/// See [`FsStatus::StaleItem`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum StaleItem {
ChangedFile {
reference: PathBuf,
reference_mtime: FileTime,
stale: PathBuf,
stale_mtime: FileTime,
ChangedEnv {
var: String,
previous: Option<String>,
current: Option<String>,
impl LocalFingerprint {
/// Checks dynamically at runtime if this `LocalFingerprint` has a stale
/// item inside of it.
/// The main purpose of this function is to handle two different ways
/// fingerprints can be invalidated:
/// * One is a dependency listed in rustc's dep-info files is invalid. Note
/// that these could either be env vars or files. We check both here.
/// * Another is the `rerun-if-changed` directive from build scripts. This
/// is where we'll find whether files have actually changed
fn find_stale_item(
mtime_cache: &mut HashMap<PathBuf, FileTime>,
pkg_root: &Path,
target_root: &Path,
cargo_exe: &Path,
config: &Config,
) -> CargoResult<Option<StaleItem>> {
match self {
// We need to parse `dep_info`, learn about the crate's dependencies.
// For each env var we see if our current process's env var still
// matches, and for each file we see if any of them are newer than
// the `dep_info` file itself whose mtime represents the start of
// rustc.
LocalFingerprint::CheckDepInfo { dep_info } => {
let dep_info = target_root.join(dep_info);
let info = match parse_dep_info(pkg_root, target_root, &dep_info)? {
Some(info) => info,
None => return Ok(Some(StaleItem::MissingFile(dep_info))),
for (key, previous) in info.env.iter() {
let current = if key == CARGO_ENV {
.ok_or_else(|| {
"cargo exe path {} must be valid UTF-8",
} else {
if current == *previous {
return Ok(Some(StaleItem::ChangedEnv {
var: key.clone(),
previous: previous.clone(),
Ok(find_stale_file(mtime_cache, &dep_info, info.files.iter()))
// We need to verify that no paths listed in `paths` are newer than
// the `output` path itself, or the last time the build script ran.
LocalFingerprint::RerunIfChanged { output, paths } => Ok(find_stale_file(
paths.iter().map(|p| pkg_root.join(p)),
// These have no dependencies on the filesystem, and their values
// are included natively in the `Fingerprint` hash so nothing
// tocheck for here.
LocalFingerprint::RerunIfEnvChanged { .. } => Ok(None),
LocalFingerprint::Precalculated(..) => Ok(None),
fn kind(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
LocalFingerprint::Precalculated(..) => "precalculated",
LocalFingerprint::CheckDepInfo { .. } => "dep-info",
LocalFingerprint::RerunIfChanged { .. } => "rerun-if-changed",
LocalFingerprint::RerunIfEnvChanged { .. } => "rerun-if-env-changed",
impl Fingerprint {
fn new() -> Fingerprint {
Fingerprint {
rustc: 0,
target: 0,
profile: 0,
path: 0,
features: String::new(),
deps: Vec::new(),
local: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
memoized_hash: Mutex::new(None),
rustflags: Vec::new(),
metadata: 0,
config: 0,
compile_kind: 0,
fs_status: FsStatus::Stale,
outputs: Vec::new(),
/// For performance reasons fingerprints will memoize their own hash, but
/// there's also internal mutability with its `local` field which can
/// change, for example with build scripts, during a build.
/// This method can be used to bust all memoized hashes just before a build
/// to ensure that after a build completes everything is up-to-date.
pub fn clear_memoized(&self) {
*self.memoized_hash.lock().unwrap() = None;
fn hash_u64(&self) -> u64 {
if let Some(s) = *self.memoized_hash.lock().unwrap() {
return s;
let ret = util::hash_u64(self);
*self.memoized_hash.lock().unwrap() = Some(ret);
/// Compares this fingerprint with an old version which was previously
/// serialized to filesystem.
/// The purpose of this is exclusively to produce a diagnostic message
/// [`DirtyReason`], indicating why we're recompiling something.
fn compare(&self, old: &Fingerprint) -> DirtyReason {
if self.rustc != old.rustc {
return DirtyReason::RustcChanged;
if self.features != old.features {
return DirtyReason::FeaturesChanged {
old: old.features.clone(),
new: self.features.clone(),
if != {
return DirtyReason::TargetConfigurationChanged;
if self.path != old.path {
return DirtyReason::PathToSourceChanged;
if self.profile != old.profile {
return DirtyReason::ProfileConfigurationChanged;
if self.rustflags != old.rustflags {
return DirtyReason::RustflagsChanged {
old: old.rustflags.clone(),
new: self.rustflags.clone(),
if self.metadata != old.metadata {
return DirtyReason::MetadataChanged;
if self.config != old.config {
return DirtyReason::ConfigSettingsChanged;
if self.compile_kind != old.compile_kind {
return DirtyReason::CompileKindChanged;
let my_local = self.local.lock().unwrap();
let old_local = old.local.lock().unwrap();
if my_local.len() != old_local.len() {
return DirtyReason::LocalLengthsChanged;
for (new, old) in my_local.iter().zip(old_local.iter()) {
match (new, old) {
(LocalFingerprint::Precalculated(a), LocalFingerprint::Precalculated(b)) => {
if a != b {
return DirtyReason::PrecalculatedComponentsChanged {
old: b.to_string(),
new: a.to_string(),
LocalFingerprint::CheckDepInfo { dep_info: adep },
LocalFingerprint::CheckDepInfo { dep_info: bdep },
) => {
if adep != bdep {
return DirtyReason::DepInfoOutputChanged {
old: bdep.clone(),
new: adep.clone(),
LocalFingerprint::RerunIfChanged {
output: aout,
paths: apaths,
LocalFingerprint::RerunIfChanged {
output: bout,
paths: bpaths,
) => {
if aout != bout {
return DirtyReason::RerunIfChangedOutputFileChanged {
old: bout.clone(),
new: aout.clone(),
if apaths != bpaths {
return DirtyReason::RerunIfChangedOutputPathsChanged {
old: bpaths.clone(),
new: apaths.clone(),
LocalFingerprint::RerunIfEnvChanged {
var: akey,
val: avalue,
LocalFingerprint::RerunIfEnvChanged {
var: bkey,
val: bvalue,
) => {
if *akey != *bkey {
return DirtyReason::EnvVarsChanged {
old: bkey.clone(),
new: akey.clone(),
if *avalue != *bvalue {
return DirtyReason::EnvVarChanged {
name: akey.clone(),
old_value: bvalue.clone(),
new_value: avalue.clone(),
(a, b) => {
return DirtyReason::LocalFingerprintTypeChanged {
old: b.kind(),
new: a.kind(),
if self.deps.len() != old.deps.len() {
return DirtyReason::NumberOfDependenciesChanged {
old: old.deps.len(),
new: self.deps.len(),
for (a, b) in self.deps.iter().zip(old.deps.iter()) {
if != {
return DirtyReason::UnitDependencyNameChanged {
if a.fingerprint.hash_u64() != b.fingerprint.hash_u64() {
return DirtyReason::UnitDependencyInfoChanged {
new_fingerprint: a.fingerprint.hash_u64(),
old_fingerprint: b.fingerprint.hash_u64(),
if !self.fs_status.up_to_date() {
return DirtyReason::FsStatusOutdated(self.fs_status.clone());
// This typically means some filesystem modifications happened or
// something transitive was odd. In general we should strive to provide
// a better error message than this, so if you see this message a lot it
// likely means this method needs to be updated!
/// Dynamically inspect the local filesystem to update the `fs_status` field
/// of this `Fingerprint`.
/// This function is used just after a `Fingerprint` is constructed to check
/// the local state of the filesystem and propagate any dirtiness from
/// dependencies up to this unit as well. This function assumes that the
/// unit starts out as [`FsStatus::Stale`] and then it will optionally switch
/// it to `UpToDate` if it can.
fn check_filesystem(
&mut self,
mtime_cache: &mut HashMap<PathBuf, FileTime>,
pkg_root: &Path,
target_root: &Path,
cargo_exe: &Path,
config: &Config,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let mut mtimes = HashMap::new();
// Get the `mtime` of all outputs. Optionally update their mtime
// afterwards based on the `mtime_on_use` flag. Afterwards we want the
// minimum mtime as it's the one we'll be comparing to inputs and
// dependencies.
for output in self.outputs.iter() {
let mtime = match paths::mtime(output) {
Ok(mtime) => mtime,
// This path failed to report its `mtime`. It probably doesn't
// exists, so leave ourselves as stale and bail out.
Err(e) => {
debug!("failed to get mtime of {:?}: {}", output, e);
return Ok(());
assert!(mtimes.insert(output.clone(), mtime).is_none());
let opt_max = mtimes.iter().max_by_key(|kv| kv.1);
let (max_path, max_mtime) = match opt_max {
Some(mtime) => mtime,
// We had no output files. This means we're an overridden build
// script and we're just always up to date because we aren't
// watching the filesystem.
None => {
self.fs_status = FsStatus::UpToDate { mtimes };
return Ok(());
"max output mtime for {:?} is {:?} {}",
pkg_root, max_path, max_mtime
for dep in self.deps.iter() {
let dep_mtimes = match &dep.fingerprint.fs_status {
FsStatus::UpToDate { mtimes } => mtimes,
// If our dependency is stale, so are we, so bail out.
| FsStatus::StaleItem(_)
| FsStatus::StaleDependency { .. }
| FsStatus::StaleDepFingerprint { .. } => {
self.fs_status = FsStatus::StaleDepFingerprint {
return Ok(());
// If our dependency edge only requires the rmeta file to be present
// then we only need to look at that one output file, otherwise we
// need to consider all output files to see if we're out of date.
let (dep_path, dep_mtime) = if dep.only_requires_rmeta {
.find(|(path, _mtime)| {
path.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) == Some("rmeta")
.expect("failed to find rmeta")
} else {
match dep_mtimes.iter().max_by_key(|kv| kv.1) {
Some(dep_mtime) => dep_mtime,
// If our dependencies is up to date and has no filesystem
// interactions, then we can move on to the next dependency.
None => continue,
"max dep mtime for {:?} is {:?} {}",
pkg_root, dep_path, dep_mtime
// If the dependency is newer than our own output then it was
// recompiled previously. We transitively become stale ourselves in
// that case, so bail out.
// Note that this comparison should probably be `>=`, not `>`, but
// for a discussion of why it's `>` see the discussion about #5918
// below in `find_stale`.
if dep_mtime > max_mtime {
"dependency on `{}` is newer than we are {} > {} {:?}",, dep_mtime, max_mtime, pkg_root
self.fs_status = FsStatus::StaleDependency {
dep_mtime: *dep_mtime,
max_mtime: *max_mtime,
return Ok(());
// If we reached this far then all dependencies are up to date. Check
// all our `LocalFingerprint` information to see if we have any stale
// files for this package itself. If we do find something log a helpful
// message and bail out so we stay stale.
for local in self.local.get_mut().unwrap().iter() {
if let Some(item) =
local.find_stale_item(mtime_cache, pkg_root, target_root, cargo_exe, config)?
self.fs_status = FsStatus::StaleItem(item);
return Ok(());
// Everything was up to date! Record such.
self.fs_status = FsStatus::UpToDate { mtimes };
debug!("filesystem up-to-date {:?}", pkg_root);
impl hash::Hash for Fingerprint {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, h: &mut H) {
let Fingerprint {
ref features,
ref deps,
ref local,
ref rustflags,
} = *self;
let local = local.lock().unwrap();
for DepFingerprint {
only_requires_rmeta: _, // static property, no need to hash
} in deps
// use memoized dep hashes to avoid exponential blowup
impl DepFingerprint {
fn new(cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>, parent: &Unit, dep: &UnitDep) -> CargoResult<DepFingerprint> {
let fingerprint = calculate(cx, &dep.unit)?;
// We need to be careful about what we hash here. We have a goal of
// supporting renaming a project directory and not rebuilding
// everything. To do that, however, we need to make sure that the cwd
// doesn't make its way into any hashes, and one source of that is the
// `SourceId` for `path` packages.
// We already have a requirement that `path` packages all have unique
// names (sort of for this same reason), so if the package source is a
// `path` then we just hash the name, but otherwise we hash the full
// id as it won't change when the directory is renamed.
let pkg_id = if dep.unit.pkg.package_id().source_id().is_path() {
} else {
Ok(DepFingerprint {
name: dep.extern_crate_name,
public: dep.public,
only_requires_rmeta: cx.only_requires_rmeta(parent, &dep.unit),
impl StaleItem {
/// Use the `log` crate to log a hopefully helpful message in diagnosing
/// what file is considered stale and why. This is intended to be used in
/// conjunction with `CARGO_LOG` to determine why Cargo is recompiling
/// something. Currently there's no user-facing usage of this other than
/// that.
fn log(&self) {
match self {
StaleItem::MissingFile(path) => {
info!("stale: missing {:?}", path);
StaleItem::ChangedFile {
} => {
info!("stale: changed {:?}", stale);
info!(" (vs) {:?}", reference);
info!(" {:?} < {:?}", reference_mtime, stale_mtime);
StaleItem::ChangedEnv {
} => {
info!("stale: changed env {:?}", var);
info!(" {:?} != {:?}", previous, current);
/// Calculates the fingerprint for a [`Unit`].
/// This fingerprint is used by Cargo to learn about when information such as:
/// * A non-path package changes (changes version, changes revision, etc).
/// * Any dependency changes
/// * The compiler changes
/// * The set of features a package is built with changes
/// * The profile a target is compiled with changes (e.g., opt-level changes)
/// * Any other compiler flags change that will affect the result
/// Information like file modification time is only calculated for path
/// dependencies.
fn calculate(cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>, unit: &Unit) -> CargoResult<Arc<Fingerprint>> {
// This function is slammed quite a lot, so the result is memoized.
if let Some(s) = cx.fingerprints.get(unit) {
return Ok(Arc::clone(s));
let mut fingerprint = if unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
calculate_run_custom_build(cx, unit)?
} else if unit.mode.is_doc_test() {
panic!("doc tests do not fingerprint");
} else {
calculate_normal(cx, unit)?
// After we built the initial `Fingerprint` be sure to update the
// `fs_status` field of it.
let target_root = target_root(cx);
let cargo_exe = cx.bcx.config.cargo_exe()?;
&mut cx.mtime_cache,
let fingerprint = Arc::new(fingerprint);
.insert(unit.clone(), Arc::clone(&fingerprint));
/// Calculate a fingerprint for a "normal" unit, or anything that's not a build
/// script. This is an internal helper of [`calculate`], don't call directly.
fn calculate_normal(cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>, unit: &Unit) -> CargoResult<Fingerprint> {
let deps = {
// Recursively calculate the fingerprint for all of our dependencies.
// Skip fingerprints of binaries because they don't actually induce a
// recompile, they're just dependencies in the sense that they need to be
// built. The only exception here are artifact dependencies,
// which is an actual dependency that needs a recompile.
// Create Vec since mutable cx is needed in closure.
let deps = Vec::from(cx.unit_deps(unit));
let mut deps = deps
.filter(|dep| ! || dep.unit.artifact.is_true())
.map(|dep| DepFingerprint::new(cx, unit, &dep))
deps.sort_by(|a, b| a.pkg_id.cmp(&b.pkg_id));
// Afterwards calculate our own fingerprint information.
let target_root = target_root(cx);
let local = if unit.mode.is_doc() || unit.mode.is_doc_scrape() {
// rustdoc does not have dep-info files.
let fingerprint = pkg_fingerprint(cx.bcx, &unit.pkg).with_context(|| {
"failed to determine package fingerprint for documenting {}",
} else {
let dep_info = dep_info_loc(cx, unit);
let dep_info = dep_info.strip_prefix(&target_root).unwrap().to_path_buf();
vec![LocalFingerprint::CheckDepInfo { dep_info }]
// Figure out what the outputs of our unit is, and we'll be storing them
// into the fingerprint as well.
let outputs = cx
.filter(|output| !matches!(output.flavor, FileFlavor::DebugInfo | FileFlavor::Auxiliary))
.map(|output| output.path.clone())
// Fill out a bunch more information that we'll be tracking typically
// hashed to take up less space on disk as we just need to know when things
// change.
let extra_flags = if unit.mode.is_doc() || unit.mode.is_doc_scrape() {
} else {
let profile_hash = util::hash_u64((
// Include metadata since it is exposed as environment variables.
let m = unit.pkg.manifest().metadata();
let metadata = util::hash_u64((&m.authors, &m.description, &m.homepage, &m.repository));
let mut config = StableHasher::new();
if let Some(linker) = cx.bcx.linker(unit.kind) {
linker.hash(&mut config);
if unit.mode.is_doc() && cx.bcx.config.cli_unstable().rustdoc_map {
if let Ok(map) = cx.bcx.config.doc_extern_map() {
map.hash(&mut config);
if let Some(allow_features) = &cx.bcx.config.cli_unstable().allow_features {
allow_features.hash(&mut config);
let compile_kind = unit.kind.fingerprint_hash();
Ok(Fingerprint {
rustc: util::hash_u64(&cx.bcx.rustc().verbose_version),
target: util::hash_u64(&,
profile: profile_hash,
// Note that .0 is hashed here, not .1 which is the cwd. That doesn't
// actually affect the output artifact so there's no need to hash it.
path: util::hash_u64(path_args(, unit).0),
features: format!("{:?}", unit.features),
local: Mutex::new(local),
memoized_hash: Mutex::new(None),
config: config.finish(),
rustflags: extra_flags,
fs_status: FsStatus::Stale,
/// Calculate a fingerprint for an "execute a build script" unit. This is an
/// internal helper of [`calculate`], don't call directly.
fn calculate_run_custom_build(cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>, unit: &Unit) -> CargoResult<Fingerprint> {
// Using the `BuildDeps` information we'll have previously parsed and
// inserted into `build_explicit_deps` built an initial snapshot of the
// `LocalFingerprint` list for this build script. If we previously executed
// the build script this means we'll be watching files and env vars.
// Otherwise if we haven't previously executed it we'll just start watching
// the whole crate.
let (gen_local, overridden) = build_script_local_fingerprints(cx, unit);
let deps = &cx.build_explicit_deps[unit];
let local = (gen_local)(
Some(&|| {
const IO_ERR_MESSAGE: &str = "\
An I/O error happened. Please make sure you can access the file.
By default, if your project contains a build script, cargo scans all files in
it to determine whether a rebuild is needed. If you don't expect to access the
file, specify `rerun-if-changed` in your build script.
See for more information.";
pkg_fingerprint(cx.bcx, &unit.pkg).map_err(|err| {
let mut message = format!("failed to determine package fingerprint for build script for {}", unit.pkg);
if err.root_cause().is::<io::Error>() {
message = format!("{}\n{}", message, IO_ERR_MESSAGE)
let output = deps.build_script_output.clone();
// Include any dependencies of our execution, which is typically just the
// compilation of the build script itself. (if the build script changes we
// should be rerun!). Note though that if we're an overridden build script
// we have no dependencies so no need to recurse in that case.
let deps = if overridden {
// Overridden build scripts don't need to track deps.
} else {
// Create Vec since mutable cx is needed in closure.
let deps = Vec::from(cx.unit_deps(unit));
.map(|dep| DepFingerprint::new(cx, unit, &dep))
Ok(Fingerprint {
local: Mutex::new(local),
rustc: util::hash_u64(&cx.bcx.rustc().verbose_version),
outputs: if overridden { Vec::new() } else { vec![output] },
// Most of the other info is blank here as we don't really include it
// in the execution of the build script, but... this may be a latent
// bug in Cargo.
/// Get ready to compute the [`LocalFingerprint`] values
/// for a [`RunCustomBuild`] unit.
/// This function has, what's on the surface, a seriously wonky interface.
/// You'll call this function and it'll return a closure and a boolean. The
/// boolean is pretty simple in that it indicates whether the `unit` has been
/// overridden via `.cargo/config.toml`. The closure is much more complicated.
/// This closure is intended to capture any local state necessary to compute
/// the `LocalFingerprint` values for this unit. It is `Send` and `'static` to
/// be sent to other threads as well (such as when we're executing build
/// scripts). That deduplication is the rationale for the closure at least.
/// The arguments to the closure are a bit weirder, though, and I'll apologize
/// in advance for the weirdness too. The first argument to the closure is a
/// `&BuildDeps`. This is the parsed version of a build script, and when Cargo
/// starts up this is cached from previous runs of a build script. After a
/// build script executes the output file is reparsed and passed in here.
/// The second argument is the weirdest, it's *optionally* a closure to
/// call [`pkg_fingerprint`]. The `pkg_fingerprint` requires access to
/// "source map" located in `Context`. That's very non-`'static` and
/// non-`Send`, so it can't be used on other threads, such as when we invoke
/// this after a build script has finished. The `Option` allows us to for sure
/// calculate it on the main thread at the beginning, and then swallow the bug
/// for now where a worker thread after a build script has finished doesn't
/// have access. Ideally there would be no second argument or it would be more
/// "first class" and not an `Option` but something that can be sent between
/// threads. In any case, it's a bug for now.
/// This isn't the greatest of interfaces, and if there's suggestions to
/// improve please do so!
/// FIXME(#6779) - see all the words above
/// [`RunCustomBuild`]: crate::core::compiler::CompileMode::RunCustomBuild
fn build_script_local_fingerprints(
cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>,
unit: &Unit,
) -> (
dyn FnOnce(
Option<&dyn Fn() -> CargoResult<String>>,
) -> CargoResult<Option<Vec<LocalFingerprint>>>
+ Send,
) {
// First up, if this build script is entirely overridden, then we just
// return the hash of what we overrode it with. This is the easy case!
if let Some(fingerprint) = build_script_override_fingerprint(cx, unit) {
debug!("override local fingerprints deps {}", unit.pkg);
return (
move |_: &BuildDeps, _: Option<&dyn Fn() -> CargoResult<String>>| {
true, // this is an overridden build script
// ... Otherwise this is a "real" build script and we need to return a real
// closure. Our returned closure classifies the build script based on
// whether it prints `rerun-if-*`. If it *doesn't* print this it's where the
// magical second argument comes into play, which fingerprints a whole
// package. Remember that the fact that this is an `Option` is a bug, but a
// longstanding bug, in Cargo. Recent refactorings just made it painfully
// obvious.
let pkg_root = unit.pkg.root().to_path_buf();
let target_dir = target_root(cx);
let calculate =
move |deps: &BuildDeps, pkg_fingerprint: Option<&dyn Fn() -> CargoResult<String>>| {
if deps.rerun_if_changed.is_empty() && deps.rerun_if_env_changed.is_empty() {
match pkg_fingerprint {
// FIXME: this is somewhat buggy with respect to docker and
// weird filesystems. The `Precalculated` variant
// constructed below will, for `path` dependencies, contain
// a stringified version of the mtime for the local crate.
// This violates one of the things we describe in this
// module's doc comment, never hashing mtimes. We should
// figure out a better scheme where a package fingerprint
// may be a string (like for a registry) or a list of files
// (like for a path dependency). Those list of files would
// be stored here rather than the mtime of them.
Some(f) => {
let s = f()?;
"old local fingerprints deps {:?} precalculated={:?}",
pkg_root, s
return Ok(Some(vec![LocalFingerprint::Precalculated(s)]));
None => return Ok(None),
// Ok so now we're in "new mode" where we can have files listed as
// dependencies as well as env vars listed as dependencies. Process
// them all here.
Ok(Some(local_fingerprints_deps(deps, &target_dir, &pkg_root)))
// Note that `false` == "not overridden"
(Box::new(calculate), false)
/// Create a [`LocalFingerprint`] for an overridden build script.
/// Returns None if it is not overridden.
fn build_script_override_fingerprint(
cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>,
unit: &Unit,
) -> Option<LocalFingerprint> {
// Build script output is only populated at this stage when it is
// overridden.
let build_script_outputs = cx.build_script_outputs.lock().unwrap();
let metadata = cx.get_run_build_script_metadata(unit);
// Returns None if it is not overridden.
let output = build_script_outputs.get(metadata)?;
let s = format!(
"overridden build state with hash: {}",
/// Compute the [`LocalFingerprint`] values for a [`RunCustomBuild`] unit for
/// non-overridden new-style build scripts only. This is only used when `deps`
/// is already known to have a nonempty `rerun-if-*` somewhere.
/// [`RunCustomBuild`]: crate::core::compiler::CompileMode::RunCustomBuild
fn local_fingerprints_deps(
deps: &BuildDeps,
target_root: &Path,
pkg_root: &Path,
) -> Vec<LocalFingerprint> {
debug!("new local fingerprints deps {:?}", pkg_root);
let mut local = Vec::new();
if !deps.rerun_if_changed.is_empty() {
// Note that like the module comment above says we are careful to never
// store an absolute path in `LocalFingerprint`, so ensure that we strip
// absolute prefixes from them.
let output = deps
let paths = deps
.map(|p| p.strip_prefix(pkg_root).unwrap_or(p).to_path_buf())
local.push(LocalFingerprint::RerunIfChanged { output, paths });
.map(|var| LocalFingerprint::RerunIfEnvChanged {
var: var.clone(),
val: env::var(var).ok(),
/// Writes the short fingerprint hash value to `<loc>`
/// and logs detailed JSON information to `<loc>.json`.
fn write_fingerprint(loc: &Path, fingerprint: &Fingerprint) -> CargoResult<()> {
debug_assert_ne!(fingerprint.rustc, 0);
// fingerprint::new().rustc == 0, make sure it doesn't make it to the file system.
// This is mostly so outside tools can reliably find out what rust version this file is for,
// as we can use the full hash.
let hash = fingerprint.hash_u64();
debug!("write fingerprint ({:x}) : {}", hash, loc.display());
paths::write(loc, util::to_hex(hash).as_bytes())?;
let json = serde_json::to_string(fingerprint).unwrap();
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let f: Fingerprint = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
assert_eq!(f.hash_u64(), hash);
paths::write(&loc.with_extension("json"), json.as_bytes())?;
/// Prepare for work when a package starts to build
pub fn prepare_init(cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>, unit: &Unit) -> CargoResult<()> {
let new1 = cx.files().fingerprint_dir(unit);
// Doc tests have no output, thus no fingerprint.
if !new1.exists() && !unit.mode.is_doc_test() {
/// Returns the location that the dep-info file will show up at
/// for the [`Unit`] specified.
pub fn dep_info_loc(cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>, unit: &Unit) -> PathBuf {
cx.files().fingerprint_file_path(unit, "dep-")
/// Returns an absolute path that target directory.
/// All paths are rewritten to be relative to this.
fn target_root(cx: &Context<'_, '_>) -> PathBuf {
/// Reads the value from the old fingerprint hash file and compare.
/// If dirty, it then restores the detailed information
/// from the fingerprint JSON file, and provides an rich dirty reason.
fn compare_old_fingerprint(
old_hash_path: &Path,
new_fingerprint: &Fingerprint,
mtime_on_use: bool,
) -> CargoResult<Option<DirtyReason>> {
let old_fingerprint_short = paths::read(old_hash_path)?;
if mtime_on_use {
// update the mtime so other cleaners know we used it
let t = FileTime::from_system_time(SystemTime::now());
debug!("mtime-on-use forcing {:?} to {}", old_hash_path, t);
paths::set_file_time_no_err(old_hash_path, t);
let new_hash = new_fingerprint.hash_u64();
if util::to_hex(new_hash) == old_fingerprint_short && new_fingerprint.fs_status.up_to_date() {
return Ok(None);
let old_fingerprint_json = paths::read(&old_hash_path.with_extension("json"))?;
let old_fingerprint: Fingerprint = serde_json::from_str(&old_fingerprint_json)
.with_context(|| internal("failed to deserialize json"))?;
// Fingerprint can be empty after a failed rebuild (see comment in prepare_target).
if !old_fingerprint_short.is_empty() {
/// Logs the result of fingerprint comparison.
/// TODO: Obsolete and mostly superceded by [`DirtyReason`]. Could be removed.
fn log_compare(unit: &Unit, compare: &CargoResult<Option<DirtyReason>>) {
match compare {
Ok(None) => {}
Ok(Some(reason)) => {
"fingerprint dirty for {}/{:?}/{:?}",
unit.pkg, unit.mode,,
info!(" dirty: {reason:?}");
Err(e) => {
"fingerprint error for {}/{:?}/{:?}",
unit.pkg, unit.mode,,
info!(" err: {e:?}");
/// Parses Cargo's internal [`EncodedDepInfo`] structure that was previously
/// serialized to disk.
/// Note that this is not rustc's `*.d` files.
/// Also note that rustc's `*.d` files are translated to Cargo-specific
/// `EncodedDepInfo` files after compilations have finished in
/// [`translate_dep_info`].
/// Returns `None` if the file is corrupt or couldn't be read from disk. This
/// indicates that the crate should likely be rebuilt.
pub fn parse_dep_info(
pkg_root: &Path,
target_root: &Path,
dep_info: &Path,
) -> CargoResult<Option<RustcDepInfo>> {
let data = match paths::read_bytes(dep_info) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(_) => return Ok(None),
let info = match EncodedDepInfo::parse(&data) {
Some(info) => info,
None => {
log::warn!("failed to parse cargo's dep-info at {:?}", dep_info);
return Ok(None);
let mut ret = RustcDepInfo::default();
ret.env = info.env;
ret.files.extend(info.files.into_iter().map(|(ty, path)| {
match ty {
DepInfoPathType::PackageRootRelative => pkg_root.join(path),
// N.B. path might be absolute here in which case the join will have no effect
DepInfoPathType::TargetRootRelative => target_root.join(path),
/// Calcuates the fingerprint of a unit thats contains no dep-info files.
fn pkg_fingerprint(bcx: &BuildContext<'_, '_>, pkg: &Package) -> CargoResult<String> {
let source_id = pkg.package_id().source_id();
let sources = bcx.packages.sources();
let source = sources
.ok_or_else(|| internal("missing package source"))?;
/// The `reference` file is considered as "stale" if any file from `paths` has a newer mtime.
fn find_stale_file<I>(
mtime_cache: &mut HashMap<PathBuf, FileTime>,
reference: &Path,
paths: I,
) -> Option<StaleItem>
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: AsRef<Path>,
let reference_mtime = match paths::mtime(reference) {
Ok(mtime) => mtime,
Err(..) => return Some(StaleItem::MissingFile(reference.to_path_buf())),
for path in paths {
let path = path.as_ref();
// Assuming anything in cargo_home is immutable (see also #9455 about marking it readonly)
// which avoids rebuilds when CI caches $CARGO_HOME/registry/{index, cache} and
// $CARGO_HOME/git/db across runs, keeping the content the same but changing the mtime.
if let Ok(true) = home::cargo_home().map(|home| path.starts_with(home)) {
let path_mtime = match mtime_cache.entry(path.to_path_buf()) {
Entry::Occupied(o) => *o.get(),
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let mtime = match paths::mtime_recursive(path) {
Ok(mtime) => mtime,
Err(..) => return Some(StaleItem::MissingFile(path.to_path_buf())),
// TODO: fix #5918.
// Note that equal mtimes should be considered "stale". For filesystems with
// not much timestamp precision like 1s this is would be a conservative approximation
// to handle the case where a file is modified within the same second after
// a build starts. We want to make sure that incremental rebuilds pick that up!
// For filesystems with nanosecond precision it's been seen in the wild that
// its "nanosecond precision" isn't really nanosecond-accurate. It turns out that
// kernels may cache the current time so files created at different times actually
// list the same nanosecond precision. Some digging on #5919 picked up that the
// kernel caches the current time between timer ticks, which could mean that if
// a file is updated at most 10ms after a build starts then Cargo may not
// pick up the build changes.
// All in all, an equality check here would be a conservative assumption that,
// if equal, files were changed just after a previous build finished.
// Unfortunately this became problematic when (in #6484) cargo switch to more accurately
// measuring the start time of builds.
if path_mtime <= reference_mtime {
return Some(StaleItem::ChangedFile {
reference: reference.to_path_buf(),
stale: path.to_path_buf(),
stale_mtime: path_mtime,
"all paths up-to-date relative to {:?} mtime={}",
reference, reference_mtime
/// Tells the associated path in [`EncodedDepInfo::files`] is relative to package root,
/// target root, or absolute.
enum DepInfoPathType {
/// src/, e.g. src/
/// target/debug/deps/lib...
/// or an absolute path /.../sysroot/...
/// Parses the dep-info file coming out of rustc into a Cargo-specific format.
/// This function will parse `rustc_dep_info` as a makefile-style dep info to
/// learn about the all files which a crate depends on. This is then
/// re-serialized into the `cargo_dep_info` path in a Cargo-specific format.
/// The `pkg_root` argument here is the absolute path to the directory
/// containing `Cargo.toml` for this crate that was compiled. The paths listed
/// in the rustc dep-info file may or may not be absolute but we'll want to
/// consider all of them relative to the `root` specified.
/// The `rustc_cwd` argument is the absolute path to the cwd of the compiler
/// when it was invoked.
/// If the `allow_package` argument is true, then package-relative paths are
/// included. If it is false, then package-relative paths are skipped and
/// ignored (typically used for registry or git dependencies where we assume
/// the source never changes, and we don't want the cost of running `stat` on
/// all those files). See the module-level docs for the note about
/// `-Zbinary-dep-depinfo` for more details on why this is done.
/// The serialized Cargo format will contain a list of files, all of which are
/// relative if they're under `root`. or absolute if they're elsewhere.
pub fn translate_dep_info(
rustc_dep_info: &Path,
cargo_dep_info: &Path,
rustc_cwd: &Path,
pkg_root: &Path,
target_root: &Path,
rustc_cmd: &ProcessBuilder,
allow_package: bool,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let depinfo = parse_rustc_dep_info(rustc_dep_info)?;
let target_root = target_root.canonicalize()?;
let pkg_root = pkg_root.canonicalize()?;
let mut on_disk_info = EncodedDepInfo::default();
on_disk_info.env = depinfo.env;
// This is a bit of a tricky statement, but here we're *removing* the
// dependency on environment variables that were defined specifically for
// the command itself. Environment variables returned by `get_envs` includes
// environment variables like:
// * `OUT_DIR` if applicable
// * env vars added by a build script, if any
// The general idea here is that the dep info file tells us what, when
// changed, should cause us to rebuild the crate. These environment
// variables are synthesized by Cargo and/or the build script, and the
// intention is that their values are tracked elsewhere for whether the
// crate needs to be rebuilt.
// For example a build script says when it needs to be rerun and otherwise
// it's assumed to produce the same output, so we're guaranteed that env
// vars defined by the build script will always be the same unless the build
// script itself reruns, in which case the crate will rerun anyway.
// For things like `OUT_DIR` it's a bit sketchy for now. Most of the time
// that's used for code generation but this is technically buggy where if
// you write a binary that does `println!("{}", env!("OUT_DIR"))` we won't
// recompile that if you move the target directory. Hopefully that's not too
// bad of an issue for now...
// This also includes `CARGO` since if the code is explicitly wanting to
// know that path, it should be rebuilt if it changes. The CARGO path is
// not tracked elsewhere in the fingerprint.
.retain(|(key, _)| !rustc_cmd.get_envs().contains_key(key) || key == CARGO_ENV);
for file in depinfo.files {
// The path may be absolute or relative, canonical or not. Make sure
// it is canonicalized so we are comparing the same kinds of paths.
let abs_file = rustc_cwd.join(file);
// If canonicalization fails, just use the abs path. There is currently
// a bug where --remap-path-prefix is affecting .d files, causing them
// to point to non-existent paths.
let canon_file = abs_file.canonicalize().unwrap_or_else(|_| abs_file.clone());
let (ty, path) = if let Ok(stripped) = canon_file.strip_prefix(&target_root) {
(DepInfoPathType::TargetRootRelative, stripped)
} else if let Ok(stripped) = canon_file.strip_prefix(&pkg_root) {
if !allow_package {
(DepInfoPathType::PackageRootRelative, stripped)
} else {
// It's definitely not target root relative, but this is an absolute path (since it was
// joined to rustc_cwd) and as such re-joining it later to the target root will have no
// effect.
(DepInfoPathType::TargetRootRelative, &*abs_file)
on_disk_info.files.push((ty, path.to_owned()));
paths::write(cargo_dep_info, on_disk_info.serialize()?)?;
/// The representation of the `.d` dep-info file generated by rustc
pub struct RustcDepInfo {
/// The list of files that the main target in the dep-info file depends on.
pub files: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// The list of environment variables we found that the rustc compilation
/// depends on.
/// The first element of the pair is the name of the env var and the second
/// item is the value. `Some` means that the env var was set, and `None`
/// means that the env var wasn't actually set and the compilation depends
/// on it not being set.
pub env: Vec<(String, Option<String>)>,
/// Same as [`RustcDepInfo`] except avoids absolute paths as much as possible to
/// allow moving around the target directory.
/// This is also stored in an optimized format to make parsing it fast because
/// Cargo will read it for crates on all future compilations.
struct EncodedDepInfo {
files: Vec<(DepInfoPathType, PathBuf)>,
env: Vec<(String, Option<String>)>,
impl EncodedDepInfo {
fn parse(mut bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<EncodedDepInfo> {
let bytes = &mut bytes;
let nfiles = read_usize(bytes)?;
let mut files = Vec::with_capacity(nfiles as usize);
for _ in 0..nfiles {
let ty = match read_u8(bytes)? {
0 => DepInfoPathType::PackageRootRelative,
1 => DepInfoPathType::TargetRootRelative,
_ => return None,
let bytes = read_bytes(bytes)?;
files.push((ty, paths::bytes2path(bytes).ok()?));
let nenv = read_usize(bytes)?;
let mut env = Vec::with_capacity(nenv as usize);
for _ in 0..nenv {
let key = str::from_utf8(read_bytes(bytes)?).ok()?.to_string();
let val = match read_u8(bytes)? {
0 => None,
1 => Some(str::from_utf8(read_bytes(bytes)?).ok()?.to_string()),
_ => return None,
env.push((key, val));
return Some(EncodedDepInfo { files, env });
fn read_usize(bytes: &mut &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
let ret = bytes.get(..4)?;
*bytes = &bytes[4..];
Some(u32::from_le_bytes(ret.try_into().unwrap()) as usize)
fn read_u8(bytes: &mut &[u8]) -> Option<u8> {
let ret = *bytes.get(0)?;
*bytes = &bytes[1..];
fn read_bytes<'a>(bytes: &mut &'a [u8]) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
let n = read_usize(bytes)? as usize;
let ret = bytes.get(..n)?;
*bytes = &bytes[n..];
fn serialize(&self) -> CargoResult<Vec<u8>> {
let mut ret = Vec::new();
let dst = &mut ret;
write_usize(dst, self.files.len());
for (ty, file) in self.files.iter() {
match ty {
DepInfoPathType::PackageRootRelative => dst.push(0),
DepInfoPathType::TargetRootRelative => dst.push(1),
write_bytes(dst, paths::path2bytes(file)?);
write_usize(dst, self.env.len());
for (key, val) in self.env.iter() {
write_bytes(dst, key);
match val {
None => dst.push(0),
Some(val) => {
write_bytes(dst, val);
return Ok(ret);
fn write_bytes(dst: &mut Vec<u8>, val: impl AsRef<[u8]>) {
let val = val.as_ref();
write_usize(dst, val.len());
fn write_usize(dst: &mut Vec<u8>, val: usize) {
dst.extend(&u32::to_le_bytes(val as u32));
/// Parse the `.d` dep-info file generated by rustc.
pub fn parse_rustc_dep_info(rustc_dep_info: &Path) -> CargoResult<RustcDepInfo> {
let contents = paths::read(rustc_dep_info)?;
let mut ret = RustcDepInfo::default();
let mut found_deps = false;
for line in contents.lines() {
if let Some(rest) = line.strip_prefix("# env-dep:") {
let mut parts = rest.splitn(2, '=');
let env_var = match {
Some(s) => s,
None => continue,
let env_val = match {
Some(s) => Some(unescape_env(s)?),
None => None,
ret.env.push((unescape_env(env_var)?, env_val));
} else if let Some(pos) = line.find(": ") {
if found_deps {
found_deps = true;
let mut deps = line[pos + 2..].split_whitespace();
while let Some(s) = {
let mut file = s.to_string();
while file.ends_with('\\') {
file.push(' ');
file.push_str(|| {
internal("malformed dep-info format, trailing \\".to_string())
return Ok(ret);
// rustc tries to fit env var names and values all on a single line, which
// means it needs to escape `\r` and `\n`. The escape syntax used is "\n"
// which means that `\` also needs to be escaped.
fn unescape_env(s: &str) -> CargoResult<String> {
let mut ret = String::with_capacity(s.len());
let mut chars = s.chars();
while let Some(c) = {
if c != '\\' {
match {
Some('\\') => ret.push('\\'),
Some('n') => ret.push('\n'),
Some('r') => ret.push('\r'),
Some(c) => bail!("unknown escape character `{}`", c),
None => bail!("unterminated escape character"),