blob: f8b42e509133977da6c695faf5148f5f41516b70 [file] [log] [blame]
mod windows;
mod posix;
use std::{convert::TryInto, iter};
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::mir;
use rustc::ty;
use rustc::ty::layout::{Align, Size};
use rustc_apfloat::Float;
use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
use rustc_ast::attr;
use crate::*;
impl<'mir, 'tcx> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {}
pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> {
/// Returns the minimum alignment for the target architecture for allocations of the given size.
fn min_align(&self, size: u64, kind: MiriMemoryKind) -> Align {
let this = self.eval_context_ref();
// List taken from `libstd/sys_common/`.
let min_align = match {
"x86" | "arm" | "mips" | "powerpc" | "powerpc64" | "asmjs" | "wasm32" => 8,
"x86_64" | "aarch64" | "mips64" | "s390x" | "sparc64" => 16,
arch => bug!("Unsupported target architecture: {}", arch),
// Windows always aligns, even small allocations.
// Source: <>
// But jemalloc does not, so for the C heap we only align if the allocation is sufficiently big.
if kind == MiriMemoryKind::WinHeap || size >= min_align {
return Align::from_bytes(min_align).unwrap();
// We have `size < min_align`. Round `size` *down* to the next power of two and use that.
fn prev_power_of_two(x: u64) -> u64 {
let next_pow2 = x.next_power_of_two();
if next_pow2 == x {
// x *is* a power of two, just use that.
} else {
// x is between two powers, so next = 2*prev.
next_pow2 / 2
fn malloc(&mut self, size: u64, zero_init: bool, kind: MiriMemoryKind) -> Scalar<Tag> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
if size == 0 {
Scalar::from_int(0, this.pointer_size())
} else {
let align = this.min_align(size, kind);
let ptr = this.memory.allocate(Size::from_bytes(size), align, kind.into());
if zero_init {
// We just allocated this, the access is definitely in-bounds.
this.memory.write_bytes(ptr.into(), iter::repeat(0u8).take(size as usize)).unwrap();
fn free(&mut self, ptr: Scalar<Tag>, kind: MiriMemoryKind) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
if !this.is_null(ptr)? {
let ptr = this.force_ptr(ptr)?;
this.memory.deallocate(ptr, None, kind.into())?;
fn realloc(
&mut self,
old_ptr: Scalar<Tag>,
new_size: u64,
kind: MiriMemoryKind,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar<Tag>> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let new_align = this.min_align(new_size, kind);
if this.is_null(old_ptr)? {
if new_size == 0 {
Ok(Scalar::from_int(0, this.pointer_size()))
} else {
let new_ptr =
this.memory.allocate(Size::from_bytes(new_size), new_align, kind.into());
} else {
let old_ptr = this.force_ptr(old_ptr)?;
if new_size == 0 {
this.memory.deallocate(old_ptr, None, kind.into())?;
Ok(Scalar::from_int(0, this.pointer_size()))
} else {
let new_ptr = this.memory.reallocate(
/// Emulates calling a foreign item, failing if the item is not supported.
/// This function will handle `goto_block` if needed.
/// Returns Ok(None) if the foreign item was completely handled
/// by this function.
/// Returns Ok(Some(body)) if processing the foreign item
/// is delegated to another function.
fn emulate_foreign_item(
&mut self,
def_id: DefId,
args: &[OpTy<'tcx, Tag>],
ret: Option<(PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>, mir::BasicBlock)>,
_unwind: Option<mir::BasicBlock>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option<&'mir mir::Body<'tcx>>> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let attrs = this.tcx.get_attrs(def_id);
let link_name = match attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&attrs, sym::link_name) {
Some(name) => name.as_str(),
None => this.tcx.item_name(def_id).as_str(),
// Strip linker suffixes (seen on 32-bit macOS).
let link_name = link_name.trim_end_matches("$UNIX2003");
let tcx = &{ this.tcx.tcx };
// First: functions that diverge.
let (dest, ret) = match link_name {
// Note that this matches calls to the *foreign* item `__rust_start_panic* -
// that is, calls to `extern "Rust" { fn __rust_start_panic(...) }`.
// We forward this to the underlying *implementation* in the panic runtime crate.
// Normally, this will be either `libpanic_unwind` or `libpanic_abort`, but it could
// also be a custom user-provided implementation via `#![feature(panic_runtime)]`
"__rust_start_panic" => {
// FIXME we might want to cache this... but it's not really performance-critical.
let panic_runtime = tcx
.find(|cnum| tcx.is_panic_runtime(**cnum))
.expect("No panic runtime found!");
let panic_runtime = tcx.crate_name(*panic_runtime);
let start_panic_instance =
this.resolve_path(&[&*panic_runtime.as_str(), "__rust_start_panic"])?;
return Ok(Some(&*this.load_mir(start_panic_instance.def, None)?));
// Similarly, we forward calls to the `panic_impl` foreign item to its implementation.
// The implementation is provided by the function with the `#[panic_handler]` attribute.
"panic_impl" => {
let panic_impl_id = this.tcx.lang_items().panic_impl().unwrap();
let panic_impl_instance = ty::Instance::mono(*this.tcx, panic_impl_id);
return Ok(Some(&*this.load_mir(panic_impl_instance.def, None)?));
| "exit"
| "ExitProcess"
=> {
// it's really u32 for ExitProcess, but we have to put it into the `Exit` variant anyway
let code = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_i32()?;
_ => {
if let Some(p) = ret {
} else {
throw_unsup_format!("can't call (diverging) foreign function: {}", link_name);
// Next: functions that return.
if this.emulate_foreign_item_by_name(link_name, args, dest, ret)? {
/// Emulates calling a foreign item using its name, failing if the item is not supported.
/// Returns `true` if the caller is expected to jump to the return block, and `false` if
/// jumping has already been taken care of.
fn emulate_foreign_item_by_name(
&mut self,
link_name: &str,
args: &[OpTy<'tcx, Tag>],
dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>,
ret: mir::BasicBlock,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, bool> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
// Here we dispatch all the shims for foreign functions. If you have a platform specific
// shim, add it to the corresponding submodule.
match link_name {
"malloc" => {
let size = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let res = this.malloc(size, /*zero_init:*/ false, MiriMemoryKind::C);
this.write_scalar(res, dest)?;
"calloc" => {
let items = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let len = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let size =
items.checked_mul(len).ok_or_else(|| err_ub_format!("overflow during calloc size computation"))?;
let res = this.malloc(size, /*zero_init:*/ true, MiriMemoryKind::C);
this.write_scalar(res, dest)?;
"free" => {
let ptr = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.not_undef()?;, MiriMemoryKind::C)?;
"realloc" => {
let old_ptr = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.not_undef()?;
let new_size = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let res = this.realloc(old_ptr, new_size, MiriMemoryKind::C)?;
this.write_scalar(res, dest)?;
"__rust_alloc" => {
let size = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let align = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
if size == 0 {
if !align.is_power_of_two() {
let ptr = this.memory.allocate(
this.write_scalar(ptr, dest)?;
"__rust_alloc_zeroed" => {
let size = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let align = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
if size == 0 {
if !align.is_power_of_two() {
let ptr = this.memory.allocate(
// We just allocated this, the access is definitely in-bounds.
this.memory.write_bytes(ptr.into(), iter::repeat(0u8).take(size as usize)).unwrap();
this.write_scalar(ptr, dest)?;
"__rust_dealloc" => {
let ptr = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.not_undef()?;
let old_size = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let align = this.read_scalar(args[2])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
if old_size == 0 {
if !align.is_power_of_two() {
let ptr = this.force_ptr(ptr)?;
Some((Size::from_bytes(old_size), Align::from_bytes(align).unwrap())),
"__rust_realloc" => {
let old_size = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let align = this.read_scalar(args[2])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let new_size = this.read_scalar(args[3])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
if old_size == 0 || new_size == 0 {
if !align.is_power_of_two() {
let ptr = this.force_ptr(this.read_scalar(args[0])?.not_undef()?)?;
let align = Align::from_bytes(align).unwrap();
let new_ptr = this.memory.reallocate(
Some((Size::from_bytes(old_size), align)),
this.write_scalar(new_ptr, dest)?;
"__rust_maybe_catch_panic" => {
this.handle_catch_panic(args, dest, ret)?;
return Ok(false);
"memcmp" => {
let left = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.not_undef()?;
let right = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.not_undef()?;
let n = Size::from_bytes(this.read_scalar(args[2])?.to_machine_usize(this)?);
let result = {
let left_bytes = this.memory.read_bytes(left, n)?;
let right_bytes = this.memory.read_bytes(right, n)?;
use std::cmp::Ordering::*;
match left_bytes.cmp(right_bytes) {
Less => -1i32,
Equal => 0,
Greater => 1,
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_int(result, Size::from_bits(32)), dest)?;
"memrchr" => {
let ptr = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.not_undef()?;
let val = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_i32()? as u8;
let num = this.read_scalar(args[2])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
if let Some(idx) = this
.read_bytes(ptr, Size::from_bytes(num))?
.position(|&c| c == val)
let new_ptr = ptr.ptr_offset(Size::from_bytes(num - idx as u64 - 1), this)?;
this.write_scalar(new_ptr, dest)?;
} else {
"memchr" => {
let ptr = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.not_undef()?;
let val = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_i32()? as u8;
let num = this.read_scalar(args[2])?.to_machine_usize(this)?;
let idx = this
.read_bytes(ptr, Size::from_bytes(num))?
.position(|&c| c == val);
if let Some(idx) = idx {
let new_ptr = ptr.ptr_offset(Size::from_bytes(idx as u64), this)?;
this.write_scalar(new_ptr, dest)?;
} else {
"strlen" => {
let ptr = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.not_undef()?;
let n = this.memory.read_c_str(ptr)?.len();
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_uint(n as u64, dest.layout.size), dest)?;
// math functions
| "cbrtf"
| "coshf"
| "sinhf"
| "tanf"
| "acosf"
| "asinf"
| "atanf"
=> {
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f = f32::from_bits(this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_u32()?);
let f = match link_name {
"cbrtf" => f.cbrt(),
"coshf" => f.cosh(),
"sinhf" => f.sinh(),
"tanf" => f.tan(),
"acosf" => f.acos(),
"asinf" => f.asin(),
"atanf" => f.atan(),
_ => bug!(),
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u32(f.to_bits()), dest)?;
// underscore case for windows
| "_hypotf"
| "hypotf"
| "atan2f"
=> {
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f1 = f32::from_bits(this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_u32()?);
let f2 = f32::from_bits(this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_u32()?);
let n = match link_name {
"_hypotf" | "hypotf" => f1.hypot(f2),
"atan2f" => f1.atan2(f2),
_ => bug!(),
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u32(n.to_bits()), dest)?;
| "cbrt"
| "cosh"
| "sinh"
| "tan"
| "acos"
| "asin"
| "atan"
=> {
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f = f64::from_bits(this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_u64()?);
let f = match link_name {
"cbrt" => f.cbrt(),
"cosh" => f.cosh(),
"sinh" => f.sinh(),
"tan" => f.tan(),
"acos" => f.acos(),
"asin" => f.asin(),
"atan" => f.atan(),
_ => bug!(),
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u64(f.to_bits()), dest)?;
// underscore case for windows, here and below
// (see
| "_hypot"
| "hypot"
| "atan2"
=> {
// FIXME: Using host floats.
let f1 = f64::from_bits(this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_u64()?);
let f2 = f64::from_bits(this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_u64()?);
let n = match link_name {
"_hypot" | "hypot" => f1.hypot(f2),
"atan2" => f1.atan2(f2),
_ => bug!(),
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u64(n.to_bits()), dest)?;
// For radix-2 (binary) systems, `ldexp` and `scalbn` are the same.
| "_ldexp"
| "ldexp"
| "scalbn"
=> {
let x = this.read_scalar(args[0])?.to_f64()?;
let exp = this.read_scalar(args[1])?.to_i32()?;
// Saturating cast to i16. Even those are outside the valid exponent range to
// `scalbn` below will do its over/underflow handling.
let exp = if exp > i16::max_value() as i32 {
} else if exp < i16::min_value() as i32 {
} else {
let res = x.scalbn(exp);
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_f64(res), dest)?;
_ => match {
"linux" | "macos" => return posix::EvalContextExt::emulate_foreign_item_by_name(this, link_name, args, dest, ret),
"windows" => return windows::EvalContextExt::emulate_foreign_item_by_name(this, link_name, args, dest, ret),
target => throw_unsup_format!("The {} target platform is not supported", target),
/// Evaluates the scalar at the specified path. Returns Some(val)
/// if the path could be resolved, and None otherwise
fn eval_path_scalar(
&mut self,
path: &[&str],
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option<ScalarMaybeUndef<Tag>>> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
if let Ok(instance) = this.resolve_path(path) {
let cid = GlobalId { instance, promoted: None };
let const_val = this.const_eval_raw(cid)?;
let const_val = this.read_scalar(const_val.into())?;
return Ok(Some(const_val));
return Ok(None);