blob: adfcbc36a4d029cc33509a9d9350d94fa292a92c [file] [log] [blame]
hir_typeck_field_multiply_specified_in_initializer =
field `{$ident}` specified more than once
.label = used more than once
.previous_use_label = first use of `{$ident}`
hir_typeck_copy_impl_on_type_with_dtor =
the trait `Copy` may not be implemented for this type; the type has a destructor
.label = `Copy` not allowed on types with destructors
hir_typeck_multiple_relaxed_default_bounds =
type parameter has more than one relaxed default bound, only one is supported
hir_typeck_copy_impl_on_non_adt =
the trait `Copy` may not be implemented for this type
.label = type is not a structure or enumeration
hir_typeck_trait_object_declared_with_no_traits =
at least one trait is required for an object type
.alias_span = this alias does not contain a trait
hir_typeck_functional_record_update_on_non_struct =
functional record update syntax requires a struct
hir_typeck_return_stmt_outside_of_fn_body =
return statement outside of function body
.encl_body_label = the return is part of this body...
.encl_fn_label = ...not the enclosing function body
hir_typeck_yield_expr_outside_of_generator =
yield expression outside of generator literal
hir_typeck_struct_expr_non_exhaustive =
cannot create non-exhaustive {$what} using struct expression
hir_typeck_method_call_on_unknown_type =
the type of this value must be known to call a method on a raw pointer on it
hir_typeck_address_of_temporary_taken = cannot take address of a temporary
.label = temporary value
hir_typeck_add_return_type_add = try adding a return type
hir_typeck_add_return_type_missing_here = a return type might be missing here
hir_typeck_expected_default_return_type = expected `()` because of default return type
hir_typeck_expected_return_type = expected `{$expected}` because of return type
hir_typeck_missing_parentheses_in_range = can't call method `{$method_name}` on type `{$ty_str}`
hir_typeck_add_missing_parentheses_in_range = you must surround the range in parentheses to call its `{$func_name}` function
hir_typeck_lang_start_incorrect_number_params = incorrect number of parameters for the `start` lang item
hir_typeck_lang_start_incorrect_number_params_note_expected_count = the `start` lang item should have four parameters, but found {$found_param_count}
hir_typeck_lang_start_expected_sig_note = the `start` lang item should have the signature `fn(fn() -> T, isize, *const *const u8, u8) -> isize`
hir_typeck_lang_start_incorrect_param = parameter {$param_num} of the `start` lang item is incorrect
.suggestion = change the type from `{$found_ty}` to `{$expected_ty}`
hir_typeck_lang_start_incorrect_ret_ty = the return type of the `start` lang item is incorrect
.suggestion = change the type from `{$found_ty}` to `{$expected_ty}`
hir_typeck_help_set_edition_cargo = set `edition = "{$edition}"` in `Cargo.toml`
hir_typeck_help_set_edition_standalone = pass `--edition {$edition}` to `rustc`
hir_typeck_note_edition_guide = for more on editions, read
hir_typeck_convert_to_str = try converting the passed type into a `&str`
hir_typeck_op_trait_generic_params = `{$method_name}` must not have any generic parameters
hir_typeck_fru_note = this expression may have been misinterpreted as a `..` range expression
hir_typeck_fru_expr = this expression does not end in a comma...
hir_typeck_fru_expr2 = ... so this is interpreted as a `..` range expression, instead of functional record update syntax
hir_typeck_fru_suggestion =
to set the remaining fields{$expr ->
*[other] {" "}from `{$expr}`
}, separate the last named field with a comma