blob: 3d3cf75559e303089ccbaa320f9dff9a7e3fe964 [file] [log] [blame]
//! See docs in build/expr/
use crate::build::scope::DropKind;
use crate::build::{BlockAnd, BlockAndExtension, Builder};
use rustc_data_structures::stack::ensure_sufficient_stack;
use rustc_middle::middle::region;
use rustc_middle::mir::*;
use rustc_middle::thir::*;
impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
/// Compile `expr` into a fresh temporary. This is used when building
/// up rvalues so as to freeze the value that will be consumed.
pub(crate) fn as_temp(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
temp_lifetime: Option<region::Scope>,
expr: &Expr<'tcx>,
mutability: Mutability,
) -> BlockAnd<Local> {
// this is the only place in mir building that we need to truly need to worry about
// infinite recursion. Everything else does recurse, too, but it always gets broken up
// at some point by inserting an intermediate temporary
ensure_sufficient_stack(|| self.as_temp_inner(block, temp_lifetime, expr, mutability))
#[instrument(skip(self), level = "debug")]
fn as_temp_inner(
&mut self,
mut block: BasicBlock,
temp_lifetime: Option<region::Scope>,
expr: &Expr<'tcx>,
mutability: Mutability,
) -> BlockAnd<Local> {
let this = self;
let expr_span = expr.span;
let source_info = this.source_info(expr_span);
if let ExprKind::Scope { region_scope, lint_level, value } = expr.kind {
return this.in_scope((region_scope, source_info), lint_level, |this| {
this.as_temp(block, temp_lifetime, &this.thir[value], mutability)
let expr_ty = expr.ty;
let temp = {
let mut local_decl = LocalDecl::new(expr_ty, expr_span);
if mutability.is_not() {
local_decl = local_decl.immutable();
debug!("creating temp {:?} with block_context: {:?}", local_decl, this.block_context);
// Find out whether this temp is being created within the
// tail expression of a block whose result is ignored.
if let Some(tail_info) = this.block_context.currently_in_block_tail() {
local_decl = local_decl.block_tail(tail_info);
match expr.kind {
ExprKind::StaticRef { def_id, .. } => {
local_decl.internal = true;
local_decl.local_info =
Some(Box::new(LocalInfo::StaticRef { def_id, is_thread_local: false }));
ExprKind::ThreadLocalRef(def_id) => {
local_decl.internal = true;
local_decl.local_info =
Some(Box::new(LocalInfo::StaticRef { def_id, is_thread_local: true }));
ExprKind::NamedConst { def_id, .. } | ExprKind::ConstParam { def_id, .. } => {
local_decl.local_info = Some(Box::new(LocalInfo::ConstRef { def_id }));
_ => {}
let temp_place = Place::from(temp);
match expr.kind {
// Don't bother with StorageLive and Dead for these temporaries,
// they are never assigned.
ExprKind::Break { .. } | ExprKind::Continue { .. } | ExprKind::Return { .. } => (),
ExprKind::Block { block }
if let Block { expr: None, targeted_by_break: false, .. } = this.thir[block]
&& expr_ty.is_never() => {}
_ => {
.push(block, Statement { source_info, kind: StatementKind::StorageLive(temp) });
// In constants, `temp_lifetime` is `None` for temporaries that
// live for the `'static` lifetime. Thus we do not drop these
// temporaries and simply leak them.
// This is equivalent to what `let x = &foo();` does in
// functions. The temporary is lifted to their surrounding
// scope. In a function that means the temporary lives until
// just before the function returns. In constants that means it
// outlives the constant's initialization value computation.
// Anything outliving a constant must have the `'static`
// lifetime and live forever.
// Anything with a shorter lifetime (e.g the `&foo()` in
// `bar(&foo())` or anything within a block will keep the
// regular drops just like runtime code.
if let Some(temp_lifetime) = temp_lifetime {
this.schedule_drop(expr_span, temp_lifetime, temp, DropKind::Storage);
unpack!(block = this.expr_into_dest(temp_place, block, expr));
if let Some(temp_lifetime) = temp_lifetime {
this.schedule_drop(expr_span, temp_lifetime, temp, DropKind::Value);