blob: b040a0ea9011bb88ae1fc35fe153367be3eec980 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::fmt;
use crate::iter::{DoubleEndedIterator, Fuse, FusedIterator, Iterator, Map, TrustedLen};
use crate::ops::{ControlFlow, Try};
/// An iterator that maps each element to an iterator, and yields the elements
/// of the produced iterators.
/// This `struct` is created by [`Iterator::flat_map`]. See its documentation
/// for more.
#[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub struct FlatMap<I, U: IntoIterator, F> {
inner: FlattenCompat<Map<I, F>, <U as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>,
impl<I: Iterator, U: IntoIterator, F: FnMut(I::Item) -> U> FlatMap<I, U, F> {
pub(in crate::iter) fn new(iter: I, f: F) -> FlatMap<I, U, F> {
FlatMap { inner: FlattenCompat::new( }
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I: Clone, U, F: Clone> Clone for FlatMap<I, U, F>
U: Clone + IntoIterator<IntoIter: Clone>,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
FlatMap { inner: self.inner.clone() }
#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
impl<I: fmt::Debug, U, F> fmt::Debug for FlatMap<I, U, F>
U: IntoIterator<IntoIter: fmt::Debug>,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("FlatMap").field("inner", &self.inner).finish()
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I: Iterator, U: IntoIterator, F> Iterator for FlatMap<I, U, F>
F: FnMut(I::Item) -> U,
type Item = U::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<U::Item> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
fn try_fold<Acc, Fold, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> R
Self: Sized,
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
R: Try<Output = Acc>,
self.inner.try_fold(init, fold)
fn fold<Acc, Fold>(self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> Acc
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
self.inner.fold(init, fold)
fn advance_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
fn count(self) -> usize {
fn last(self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I: DoubleEndedIterator, U, F> DoubleEndedIterator for FlatMap<I, U, F>
F: FnMut(I::Item) -> U,
U: IntoIterator<IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator>,
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<U::Item> {
fn try_rfold<Acc, Fold, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> R
Self: Sized,
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
R: Try<Output = Acc>,
self.inner.try_rfold(init, fold)
fn rfold<Acc, Fold>(self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> Acc
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
self.inner.rfold(init, fold)
fn advance_back_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
#[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
impl<I, U, F> FusedIterator for FlatMap<I, U, F>
I: FusedIterator,
U: IntoIterator,
F: FnMut(I::Item) -> U,
#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
unsafe impl<T, I, F, const N: usize> TrustedLen for FlatMap<I, [T; N], F>
I: TrustedLen,
F: FnMut(I::Item) -> [T; N],
#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
unsafe impl<'a, T, I, F, const N: usize> TrustedLen for FlatMap<I, &'a [T; N], F>
I: TrustedLen,
F: FnMut(I::Item) -> &'a [T; N],
#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
unsafe impl<'a, T, I, F, const N: usize> TrustedLen for FlatMap<I, &'a mut [T; N], F>
I: TrustedLen,
F: FnMut(I::Item) -> &'a mut [T; N],
/// An iterator that flattens one level of nesting in an iterator of things
/// that can be turned into iterators.
/// This `struct` is created by the [`flatten`] method on [`Iterator`]. See its
/// documentation for more.
/// [`flatten`]: Iterator::flatten()
#[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
#[stable(feature = "iterator_flatten", since = "1.29.0")]
pub struct Flatten<I: Iterator<Item: IntoIterator>> {
inner: FlattenCompat<I, <I::Item as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>,
impl<I: Iterator<Item: IntoIterator>> Flatten<I> {
pub(in super::super) fn new(iter: I) -> Flatten<I> {
Flatten { inner: FlattenCompat::new(iter) }
#[stable(feature = "iterator_flatten", since = "1.29.0")]
impl<I, U> fmt::Debug for Flatten<I>
I: fmt::Debug + Iterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U, Item = U::Item>>,
U: fmt::Debug + Iterator,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("Flatten").field("inner", &self.inner).finish()
#[stable(feature = "iterator_flatten", since = "1.29.0")]
impl<I, U> Clone for Flatten<I>
I: Clone + Iterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U, Item = U::Item>>,
U: Clone + Iterator,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Flatten { inner: self.inner.clone() }
#[stable(feature = "iterator_flatten", since = "1.29.0")]
impl<I, U> Iterator for Flatten<I>
I: Iterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U, Item = U::Item>>,
U: Iterator,
type Item = U::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<U::Item> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
fn try_fold<Acc, Fold, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> R
Self: Sized,
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
R: Try<Output = Acc>,
self.inner.try_fold(init, fold)
fn fold<Acc, Fold>(self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> Acc
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
self.inner.fold(init, fold)
fn advance_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
fn count(self) -> usize {
fn last(self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
#[stable(feature = "iterator_flatten", since = "1.29.0")]
impl<I, U> DoubleEndedIterator for Flatten<I>
I: DoubleEndedIterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U, Item = U::Item>>,
U: DoubleEndedIterator,
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<U::Item> {
fn try_rfold<Acc, Fold, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> R
Self: Sized,
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
R: Try<Output = Acc>,
self.inner.try_rfold(init, fold)
fn rfold<Acc, Fold>(self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> Acc
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
self.inner.rfold(init, fold)
fn advance_back_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
#[stable(feature = "iterator_flatten", since = "1.29.0")]
impl<I, U> FusedIterator for Flatten<I>
I: FusedIterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U, Item = U::Item>>,
U: Iterator,
#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
unsafe impl<I> TrustedLen for Flatten<I>
I: TrustedLen,
<I as Iterator>::Item: TrustedConstSize,
/// Real logic of both `Flatten` and `FlatMap` which simply delegate to
/// this type.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct FlattenCompat<I, U> {
iter: Fuse<I>,
frontiter: Option<U>,
backiter: Option<U>,
impl<I, U> FlattenCompat<I, U>
I: Iterator,
/// Adapts an iterator by flattening it, for use in `flatten()` and `flat_map()`.
fn new(iter: I) -> FlattenCompat<I, U> {
FlattenCompat { iter: iter.fuse(), frontiter: None, backiter: None }
impl<I, U> FlattenCompat<I, U>
I: Iterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U>>,
/// Folds the inner iterators into an accumulator by applying an operation.
/// Folds over the inner iterators, not over their elements. Is used by the `fold`, `count`,
/// and `last` methods.
fn iter_fold<Acc, Fold>(self, mut acc: Acc, mut fold: Fold) -> Acc
Fold: FnMut(Acc, U) -> Acc,
fn flatten<T: IntoIterator, Acc>(
fold: &mut impl FnMut(Acc, T::IntoIter) -> Acc,
) -> impl FnMut(Acc, T) -> Acc + '_ {
move |acc, iter| fold(acc, iter.into_iter())
if let Some(iter) = self.frontiter {
acc = fold(acc, iter);
acc = self.iter.fold(acc, flatten(&mut fold));
if let Some(iter) = self.backiter {
acc = fold(acc, iter);
/// Folds over the inner iterators as long as the given function returns successfully,
/// always storing the most recent inner iterator in `self.frontiter`.
/// Folds over the inner iterators, not over their elements. Is used by the `try_fold` and
/// `advance_by` methods.
fn iter_try_fold<Acc, Fold, R>(&mut self, mut acc: Acc, mut fold: Fold) -> R
Fold: FnMut(Acc, &mut U) -> R,
R: Try<Output = Acc>,
fn flatten<'a, T: IntoIterator, Acc, R: Try<Output = Acc>>(
frontiter: &'a mut Option<T::IntoIter>,
fold: &'a mut impl FnMut(Acc, &mut T::IntoIter) -> R,
) -> impl FnMut(Acc, T) -> R + 'a {
move |acc, iter| fold(acc, frontiter.insert(iter.into_iter()))
if let Some(iter) = &mut self.frontiter {
acc = fold(acc, iter)?;
self.frontiter = None;
acc = self.iter.try_fold(acc, flatten(&mut self.frontiter, &mut fold))?;
self.frontiter = None;
if let Some(iter) = &mut self.backiter {
acc = fold(acc, iter)?;
self.backiter = None;
try { acc }
impl<I, U> FlattenCompat<I, U>
I: DoubleEndedIterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U>>,
/// Folds the inner iterators into an accumulator by applying an operation, starting form the
/// back.
/// Folds over the inner iterators, not over their elements. Is used by the `rfold` method.
fn iter_rfold<Acc, Fold>(self, mut acc: Acc, mut fold: Fold) -> Acc
Fold: FnMut(Acc, U) -> Acc,
fn flatten<T: IntoIterator, Acc>(
fold: &mut impl FnMut(Acc, T::IntoIter) -> Acc,
) -> impl FnMut(Acc, T) -> Acc + '_ {
move |acc, iter| fold(acc, iter.into_iter())
if let Some(iter) = self.backiter {
acc = fold(acc, iter);
acc = self.iter.rfold(acc, flatten(&mut fold));
if let Some(iter) = self.frontiter {
acc = fold(acc, iter);
/// Folds over the inner iterators in reverse order as long as the given function returns
/// successfully, always storing the most recent inner iterator in `self.backiter`.
/// Folds over the inner iterators, not over their elements. Is used by the `try_rfold` and
/// `advance_back_by` methods.
fn iter_try_rfold<Acc, Fold, R>(&mut self, mut acc: Acc, mut fold: Fold) -> R
Fold: FnMut(Acc, &mut U) -> R,
R: Try<Output = Acc>,
fn flatten<'a, T: IntoIterator, Acc, R: Try>(
backiter: &'a mut Option<T::IntoIter>,
fold: &'a mut impl FnMut(Acc, &mut T::IntoIter) -> R,
) -> impl FnMut(Acc, T) -> R + 'a {
move |acc, iter| fold(acc, backiter.insert(iter.into_iter()))
if let Some(iter) = &mut self.backiter {
acc = fold(acc, iter)?;
self.backiter = None;
acc = self.iter.try_rfold(acc, flatten(&mut self.backiter, &mut fold))?;
self.backiter = None;
if let Some(iter) = &mut self.frontiter {
acc = fold(acc, iter)?;
self.frontiter = None;
try { acc }
impl<I, U> Iterator for FlattenCompat<I, U>
I: Iterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U, Item = U::Item>>,
U: Iterator,
type Item = U::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<U::Item> {
loop {
if let elt @ Some(_) = and_then_or_clear(&mut self.frontiter, Iterator::next) {
return elt;
match {
None => return and_then_or_clear(&mut self.backiter, Iterator::next),
Some(inner) => self.frontiter = Some(inner.into_iter()),
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let (flo, fhi) = self.frontiter.as_ref().map_or((0, Some(0)), U::size_hint);
let (blo, bhi) = self.backiter.as_ref().map_or((0, Some(0)), U::size_hint);
let lo = flo.saturating_add(blo);
if let Some(fixed_size) = <<I as Iterator>::Item as ConstSizeIntoIterator>::size() {
let (lower, upper) = self.iter.size_hint();
let lower = lower.saturating_mul(fixed_size).saturating_add(lo);
let upper =
try { fhi?.checked_add(bhi?)?.checked_add(fixed_size.checked_mul(upper?)?)? };
return (lower, upper);
match (self.iter.size_hint(), fhi, bhi) {
((0, Some(0)), Some(a), Some(b)) => (lo, a.checked_add(b)),
_ => (lo, None),
fn try_fold<Acc, Fold, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> R
Self: Sized,
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
R: Try<Output = Acc>,
fn flatten<U: Iterator, Acc, R: Try<Output = Acc>>(
mut fold: impl FnMut(Acc, U::Item) -> R,
) -> impl FnMut(Acc, &mut U) -> R {
move |acc, iter| iter.try_fold(acc, &mut fold)
self.iter_try_fold(init, flatten(fold))
fn fold<Acc, Fold>(self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> Acc
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
fn flatten<U: Iterator, Acc>(
mut fold: impl FnMut(Acc, U::Item) -> Acc,
) -> impl FnMut(Acc, U) -> Acc {
move |acc, iter| iter.fold(acc, &mut fold)
self.iter_fold(init, flatten(fold))
fn advance_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
fn advance<U: Iterator>(n: usize, iter: &mut U) -> ControlFlow<(), usize> {
match iter.advance_by(n) {
Ok(()) => ControlFlow::Break(()),
Err(advanced) => ControlFlow::Continue(n - advanced),
match self.iter_try_fold(n, advance) {
ControlFlow::Continue(remaining) if remaining > 0 => Err(n - remaining),
_ => Ok(()),
fn count(self) -> usize {
fn count<U: Iterator>(acc: usize, iter: U) -> usize {
acc + iter.count()
self.iter_fold(0, count)
fn last(self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn last<U: Iterator>(last: Option<U::Item>, iter: U) -> Option<U::Item> {
self.iter_fold(None, last)
impl<I, U> DoubleEndedIterator for FlattenCompat<I, U>
I: DoubleEndedIterator<Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U, Item = U::Item>>,
U: DoubleEndedIterator,
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<U::Item> {
loop {
if let elt @ Some(_) = and_then_or_clear(&mut self.backiter, |b| b.next_back()) {
return elt;
match self.iter.next_back() {
None => return and_then_or_clear(&mut self.frontiter, |f| f.next_back()),
Some(inner) => self.backiter = Some(inner.into_iter()),
fn try_rfold<Acc, Fold, R>(&mut self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> R
Self: Sized,
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> R,
R: Try<Output = Acc>,
fn flatten<U: DoubleEndedIterator, Acc, R: Try<Output = Acc>>(
mut fold: impl FnMut(Acc, U::Item) -> R,
) -> impl FnMut(Acc, &mut U) -> R {
move |acc, iter| iter.try_rfold(acc, &mut fold)
self.iter_try_rfold(init, flatten(fold))
fn rfold<Acc, Fold>(self, init: Acc, fold: Fold) -> Acc
Fold: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc,
fn flatten<U: DoubleEndedIterator, Acc>(
mut fold: impl FnMut(Acc, U::Item) -> Acc,
) -> impl FnMut(Acc, U) -> Acc {
move |acc, iter| iter.rfold(acc, &mut fold)
self.iter_rfold(init, flatten(fold))
fn advance_back_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
fn advance<U: DoubleEndedIterator>(n: usize, iter: &mut U) -> ControlFlow<(), usize> {
match iter.advance_back_by(n) {
Ok(()) => ControlFlow::Break(()),
Err(advanced) => ControlFlow::Continue(n - advanced),
match self.iter_try_rfold(n, advance) {
ControlFlow::Continue(remaining) if remaining > 0 => Err(n - remaining),
_ => Ok(()),
trait ConstSizeIntoIterator: IntoIterator {
// FIXME(#31844): convert to an associated const once specialization supports that
fn size() -> Option<usize>;
impl<T> ConstSizeIntoIterator for T
T: IntoIterator,
default fn size() -> Option<usize> {
impl<T, const N: usize> ConstSizeIntoIterator for [T; N] {
fn size() -> Option<usize> {
impl<T, const N: usize> ConstSizeIntoIterator for &[T; N] {
fn size() -> Option<usize> {
impl<T, const N: usize> ConstSizeIntoIterator for &mut [T; N] {
fn size() -> Option<usize> {
#[unstable(feature = "std_internals", issue = "none")]
// FIXME(#20400): Instead of this helper trait there should be multiple impl TrustedLen for Flatten<>
// blocks with different bounds on Iterator::Item but the compiler erroneously considers them overlapping
pub unsafe trait TrustedConstSize: IntoIterator {}
#[unstable(feature = "std_internals", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl<T, const N: usize> TrustedConstSize for [T; N] {}
#[unstable(feature = "std_internals", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl<T, const N: usize> TrustedConstSize for &'_ [T; N] {}
#[unstable(feature = "std_internals", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl<T, const N: usize> TrustedConstSize for &'_ mut [T; N] {}
fn and_then_or_clear<T, U>(opt: &mut Option<T>, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> Option<U>) -> Option<U> {
let x = f(opt.as_mut()?);
if x.is_none() {
*opt = None;