blob: 2bc320e56d8bf7cd46a052b9aea4579336da0b09 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::job::{Freshness, Job, Work};
use super::{fingerprint, Context, Unit};
use crate::core::compiler::context::Metadata;
use crate::core::compiler::job_queue::JobState;
use crate::core::{profiles::ProfileRoot, PackageId};
use crate::util::errors::{CargoResult, CargoResultExt};
use crate::util::machine_message::{self, Message};
use crate::util::{self, internal, paths, profile};
use cargo_platform::Cfg;
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap};
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashSet};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// Contains the parsed output of a custom build script.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Default)]
pub struct BuildOutput {
/// Paths to pass to rustc with the `-L` flag.
pub library_paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Names and link kinds of libraries, suitable for the `-l` flag.
pub library_links: Vec<String>,
/// Linker arguments suitable to be passed to `-C link-arg=<args>`
pub linker_args: Vec<String>,
/// Various `--cfg` flags to pass to the compiler.
pub cfgs: Vec<String>,
/// Additional environment variables to run the compiler with.
pub env: Vec<(String, String)>,
/// Metadata to pass to the immediate dependencies.
pub metadata: Vec<(String, String)>,
/// Paths to trigger a rerun of this build script.
/// May be absolute or relative paths (relative to package root).
pub rerun_if_changed: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Environment variables which, when changed, will cause a rebuild.
pub rerun_if_env_changed: Vec<String>,
/// Warnings generated by this build.
pub warnings: Vec<String>,
/// Map of packages to build script output.
/// This initially starts out as empty. Overridden build scripts get
/// inserted during `build_map`. The rest of the entries are added
/// immediately after each build script runs.
/// The `Metadata` is the unique metadata hash for the RunCustomBuild Unit of
/// the package. It needs a unique key, since the build script can be run
/// multiple times with different profiles or features. We can't embed a
/// `Unit` because this structure needs to be shareable between threads.
pub struct BuildScriptOutputs {
outputs: HashMap<(PackageId, Metadata), BuildOutput>,
/// Linking information for a `Unit`.
/// See `build_map` for more details.
pub struct BuildScripts {
/// List of build script outputs this Unit needs to include for linking. Each
/// element is an index into `BuildScriptOutputs`.
/// Cargo will use this `to_link` vector to add `-L` flags to compiles as we
/// propagate them upwards towards the final build. Note, however, that we
/// need to preserve the ordering of `to_link` to be topologically sorted.
/// This will ensure that build scripts which print their paths properly will
/// correctly pick up the files they generated (if there are duplicates
/// elsewhere).
/// To preserve this ordering, the (id, metadata) is stored in two places, once
/// in the `Vec` and once in `seen_to_link` for a fast lookup. We maintain
/// this as we're building interactively below to ensure that the memory
/// usage here doesn't blow up too much.
/// For more information, see #2354.
pub to_link: Vec<(PackageId, Metadata)>,
/// This is only used while constructing `to_link` to avoid duplicates.
seen_to_link: HashSet<(PackageId, Metadata)>,
/// Host-only dependencies that have build scripts. Each element is an
/// index into `BuildScriptOutputs`.
/// This is the set of transitive dependencies that are host-only
/// (proc-macro, plugin, build-dependency) that contain a build script.
/// Any `BuildOutput::library_paths` path relative to `target` will be
/// added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the compiler can find any dynamic
/// libraries a build script may have generated.
pub plugins: BTreeSet<(PackageId, Metadata)>,
/// Dependency information as declared by a build script.
pub struct BuildDeps {
/// Absolute path to the file in the target directory that stores the
/// output of the build script.
pub build_script_output: PathBuf,
/// Files that trigger a rebuild if they change.
pub rerun_if_changed: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Environment variables that trigger a rebuild if they change.
pub rerun_if_env_changed: Vec<String>,
/// Prepares a `Work` that executes the target as a custom build script.
pub fn prepare<'a, 'cfg>(cx: &mut Context<'a, 'cfg>, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> CargoResult<Job> {
let _p = profile::start(format!(
"build script prepare: {}/{}",
let metadata = cx.get_run_build_script_metadata(unit);
if cx
.contains_key(unit.pkg.package_id(), metadata)
// The output is already set, thus the build script is overridden.
fingerprint::prepare_target(cx, unit, false)
} else {
build_work(cx, unit)
fn emit_build_output(
state: &JobState<'_>,
output: &BuildOutput,
out_dir: &Path,
package_id: PackageId,
) {
let library_paths = output
.map(|l| l.display().to_string())
let msg = machine_message::BuildScript {
linked_libs: &output.library_links,
linked_paths: &library_paths,
cfgs: &output.cfgs,
env: &output.env,
fn build_work<'a, 'cfg>(cx: &mut Context<'a, 'cfg>, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> CargoResult<Job> {
let bcx = &cx.bcx;
let dependencies = cx.unit_deps(unit);
let build_script_unit = dependencies
.find(|d| !d.unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() &&
.map(|d| &d.unit)
.expect("running a script not depending on an actual script");
let script_dir = cx.files().build_script_dir(build_script_unit);
let script_out_dir = cx.files().build_script_out_dir(unit);
let script_run_dir = cx.files().build_script_run_dir(unit);
let build_plan = bcx.build_config.build_plan;
let invocation_name = unit.buildkey();
if let Some(deps) = unit.pkg.manifest().metabuild() {
prepare_metabuild(cx, build_script_unit, deps)?;
// Building the command to execute
let to_exec = script_dir.join(;
// Start preparing the process to execute, starting out with some
// environment variables. Note that the profile-related environment
// variables are not set with this the build script's profile but rather the
// package's library profile.
// NOTE: if you add any profile flags, be sure to update
// `Profiles::get_profile_run_custom_build` so that those flags get
// carried over.
let to_exec = to_exec.into_os_string();
let mut cmd = cx.compilation.host_process(to_exec, unit.pkg)?;
let debug = unit.profile.debuginfo.unwrap_or(0) != 0;
cmd.env("OUT_DIR", &script_out_dir)
.env("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR", unit.pkg.root())
.env("NUM_JOBS", &
.env("TARGET", bcx.target_data.short_name(&unit.kind))
.env("DEBUG", debug.to_string())
.env("OPT_LEVEL", &unit.profile.opt_level.to_string())
match unit.profile.root {
ProfileRoot::Release => "release",
ProfileRoot::Debug => "debug",
.env("HOST", &bcx.host_triple())
.env("RUSTC", &bcx.rustc().path)
.env("RUSTDOC", &*bcx.config.rustdoc()?)
if let Some(linker) = &bcx.target_data.target_config(unit.kind).linker {
if let Some(links) = unit.pkg.manifest().links() {
cmd.env("CARGO_MANIFEST_LINKS", links);
// Be sure to pass along all enabled features for this package, this is the
// last piece of statically known information that we have.
for feat in &unit.features {
cmd.env(&format!("CARGO_FEATURE_{}", super::envify(feat)), "1");
let mut cfg_map = HashMap::new();
for cfg in bcx.target_data.cfg(unit.kind) {
match *cfg {
Cfg::Name(ref n) => {
cfg_map.insert(n.clone(), None);
Cfg::KeyPair(ref k, ref v) => {
if let Some(ref mut values) =
*cfg_map.entry(k.clone()).or_insert_with(|| Some(Vec::new()))
for (k, v) in cfg_map {
if k == "debug_assertions" {
// This cfg is always true and misleading, so avoid setting it.
// That is because Cargo queries rustc without any profile settings.
let k = format!("CARGO_CFG_{}", super::envify(&k));
match v {
Some(list) => {
cmd.env(&k, list.join(","));
None => {
cmd.env(&k, "");
// Gather the set of native dependencies that this package has along with
// some other variables to close over.
// This information will be used at build-time later on to figure out which
// sorts of variables need to be discovered at that time.
let lib_deps = dependencies
.filter_map(|dep| {
if dep.unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
let dep_metadata = cx.get_run_build_script_metadata(&dep.unit);
} else {
let pkg_name = unit.pkg.to_string();
let build_script_outputs = Arc::clone(&cx.build_script_outputs);
let id = unit.pkg.package_id();
let output_file = script_run_dir.join("output");
let err_file = script_run_dir.join("stderr");
let root_output_file = script_run_dir.join("root-output");
let host_target_root = cx.files().host_root().to_path_buf();
let all = (
let build_scripts = cx.build_scripts.get(unit).cloned();
let json_messages = bcx.build_config.emit_json();
let extra_verbose = bcx.config.extra_verbose();
let (prev_output, prev_script_out_dir) = prev_build_output(cx, unit);
let metadata_hash = cx.get_run_build_script_metadata(unit);
// Prepare the unit of "dirty work" which will actually run the custom build
// command.
// Note that this has to do some extra work just before running the command
// to determine extra environment variables and such.
let dirty = Work::new(move |state| {
// Make sure that OUT_DIR exists.
// If we have an old build directory, then just move it into place,
// otherwise create it!
.chain_err(|| "failed to create script output directory for build command")?;
// For all our native lib dependencies, pick up their metadata to pass
// along to this custom build command. We're also careful to augment our
// dynamic library search path in case the build script depended on any
// native dynamic libraries.
if !build_plan {
let build_script_outputs = build_script_outputs.lock().unwrap();
for (name, dep_id, dep_metadata) in lib_deps {
let script_output =
.get(dep_id, dep_metadata)
.ok_or_else(|| {
"failed to locate build state for env vars: {}/{}",
dep_id, dep_metadata
let data = &script_output.metadata;
for &(ref key, ref value) in data.iter() {
&format!("DEP_{}_{}", super::envify(&name), super::envify(key)),
if let Some(build_scripts) = build_scripts {
&mut cmd,
if build_plan {
state.build_plan(invocation_name, cmd.clone(), Arc::new(Vec::new()));
return Ok(());
// And now finally, run the build command itself!
let timestamp = paths::set_invocation_time(&script_run_dir)?;
let prefix = format!("[{} {}] ",, id.version());
let output = cmd
&mut |stdout| {
if extra_verbose {
state.stdout(format!("{}{}", prefix, stdout));
&mut |stderr| {
if extra_verbose {
state.stderr(format!("{}{}", prefix, stderr));
.chain_err(|| format!("failed to run custom build command for `{}`", pkg_name))?;
// After the build command has finished running, we need to be sure to
// remember all of its output so we can later discover precisely what it
// was, even if we don't run the build command again (due to freshness).
// This is also the location where we provide feedback into the build
// state informing what variables were discovered via our script as
// well.
paths::write(&output_file, &output.stdout)?;
"rewinding custom script output mtime {:?} to {}",
filetime::set_file_times(output_file, timestamp, timestamp)?;
paths::write(&err_file, &output.stderr)?;
paths::write(&root_output_file, util::path2bytes(&script_out_dir)?)?;
let parsed_output =
BuildOutput::parse(&output.stdout, &pkg_name, &script_out_dir, &script_out_dir)?;
if json_messages {
emit_build_output(state, &parsed_output, script_out_dir.as_path(), id);
.insert(id, metadata_hash, parsed_output);
// Now that we've prepared our work-to-do, we need to prepare the fresh work
// itself to run when we actually end up just discarding what we calculated
// above.
let fresh = Work::new(move |state| {
let (id, pkg_name, build_script_outputs, output_file, script_out_dir) = all;
let output = match prev_output {
Some(output) => output,
None => BuildOutput::parse_file(
if json_messages {
emit_build_output(state, &output, script_out_dir.as_path(), id);
.insert(id, metadata_hash, output);
let mut job = if cx.bcx.build_config.build_plan {
Job::new(Work::noop(), Freshness::Dirty)
} else {
fingerprint::prepare_target(cx, unit, false)?
if job.freshness() == Freshness::Dirty {
} else {
impl BuildOutput {
pub fn parse_file(
path: &Path,
pkg_name: &str,
script_out_dir_when_generated: &Path,
script_out_dir: &Path,
) -> CargoResult<BuildOutput> {
let contents = paths::read_bytes(path)?;
// Parses the output of a script.
// The `pkg_name` is used for error messages.
pub fn parse(
input: &[u8],
pkg_name: &str,
script_out_dir_when_generated: &Path,
script_out_dir: &Path,
) -> CargoResult<BuildOutput> {
let mut library_paths = Vec::new();
let mut library_links = Vec::new();
let mut linker_args = Vec::new();
let mut cfgs = Vec::new();
let mut env = Vec::new();
let mut metadata = Vec::new();
let mut rerun_if_changed = Vec::new();
let mut rerun_if_env_changed = Vec::new();
let mut warnings = Vec::new();
let whence = format!("build script of `{}`", pkg_name);
for line in input.split(|b| *b == b'\n') {
let line = match str::from_utf8(line) {
Ok(line) => line.trim(),
Err(..) => continue,
let mut iter = line.splitn(2, ':');
if != Some("cargo") {
// skip this line since it doesn't start with "cargo:"
let data = match {
Some(val) => val,
None => continue,
// getting the `key=value` part of the line
let mut iter = data.splitn(2, '=');
let key =;
let value =;
let (key, value) = match (key, value) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => (a, b.trim_end()),
// Line started with `cargo:` but didn't match `key=value`.
_ => anyhow::bail!("Wrong output in {}: `{}`", whence, line),
// This will rewrite paths if the target directory has been moved.
let value = value.replace(
// Keep in sync with TargetConfig::new.
match key {
"rustc-flags" => {
let (paths, links) = BuildOutput::parse_rustc_flags(&value, &whence)?;
"rustc-link-lib" => library_links.push(value.to_string()),
"rustc-link-search" => library_paths.push(PathBuf::from(value)),
"rustc-cdylib-link-arg" => linker_args.push(value.to_string()),
"rustc-cfg" => cfgs.push(value.to_string()),
"rustc-env" => env.push(BuildOutput::parse_rustc_env(&value, &whence)?),
"warning" => warnings.push(value.to_string()),
"rerun-if-changed" => rerun_if_changed.push(PathBuf::from(value)),
"rerun-if-env-changed" => rerun_if_env_changed.push(value.to_string()),
_ => metadata.push((key.to_string(), value.to_string())),
Ok(BuildOutput {
pub fn parse_rustc_flags(
value: &str,
whence: &str,
) -> CargoResult<(Vec<PathBuf>, Vec<String>)> {
let value = value.trim();
let mut flags_iter = value
.split(|c: char| c.is_whitespace())
.filter(|w| w.chars().any(|c| !c.is_whitespace()));
let (mut library_paths, mut library_links) = (Vec::new(), Vec::new());
while let Some(flag) = {
if flag.starts_with("-l") || flag.starts_with("-L") {
// Check if this flag has no space before the value as is
// common with tools like pkg-config
// e.g. -L/some/dir/local/lib or -licui18n
let (flag, mut value) = flag.split_at(2);
if value.is_empty() {
value = match {
Some(v) => v,
None => anyhow::bail! {
"Flag in rustc-flags has no value in {}: {}",
match flag {
"-l" => library_links.push(value.to_string()),
"-L" => library_paths.push(PathBuf::from(value)),
// This was already checked above
_ => unreachable!(),
} else {
"Only `-l` and `-L` flags are allowed in {}: `{}`",
Ok((library_paths, library_links))
pub fn parse_rustc_env(value: &str, whence: &str) -> CargoResult<(String, String)> {
let mut iter = value.splitn(2, '=');
let name =;
let val =;
match (name, val) {
(Some(n), Some(v)) => Ok((n.to_owned(), v.to_owned())),
_ => anyhow::bail!("Variable rustc-env has no value in {}: {}", whence, value),
fn prepare_metabuild<'a, 'cfg>(
cx: &Context<'a, 'cfg>,
unit: &Unit<'a>,
deps: &[String],
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let mut output = Vec::new();
let available_deps = cx.unit_deps(unit);
// Filter out optional dependencies, and look up the actual lib name.
let meta_deps: Vec<_> = deps
.filter_map(|name| {
.find(|d| == name.as_str())
for dep in &meta_deps {
output.push(format!("use {};\n", dep));
output.push("fn main() {\n".to_string());
for dep in &meta_deps {
output.push(format!(" {}::metabuild();\n", dep));
let output = output.join("");
let path = unit.pkg.manifest().metabuild_path(;
paths::write_if_changed(path, &output)?;
impl BuildDeps {
pub fn new(output_file: &Path, output: Option<&BuildOutput>) -> BuildDeps {
BuildDeps {
build_script_output: output_file.to_path_buf(),
rerun_if_changed: output
.map(|p| &p.rerun_if_changed)
rerun_if_env_changed: output
.map(|p| &p.rerun_if_env_changed)
/// Computes several maps in `Context`:
/// - `build_scripts`: A map that tracks which build scripts each package
/// depends on.
/// - `build_explicit_deps`: Dependency statements emitted by build scripts
/// from a previous run.
/// - `build_script_outputs`: Pre-populates this with any overridden build
/// scripts.
/// The important one here is `build_scripts`, which for each `(package,
/// metadata)` stores a `BuildScripts` object which contains a list of
/// dependencies with build scripts that the unit should consider when
/// linking. For example this lists all dependencies' `-L` flags which need to
/// be propagated transitively.
/// The given set of units to this function is the initial set of
/// targets/profiles which are being built.
pub fn build_map<'b, 'cfg>(cx: &mut Context<'b, 'cfg>, units: &[Unit<'b>]) -> CargoResult<()> {
let mut ret = HashMap::new();
for unit in units {
build(&mut ret, cx, unit)?;
.extend(ret.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, Arc::new(v))));
return Ok(());
// Recursive function to build up the map we're constructing. This function
// memoizes all of its return values as it goes along.
fn build<'a, 'b, 'cfg>(
out: &'a mut HashMap<Unit<'b>, BuildScripts>,
cx: &mut Context<'b, 'cfg>,
unit: &Unit<'b>,
) -> CargoResult<&'a BuildScripts> {
// Do a quick pre-flight check to see if we've already calculated the
// set of dependencies.
if out.contains_key(unit) {
return Ok(&out[unit]);
// If there is a build script override, pre-fill the build output.
if unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
if let Some(links) = unit.pkg.manifest().links() {
if let Some(output) = cx.bcx.script_override(links, unit.kind) {
let metadata = cx.get_run_build_script_metadata(unit);
let mut ret = BuildScripts::default();
// If a package has a build script, add itself as something to inspect for linking.
if ! && unit.pkg.has_custom_build() {
let script_meta = cx
.expect("has_custom_build should have RunCustomBuild");
add_to_link(&mut ret, unit.pkg.package_id(), script_meta);
// Load any dependency declarations from a previous run.
if unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
parse_previous_explicit_deps(cx, unit)?;
// We want to invoke the compiler deterministically to be cache-friendly
// to rustc invocation caching schemes, so be sure to generate the same
// set of build script dependency orderings via sorting the targets that
// come out of the `Context`.
let mut dependencies: Vec<Unit<'_>> = cx.unit_deps(unit).iter().map(|d| d.unit).collect();
dependencies.sort_by_key(|u| u.pkg.package_id());
for dep_unit in dependencies.iter() {
let dep_scripts = build(out, cx, dep_unit)?;
if {
} else if {
for &(pkg, metadata) in dep_scripts.to_link.iter() {
add_to_link(&mut ret, pkg, metadata);
match out.entry(*unit) {
Entry::Vacant(entry) => Ok(entry.insert(ret)),
Entry::Occupied(_) => panic!("cyclic dependencies in `build_map`"),
// When adding an entry to 'to_link' we only actually push it on if the
// script hasn't seen it yet (e.g., we don't push on duplicates).
fn add_to_link(scripts: &mut BuildScripts, pkg: PackageId, metadata: Metadata) {
if scripts.seen_to_link.insert((pkg, metadata)) {
scripts.to_link.push((pkg, metadata));
fn parse_previous_explicit_deps<'a, 'cfg>(
cx: &mut Context<'a, 'cfg>,
unit: &Unit<'a>,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let script_run_dir = cx.files().build_script_run_dir(unit);
let output_file = script_run_dir.join("output");
let (prev_output, _) = prev_build_output(cx, unit);
let deps = BuildDeps::new(&output_file, prev_output.as_ref());
cx.build_explicit_deps.insert(*unit, deps);
/// Returns the previous parsed `BuildOutput`, if any, from a previous
/// execution.
/// Also returns the directory containing the output, typically used later in
/// processing.
fn prev_build_output<'a, 'cfg>(
cx: &mut Context<'a, 'cfg>,
unit: &Unit<'a>,
) -> (Option<BuildOutput>, PathBuf) {
let script_out_dir = cx.files().build_script_out_dir(unit);
let script_run_dir = cx.files().build_script_run_dir(unit);
let root_output_file = script_run_dir.join("root-output");
let output_file = script_run_dir.join("output");
let prev_script_out_dir = paths::read_bytes(&root_output_file)
.and_then(|bytes| util::bytes2path(&bytes))
.unwrap_or_else(|_| script_out_dir.clone());
impl BuildScriptOutputs {
/// Inserts a new entry into the map.
fn insert(&mut self, pkg_id: PackageId, metadata: Metadata, parsed_output: BuildOutput) {
match self.outputs.entry((pkg_id, metadata)) {
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
Entry::Occupied(entry) => panic!(
"build script output collision for {}/{}\n\
/// Returns `true` if the given key already exists.
fn contains_key(&self, pkg_id: PackageId, metadata: Metadata) -> bool {
self.outputs.contains_key(&(pkg_id, metadata))
/// Gets the build output for the given key.
pub fn get(&self, pkg_id: PackageId, meta: Metadata) -> Option<&BuildOutput> {
self.outputs.get(&(pkg_id, meta))
/// Returns an iterator over all entries.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PackageId, &BuildOutput)> {
self.outputs.iter().map(|(key, value)| (key.0, value))